Second Chance (Cruiser & Lex, Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Second Chance (Cruiser & Lex, Book 2)
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Chapter Nine



It’s one AM and Rey’s not home.

I’m lying in bed. Can’t sleep. I haven’t seen him since I punched him at school. I went straight to work without dropping by at the house. I don’t know where he is. Who he’s with.

What that hell has gotten into him?

I text him for the millionth time. No answer. I know I’m acting like a parent, being all in my brother’s face and telling him what to do. But the thing is that I’ve been in his shoes. Acting out gets you nowhere. I wish I had someone a year ago to snap me out of it. I wouldn’t have gone down that path. Yeah, I learned a lot about myself, but it wasn’t easy. Gramps and Gran were great. I guess in a way, they saved me.

Noises outside. Sounds like an engine. I get up from bed and trek to the window. A pickup truck is out there. A few guys sit in the back, holding beer. They’re loud. I bet people across town can hear them. The passenger door opens and Rey stumbles out. I do a double take as I press my face closer to the window. Is that…a Mohawk? Rey doesn’t have a lot of hair. So I guess it’s some sort of Mohawk.

What the hell is wrong with him?

They’re laughing out there. Totally wasted. Shit.

I down the steps two at a time and fling the door open.

“There he is!” Rey says. Then laughs like a hyena.

“Rey, get in here.”

He laughs even louder. “You hear that, guys? Dad Junior just told me to get inside.”

“Totally lame, man,” one of the guys says. Points his beer can at me. “You used to be legend, Cruiser.”

I march to Rey and grab his arm. “Into the house. Now.”

He staggers. Crashes into me. Holding up his index finger, he says, “Handle with care. This is fragile.” He points to his head.

The guys howl and snicker.

I tighten my hold on him and tow him into the house. He’s so drunk he can barely walk straight. “Keep quiet,” I tell him, shutting the door. Geez, if Mom and Dad see him like this…hell, I got no clue what they’d do. I’m not the one to blame this time, so they won’t be shipping me off anywhere. ‘Least, I hope not.

I slam my hand over his mouth when he starts to laugh hysterically. I pull him to the bathroom on the first floor. Sit him down on the toilet. I grab a towel and wrap it around his neck. “What the hell did you do to your hair?”

He moves his head from right to left. “Like?”


I grab the hair clipper.

“What the f-uck?”

“I’m shaving off all your hair.”

it?” He springs up, loses his balance, and sways.

I reach out and sit him back on the toilet. “Yes, I’m shaving it all off. Do you have any idea what Mom and Dad will do when they see you?” My eyes catch sight of his upper arm. Of some weird design. “Damn, is that a tattoo?”

“Relax, Dad. It’s a fake. Guess I’m too chicken shit for the real thing.”

I adjust the towel around his neck and start the clipper. “I’m not Dad, Rey. It’s not my job to discipline you.” Damn, he’s worse than me when I had my phase.

“Nate will be, like, so pissed when he sees you shaved off all my hair.”

“I don’t give a crap about Nate. I give a crap about you. Hell, I give two craps about you.”

“Thanks, I feel so special.”

I hit the back of his head.


“Will you snap out of it? What’s going on? Why are you acting like such a dick?”

He stares straight ahead. Says nothing.

I start shaving off his hair, or what’s left of it. We’re quiet for a few minutes, until Rey says, “I’m a fuckup.”

I stare at him. “What are you talking about?”

He burps. “Nah, not drunk enough to spill my guts.”

“You’re sure as hell drunk enough. And since when do you feel like you need to hide shit from me? We’re tighter than that.”

He snorts. “You got your girl. Don’t need me.”

“Don’t bring Lex into this. She has nothing to do with me and you.”

He snorts again.

“You got a problem with my being with her, Rey? ‘Cuz if you do—”

“Not everything’s about you, dickhead.”

I finish shaving off his last bit of hair. “Yeah, it’s not. So why don’t you tell me what the hell has crawled up your ass and laid eggs?”

He points to the hair all over the floor. “Better clean that before Mom shits a brick. Wouldn’t want to disappoint her.”

I shake my head. “Damn, sometimes I wish we were Siamese twins and shared a brain.” I place the hair clipper on the sink. “Don’t move.”

“Yes, sir.”

I grab the broom and dustpan from the closet. When I return to the bathroom, Rey’s sweeping up the little hair pieces and throwing them in the air like confetti. I take him by his shirttail and gently push him aside. “Why are you a fuckup, Rey?” I start sweeping.

No answer.


