Searching for a New Home (5 page)

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Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #murder, #intrigue, #cowboy, #wyoming

BOOK: Searching for a New Home
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When the sheriff leaves me in the cell I pray
what the sheriff said is true.

Jacob leaves the jail and goes to the
prosecutor's office where he gets copies of all the evidence they
have gathered so far in the case. It appears the guy was shot with
a 9MM Glock that was registered to Jana Bowen out of Texas. Her
fingerprints were on the gun as he expected. No other prints were
identified but smudges like someone might have handled the gun with
gloves were found. She also tested positive for gun powder residue
on her hands as she had said. No eye witnesses to the shooting were
found. A few people inside the restaurant heard the shot but no one
saw anything. He did find reports from customers at the restaurant
that told of Jana's argument with the scraggly man inside the
restaurant but no one seems to have witnessed their encounter

He then heads to the Clerk's office where he
posts Jana's bond and gets the necessary papers to have her
released into his custody. He had to speak personally to the judge
and get permission for Jana to leave the state with him.

Jacob returns to the jail around five with
the appropriate paperwork to get me released. A photographer takes
pictures from every angle of the bruises on my face and arms. The
Sheriff furnishes me a shapeless jumpsuit to wear ... at least it
is not orange! Then Jacob and I leave the jail together. As soon as
we get in Jacob's rental car, he removes his suit coat and the tie
from around his neck. He breathes a sigh of relief and smiles at
me. He rolls back his shirt sleeves revealing his tanned, muscular
forearms. He says,

"Whew! I can't believe I use to wear those
things every day. It is sheer torture."

We head to the restaurant where the shooting
took place. He examines where the body had been lying comparing
every detail to the police report. It all happened toward the back
of the parking lot where no one inside would have a view from the
restaurant windows. He asks me where my SUV had been parked that
night. I indicate a spot closer to the building but still out of
the view of the windows and a good distance from where Frank
Gibbons was shot. After he is satisfied with what he has seen, we
head for the airport in Butte Montana.


During the short drive to the airport in
Butte, Montana, Jacob continues to ask me questions about the case
after he explains,

"Jana, the judge released you on bail after I
promised to be personally responsible for making sure you return to
Dillon for trial. Without that promise, the judge would not have
granted bail and would not have released you because you don't have
a residence in the area. That is also why I am taking you back to
Wyoming with me."

"I really appreciate it Jacob. I know you
didn't have to do that, so thank you. I promise I won't let you
down. I understand how serious this whole situation is and that you
put your reputation on the line for me."

A light blush rolls up Jacob's neck, "I do
have a couple of more questions. Tell me about the twenty thousand
dollars that is listed on your list of possessions."

"Well, that is the equity I received from the
sale of my house in Texas. I plan to use it to make a new

"Where are you planning on settling

"I don't know. I plan to keep visiting
different places until I find a town that feels right. I know that
probably sounds a little crazy to you, but I believe the town has
to fit me as well as my fitting the town."

"What happened that made you decide to leave

"Well, the manufacturing plant where I worked
as the bookkeeper shut its doors so I didn't have a job. I don't
have any family left and I have always wanted to live in the
mountains, so here I am. I felt it would also make it harder for
Frank to find me. I just never expected to be accused of his

When we reach Butte we board Jacob's private
jet and head to his ranch near Cody Wyoming.

This is my first experience flying in a small
private jet. I am amazed at the luxurious interior and comfortable
seats. A flight attendant serves us a sumptuous meal of filet
mignon and roasted potatoes in flight.

Jacob and I chat companionably about my
travels while we eat.

Almost immediately Jacob regrets his decision
to let Jana stay at the ranch until the trial. He really doesn't
know anything about the woman. He is worried because she is
obviously homeless and transient. Yes, she was kind to Dani, and he
does owe her for seeing to Dani's safety after Cybil abandoned her
in that truck stop, but how far does that debt extend. He is, after
all, representing her pro bono. And he has to remember Dani. Will
his child be safe with the woman on the ranch? Probably, but what
if Dani falls in love with her? She already seems fascinated with
her. Realistically, Jacob realizes Dani probably will fall in love
with Jana. Damn! But could he really have walked away and left her
locked in that jail for months? No, he owes her that much for sure.
He will just have to hope everything will work out. He prays this
decision doesn't hurt Dani.

