Second Chances (10 page)

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Authors: Randi Cardoza

BOOK: Second Chances
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Chapter 19
Shawn was still having the nightmares after two weeks had passed. A niggling fear lingered in his mind after Mimi had told him about the man Kenzi had run into. Kenzi told him about it later but he was still uneasy about the whole situation, not that he told Kenzi.  When he found out that Kenzi's driver's license was missing, he called his dad to set up a top-of-the-line security system at her house.
Shawn and Kenzi had settled into a furnished apartment minutes away from the hospital. Kenzi had been assisting him with his physical therapy and was with him practically every moment but he still worried that maybe he was having premonitions.  His Irish grandmother had always claimed to have the gift of second sight, so maybe the head trauma had brought it to the forefront.
“Kenzi, hurry up. You know Hitler hates it when we’re late,” Shawn called from the living room to Kenzi in the bedroom.
“I can’t find my keys. Do you know where I left them?” Kenzi said as she walked from the bedroom to the living room.
“Looking for these?” Shawn asked dangling them from his fingertips.
“Where were they this time?” Kenzi asked grabbing them from him as he ushered her towards the door.
“They almost fell into the toilet this morning when I was brushing my teeth. You’re lucky I caught them before they went in,” Shawn said as he locked the door and followed her to the Jeep they’d rented.
Shawn had mastered getting into and out of the Jeep after Kenzi had rented it. Grabbing the “oh god” strap with his good arm, Shawn pulled himself up and turned slightly and was in the seat.
Buckling up, Kenzi glanced over at him noticing the tense expression on his face.
“What’s wrong, Shawn?”
“Still having those nightmares about the shooting,” Shawn said fibbing.
“Traumatic things are often hard to get over, we learned that in training Shawn. I still have nightmares about Layla,” Kenzi replied squeezing his hand.
“I know you do. You still dream about it even now.”
“I miss her so much. We’ve missed so much in her life and with each other. I want to feel her in my arms again,” Kenzi said wistfully.
“Me too. To be honest, that’s why I got Sunshine. I can hold her when the urge to hold Layla gets overwhelming and some of the pain goes away. We’ll find her, Kenzi,” Shawn said kissing her lips slowly.
“I know, I just can’t help but think of the other possibilities sometimes.”
“We better get going. Hitler will have a fit if we’re late,” Shawn replied as he buckled his seat belt.


“Brant doesn't like it when you call him that,” she admonished as she started the Jeep.
Kenzi drove the few short minutes to the physical therapy center connected to the hospital. Walking into the therapy room a short dark haired man with a very muscular torso was tapping his foot impatiently.
“We’re on time,” Kenzi replied as she bent to tie her white canvas tennis shoes.
The workout progressed and Shawn grunted through the pain in his shoulder. Kenzi cheered him on through the worst of it and had been doing so since he’d been released from the hospital.
Ten minutes later the therapist looked up at her and said, “Take a break, Kenzi. You’re distracting him. He can meet you in the lobby when he’s done.”
Shawn followed the therapist’s eyes to the V in her t-shirt and the way her cleavage teased his eyes. Kenzi got up from her stool and flounced out the door in a huff.
“She’s distracted me since the moment I met her. AND if you don’t keep your eyes to yourself I’m going to pull them out through your nose,” Shawn said as he rotated his shoulder for the next exercise.
Kenzi was standing in line at the hospital coffee shop when a hand grabbed her shoulder and spun her around.
“Hey! What do you think---Brady? What are you doing here?” Kenzi squealed throwing herself into Brady's arms.
“Ah, you know, I thought I’d come and see my baby sister and her crazy ex-husband that got himself shot,” Douglass replied squeezing Kenzi to him.
“Do you want something to drink?” Kenzi asked gesturing to the vendor waiting to take her order.
“Nah. Listen, get your order and I’ll meet you out in the lobby. Where’s Shawn, by the way?”
“He’s still in therapy. Hitler kicked me out of the room for
Shawn,” Kenzi said rolling her eyes.
“His name is Brant.  The man is a dictator…no one knows anything but him. That kind,” Kenzi replied as she took her iced tea from the vendor and walked with Brady out to the lobby.
Kenzi and Brady were standing in the lobby talking when someone else grabbed her from behind.
“Danielle! What are you doing here?” Kenzi gushed hugging Danielle.
“Well, you know. Where Brady goes, I go,” Danielle replied fluttering her eyelashes at Brady and wrapping an arm around his waist.
“Oh, well, I though there for a minute that you’d eloped,” Kenzi replied as she caught a glimpse of something sparkling on Danielle’s left hand.
“Well, actually…” Brady stammered.