“I’m gonna head to bed.”

I hold out my arm. Block his path. “You’re not leaving until you tell me what’s going on.”

He jerks my arm away. “Don’t pretend like you get it. Or that you care.”

“You know I care.”

He takes a step out the door, his back facing me. “Then don’t.” He stomps up to his room.

I stop myself before I slam my fist into the wall. I lean on the sink, breathing in and out. He’s in trouble. I’m helpless to do anything.

I get back to my room. My phone beeps. I swipe it off my night table. A text from Lex.
You okay?             

Ur up?

I saw Rey outside. Wanna talk?

I dial her. She picks up on the first ring. “Everything okay, Cruise?”

“I think my brother’s been abducted by aliens. I don’t know who the hell that guy is.”

“Oh, Cruiser. I wish I could come over and hold you.”

“Thanks, darlin’. I wish I could hold you, too. I don’t get what’s going on with him. But I don’t want to bombard you with this.”

“I want to help you in any way I can.”

I get up and stand by the window. Lex is by hers. She waves. I say, “It’s been a while since I’ve talked to someone about my problems.” She and I were tight when we were kids and we talked about everything. But that feels like ages ago. “I’m scared of losing him.”

“I know what you mean. I feel that way all the time with Rosie. I’ve tried to reconnect with her and have a better relationship than we had before the accident. We’re slowly getting there. The best you can do is be there for Rey. I know it’s hard to see him down a road you don’t want him to be on, but yelling at him won’t help. Imagine if the roles were reversed. Would you listen to Rey?”

I swallow. “No.”

“He’s obviously going through something. Who knows what happened to him in L.A.? But something is bothering him. Until you figure out what it is, you need to be there for him. Do things with him like you did before he left. You know?”

I soak in her words. Having someone to talk to about this feels good. Real good. I don’t feel like I need to face the world alone anymore.

“I know I say it all the time, but I really love you, T. Rex.”

“I love you, too.”

Chapter Ten



I brush Cruiser’s hair away from his forehead and run my hand down his shirt. “You are one handsome young man.”

We’re in my room, getting ready for our double date with Dani and Simon.

Cruiser snorts. “Didn’t think I’d fit into Rey’s dress shirt.”

At the mention of Rey, Cruiser’s face falls. I step on my tippy toes and peck his lips. “Tonight is a night where we’ll forget about all the crap going on in our lives.”

He puts an arm around my waist and pulls me close. “How about we ditch this lame dinner and make out?”

“As tempting as that is, we promised Dani. Besides, I’d like to get to know Simon a little better. Don’t you?”

He shrugs. “Don’t really do the ‘friend’ thing.”

When he was a kid, Cruiser found it hard to make friends. He was always compared to Rey, so it wasn’t easy for him to shine on his own. Even at a young age, I understood that about him. That’s probably the reason I gravitated to him more. I sensed how lonely he was.

“Hey.” He puts his hands on my cheeks, lifting my face to meet his eyes. “Are you okay? You seem sad. Worried?”

I place my hand over his. “You noticed.”

“I notice everything about you, T. Rex.”

“It’s Rosie.”

Concern floats in his eyes. “She okay?”

I take his hand and lead him to my bed, where we sit. “She’s going through a rough time. Jamie’s parents signed him up for a new procedure to try to get him to walk again.”

“I thought paralysis can’t be cured.”

“My dad told me the same thing last night. But apparently with this new trial, there’s a slight chance he can gain at least some movement, maybe even walk. My dad’s really upset because he says it won’t work and it’s giving all of us false hope. Rosie can’t stop talking about it. She thinks she’ll be able to walk again.”

Cruiser shakes his head. “Poor kid.”

I rest my head on his chest. The fabric of his stiff shirt rubs against my cheek. “I’m so glad I can talk to you about this. I don’t really have anyone else. Dani tries to be there for me, but it’s not the same as you. You love Rosie.”

“I do.”

I glance up at him. “I told myself that the way I’ll know if a guy is the right guy for me is when he accepts Rosie. You more than accept her. You make her feel so good about herself. You’re like the older brother she never had.” I reach up to kiss him. “Thanks for that.”

“She’s a special kid.”

I nod.

He locks his fingers through mine and brings the back of my hand to his lips, softly kissing it. We sit like this for a few minutes, until Dani sends me a text with the address to the restaurant and a reminder to meet her and Simon there in an hour. I stand. “Time for me to get dressed.”

He caresses my cheek before walking out. I face my closet. The restaurant isn’t terribly fancy, but it’s fancy enough to wear a pretty dress. I don’t own a lot of dresses, mostly tops and skirts and jeans.

