Second Chance SEAL: A Bad Boy Military Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Second Chance SEAL: A Bad Boy Military Romance
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Chapter 4

o marriage

I toasted the other guys, scotch in my hand, and downed my drink. Greg was already shitfaced and grinning like an idiot. Dinner was over, toasts were done with, and the dancing portion of the night was going right along.

I caught sight of Piper out of the corner of my eyes. She was smiling and laughing with Lauren, the two of them on the dance floor. Piper was shaking her hips like she was born to twist along a thick cock, and I could feel myself getting hard just thinking about what she could do to a man.

“You are the best man,” Greg said, throwing his arm around me and pulling me back.

“Yes, I am,” I said, laughing. “And you’re drunk as fuck.”

“I am drunk as fuck,” he agreed. “It’s my wedding night.”

“Good point. But aren’t you going to find it hard to perform certain . . . duties?”

He stared at me. “Do you ever have trouble?”

I laughed. “No.”

“Well, then fuck you.”

“I’m just saying. You need to consummate this shit.”

“It’s not the Dark Ages, Gates.”

“Maybe not.”

“Plus, we’ve consummated enough already.”

“Can’t fuck too much, my friend.” I glanced back over to the dance floor. “Speaking of which, I have some work to do.”

He stared at me, then sighed. “Don’t fucking do anything stupid.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Seriously. Piper is a nice girl. She’s sweet. I like her.”

“So I can’t have sweet?”

“You can have whatever you want, and you always do. I’m just saying, be nice to this girl.”

I grin at him. “I always give them what they want, Greg.”

Without another word, I turned and walked over to the dance floor. I waded in past the old ladies and the drunk husbands and the kids doing kicks and spins, past the priest that had one too many, past the uncle that looked like he was about to have a heart attack, and stopped near Piper.

She was gorgeous as hell. I couldn’t stop thinking about that. Except suddenly, Greg’s warning rang through my ears. She was a nice girl, and I was supposed to be nice to her.

But as soon as she looked at me, I knew she wasn’t a nice girl. Maybe for everyone else, but Piper was something else underneath all those cute smiles. I got up close to her and she didn’t resist as we began to dance together, lost in the crush of people, the mass of movement.

She ground her hips against mine, shaking her ass. I put my hands on her, feeling the smoothness of her dress and the curves underneath it. I gripped her and pulled her closer, wanting her to feel my hard cock as we moved together. She looked into my eyes and I saw that same look there from earlier, the pure lust and need. She turned and began to work her ass against me as I moved my hips along with hers.

It was fucking intoxicating, the way she danced. It was practically sex. Nobody seemed to notice or care, since it was later in the night and everyone was drunk, but I was practically fucking astonished. I’d been with plenty of girls in my life all over the world, and I’d danced with plenty of them, but never before did a woman’s body drive me so fucking crazy. Piper had a way of moving that just pushed me past whatever normal comfortable mindset I existed in and made me into something more intense, something more primal.

My new animal side wanted to throw her against a wall, pin her arms behind her back, and fuck her until she screamed my name. I didn’t care how many old ladies saw me. I needed to ravish this girl, and ravish her until she couldn’t stand. I could practically feel my pulse in my cock as we continued to dance.

And then the song was over. She put her hand against my cheek, gave me this weird smile, and then jetted out of there.

I stood for a second, shocked. One moment Piper was there, grinding against me, and the next she was gone. I watched as she disappeared through the crowd.

What the fuck just happened? I was practically ready to take her outside and fuck her by the water, but instead she ran off. I knew she was feeling the same way, her fucking ass couldn’t lie to me. The way she was shaking it against me was practically sex.

I moved to go after her, but suddenly Grandma Lincoln stood in my way. Lauren’s grandmother was a sweet old lady, and she sure as fuck could talk.

She said something about the ceremony, and I smiled and nodded. Grandma Lincoln continued on, and I couldn’t hear a word she was fucking saying, but I smiled and nodded because I was raised right. Maybe I killed men on the battlefield, maybe I did worse, but I didn’t disrespect little old ladies. That was a line I wouldn’t cross.

