Seared by Desire (38 page)

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Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

Tags: #vampire, #paranormal romance, #magic, #fire, #vampire romance

BOOK: Seared by Desire
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Lucian’s eyes flashed red. “She needs to see nothing,” he
hissed. “I’ve taken too much blood from her already. She can’t
afford to lose any more just yet.”

But Lord Lucian, if you don’t feed…” His voice trailed off
unwilling to voice the concern uppermost in his mind. If Lucian
didn’t feed in his weakened condition his body would shut down and
if he didn’t receive sustenance he could die.

I’m well aware of the consequences Gareth but I won’t change
my mind about this. It’s how it has to be. Sara comes

And what about us? What about your people?”

They have you, they have Sara and…and they have Russell. Have
him released from the dungeons.”

Are you serious my Lord?”

I wouldn’t joke about something like this. Despite what he
did Russell is still loved by the people, they understand the
motivations behind his actions were all for what he thought was the
greatest good. You and Russell are my Commanders, the Generals will
listen to what you have to say and the people will follow my
bride’s command without question or they will know my wrath when I

Gareth’s face paled even further. Lucian was serious and
clearly intent on going down this path, which could only lead to

Gareth, don’t worry so much. Sara will be fully healed in a
few days. Bring her to me then. I will drink from her and all will
be well.”

If you drink from her in a few days you’ll be even more of a
danger to her than if you drunk from her now and what about the
risk to yourself? You’ve drunk from her now my Lord, if you do this
you’ll have to put your body in a deep sleep and you may not wake
if she doesn’t know what to do.”

Gareth, subtly is not your forte,” he chuckled. “I won’t tell
you what she needs to do to wake me from my slumber. She’ll know
what she’s done that makes my eyes turn red. Sara will be better in
a few days and when I do drink from her, I’ll have men watch over
me. If it looks like I’m beginning to take too much they’ll stop
me. She just needs time Gareth, giving blood isn’t normal for her,
her body isn’t used to the process but over time she won’t need as
long to recover. She’s my bride Gareth, you have to understand she
comes first in everything I do.”

I don’t know how you can expect me to put her well being over
your life. I’ve served you faithfully for decades, I would like to
think that we’re friends and Lady Sara is essentially a stranger to
me. If it comes down to a decision between you and her it’s obvious
who I will choose.”

Yes,” Lucian growled, “it is. You will choose her Gareth.
That’s an order. Don’t disobey me in this. Hide me from her and
when you’re sure that she’s healed bring her to me but only

Lady Sara isn’t stupid my Lord, she’ll know that something is
amiss, what do you want me to tell her?”

I don’t care what you have to tell her, just make sure she
understands that I’m not available. If necessary tell her that I’ve
gone back to New Malden to see if I can find any evidence of

Without her?” Gareth scoffed, laughter spilling from his
lips. “She’ll never believe that my Lord, not with the way you
treat her, how you act towards her. She almost never leaves your
side and when she does I’m sure it isn’t at your

Gareth, you’re trying my patience. I’ve told you what is
going to happen. It’s past time that you accepted that. There are
issues surrounding her presence at my side…”

Is that what the scholars are all working so desperately on?
My Lord, there’s something unusual about Lady Sara, are you not
aware of it?”

I know everything I need to know about her Gareth. I know
that she’s caring, generous and far too willing to sacrifice for
the sake of others. If she found out about my condition she would
rush to my side regardless of the consequences.”

And that’s how it should be,” Gareth muttered under his
breath. He was becoming disconcerted by Lucian's willingness to put
his bride so far ahead of all else in terms of priority and it only
served to reinforce his desire not to find his own bride. Surely no
single woman was worth the trouble that Lucian was putting himself

Lucian sighed, trying to find the words to explain to his
friend why his actions were necessary. “You have to understand
Gareth, before I met Sara all I knew was war. Centuries of endless
warfare. My family are dead, my comrades have died, all I had was
myself and the desire to make things better for our people but then
Sara came into my life and everything changed. When I first saw her
I knew she was going to be trouble. I purposely avoided her but she
sought me out and made a place in my life for herself. When I’m
with her I feel hope Gareth. I feel as though I have a future, as
though my life is worth living. She brings me such joy; I can’t
bear the thought of her light being extinguished from the world.
She has to live. No matter what happens to me, she has to

Lady Sara has been good to us all but you can’t blame me for
wanting you to live as well.”

You’re a good man Gareth but I won’t be moved on this. Sara
has to live. Keep her away from me until she’s completely healed.
But Gareth, if she calls for me in desperation and it looks like
she can’t control her flames bring her to me immediately, don’t
hesitate. That is the only time I will forgive you for bringing her
to me. In the meantime have the generals gather here and bring
their contingents with them.”

The whole army?” he asked surprised.

Yes. I can find William easily now. I can sense him,
especially with the demon beside him. What he thinks to be his
greatest strength is actually his greatest weakness and nothing
will please me more than to prove him wrong. I want the men
training every night because when I return we’re going to

Nineteen – Once Bitten…

There,” Sara exhaled proudly, stepping away from the anvil to
momentarily admire her work. Lucian's armour was finally complete,
the silver armour shimmering a faint red from the heat that had
been forced into it. With no one else having crafted armour in such
a way before, it had taken her a few days to complete, much of the
time wasted on trial and error but the task was done now and when
Lucian wore the suit into battle, he would be protected from any
and all harm.

That is if I manage to see him again before he goes into
battle,” she cursed softly, as she lifted the breastplate and began
to make her way towards their room where the other completed pieces
currently resided.