I choose a floral one, pin my hair up, and put on makeup. I usually don’t wear a lot, just blush and lip gloss, but tonight I’m putting on a little extra.

I open the door. Cruiser’s leaning against the wall, scrolling through his phone. His eyes travel up my body, from my shoes, up my dress, and to my face. He takes me by the waist and gently backs me up against the wall.

He leans forward and whispers in my ear, “You look beautiful.”

My breath catches in my throat and my knees grow weak. I wrap my arms around his neck because I know my legs won’t support me if he continues to look at me like I’m the sexiest girl to have walked on this planet.

When his lips brush against mine, I mumble, “My makeup.”

“Fuck your makeup.” His lips sweep across my skin and his fingers tangle through my hair. Every single part of me is on fire. I want him to pull me into my room and throw me onto the bed. Smash his lips against mine and stop the ache in my stomach. Screw the double date with Dani and Simon.

“I’m going to text Dani that we can’t make it.”

He presses his lips on mine before saying, “We have to go.”


“Because your parents are downstairs.”

That knocks me out of it. My arms fall away from Cruiser and I step back. My heart thumps in my chest. My parents could have caught us. I don’t know what they’d do, but I’m pretty sure Cruiser would be banned.

I touch my hair. “Is it messed up?”

“Uh huh.”

“Great.” I rush into my room and study myself in the mirror. My hair’s flying in different directions. I grab a brush and try to make it as neat as possible.

Cruiser leans in the doorway in a lazy way that makes him look so hot. Our gazes meet in the mirror. “You know,” he says. “I always find it sexy when a guy watches a girl get ready. It’s…”

“Intimate?” I ask.

He steps into the room. “Yeah.” He moves closer to me and picks up the heart pendant hanging off my neck. “I love seeing you wear it.”

“I love wearing it.”

My phone beeps. I scan the screen. “Dani’s asking if we’re on our way. We should get going.”

He links his arm through mine. “After you, my love.”

Mom, Dad, and Rosie are watching a movie on the couch when we come downstairs. Rosie has a scowl on her face. With Jamie’s procedure becoming more and more of a reality, her mood has turned south.

Cruiser ruffles her hair. She twitches her lips like she’s holding back a giggle. He curls two of his fingers and catches her nose between them. She swats his hand away, trying to stifle another giggle. “If you want me to go away,” he says, “you better smile.”

“What if I don’t want to smile?” She’s fighting it, but a smile is capturing her face.

“Then I’ll just have to keep trying to make you laugh.”

My gaze meets my parents’ and we exchange smiles. They appreciate all Cruiser does for Rosie. When Mom found out we were together, she wasn’t as shocked as I thought she’d be. She admitted she knew I had a crush on him for years and it was only a matter of time. Dad was a little uneasy because of Cruiser’s reputation, but he understands how the accident affected him, and knows he’s a really good guy.

“No!” Rosie shrieks as Cruiser tickles her. “Not the Tickle Monster!”

“Om nom nom.”

“Okay! I’m laughing!”

Cruiser chuckles. “That’s better.” He ruffles her hair another time and, making a fist, lightly taps her cheek. “Rosie Posie.”

“Cruiser Muser.”

“You gotta do better than that.”

She juts out her chin. “I’ll find something.”

He ruffles her hair a third time. “You better.”

Rosie pats it in place. “Stop. I’m gonna lose all my hair.”

He chuckles again before reaching for my hand. “Ready?”

Rosie pouts. “I want to go out to a restaurant. Can I come the next time you go out, Mom and Dad?”

“That’s special Mom and Dad time, Rosie.”


Mom squeezes her thigh. “We’ll see, honey. Right now, you need to focus on school and pick up your math grade.”


“We’ll see you guys later,” I tell them.

“Have fun,” Mom says.

Hand in hand, Cruiser and I leave the house. We can’t take the bike because it might ruin our clothes. Cruiser unlocks Rey’s car. “Are you sure?” I ask.

“He lets me borrow it.”

Cruiser opens the door for me and I thank him. After he starts the car, I ask, “Do you want to talk about him?”

Cruiser puffs out some air. “I...” He shakes his head. “Damn, I don’t know.” He pulls out of the driveway. He rubs my hand and smiles sadly. “I want to enjoy the night with my beautiful girl.”

That causes my heart to swell. I put my other hand on top of his and squeeze it.