“What? Is everyone in Farmington getting married now? Where was the ceremony?” Kenzi asked sipping her tea.
“We got married in a very small ceremony in New York right after opening night. It was quite a coup according to the press,” Danielle said snuggling into Brady's side.  They'd both managed to get the leading actor and actress roles in a Broadway play and had become instant celebrities in New York.
“Yeah, such a coup that your only sibling wasn't invited, Brady?” asked Kenzi as she caught a glimpse of Shawn coming towards them and waved.
“Wait a minute, tink. What did you mean
everyone in Farmington
is getting married?” Brady asked nodding at Shawn.
“Oh, well, you’re never going to guess who got married and came to visit us a few weeks ago,” Kenzi replied as she checked Shawn’s wrap-around sling to make sure it was on correctly.
“Ryder and Mimi. They eloped to Las Vegas and came by here on their way to their honeymoon cruise on the Caribbean,” Kenzi replied.
Danielle’s mouth dropped open and Brady started laughing so hard Kenzi had to thump him on the back to get him to stop.
“I guess Mimi finally found her Mr. Perfect,” Brady gasped.
“I know they’re an unlikely couple but you should see them together. Right Shawn?” Kenzi asked.
“Yeah. So when did you two get hitched?”
“How’d you know?” Danielle asked.
“Well, it’s hard to miss that blue two pound rock on your left hand,” Shawn replied pointedly.
“They got married in New York after their opening night,” Kenzi replied slipping her arm around Shawn’s waist as his slid comfortably around hers.
“So when are you two going to call off the divorce and get remarried?” Brady asked.
“Well, we like living in sin. Besides Kenzi won’t let me sleep, she’s insatiable,” Shawn teased.
“I’m covering my ears. I don’t want to hear this about my baby sister,” Brady said putting his hands over his ears as Danielle laughed.
“We do not live in sin. We were married once, and had a child, so those rules don’t apply,” Kenzi admonished Shawn.
“Why don’t we go to lunch and check out Memphis life?” Brady asked as they walked towards the exit doors.
“Sounds good to me. We’ve grown quite fond of Hardin’s Steak House but since Danielle doesn’t eat red meat we can go to Ching King and eat Chinese,” Shawn said rubbing his stomach with his good arm.
Kenzi laughed knowing full well that Shawn had eaten a very large breakfast. Danielle and Brady followed them to the restaurant and laughed at the pagoda style roof.
Soon after ordering they were sitting there laughing about Danielle and Brady's starring roles in Danielle’s favorite opera.
“It was so funny. I was supposed to twirl away from him on the ball of my foot while singing and I slipped on the skirt of my gown. Brady had to catch me and play it off as if it was supposed to happen,” Danielle said as she showed Kenzi and Shawn the publicity photos from the opera.
“How long do you have before your next performance?” Kenzi asked looking through the photos and laughed at the one of the scene Danielle had described. Danielle’s eyes were wide open and Brady's mouth hung open as if he were in shock.
“We have two weeks, which is kind of long but it’s on a limited touring schedule. They’re considering retiring the show from Broadway,” Douglass replied with a sigh.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that you both look so shocked but it works,” Kenzi said covering her mouth.
“They made us put it in the play during every performance. The director loves improvisational stuff,” Danielle said with a chuckle.
The waiter set their food down and Danielle sighed just looking at it.
“I am starving. After all the food I don’t get to eat, anything looks good,” Danielle said licking her lips as she speared a stalk of broccoli with her fork.
They ate quickly and talked for hours. The waiter finally brought their fortune cookies and each took a turn reading their fortune.
“Ok, Danielle you first,” Kenzi said as Danielle cracked hers open.
“Dreams come true with a little patience.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” Brady teased kissing Danielle’s cheek.
“Brady, what does yours say?” Kenzi asked leaning over to look at the small slip of paper in his hands.
“Good things happen in time.”
“Shawn?” Danielle asked.
“The mind is a complex thing not to be wasted.”
Shawn scoffed but was thinking,
If you only knew the half of it
“Kenzi, it’s your turn,” Danielle said as she fed a piece of her fortune cookie to Brady.
“Happiness is a state of mind.”
They left the restaurant a short time later and were talking in the parking lot.
“So where are you going now?” Kenzi asked.
“Well, we were hoping to stay in your guest room and we fly out in two days,” Brady said suggestively.
“You know, so many people ask and we tell them no because Sunshine needs her own room. But I guess we’ll have to let her sleep in our room tonight,” Kenzi teased as Shawn got in their jeep.
“We’ll follow you,” Brady said as Kenzi climbed into the driver’s seat besides Shawn.
Shawn noticed a piece of paper between the seat and it had Kenzi’s name on it. He scanned it quickly and tried to shove it in his pocket without Kenzi noticing.
