Seaside Kisses: A Sweet Romance (The Seaside Hunters Book 4) (24 page)

BOOK: Seaside Kisses: A Sweet Romance (The Seaside Hunters Book 4)
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What if something bad had happened to her? He'd already driven by her house and saw her car parked in the driveway and several lights on. He'd sat like a stupid voyeur until he saw her silhouette in one of the windows.

Rafael had wanted to go to the door, but had refrained. If she needed space to think, he would give it to her—but was it ever hard. He just wished he knew what he'd done. Had his protective nature scared her off? What if he'd come off too harsh in his attempt to take care of her? Or had he scared her off with the word love?

He reached over to his nightstand and pulled open the drawer. He picked up the little jewelry box and took out the shiny, stunning ring. It would be perfect on Amara's finger. But the sinking feeling in his stomach left him wondering if he would ever get to see that.

His alarm went off. He jumped, nearly dropping the ring. He caught it against his chest and then turned off the blasted alarm.

The phone alerted him of a text. He reached for it, his stomach twisting into a tighter knot.

It was only Cruz.

U almost here dude?

Give me ten minutes. You guys inside?

No. Z has a key?

Yeah. He should be there any minute. Sorry.


Rafael knew he'd never make it to the shop in ten minutes—he'd be lucky to have his hair styled in that amount of time. It was a day for wearing a hat and skipping a shower. He pulled out the collar of his shirt and sniffed. He'd be fine.

When he arrived at the shop, both of his brothers gave him a double take.

"You get any sleep, yo?" Cruz asked, looking up from a poster he was painting.

?" Zachary asked. He gave Rafael an exaggerated once-over, stopping at his old hat. "Is that cotton?"

Rafael pulled it off, noticing it was wrinkled, and ran his hands through his hair. "Just didn't get much sleep." He turned to Zachary. "Did you double check the ad for the paper?"

"Just reconfirmed. Every thing's set to go. I even secured an ad in a couple other towns' papers."

"You did?" Rafael asked. "Did we talk about that?"

"No, I was going to surprise you, but it seemed like you could use some cheering up today." Zachary arched a brow.

Rafael frowned. "Thanks. I really appreciate it."

Cruz laughed. "Yeah, that's apparent."

Rafael ignored him and went over to see the poster. It was of a finely dressed couple holding hands and smiling. They looked a lot like him and Amara. "That's incredible."

"I thought we could put it over there." Cruz pointed to a spot on the wall that sorely need something.

"That's just what that spot needs."

Yawning, Rafael went over to see what Zachary was doing at his laptop. He turned the screen for Rafael to see. "This is what the ad is going to look like in the Kittle Falls paper."

Rafael glanced it over, yawning a couple more times. "Nice."

"You sure you're all right?" asked Zachary.

"Couldn't be better." Rafael went over to the back room and brought out a box of men's shirts. He arranged them on a table. The last one gave him trouble folding. He hated for anything to look imperfect, but finally gave up, figuring people would pick them up, anyway.

The morning dragged on as his phone remained quiet.

After a while, Cruz stood, holding out the poster. "What do you guys think?"

Rafael trudged over, his eyelids heavy. His entire body cried out for sleep, but there was too much to do before the big day, which would be there entirely too soon.

"You should sell paintings," Zachary said. "This could be in an art gallery."

"Whatever, dude."

"No, seriously. I've seen worse in ones at the Big Apple."

Cruz shrugged. Was that embarrassment on his face? "I just want to ink skin, yo." He turned to Rafael. "What do you think?"

The couple looked even more like him and Amara now that it was complete. His heart felt like it was going to crush itself.

"Thumbs up? Down?" asked Cruz.

Rafael shook his head to clear it. "It's gorgeous. I wouldn't mind keeping it—unless you want it."

"It's for you, man. For the next one, I was thinking of a lady looking in a mirror. I thought she could wear one of your threads." He glanced around the room and then pointed to a lavender shirt on a mannequin. "Something like that, but I'd jazz it up a bit. Just to make the poster more interesting."

"Can't wait to see it. I'll be right back, guys." Rafael stifled a yawn before going to the back room. He pulled out his phone, seeing exactly what he had expected. Nothing. He hadn't seen Amara's car when he parked, either.

It felt like someone had ripped out his heart and smashed it. He couldn't take it anymore. No more pleasant, sweet texts. He went to their texting conversation.

Did I do something to piss you off?

It was a bit of a risk because Amara was so sweet and he'd never used anything close to harsh language with her. But something was clearly wrong, and he couldn't pretend it wasn't. She had to be either angry with him or having serious second thoughts.

He felt like punching himself in the face. Whatever he'd done, he wanted to take it back. Apologize, at the very least. Given the chance to explain himself.

Would you at least extend me the courtesy of letting me know what I did?

Rafael hated sending those messages, but she didn't leave him much of a choice. She was obviously ignoring his messages. He'd sent more than enough the previous night, and he'd been as caring as possible, despite the growing dread after each ignored text.

His eyes grew heavier as he read over the conversation. Conversation. He snorted. It wasn't that—it had been completely one-sided since they'd parted ways after calling her the woman he loved. Rafael recalled flinching after he said that, but it had only been because he was surprised at his slip. Not because he regretted saying anything. Was that was Amara thought?

He had to stop thinking about this if he was going to get anything done. Even with Zachary and Cruz's help, he needed to focus and work hard or the grand opening wouldn't be ready in time.

If you decide you want to talk with me, you know where to find me.

Rafael waited a minute. If she didn't respond to that one, he'd go out there and get to work, pushing all his worries aside. His heavy eyelids begged to close. He fought them but then gave in.

