Sebastian (The Beck Brothers #2) (24 page)

BOOK: Sebastian (The Beck Brothers #2)
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Raelynn sighed. "I know."


"Come on, pick something. We gotta
go," Sebastian said, releasing her and giving her rear end a swat as he
walked away.


  Sebastian went downstairs to grab
a quick bite to eat before they left. Raelynn complained the whole way to the
doctor's office. She had to drink a whole bunch of water before the appointment,
and she had to pee like a motherfucker - her words, not his.


For the most part Raelynn wasn't too
moody, but she had moments where Sebastian wanted to rip his hair out, like now.
He understood that she had to pee; she didn't have to keep going on about it.


  Thank God, they were seen quickly.
They were only waiting for about ten minutes before being called back.
Sebastian stood with his hands shoved in his pockets while the ultrasound tech
got Raelynn set up on the gurney. Once she was ready, the tech told him that he
could sit at Raelynn's feet so that he could see the ultrasound screen, too.
The tech placed gel on her belly and started.


  The first thing he heard was the
heartbeat started, and even though Sebastian had heard it at the previous
ultrasound, he was still awed by it. He watched the screen as the tech moved
the wand over Raelynn's belly. He could see their baby. Last time it was just a
little bean-looking thing. Now it looked like a baby. He could see the head,
arms, legs, little hands, and feet. He grabbed Raelynn's calf and squeezed. She
glanced at him, tears of joy in her eyes.


"Do you want to know the sex?"
the tech asked.


"Yes," they said at the same


  The tech smiled and moved the wand
around, did some clicking, and froze the screen. Sebastian's heart pounded as
he waited for the tech to say something. He was hoping for a boy of course, but
Raelynn said she didn't care. The tech moved a little more and froze the screen
again. Sebastian's breath caught. He could see loud and clear what they were


"It's a boy," the tech said
with a smile. "Here's his penis," she said as she pointed to the


Sebastian jumped up and whooped, throwing
his arms up. Raelynn and the tech laughed.


"Oh my god! I gotta call
Henry!" Sebastian exclaimed excitedly as he jumped around like a fool.


"We're almost done," the tech


  Sebastian paced, too excited to
sit, while the tech finished up. She wiped Raelynn's belly, then let her go to
the bathroom. She sighed loudly behind the door, making him chuckle. The tech
printed out some pictures and handed them to Sebastian - the "It's a
boy" picture on top.


"Congrats," the tech said.


"Thank you." Sebastian smiled,
staring down at the pictures.


  Once Raelynn was finished in the
bathroom, the tech led them out. They said thanks and goodbye before heading
out to Sebastian's truck. In the parking lot, he scooped her up and swung her
around. Raelynn squealed. When he put her down, she kissed him.


"I'm so glad you're happy," she
murmured against his lips.


"I'm over the moon, baby...over the
moon." Sebastian chuckled, kissing her again.


Raelynn grinned. "I love you."


"God, I love you, too. So damn much."
Sebastian breathed, kissing her a little harder and longer.


  She wrapped her arms around his
neck and opened her mouth to him. He moaned and took what she was offering. Sebastian
didn’t even know they were moving until Raelynn's back bumped into the side of
his truck. She let out a surprised gasp but kept kissing him. Sebastian ended
the kiss a moment later, giving her a couple of smaller pecks on the mouth.


"Let's get outta here. I wanna swing
by Henry's office and tell him the news," Sebastian said, helping Raelynn
into his truck.


  It took about half an hour to get
downtown to Henry's office building. They stood in the reception area and
waited for Claire to come meet them. Sebastian was practically vibrating.
Raelynn kept smiling and shaking her head at him. Claire came into view as she
headed down the main aisle of the office toward them. His sister-in-law looked
stunning. She wasn't even all that dressed up, but she just looked so beautiful


  Claire started showing a couple of
weeks before Raelynn, and her belly was a bit bigger than Raelynn's, but she
was also on her third child. They say that after the first you tend to show sooner.
Claire's strawberry blonde hair was braided and hanging over one shoulder, and
she was wearing a pretty purple empire waist dress that showed off her baby
bump. She was positively glowing. Just like Raelynn.


"Claire, you look fantastic." Sebastian
grinned wide, kissed and hugged her.


Sebastian put both hands on her belly,
bent down, and kissed it.


Claire chuckled. "Thank you,


  Raelynn was next to hug Claire.
The two had become really close over the past five months, talking on the phone
almost every day; mostly about pregnancy stuff, but about other things, too -
like when Henry and Sebastian were getting on their nerves. He was glad that
she had someone she could talk to who was pregnant and close to her age. Claire
knew a lot from being pregnant twice before, so she has been really helpful
when Raelynn has questions.


"So what brings you guys by?"
Claire asked as she led the way to Henry's office.


"We have news," Sebastian said.


Claire glanced over her shoulder, eyebrow
raised. "You found out the sex?"


  Sebastian nodded like a damn
bobble head doll, making Claire laugh. Claire knocked on Henry's office door
and stuck her head in. She opened the door wider and let Sebastian and Raelynn
walk by before following and shutting the door behind her. Henry looked up, and
when he saw whom it was, he smiled.


