Seared by Desire (28 page)

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Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

Tags: #vampire, #paranormal romance, #magic, #fire, #vampire romance

BOOK: Seared by Desire
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You don’t fear me now that you’ve seen what I really am?” Was
it possible for her to be so accepting of his vampiric nature even
when she hadn’t been raised around them?

Lucian, I’ve always known you were a vampire, why would I be
afraid of you now?”

Humans have often found our feeding habits to be disgusting.
It’s one of the reasons why we put them into a daze when we feed
from them. The donors here understand our needs, they have lived
among us for so long that they’re as much my people as any vampire,
but you, you’ve lived your life among mortals, aren’t you even the
slightest bit shocked?”

When you’ve seen me at my worst?” she scoffed, laughter
spilling from her lips. “If anyone should be scared, it’s you.
Seraphina is a monster; she’s spoilt, violent and has no regard for
life. How can I be scared of you feeding when I’ve got to deal with

His grip tightened at her words, he shrugged off the pain
lancing his arm as he held her, wanting her body as close to his as
Heavens above I love this
The words echoed around his mind,
the certainty in them becoming increasingly firm.
I love Sara.

Unaware of his state of mind, Sara continued to speak intent
on venting her anger at the man before her. “Now Lucian, I came in
here to talk to you about something important. I don’t want people
to treat me differently just because we’re together. Do you know
what I’ve been through today?” She looked up at him, noting that
his dark eyes seemed focused on something far away. “Lucian!” He
blinked, turning to look at her upturned face. “Have you been
listening to me?”

What would you like me to say?”

I’d like you to say yes but is obvious you

He nuzzled her cheek, peppering kisses over her face. “I’m
listening now.”

Her cheeks flushed as his kisses began to rob her of her
senses, making her increasingly light headed. Her hands lifted to
his chest, running over the hard muscle lovingly. When she realised
what she was doing, she scowled at herself, coughing to regain a
semblance of balance. “Yes, well as I was saying, I don’t want
people to treat me differently. I don’t want people bowing to me,
calling me Lady and I’m perfectly capable of bathing

There are some things even I can’t change Sara. You’re my
bride, to call you a Lady is the least people ought to do, I can’t
change that. And as for bowing? All people are taught to respect
their superiors.”

I’m no one’s superior Lucian.”

Again Sara, you’re my bride. That makes you superior to all
but me.”

Sara’s cheeks warmed at the compliment and she felt her anger
slipping away until there was only one point left. “I won’t be
moved on the bathing and dressing issue Lucian. I can do both of
those myself.”

Did you not like the feeling of being pampered, taken care

I can take care of myself. Oh and Lucian, I think you should
know that if I find out that strange women are bathing you, running
their hands all over your body, I will not be happy. And if you
insist on keeping up the tradition then I will simply return the
favour and have strange men see to me in the bath.”

His eyes flashed red and his fangs lengthened
I’ll kill them all!
his mind hissed angrily. “Do not push me

Well then don’t push me either. If you can be jealous so can

He stared at her determined face for a few moments before his
shoulders slumped in defeat. “You’re right. No one shall bathe us
but each other from now on.”

I’m glad that we’re in agreement Lucian. I would have hated
to make good on my promise. Strange women made me feel sick, I
don’t think I could abide strange men touching me.”

That is how it should be Sara. No man will touch you but me
and live to speak of it. I will cut their tongues out before
gutting them on my sword.”

A little severe,” she admitted, “but you’ve reminded me of
something important.” She began struggling against his hold trying
to free herself from his steel-like arms. “Let me go

I like having you this close,” he purred in her ear. “What if
I don’t want to let you go?”

I didn’t say you had a choice in the matter.”

Fine.” He released his grip on her. “What is so important
that you had to fight to be free of me?”

Her hands moved to her back and she pulled the long sword and
its sheath from her body and presented them to Lucian. “I want you
to have this sword,” she rushed, embarrassment beginning to fill
her. “It’s not finished, so it won’t be perfect, but I want you to
have it. I was going to make it just like I make every other sword
but then I realised you aren’t like everyone else, you deserve the
best I can give. I want to craft this sword for only you so please,
take it and tell me how it feels. I want to know everything. How
the balance feels in your hand, if it’s too heavy, how well it
cuts, whether you like the material of the hilt…well you get the
idea.” She thrust the sword at him. “Here, take it. Like I said it
isn’t perfect but it will do for now. Before dawn comes tell me
what you think and I’ll work on correcting it.”

He was stunned into silence for a moment, unsure of how to
react. She was constantly surprising him with her generosity and he
was beginning to feel increasingly selfish. After all that she’d
given him, he’d given her nothing in return. “I don’t know what to

You don’t have to say anything, just take it.” She thrust the
sword at him again, smiling when he lifted the heavy weight from
her palms and placed the sword at his hip. “I want you to be safe
so this is the least I can do seeing as I won’t be fighting along
side you. How are we meant to marry if you’re hurt?”

His hands had been moving steadily, placing the sword in its
new resting place but they stilled at her words.

Her confidence faltered when she saw his reaction to
statement, old doubts filling her mind.
was half asleep when he said that, he probably doesn’t even
remember saying it. He never meant it.
words meant to reassure and offer comfort hurt, the sting sharp and
painful. “I don’t know what I’m talking about,” she giggled, the
sound of her laughter sounding false even to her ears. “Marriage?
It suits some better than others I suppose.”
And it doesn’t suit me at all,
sighed ruefully.