"Just for a minute," he mumbled, leaning back into the chair.

"Are you okay?" Zachary's voice startled him awake.

Rafael jumped. "Yeah, yeah. Just resting my eyes." Rafael forced himself off the chair. "I'd better lay out the clothes for the fashion show." If there was even going to be one.

Zachary arched a brow. "I'm going to run over to the coffee stand and grab some mochas. Sound good?"

"Make his a double," came Cruz's voice.

Rafael dug into his pocket, pulled out his wallet and handed his brother a twenty. "They're on me."

Zachary raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

"Just take it."

"Okay." Zachary turned around and a few seconds later, the bell in front sounded.

Rafael found his phone sitting on the chair. It had to have slipped out of his hands while he dozed. He found his one-sided conversation and left one last message.

If you're not going to be in the fashion show, can you let me know?

His chest tightened as he pressed send. He realized just how much he wanted her there, showing off his designs. But more than that, he wanted to propose.

Frowning, he jammed the phone back into his pocket and stormed into the main part of his store. He'd been stupid to think that things could work out with Amara. He should have done what he'd originally planned—written off women after everything Kristine had put him through.

Twenty Seven


A sob caught in Amara's throat. She stared at Rafael's latest text. The last few nearly broke her heart. It had been torture not responding to his texts the night before. More than anything, she'd wanted to reply and tell him that he was the man of her dreams, that she loved him and would do anything for him—including ignoring him to keep him safe.

She'd spent the whole night trying to figure out what to do. Janelle had been busy at a school function for the kids, so she hadn't been able to talk with her. And she'd probably be a mess today if Kyle had brought his girlfriend with him.

Who would need who more? Janelle or Amara? Usually, one of them was strong when the other was weak. What would happen if they tried to help each other when they were both upset? They'd probably drag each other down like two people drowning in the ocean.

Aside from that, what if that tramp and her boyfriend figured out that Amara had told Janelle? They might target her next. She couldn't talk to Alex, either. It would take even less digging to learn about her twin brother and his family.

She'd already texted Alex that she was too sick to work—and with the way her stomach had twisted itself into knots she was telling the truth. There was no one she trusted to talk about this. The last thing she wanted to do was put anyone else in harm's way.

Blinking back tears, she picked up her phone and read over the texts Rafael had sent since Amara's run-in with his curvaceous evil ex-girlfriend and her sidekick. Judging by the hollowness in his eyes, he was the one she needed to fear. Had they really been behind Rafael's accident? Or did they just say that to scare her?

Amara's vision grew blurry as she scanned all of Rafael's unanswered texts.

I miss you. I can't wait to see you again.

Our picnic was like a dream. Only better.

You're so gorgeous. You really made my clothes shine.

I can't wait to kiss you again.

You're the most amazing person I've ever met.

Tears spilled down her face and she dropped the phone onto her lap. It had nearly killed her not to respond when he'd sent them, and now after the upset texts, it was even worse. She wanted to scream that she loved him. That she would do anything to keep him. But she didn't know what the answer was.

"Don't be angry with me," she whispered, the tears pouring faster. She brought a pillow to her face and screamed as loud as she could until her throat felt raw and sore. She threw herself flat on the couch, sobbing until there was nothing left.

Rafael was what she cared about most in the world. Not just because he was Rafael Hunter, the former hottest boy in school. Not because she'd loved him her whole life from afar. Because of who he was. The kind, intelligent, and funny man who could look past her former self and still think she was beautiful.

Now because of that yellow-haired, broomless witch and the spiky haired jerk, Rafael thought she didn't want anything to do with him. Wiping the tears away, she sat up.

She had to talk with someone. Anyone. Her heart hurt too much to think clearly. Maybe staying away from him was the worst thing she could do. What if she was giving too much power to two people who didn't actually have any? For all she knew, they were full of hot air, just laughing that they had ruined Rafael's relationship.

Hadn't one of them said Kristine didn't want Rafael, she just didn't want him happy? Or something along those lines? They could have already gone back to Los Angeles, laughing the whole way about what an idiot Amara was.

Anger burned in the pit of her stomach. She wouldn't let them win. If nothing else, she could go to the police. Tell them they'd confessed to causing the accident. They would listen to her. Right?

There had to be evidence to back up what she said. Something in the car, maybe. Or they'd been caught on video somewhere. Rafael had gotten those cameras, and if they were the ones behind all the vandalism, they may have returned and been recorded. Or someone in town would have seen them. They would stick out big time in a place like Kittle Falls.

Amara picked up her phone and read over the texts again, allowing them to light her fire all the more. She was determined to take those two down before they laid a finger on Rafael.

She noticed a new text she hadn't seen. It felt like a knife stabbing her heart when she read it. He thought she didn't want to be in the fashion show? Amara couldn't wait to walk down the catwalk with him. Especially wearing the last outfit. It was formal wear. He wanted to inspire the teens who hadn't yet gotten their clothes for the Homecoming dance.

Amara had skipped all those in high school, not wanting to give herself another chance to be called names by her peers outside of school hours. Wearing a beautiful dress with Rafael in front of some of the very people who had tormented her had been something she was really looking forward to.

She turned off the screen and put her phone in her purse. She set it by the door, started a pot of coffee, and took a quick shower. It was time to show those two buffoons what she was made of, and more importantly, show Rafael how much he meant to her.

With her coffee in one hand and purse over the other shoulder, she went to her car and drove over to the touristy part of town. With Halloween approaching, it was busier than it had been since fall arrived. Exactly as she'd hoped.

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