“What’s that?” Kenzi asked looking in the rearview to be sure Brady was still following them.
“Someone just stuck a flier inside the car. No biggie,” Shawn lied as he shoved the paper in his pocket.
They got home and as Kenzi showed Danielle and Brady the guest room he reread the note.
Kenzi, you will get what’s coming to you. I saw your pretty dark haired friend tonight maybe I should toy with her for a while. Your man doesn’t seem to be doing too well, I think I could take him. Remember what goes around comes around and you will get yours, bitch!
Shawn ran his hands through his hair and sighed with frustration. First his dreams and now a note, where would this nightmare end?

Chapter 20
Kenzi sat in the oversized chair reading while Shawn watched TV and she was becoming overly annoying by his flipping through the channels before he could see what was on.
“How do you know if there’s something you want to watch if you don’t wait to see what is on?” Kenzi asked laying her book down on the arm of the chair.
“There’s nothing on to watch. I hate this sitting around with nothing to do,” Shawn groused as he tossed the remote on the floor after turning the TV off.
“Well, it’s almost time for dinner, what would you like to eat?” Kenzi asked as she bent to pick up the remote and set it on the end table.
“I don’t really care,” Shawn said as he got up and headed towards the bathroom. “This place is hotter than hell and I don’t think I could stand to eat anything.”
Kenzi could feel her anger starting to simmer. Shawn had been cantankerous since they’d gotten back from therapy the evening before. Danielle and Brady had gone out to eat and to tour Graceland so they had the apartment to themselves.
“Why don’t you go take a shower and cool off?” Kenzi suggested sweetly. “I’ll check the air conditioner and see what it’s set on.”
Shawn slammed the door to the bathroom behind him and Kenzi could feel the anger rising even more. Walking to the bathroom door, she turned the knob and went in. Shawn jumped into the shower when he saw her with a yelp, leaving his clothes in a heap on the floor.
“Shawn Michael Douglass if you think for one minute that I’m going to pick up after you, you’ve got another thing coming. You have been a grouch since Danielle and Brady got here and I am sick of it!” Kenzi yelled through the shower curtain.
“And what are you doing jumping into the shower when I walk in the bathroom? It’s not like I haven’t seen your naked body before and won’t again! You can fix your own dinner,” Kenzi said as she slammed the door behind her.
She checked the thermostat in the hallway near their bedroom and turned it down to 70 degrees. Then she went back to the living room and turned the overhead fan on to circulate the cool air coming out of the vents.
Kenzi heard the water shut off in the shower and heard Shawn grumbling to himself a short while later about having to make his own dinner. He came into the living room with four grilled cheese sandwiches and gave one to Kenzi.
Kenzi was still not ready to talk to him yet but ate her sandwich in silence. Shawn finished eating and came over to her.
“I’m sorry, Kenzi. I just am not used to having nothing to do and with my shoulder being stiff after therapy, the grouch in me comes out,” Shawn said as he knelt in front of her chair.
“Are you sure that’s it? There’s not something else bothering you?” Kenzi asked stiffly, refusing to look at him.
“Well, I think I’m ready to go home. It’s not always cooler at home but it’s familiar. I don’t like Memphis anymore and I miss our family and our friends,” Shawn replied and winced as he hit his shoulder on the arm of the chair.
“Do you want to talk to the doctor about it when we get your next CAT scan done? I’m sure he’ll release you now that you’ve been doing physical therapy for a month as long as you promise to continue once we get back to Farmington,” Kenzi suggested resting her hand on his shoulder.
“Can I move back into our house with you and Sunshine?”
“Unless you want to live by yourself. I’d miss you a lot but if that’s what you want to do, I’ll help you as much as possible,” Kenzi said kissing his shoulder through his red t-shirt with a huge eagle riding a motorcycle on it.
“I’d miss you too much too. Besides everyone knows we’re basically back together,” Shawn said as he picked up her hand and kissed her fingers.
“Basically? Lord, I Megan we’re back together or I wasted the last month sleeping with a man who just wants me for sex.”
Shawn’s lips twitched and he pulled Kenzi into his arms for a hug. The dreams and the note had him so freaked out that he hadn’t considered how his behavior would affect Kenzi.
“Well, it used to be pretty amazing sex. Not that we’ve been able to do anything since the doctor insists I wear that stupid sling to bed,” Shawn whispered into her ear.
“Yeah, it was always good between us. Maybe I can do something to ease the stiffness in your shoulder,” Kenzi suggested as she scooted forward in the chair and let her entire body collide with Shawn’s.
“Haven’t you heard? Sex is considered a very good pain reliever and stress reducer, if it’s done correctly,” Kenzi told him in a sultry whisper as she nibbled on the skin below his right ear.