The restaurant isn’t far, about ten minutes. We get out of the car and a valet drives off with it. I stand there, my eyes soaking in the place. It’s beautiful.

“Not exactly my scene,” Cruiser says.

“I know, right? You’ll actually have to have some manners,” I tease.

He pokes my shoulder. “I’ll do the teasing, thank you.”

“But I love teasing you.”

“Not as much as I love teasing you.”

A memory suddenly fills my mind. “Hey, do you remember when we were like eleven and had to do that science project? The one with the erupting volcano?”

Cruiser stares off in the distance. He smiles warmly. “It exploded all over you and you cried.”


“I called you Erupti Lexi for days.”

“I know! You were so annoying.”

He wraps an arm around my waist and tucks me close. “Even back then, I was sort of in love with you.”

I stare up at him. “You were?”

“Yeah.” He plants a kiss on my lips. “Let’s go in.”

Dani and Simon are already seated at a table in the back. She looks stunning, wearing a black dress, her hair down her shoulders in curls. Dani’s not one to wear a lot of makeup, either, but she was generous tonight. She looks amazing. Simon looks pretty hot in his dark dress shirt and pants. He has red hair and a few freckles sprinkled across his cheeks and nose.

Dani’s eyes light up when she sees us. “Finally. There’s only so much Coke I can drink.”

Cruiser’s arms come around me. “Sorry, my bad. I just can’t keep my hands off this girl.”

My cheeks flame. I slap his chest. Dani and Simon giggle.

“Simon, this is Cruiser. Cruiser, Simon,” Dani introduces as we sit down at the table.

Simon holds out a hand. “Nice to meet you. Cruiser…is that your real name?”

Cruiser shakes his head. “Nah. But you’ll have to pay me a million bucks to learn my real one.”

“It’s Elvis,” Dani tells him.

“Hey. I said a million bucks.”

She slides her hand into Simon’s. “Sorry. Simon and I have a policy not to keep any secrets from each other.” They stare into each other’s eyes like they’re love-struck.

I’m so happy for her, I want to dance. Dani’s in love! I want to tell the whole world. She was in such a bad place a few months ago and has come a long way. I want to hug her, but she doesn’t like hugs.

Cruiser bends toward me and whispers, “Do we have a tell-each-other-everything policy?”

I think for a few seconds. “I don’t know. I don’t hide anything from you. Do you hide anything from me?”

“No, but I’m still getting used to sharing everything with you. I’ve held everything in for so long.”

I reach under the table for his hand and sandwich it between mine. “Just know that you can tell me anything.”

He nods. “Same with you.”

Simon says, “I think Elvis is a cool name. My neighbor’s name is Elvis.”

Cruiser makes a disgusted face. “Were his parents Elvis Presley fans?”

He shrugs.

“Cruiser loves the Navy,” I tell Simon. “His grandparents gave him a cruiser ship for his tenth birthday. You should have seen him—he fell in love. That’s where his nickname came from.”

Cruiser shifts in his seat. He doesn’t like the attention. My hand squeezes his again and I give him a reassuring smile.

The waiter hands us menus. I scan the items. So much to choose from and I don’t know what half of them are. I turn to Cruiser and find his eyebrows furrowed.

“My uncle says the filet mignon is really good,” Simon says.

Cruiser and I exchange a glance. “I’ll try it,” I say.

“Me, too.”

“Same with me,” Dani chimes in.

The waiter returns to take our orders. When he’s gone, the four of us look at each other. An awkward silence passes. Finally, Simon says, “So I hear you guys have been really good friends since you were kids. It’s cute.”

“Yeah,” I say, smiling at Cruiser.

“She was in love with me,” Cruiser says. “Chased after me and wouldn’t take no for answer.”


Cruiser grins.

We start to eat and talk about many things, like school, movies, music. Sometime during the conversation, Cruiser’s phone beeps. He slides it out of his pocket and scans the screen. A shadow climbs onto his face.

“Everything okay?” I ask.

He blinks and glances at me. Then his gaze moves to Dani and Simon, who are looking at him.

“Yeah.” He stuffs his phone into his pocket. “Everything’s fine.”

“I was thinking of signing up to karate,” Simon says, picking up from the last conversation. “My girl can kick some ass. I need to defend my manhood.”

Dani and I laugh. “Trust me,” she says. “No one’s challenging your manhood.”

Cruiser’s phone beeps again. He checks it, and like the last time, his face clouds.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Nothing.” He shoves it into his pocket, his gaze on his plate, a grave expression on his face.

BOOK: Second Chance (Cruiser & Lex, Book 2)
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