Additionally, he is going to have to make
sure to maintain a distance, physically and emotionally. Jana Bowen
is just too attractive for his peace of mind and he mustn't forget
that zing of sexual attraction they shared when they shook hands at
the jail. He has no intention of ever getting seriously involved
with another woman. After his tumultuous marriage to Beverly and
his obvious mistakes with Cybil, he has serious doubts about his
ability to judge the character of women. It is just better if he
steers clear of them completely.


I am so relieved to be out of jail. I am
shocked that Jacob agreed to take responsibility for me and take me
into his home. After all he doesn't know anything about me except
what I told him earlier. If he hadn't agreed I would have been
stuck in that tiny jail cell until after the trial. I am not sure I
could have tolerated being in jail for that long.

I am excited to get to spend more time with
Dani. I adore the child and am looking forward to getting to know
her better. I look across the aisle at Jacob's profile. He is
looking at his notes and writing more. He is so handsome. Watching
the way his hands look holding the pen and moving across the paper
makes me wonder what it would feel like to have his hands caress my
Stop it Jana, don't even think it! He is
a man, which you don't need, and obviously one that is way out of
your league. Oh my God, he owns a private jet! That speaks more
about his wealth than just about anything else could. Just be
grateful he is helping you with this murder charge.


It is late when we finally pull into the yard
at the ranch near Cody, Wyoming and everyone is already in bed. I
have a brief glimpse in the moonlight of a large two story log home
with several outbuildings and corrals. A covered porch with a split
log hand rail extends the entire length of the front with rocking
chairs grouped on either end.

The entry hall has wooden plank floors
polished to a bright sheen and a high ceiling with an antique glass
chandelier. The walls are painted beige. A braided wall hanging in
a Native American design of red and black decorates one wall. To
the right is a staircase, straight ahead appears to be a great room
and on the left is a dining room with a rough hewn table that looks
like it will seat at least twelve. He escorts me up the stairs and
shows me to a room and then proceeds down to the end of the hall
where he retires for the night.

I am exhausted and literally fall into the
luxuriously soft bed sleeping in just my underwear. After the first
restful sleep I have managed in days, I awake to sunshine coming in
through the curtains. I stretch the kinks out of my muscles and
look slowly around the spacious room. The pale yellow walls are
complemented by the down comforter in a deeper shade of yellow
covering the bed. The furniture is a light oak and appears to be
antique and very well cared for. In addition to the double bed I
see a double dresser with a huge beveled mirror. An antique rocker
sits in one corner with what appears to be an afghan in various
shades of yellow thrown over the arm. The adjoining bath has cream
marble walls with pale yellow towels and accessories.

I climb out of bed and pull back the white
eyelet curtains and peer outside. The beauty of the lush green
meadows with grass nearly knee high and horses grazing peacefully
as well as the snow topped mountains in the distance envelops me
and I am overcome with a feeling deep in my soul that I have
finally come home. I vigorously shake my head because that is a
ridiculous notion. This is Jacob Murray's home, not mine. I am only
a guest here for a little while and I better make sure I never
forget that fact.

I quickly shower in the luxurious bathroom,
pull my wet hair back in a ponytail, and dress in yesterday's
wrinkled jumpsuit because that's all I have to wear. The clock on
the bedside table indicates it is not yet seven o'clock. I quietly
head down the stairs to explore my new surroundings. I walk into
the great room where a massive stone fireplace is the focal point
of the room. A long mantel above displays photos, primarily of
Dani. The fireplace is surrounded by a grouping of comfortable
looking dark brown leather sofas and chairs. A multi colored
braided rug covers the wooden plank floor. In the corner is a giant
screen TV where cartoons are playing.