"Hey guys, what are you doing
here?" Henry asked as he stood and came out from behind his desk.


They all hugged, kissed, and said hello.
Henry gave Raelynn's belly a rub before turning to Sebastian with an expectant
look on his face.


Sebastian started bouncing up and down
because he just couldn't hold it in anymore. "We're having a boy!" he


  Henry whooped and yanked Sebastian
into a big bear hug, hopping around in circles together. Claire and Raelynn
were cracking up. When they stopped, they laughed and clapped each other on the
back. Henry gave Raelynn another hug while Claire gave one to Sebastian.


"That's great guys! I'm so happy for
you," Henry said, huge grin on his face.


"Did you two find out what you're
having yet?” Raelynn asked.


Claire shook her head and put her hands
on her belly. "Nope. Baby didn't want to cooperate. So as of right now,
it's a surprise."


"Which I find exciting," Henry
said grinning like a fool.


"That would drive me crazy,"
Sebastian said, shaking his head.


Henry shrugged.


"Have you decided on a name
yet?" Claire asked them.


Raelynn shook her head. "Not yet,
but we have some ideas."


  After chatting a little while
longer, Sebastian and Raelynn left so that Henry and Claire could get back to
work. When they got home, Raelynn went upstairs to take a nap because she was
just exhausted. Sebastian made a few more phone calls to tell his family the
news. He called his mom, who cried. He called Quinn, who didn't say much other
than, “congrats.” He called Christian, who was almost as enthusiastic as Henry
had been, and he called Bill. Sebastian almost called Raelynn's parents and
sisters, but decided that she should be the one to tell them.


  Sebastian was ecstatic about
having a boy. All of the things that he was going to teach him raced through
his mind. He was going to teach him all about guns and football; those were the
two biggest things. Sebastian never thought he'd be having a baby at this point
in his life, but it seemed as though life had other plans for him. He knew at
that moment that he was going to ask Raelynn to marry him, and he was going to
go get a ring right now. Sebastian left her a note saying he had to run a couple
of errands, and then headed to the jewelry store.






  Raelynn woke the next morning hoping
that Sebastian was okay. He came home yesterday from running some errands and
had been acting weird the rest of the day. He was skittish and zoned out. She
didn’t know if he was just thinking about the fact that they were having a boy,
or if it was something else. She hoped he wasn’t having second thought about
having the baby. He seemed thrilled yesterday about it, but maybe he changed
his mind.


  Raelynn glanced over to find
Sebastian still sleeping next to her. He was on his back - his usual sleeping
position - with his face turned toward her. His blonde hair flattened over his
forehead, his mouth slightly parted, and his arms thrown over his head. Raelynn
swore he slept like that all night, every night. He was always in the same
position every morning. She smiled and rolled her eyes.


  Sebastian’s bare chest was just
begging to be touched. Raelynn reached over and slid her left hand across his
tattooed chest. A sparkle caught her eye. Raelynn looked down at her hand and
saw that there was a large diamond ring on the ring finger of her left hand.
She gasped and popped up to her knees, clasping her left hand with her right,
as she gaped at the stunning ring on her finger. Was it really what she thought
it was?




Sebastian bolted awake. “What? What is
it? Is it the baby?” he sputtered as he fell out of bed. Raelynn winced at the
He popped up
from the side of the bed and quickly crawled over to her, oblivious to the fact
that he was naked. “Are you okay? Do you feel alright?” he asked, placing his
big hand on her belly.


“I’m fine, you psycho!” Raelynn giggled,
looking at him as if he was crazy.


He frowned. “Then what’s wrong? Why did
you call my name?”


She held her left hand up, showing him
the ring, while giving him a pointed look.


Sebastian glanced at it, his eyes widened
in mock horror. “Raelynn! You’re engaged? Why didn’t you tell me?”


She burst out laughing and threw her arms
around his neck. He laughed and hugged her to him.


“Will you marry me, Raelynn?” he
whispered in her ear.


“Yes! Yes! A million times, yes!” Raelynn


Raelynn pushed away from him to look at
the ring again. “I can’t believe you did this.” She breathed, tears starting to
run down her cheeks.


“Why wouldn’t I? I love you. You’re
everything to me,” Sebastian said softly, brushing the tears from her cheeks.


“I just know how you feel about
marriage...” Raelynn started, but Sebastian cut her off.


“Don’t you see? You’ve changed all of
that for me. I want to marry you. I want to be able to call you my wife. Forget
how I used to feel. That was the old me. You turned me into a completely
different man - a better man - and I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone
but you,” Sebastian said roughly, cupping her face and kissing her lovingly.


  Raelynn laughed and cried at the
same time, wrapping her arms back around his neck. She has never been so happy in
her entire life. When she first met Sebastian, she never in a million years
pictured that they would be in this position - having a baby and getting married.
Sebastian had been so broken, so afraid of his feelings; she had never expected
this from him, at least not this soon. Years from now? Yeah…maybe…but not now,
only a year into their relationship. Raelynn now knew just how much Sebastian
actually loved her.

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