“How is it done correctly?” Shawn asked but was sure he’d die if he didn't get Kenzi to touch him.
“Well, it starts out with you
on our bed. I’ll massage you until every muscle is completely relaxed…”
“I Megan not every muscle,” Shawn teased.
“Oh, why would I spoil
fun that way? Make it every muscle but one is completely relaxed and the rest you will have to wait and see,” Kenzi teased as she rubbed her body against him.
Shawn pulled her up with his good arm and danced her slowly through the living room towards the bedroom.
“Shawn, what about Danielle and Brady?” Kenzi asked loving the way his body slid back and forth across hers in the sensual dance.
“We gave them a key, which they have to return before they leave. Besides I heard enough of the headboard in the guest room pounding against the wall, it’s our turn,” Shawn whispered as he kissed her.
Kenzi’s mind whirled out of control with the kiss. Their tongues met and tangled as Kenzi pulled Shawn’s shirt over his head.
Shawn was naked before he knew it and he watched as Kenzi locked the door to their bedroom. He’d never seen the look in her eyes before. It was predatory, as if she had just captured her prey.
She wore a light pink silk teddy cut down to her navel and Shawn could feel the perspiration break out on his forehead. As she walked towards him, her body seemed to shimmer in the dim light of the single-bulb lamp on the dresser.
“Turn over,” Kenzi purred as she slid a knee onto the bed.
Shawn obeyed and groaned when she straddled his back. He could feel the heat coming off of her in waves. Her hair tickled his back while she gently kneaded the muscles into putty.
Her hands were magic and every place they touched became sensitized. Every muscle in his body was relaxed but ready for action. Kenzi turned around and settled herself on the small of his back before she continued.
Her hands molded and shaped the firm muscles of his butt. By the time she reached his toes, he was sure he’d die if she insisted on massaging the front of his body, and she did.
Kenzi’s fingers gently rubbed the tense muscle around his shoulder and then they glided down to his pectorals. Her lips teased his dark, flat nipples as she massaged his abdomen.
“Shawn, you’re tensing up. This should be relaxing you,” Kenzi teased as she got closer and closer to his groin.
Shawn just moaned as her fingers danced idly over his groin and his growing erection. The blood seemed to flow from wherever she was massaging to his groin.
As she worked her way to his quads, her mouth teasingly kissed his erection and her tongue darted out to flirt with the flushed tip.
Kenzi could feel the blood coursing through her veins quickly. Every time she moved her nether regions brushed arousingly, seductively over Shawn turning her on more and more.
By the time she reached Shawn’s toes, his head was thrashing from side to side. Straddling his calves Kenzi reached between her legs to release the buttons in the crotch of the teddy.
Shawn’s arms were like jello and he couldn’t make them move if his life depended on it. He could see Kenzi’s fingers disappear between her legs and then skim upwards brushing over her body as she pulled the skimpy piece of silk over her head.
Slowly, like a cat she crawled up Shawn’s prone body. He could once again see that predatory look in her eyes as they shone brightly with lust.
His breath hissed out as Kenzi slowly inched down his burning erection. Kenzi licked her lips and bent to trace her tongue over Shawn’s. His hands clutched at her hips trying to make her move faster but she stopped moving all together.
“Kenzi,” he groaned as her body sheathed him completely.
Kenzi slowly started to move her hips setting a slow pace and driving Shawn crazy. Her pace never faltered or sped up, her internal muscles squeezed him like a vice.
Every time Shawn tried to speed her up, she’d stop moving. Kenzi could feel the blood flow through every vein in her body. Her body burned with lust and every movement sealed her fate.
As her release slowly began, the torturous ecstasy exploded for them both. First, Shawn’s body shuddered and the ripples caused Kenzi to detonate. Kenzi lay on top of Shawn, with their bodies still fused together, both panting and covered with sweat.
Shawn’s eyes were dazed and Kenzi had to stifle a chuckle because he looked as if he were drugged.
“I guess all that reading I did while you were in the hospital paid off after all,” Kenzi said as she kissed his chin.
Through binoculars he watched them have sex with each other. He was right Kenzi was a slut. She had to go but he’d have to do something about that guy, Shawn, she was with, too.
Shawn had taken the love note he’d left in their jeep but hadn’t shown it to her. Why was she ignoring him? Couldn’t she feel him watching her? Maybe he’d have to do something soon to make sure she had his attention.
He watched as Kenzi snuggled with that guy and kissed him and did all those things with him. She should be doing that with me, he thought. And she will as soon as I get that guy out of the picture and her pretty guest leaves with her guy.
Soon she would be his…soon she would know he wanted her

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