Precious minutes passed and I felt like I was going to explode. Grandma Lincoln was finally torn away by some distant relative who gave me a knowing smile as she dragged the old cock-block off. I quickly headed off the dance floor, but I lost sight of Piper.

It’d been ten minutes, and she was gone. I had no clue where the girl had gone as I quickly walked through the room looking for her.

Finally, I found her out in the hall, away from the music. She was standing with a drink in her hand, pinned up against a potted plant by one of Greg’s idiot cousins. I thought his name might be Vinny, but it was hard to keep them straight.

I moved toward them and caught wind of their conversation.

“. . . Get it?” Vinny asked, loud and drunk. “You’re fucking single and hot. I’m single and hot. We should do something about that.”

“Uh, no thanks,” Piper said. “You’re drunk.”

“I’m drunk, you’re drunk. Everyone is drunk. I’m just saying, I’ve seen you on the TV. You’re fucking smokin’, you know that? Fuckin’ smokin’. I’d love to test that out, you know what I mean?”

He was standing way too close, talking way too loudly, and he was practically spitting with every word. I could see the disgust and the fear growing on Piper’s face.

I walked over there quickly.

“Piper,” I said.

Relief washed over her face. “Oh, hey Gates.”

“Come on,” I said. “I think that’s our song playing.”

“Hold up,” Vinny said. “We were talking, you know?”

I turned to Vinny, a cold smile on my face. “Were you? Because to me, it sounded like you were working yourself up to sexual assault.”

He looked shocked. “What? Man, no, man, no way.”

I stepped closer to him. “Fuck off now, Vinny, before I break your fucking teeth.”

He gave me one last shocked look then quickly walked away.

Piper let out a sigh. “Thanks,” she said.

“No problem.”

“He was wasted. Fucking asshole.”

“Agreed. Want me to rough him up outside?”

She smiled. “Okay, sure.”

I shrugged and started after Vinny.

“Wait!” she said, laughing. “I was kidding. Jesus, are you serious?”

“Wouldn’t be a big thing. Asshole would deserve it. He’d think twice before pulling that again.”

“Okay,” she said, laughing. “Come on, tough guy. Let’s go back inside.” She took me by the arm and pulled me back toward the banquet room.

Instead, I redirected our momentum and stepped with her into a side hall. She looked surprised, but didn’t try to stop me as I moved her by the hips into a dark corner behind a large plant.

“What are you doing?” she asked, breathless.

“Doing what I’ve been wanting to do since the fucking second I saw you.”

I kissed her, pressing my body against hers, pinning her to the wall. She kissed me back without an ounce of hesitation and pulled my hips into hers. My cock was raging hard, lust singing through my blood.

We kissed like that for a few minutes before finally I whispered in her ear.

“Come on,” I said. “Come back with me.”

She hesitated, staring at me, desire clear in her eyes, but uncertainty there, too. She bit her lip as I slowly lifted the hem of her dress.

“Gates,” she said.

I found her panties, her soaking wet panties, and slipped my fingers down against her skin. I found her dripping clit and pressed against it, slowly moving in circles.

“Oh shit,” she said. “Fuck, Gates.”

“Come back with me,” I repeated. “This is just a taste.”

“Yes,” she said. “Yes.”

I moved my fingers back, took her by the hand, and we walked together quickly back toward the elevators.

I was rock hard, and nothing was going to stop me from taking what I desired.

Chapter 5

s I kissed
his perfect lips in the elevator, I just kept thinking one thing: this was so wrong.

I never did stuff like this. I didn’t leave weddings with a total stranger and I definitely didn’t ditch out on my friends. I wasn’t that kind of person. And yet being in the elevator with Gates, suddenly things just felt right. I knew it was totally wrong, but I couldn’t get the rest of my body to do what I wanted it to.

I was dripping wet and I knew I was going to give in. That was just inevitable. With his strong arms pinning me up against the elevator wall, I knew I was going to let him do exactly what he wanted with me.

I could barely believe it. I wasn’t that kind of girl.

There was just something about him. The doors dinged and slid open, and Gates took me by the hand, leading me down the hall. He stopped in front of his hotel room door and pushed it open.

I stepped inside, suddenly nervous. I was alone in his room. I knew I was going to do this.

“Drink?” he asked.

