Season of Dreams (18 page)

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Authors: Jenna Mindel

BOOK: Season of Dreams
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he following May at the height of cherry blossom time, Eva's wedding day dawned warm and sunny. The day couldn't be more perfect. And she felt perfect.

Her mother stepped back and smiled into the mirror. “Sinclair's finally here. Eva, are you ready?”

Eva clicked her tongue and shook her head. Her own brother, the officiating minister no less, was late to his sister's wedding. Typical Sin.

She took another peek at her reflection and smiled.

Her wedding dress was soft and billowy, making her feel like a cherry blossom fairy. Considering the wreath of flowers on her head, all Eva needed were wings. But then she was already floating on air.

“I've never been more ready in my life,” Eva said.

Adam and Eva had been busy ever since that June storm cost them a third of their cherry crop. Straight-line winds had ripped up the orchard on high ground, but the low-lying areas had been spared. Other growers weren't so fortunate. With the cherry supply low and demand high, Adam sold enough quality fruit to break even. The orchard was all his with a promise to be theirs after they returned from their honeymoon.

Eva followed her mother down the stairs into the kitchen where her bridesmaids, Anne and Beth, waited. They leaned against the new cupboards Adam had custom-made from the old cherry trees they'd uprooted.

The thoughtfulness of Adam's gift still tugged her heart-strings. He'd brought the warmth of the cherry wood into their home as a reminder of the Marsh growers that came before them. Their legacy.

Eva ran her fingertips across one of the doors and sighed.

“You are so spoiled,” Anne said.

Eva smiled at Adam's sister. “I know. But you don't see how hard Adam puts me to work in the field.”

“You love every minute,” Beth added.

Another truth.

Adam might be a smart businessman, but he was lazy when it came to keeping track of his investments. He had considerable funds left after paying off his father.

And she'd finally obtained her loan.

Together they spent the fall and winter months renovating the second floor above the garage into an apartment for her parents. And the farmhouse had been upgraded with private baths for each upstairs bedroom along with a private innkeeper addition. Marsh House Bed-and-Breakfast would open for the first time after they returned from their honeymoon.

Eva's father stepped into the kitchen and his eyes filled with tears. “Daughter of mine, you're beautiful.”

“Thanks, Dad.” Eva's throat grew tight. She glanced at her mom, whose eyes were also shining bright.

Her parents planned to live as snowbirds. After wintering in the Keys, they'd return to LeNaro and help in the field and house. Everyone was truly happy.

Eva linked arms with her mom and dad. “Let's go get married.”

Walking toward the blooming orchard, Eva spotted Adam. He stood near a white iron arch draped with flowers and bows compliments of her aunt Jamee. Ryan and Uncle Larry stood with him.

The breeze fluttered a few blossom petals around her groom and, once again, Eva was taken by how handsome he looked. There was no doubt that her cherry-orchard Oberon belonged right here. They both did.

Eva didn't hear the harp music playing, nor did she notice the guests seated in neat rows of white chairs. Walking toward Adam, she focused on the intensity of his laser blues.

She hardly heard Sinclair's words until he asked the final, most important question of the ceremony. “Eva Marie Marsh, do you take Adam Leonard Peecetorini as your wedded husband?”

Eva threaded her fingers through Adam's. The hint of his woodsy cologne mingled with the scent of cherry blossoms overhead. “I do.”

Her oldest brother smiled. “Adam, do you take Eva as your wife?”

“You bet I do.” An enthusiastic Adam leaned forward for the kiss.

Laughter rippled through the audience.

Even Sinclair chuckled. “Then I pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Peecetorini. Go ahead and kiss your bride.”

Eva thought it'd be a simple smooch like they'd discussed, but Adam surprised her with a full sweep and dip as he kissed her senseless.

Applause from their guests drowned out her gasp.

When they finally broke for air, Eva spotted one of
Uncle Larry's honeybees land on the flowers pinned to Adam's lapel.

Adam saw it, too, but he didn't panic. He watched the bee for a moment until it flew away. And then he looked at her. “A fitting christening, don't you think?”

Her heart swelled with pride and she nodded. “I love you.”

“I love you more.” Adam drew her close.

Eva had never felt more cherished or blessed. They'd made it through the first of many seasons yet to come.

And a lot of dreams yet to be fulfilled.

Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for picking up a copy of my book SEASON OF DREAMS. I've always held farmers in my heart as heroes. I'm enamored with the Leelanau County area of Michigan, so creating a cherry-growing hero was a natural fit. Playing with the Adam and Eve metaphor was fun, but the story didn't start there. A long time ago, I heard about a wealthy business owner's son. He was destined to become a romance novel hero—and so I tucked him away for someday. That day dawned with Adam, a man who didn't trust women. And just like in the book of Genesis, Eva's character came from Adam's. Eva is his perfect helpmate, complete with serious trust issues of her own. I hope you enjoy reading their journey to love and wholeness through faith as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I'd love to hear from you. Please visit my website at or drop me a note c/o Steeple Hill Books, 233 Broadway, Suite 1001, New York, NY 10279.

Many Blessings,

Jenna Mindel

  1. The book opens when the orchard is dormant and in need of pruning to spurt new growth and let in light. Eva is spiritually dormant. How does God use Adam to shed light into Eva's darkened spirit?
  2. Eva experienced a real problem many young women face. Date violence statistics are shocking, with up to half of college-aged males admitting that they've perpetuated one or more sexual assaults during their college experience. Of these men, seventy-five percent were involved in drinking or drugs prior to the incident (as cited by What can the church community do to combat this problem? How should Christians address this?
  3. Eva blamed God for His lack of protection. Why is it that we tend to blame God when bad things happen to us?
  4. Eva held on to her fear and she refused to extend forgiveness. This blocked her ability to find peace. Is there anything keeping you from experiencing God's peace?
  5. Adam walked away from family expectations to follow his dream of becoming a farmer. Does God give us our dreams or does He honor our pursuit of them? Or both? What if our dreams are not financially practical—should we still pursue them? Is there anything holding you back from realizing a dream?
  6. Adam made peace with his empty past by returning to his faith. The Bible promises a peace that surpasses all understanding if we'd stop worrying and pray for everything. What worries can you turn over to God?
  7. Harboring unforgiveness often harms the person wronged far more than the wrongdoer. Eva needed to face her attacker to gain closure and overcome her fears. Can forgiveness be extended without a face-to-face confrontation? If so, how? And what might be the advantages of each?
  8. Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. How did this happen for Adam and Eva?
  9. Adam and Eva each had their own trust issues when it came to relationships. What small steps did they take that demonstrated the strengthening of their friendship into something more?
  10. Adam and Eva had a dream setting for their wedding. Where's your favorite place to get married?

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8529-7


Copyright © 2011 by Jenna Mindel

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

This edition published by arrangement with Steeple Hill Books.

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