He moved then, pulling her body close and claiming her lips
in a searing kiss. She gasped, shocked at the abrupt change in his
behaviour and he captured the sound, using the opportunity to slip
his hot tongue past the seam of her lips and into the cavern of her
mouth. Groaning, she wrapped her arms around his neck and gave
herself over to the sensations he so easily inspired within her.
When he pulled away from her she was breathless, her eyes were
glazed over with desire and all coherent thought seemed to have

You are the most confusing person I have ever met Sara. One
minute you accept my proposal and in the same breath turn me down.
You are going to marry me Sara, there are no

Do I not get a say in the matter?” she teased.

No. You’ve had your say and didn’t seem able to make up your
mind so I’ve chosen what is best for you.”

And that’s you?”

He leaned in so close that she could see every minute detail
on his beautiful face as his breath ghosted across her skin. “Of
course it’s me. We will be married Sara.”

Happiness flooded her and her smile could have rivalled the
sun in brightness. “If that’s what you think is for the best then
who am I to disagree? We’re going to be married.”


But let me guess…it won’t be until after your war is

War is hardly conducive to a wedding ceremony.”

In that case, you’d better hurry and make peace with William.
You expect me to do a lot of waiting for you, who knows how long my
patience will last.”

You know that you don’t want to be rid of me,” he purred, as
he began to kiss the slender column of her neck.

Russell coughed loudly, trying to distract them from each
other. “My Lord?”

Lucian turned dark eyes on him though he made no attempt to
distance himself from Sara’s small body. “Yes?”

I need to speak with you privately. It is urgent. I believe
what I will have to say will greatly affect the likelihood of
making peace with William.”

Sara began to shove at his chest, trying to force him to
create distance between them. “Off you go Lucian. I want you to
make peace with William.”

I will try though it will be hard after what he did
yesterday. Just recalling the sight of his hands on you makes me
want to kill him.”

Well then try not to remember.”

And what will you do while I’m away?”

I have a project I want to work on as soon as I have pen and
paper. I’ll be fine.”

And what if Seraphina begins to rise?”

Then I’ll call you. Just go,” she laughed, finally managing
to push him away. “Take him Russell but take good care of him and
bring him back to me in one piece.”

He bowed. “Of course my Lady.”

She turned pleading eyes on Lucian. “Are you sure there’s
nothing you can do about the bowing and ‘my Lady’?”

Absolutely,” he laughed as he walked out of the

This way,” Russell directed, his path leading them down the
stairs. “There is something I need to show you. The horses have
been saddled and we are ready to depart immediately.”

Whatever it is you have to show me must be very important,
you are very well prepared.”

I’m always prepared my Lord.”

That is true.”

But you’re right, what I have to tell you is very

The atmosphere in the tavern was tense; the lines that
separated the vampires within very clear. On one side of the room
sat the vampires that Lucian had brought with him including a very
irate looking Gareth and on the other the Malachites though
William’s presence was noticeable absent. His men began to rise
from their seats in greeting when Lucian entered the hall but as
Russell continued walking towards the exit, he motioned for them to
remain seated. Russell was well aware of the import of this
meeting; whatever he had to say would not take long. He strode
outside and mounted his horse.

We must be quick Russell.”

Of course my Lord,” he responded, spurring his horse into a
swift gallop.

They travelled in silence for a few minutes, leaving the
wealth and glamour of the upper city behind and descending into the
squalor of the poor parts of the city.

Russell slowed to a halt, dismounting and leading the horse
by the reins through the increasingly narrow streets. Lucian
followed suit, falling into step with his friend.

So Russell, what exactly are we doing out here?”

I wanted to discuss the peace talks with you.”

We could have done that back at the tavern,” he commented

Yes we could have done but then Gareth would be doing his
best to influence you in favour of continued warfare. William has
given us a chance to put our differences behind us, we should make
proper use of it.”

It’s true that Gareth is wary of diplomacy but he has good
reason. William is not to be trusted. No one who places such little
value on life should ever be taken at their word.”

Lord Lucian you seem to be condemning him before he has even

I’m just being cautious. It’s strange that he would change
his beliefs with so little warning. William views humans as cattle,
there only for his needs. He doesn’t seem to realise that we need
them more than they need us. He hardly seems capable of making such
a change in perspective alone. They out number us at present but if
we were all like William and killed them as we fed their numbers
would dwindle and then what would become of us?”

Nothing!” a loud voice boomed. William stepped out of from
the shadows of the narrow street they had walked down and Lucian
instantly bared his fangs in anger. Unimpressed by the display,
William smiled. A slight movement of his hands had men pouring from
the shadows to surround the two on all sides. “Nothing would become
of us Lucian,” William continued. “We would force them to breed and
kill them as we required. Humans are cattle, nothing

Lucian was silent, his eyes darting the length of the street
trying to assess the situation. He silently cursed at the potential
obstacles to escape while simultaneously relishing the idea of
dispatching with William's treacherous self and ending the
conflict. He was so wrapped up in his internal thoughts that he
almost missed William's next words though what greeted his ears
made him wish he had.

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