I shook my head. “I shouldn’t.”

He smiled. “Good.”

“Why’s that good?”

He took my hips and steered me into the room. He turned and pushed me up against the wall. Excitement and desire flooded through my chest.

“I like to be in control,” he said. “Alcohol can dull the senses, especially when it comes to this.”

“What’s this?” I asked.

“Making you come over and over,” he said simply.

I gasped as he pulled the hem of my dress up and found my soaking pussy. He kissed me hard and I threw myself at him, knowing there was no other way for this to go. My panties were ruined, absolutely useless, as he easily pushed them aside and slipped his rough fingers deep inside of me.

I moaned into his mouth as he fucked me like that with his fingers rolling in and out. I felt his hard cock against my leg as he pushed me deeper into the wall. I was pinned there, his tough and strong body holding me as his fingers slid in and out of my pussy.

“Ever since the moment I first saw you,” he whispered in my ear, “I knew this would happen.”

“How?” I moaned.

“I could see it in your eyes. You’ve wanted to taste me from the fucking start. This dripping wet pussy only proves me right.”

“Not true,” I gasped. “You’re an arrogant ass.”

“Maybe.” I could hear the smile on his lips. “But that doesn’t matter to you, does it? You want to feel my cock between your legs.”

“Asshole,” I moaned.

He grabbed my hips and turned me around, pushing me down onto the bed. I collapsed there, surprised. He quickly unbuttoned his belt, pulled it off, and tossed it aside.

I sat up in front of him and undid his dress pants. I pulled them down and bit my lip as I stroked his hard cock through his black boxer briefs.

He grunted, smirking at me. “Pretend like you hate me all you want,” he said. “You want this cock between those pretty fucking lips. We both know it.”

“You think you know everything,” I said, angry that he was right.

“I only know what I know,” he said.

I pulled his briefs down and took his thick cock in my hand, marveling for a second at his thick size. I’d been with other men before him, but never with one such a big cock. I slowly stroked him and he groaned.

I slowly licked him root to tip, looking up at him. He smirked down at me as I took his cock between my lips, sliding his tip along my tongue. I didn’t know what was taking over me, but I suddenly wanted to suck his cock like there was nothing left in the world. I wanted to gag and choke, feel him press deep into my throat. I loved his salty skin and wanted more, so much more.

He pressed my head down as I began to suck him faster, letting spit roll down his skin as I gathered it up with my hand. He groaned as I sucked him hard, sloppy and fast, working his shaft as I sucked his tip.

He pressed me down further, pushing his cock into my throat. I suppressed my gag reflex, just barely holding back as he fucked my mouth.

“That’s right,” he groaned. “I knew you’d suck cock like you were born for it. Those fucking lips wrapped around my dick drive me insane. I want to feel the back of your throat.”

I pulled back, gasping for breath, jerking him fast. I looked up at him as I slowly slid his cock back into my mouth, going down as far as I could. I felt him in my throat and he groaned loudly, pressing me down. I pulled back, sucking him faster, sliding along his shaft.

“Fuck girl,” he said, pushing me back down onto the bed. “Let me get that fucking cunt.”

I gasped as he roughly tore my panties off and spread my legs out. He knelt down at the edge of the bed and pulled me toward him, riding my dress up over my hips. I gasped as he began to suck and lick my clit, not wasting a single second.

He ate my pussy like a dying man. His tongue and lips licked along my clit and he pressed two fingers deep inside of my pussy. He licked me that way, working my pussy, as I gripped the bedspread. I held on tight as he roughly finger fucked my pussy and licked my clit.

“God, I love this fucking taste,” he said as he pressed his fingers in deep. “You have such a pretty fucking pussy, you know that?”

“Gates,” I moaned. “Don’t say that.”

“It’s the truth. Fucking hell, Piper. I could suck this clit all day long.”

And to prove his point, he went back down, licking and sucking with a new intensity.

I moaned loudly and wildly, unable to stop myself. I’d never experienced this sort of intensity from a man before. He was going down on me like it was his favorite thing in the world, licking and sucking and fucking me with his fingers. He wasn’t holding back at all and there was no hesitation as I arched my back and let him do whatever he wanted with me.