I hear a squeal and am almost knocked off my
feet when Dani launches herself into my arms screaming, "Jana!" I
pull the child into a warm embrace and breathe in her little girl
smell. I am filled to overflowing with a feeling of happiness deep
in my soul.

Dani is so excited. Jana is here! Now her
Daddy will get to know her and love her just like she does. She
says, "Jana, I am so glad to see you!"

Jana replies, "I'm glad to see you too!"

Jacob rises from his chair at the table in
the dining room and calls to her, "Come on in the dining room,
Jana. Let me introduce you to the rest of the family." Holding
Dani's hand, I enter the dining room. "Jana Bowen, this is my twin
brother, Jason, and his wife Jenny. The old guy at the end of the
table is Bob Kenner, our ranch foreman and surrogate father and
grandfather. Bob has worked here for twenty years."

Laughing Bob rises from his chair shaking my
hand and says, "Hey, I'm barely fifty and that is not old. It's
nice to meet you, Jana. Welcome to the Rocking J."

"Thank you, it is nice to be here."

Jason rises from his place at the table and
takes my hand in his. Even though Jason and Jacob look identical to
each other, I notice the electrical spark that I shared with Jacob
when we touched is missing with Jason. I smile and then shake hands
with a very pretty, very pregnant Jenny.

Both welcome me with warm smiles. Jason says,
"We're so glad to finally meet you. Dani has been singing your
praises ever since her adventure in Casper. We all owe you our
sincere thanks for seeing to her safety. Please make yourself at
home while you are here."

"Thank you, I am just thankful I was able to
help Dani."

After enjoying a huge breakfast of pancakes,
sausage, and blueberry muffins, I help Jenny wash the dishes and
clean the kitchen. I am impressed with Jenny's gentle nature and am
looking forward to getting to know her better.

Once the kitchen is clean, I spend the
morning getting reacquainted with Dani and listening to all that
has happened since that day in Casper three weeks ago.

Dani says, "Jana, I am so glad you're here! I
didn't think I would ever see you again and that made me very

"Oh Sweetie, I'm glad I'm here too. I missed

When Dani takes me to the barn to introduce
me to her pony, Sheba, she asks, "Do you ride Jana?"

"Not really. I have always lived in the city
but I love horses. I always wanted one when I was a little girl but
I never got to have one. My daddy said we didn't have a place to
keep a horse."

"That's okay. Daddy and I will teach you to
ride." Dani tells her. "We all go riding together every week. Well,
Aunt Jenny can't go with us right now, but she will once the baby

Seeing Jana and Dani in the barn, Jacob
calls, "Hey you two. Dani what are you telling Jana? She doesn't
have to ride if she doesn't want to."

"She wants to Daddy. She always wanted a pony
when she was a little girl like me but she never got to have one. I
just told her you would teach her to ride so she can come with us
when we go together." Dani says patiently.

Smiling indulgently Jacob says, "Oh, I see.
Jana I'll be happy to teach you to ride. We have a very gentle mare
that is perfect for people when they first start out."

I help Jenny prepare a light lunch and insist
on helping her clean the house with me doing the heavy cleaning.
Late that afternoon my SUV rolls into the yard. Jacob had made
arrangements to have it delivered with all of my clothes and other
belongings. After carrying all of my clothes up to my room and
unpacking I ask Jenny,

"Do you mind if I do some laundry?"

Jenny laughs, "Of course not! Make yourself
at home." Her friendliness warms my heart. I am going to like it


Thinking over Jana's case as he works with
the horses, it occurs to Jacob that someone must have taken Jana's
Glock out of her car at one of her stops after leaving the gun
range in Bozeman. They must have seen her with the weapon at the
gun range and then watched as she placed it in the console of her

"Jana, I want you to carefully go through the
belongings in your car and see if anything else is missing. Someone
must have taken your Glock so maybe they took something else we can

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