She hadn’t seen Lucian in two days and was beginning to feel
frustrated with his absence and the lack of information that she
was being given.
The lies I’m being
her mind corrected angrily. There
was something going on and the vampires were intent on keeping her
in the dark. Lucian was their leader, they had to know where he
was, they were the last ones to have seen him yet the stories each
vampire told her differed. There was no clear consensus on his
whereabouts and Gareth and Russell were the worst of a bad

Gareth had told her he’d gone in search of William and she’d
known as soon as he’d spoken the words that he was lying. The words
had fallen uneasily from his lips; the lie evident without her even
having to think any further and when she did think about it his
guilt was only further compounded. Lucian would never simply
abandon her to go and search for his enemy without a word of
warning. He was more concerned about Seraphina’s re-emergence than
she was, he always told her where he was in case of emergency. Yes,
Seraphina had been quiet for a few days but she was still there,
simmering below her skin and if what the scholars had told her was
true she would need Lucian to prevent her from coming back. What
made Gareth’s lie even worse was the lack of thought behind it.
None of Lucian's men had gone with him on his supposed hunt. Lucian
wouldn’t go looking for his enemy without support. Gareth was

Russell’s lies were even more unbelievable. When she’d asked
him about Lucian's whereabouts, he’d told her that he’d gone to see
a relative. All of Lucian's family were dead. Sara had been sorely
tempted to call him on that lie but had quickly realised it
wouldn’t do her any good. The vampires were intent on lying to her
and simply seeing through their deception wouldn’t make them
confess to what was going on. She was sure that both Gareth and
Russell knew exactly where Lucian was but for some reason they were
hiding him from her. If she didn’t trust them she’d be suspicious
of their motivation for doing so. As it was, she’d become resigned
to her fate of not knowing. When Lucian eventually returned she
vowed to make him sorry for keeping the truth hidden from

Sighing, she kicked open the bedroom door, laying the
breastplate on Lucian's chair with the other pieces in preparation
for his return. Sara tried to smile, tried to feel a sense of
accomplishment and pride in her work as she stared at the armour
but it only made her feel more empty. The armour sat in Lucian's
chair, strategically positioned to resemble the body of a man and
it only made her think of Lucian, reminded her how much she missed
him. She missed his rare smiles, the solid presence of his body,
his strong will and determination, his stubborn desire to protect
her, how he made her feel precious, cherished, the list went on and
on. The estate felt empty without him within its walls and her
heart ached with each day that passed where she couldn’t see him.
She fingered the material of one of his black overcoats bringing
the heavy jacket to her nose and inhaling deeply. She refused to
let the maids take it from her, the lingering smell of Lucian
embedded on the cloth reassuring her that he would return for

Hurry home Lucian,” she sighed.

The silence of her room was broken as George barged through
the door, the wood splintering slightly against the stone wall from
the force he’d used to open the door. “Lady Sara!” he called

She rolled her eyes, standing up and placing Lucian's
overcoat over her sword crafting clothes, pulling the collar tight
around her neck and relishing the way his scent surrounded her. It
wasn’t as good as having Lucian at her side but for the moment it
would have to suffice. “I don’t know how many times I have to tell
you this George, my name is Sara. There’s no need to put ‘Lady’ in
front of it, I’m well aware of my gender.”

Lady Sara,” he breathed in relief. “Thank the heavens you’re

Why wouldn’t I be?” she asked confused, moving closer to

Demons are attacking the estate.”

Her brows drew together as she became even more confused.
“Demons? What on earth are they doing here? They don’t attack
normal people, they assault fire elementals because they’re drawn
to their heat.” She gasped as realisation dawned on her. “Have I
drawn them here? Are they after me?”

My Lady, why they’re here isn’t important right now,” he
rushed, his eyes scanning their surroundings frantically as if the
demons could appear at any moment. “We have to get you to

And what about every one else?”

Lady Sara, your life is my priority at the moment. When Lord
Lucian returns our lives will be forfeit if something happens to
you. He puts you first above all else, you have to know

I can’t run and hide if it means others will be hurt
especially as they’re probably here because of me. Are there any
demons inside the estate George?”

Not yet my Lady, the guards are holding them back but for how
long I can’t be sure. We’re ill equipped to deal with a situation
like this. There aren’t many human warriors here, the vampires are
asleep and can’t help us with the sun so high in the

Don’t worry George, we’ll get through this.” Her voice was
calm and steady as she hurried to grab Lucian's sword, strapping
the large blade over her shoulder so she could better carry it.
“Have everyone fall back to the estate and we’ll hold them off from

Lady Sara,” he groaned, unhappy with how the situation had

We don’t have time for this George. Have everyone fall back
please. I’ll form a ring of fire around the estate and keep the
demons out. If they don’t leave then the vampires can deal with
them once they rise tonight. Hurry George.”

He hesitated for a split second before bowing and racing to
fulfil Sara’s command. Sara took a moment to curse Lucian's
continued absence before running out of the room after him. The
halls were in disarray, sobs and screams filling her ears as she
passed the bodies desperate to reach the sanctuary walls offered.
Ignoring the suffering that was going on all around her, Sara
continued running towards the exit pleased to see warriors making
their way inside, clearly George had spread the word. When she
reached the doors of the estate, she saw exactly what it was that
had George so worried. Hordes of demons were on their doorstep, the
scene reminding her of when Seraphina had first surfaced. The
spirit was thankfully still quiet though how long that would last
Sara wasn’t sure.

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