The pleasure rocked through my spine and brain, making me forget everything else. I knew in the back of my mind that this was wrong, that I should be back downstairs with everyone else, but I couldn’t stop this. I just felt the pleasure building and building in my core, growing more powerful with each moment.

And suddenly, he stopped. I gasped as he grabbed my hips and turned me, putting my ass up in the air. He took my hair and pulled my head back toward him. I looked over my shoulder at him and he kissed me.

“Beg,” he whispered simply in my ear.

“Gates,” I said. “Please.”

He slapped my ass hard. I moaned.

“Beg louder,” he said.

“Please, Gates,” I said. “Fuck me. Please fuck me.”

He slapped my ass again and I moaned. Just then, he took my hips and I felt his cock press deep inside of me.

“Fuck,” I gasped, grabbing the sheets. Pleasure and pain sliced through me as he slipped easily deep inside of me. I was dripping wet, and so he could push without any problems, but he filled me to the brim. He was thick and long, and I couldn’t believe how easily he went deep between my legs.

“Shit,” he groaned. “You’re tight as fuck, Piper.” He slowly began to fuck me, hands gripping my hips.

He took my hair again and slapped my ass as his cock moved deep in and out, fucking me harder, rougher. I worked my hips back against him, needing his every inch. Pleasure blinded me completely, and I knew that this was what I wanted, what I really needed. Since the second I first saw him, I wanted that strong Navy SEAL to fuck my tight pussy from behind and make me beg for it.

He pressed my face down into the comforter as he fucked me harder. I moaned, rocking my hips back against him as he fucked me rougher, deeper. I wanted every inch, needed every inch. I was so outside of myself that the only thing I knew was more pleasure, more cock, more Gates.

He slapped my ass then took my hips again and spun me back around onto my back. He spread my legs wide and pressed himself deep inside of me again, holding my hips as he fucked me roughly.

I held onto the comforter as he put a hand over my mouth. “You’ll wake the whole fucking hotel,” he said, grinning. “You dirty fucking girl.”

He continued fucking my pussy, thrusting in and out, deep and rough. With his other hand, he began to work my clit with his thumb.

That was too much. It sent me over the edge as I held onto the sheets. I couldn’t help myself as I moaned loudly against his palm. He fucked me, working my clit, hand over my mouth. I couldn’t stop myself anymore.

I came hard on his thick cock. My whole body went into spasms as my back stiffened and arched. He grunted as I came, working me harder, faster, his cock deep between my legs. My orgasm passed through me, throwing me deep into pleasure.

“That’s right, come for me,” he said. “Come on my big fucking cock, Piper.”

The orgasm slowly passed, but he didn’t stop. He kept fucking me, cock pushing deep into me, his eyes intense. I knew he was close, and so I worked my hips, moaning for him, wanting his hot cum.

Suddenly, he pulled out. He pulled me down off the bed and onto my knees in front of him. I quickly took his cock into my mouth and started sucking him fast as he jerked his own shaft.

“Fuck,” he groaned, and I tasted his cum in my throat. I sucked him faster, taking every drop as he came in my mouth. I swallowed him, loving his taste, loving that he came in my mouth like that.

Slowly, I finished, licking his cock clean.

“Good girl,” he said, and pulled me to my feet. He kissed me hard and deep and I kissed him back, an amazing ache between my legs. I felt like I was floating from the orgasm, and I wouldn’t ever come down.

“Fuck, Piper,” he said, grinning at me. “That was fucking incredible.”

“Yeah,” I said, breathless.

He pushed me down onto the bed.

“What are you doing?” I asked him. “We should get back downstairs.”

He laughed. “You thought we were done?”

I stared at him, surprised. “I guess so.”

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “You’re mine for tonight.”

“But, the reception.”

“Fuck the reception.” He got into bed next to me. “Tonight, you’re mine. All night. We’re just getting started.”

I wanted to argue, but I knew it was useless.

I was putty for him. I was a melted mess of need and lust. I was still wet, despite my orgasm, and I knew I wanted more. If he could give me more, I’d take it all.

I’d take every inch of Gates and beg for more.

BOOK: Second Chance SEAL: A Bad Boy Military Romance
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