Read Sean's Sweetheart Online

Authors: Allie Kincheloe

Sean's Sweetheart (12 page)

BOOK: Sean's Sweetheart
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Chapter Twenty-nine



Talia became a regular at the club since Sean worked almost every night Garden was open. Her habit of stopping by to see him meant the employees were used to seeing her there. Angie, one of the waitresses, even hung a reserved sign on the end barstool Talia favored. It had been a joke, but no one removed it.

Talia walked in one night after work and Sean wasn't behind the bar. Thinking he must be getting more liquor or doing paperwork in the office, she headed toward the back with a smile. Perhaps if she could get him alone back there she could get a decent kiss, something more than the brief pecks on the cheek he limited himself to up front.

Seeing the door to the office open, she stepped inside. The moment she did, the smile slid right off her face. Sean stood in the middle of the office with a tall leggy blonde in a skin-tight red dress pressed against him, arms around his neck, kissing him.

Talia almost couldn't bear to watch, but like with a car wreck, she couldn't look away. The knot in Talia's throat wouldn't let her breathe. She stood in the doorway, mouth gaping, completely speechless. How could she ever compete with a woman who looked like that? With a woman whose legs were a good foot longer than hers? Sean was a tall guy; it would make sense he preferred a woman who didn't give him a crick in the neck every time they kissed.

Sean shoved the blonde off him. He ran a hand through his hair and growled. "Casey, what's that for? I haven't seen you in two years. You can't just come in here and plant one on me like that."

With a tinkling laugh, the leggy beauty responded, "But, Sean, darling, you know you missed me. I certainly missed you." Her hand roamed over Sean's broad chest in a suggestive manner.

Talia's heart pounded loud enough to drown out the music from the bar. Her boyfriend had a beautiful woman draped all over him, one he had an apparent history with. Talia tried to take a deep breath, but inhaled a cloud of cheap perfume. Her lungs burned. She would swear there was no oxygen in the room. She couldn't leave though, and she couldn't pry her eyes away from Sean.

Shaking his head, Sean laughed. "I'm seeing someone, Case. So, go out front and have a few drinks—have a good time—but keep your painted claws off me. Okay?"

"What fun is that though, lover?" she purred, sliding her body flush with his again.

Talia must have moved because she caught Sean's attention. His head jerked toward the door. He rushed toward her blurting, "Talia, this isn't what it looks like."

Laughing again, the blonde behind him asked, "Is this your little girlfriend? Sean, I never pegged you for the kind who'd go after the young ones."

"Shut up, Casey. Get the hell out."

He put a hand on Talia's arm. "Sweetheart, let me explain." There were tears in her eyes when he pulled her into an embrace. "Don't cry. You probably guessed already, but Casey and I used to date. Broke up two years ago. I hadn't seen her since. Hell, she hadn't even crossed my mind in almost that long."

"Ouch! You haven't even thought of me? Sean, that is so mean. I've wanted you back since you left. I thought of you every day." The blonde kept trying to run one of her perfectly manicured hands through Sean's hair. He let Talia go to swat at Casey's hands.

"Casey, go away. Please." Sean glared at the other woman until she stomped out of the office. Once she left, he tugged Talia further into the room and pushed the door closed.

"I didn't know she was coming. I came back to get some change. She was there when I turned around. She grabbed me and kissed me before I could do anything. I didn't kiss her back, I swear." Sean sank down onto the couch and pulled Talia down into his lap.

"I saw you push her away and heard you say you were seeing me." Talia sniffed.

"Please believe me, sweetheart. When I started seeing you, that was it for me. I'd never see someone else behind your back. I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of, but cheating's not my style." Holding her close and pressing small kisses into her hair, Sean rubbed her back until her crying subsided. She snuggled closer to him, inhaling his comforting scent. With her nose pressed right to his shirt, the lingering stench of perfume was hardly noticeable.

"Sean, can I ask you something?" Talia hesitated, but she had to ask. Seeing what his ex looked like, she had to know why he liked her. Even if hearing the answer hurt.

"Anything. What do you want to know?"

"Why would you date me when you've dated women like her? She's so tall and voluptuous, and I'm... just not. She's closer to your age. Guess I wonder, why me?"

"Talia, you are sweet and funny. So what if you aren't as tall or voluptuous as Casey? You are prettier than she could ever dream of being. She doesn't have two brain cells to rub together in her head. Talking to her is like talking to a brick wall. I love the conversations we have. I like holding you like this. The way you fit against me." He brushed his lips against hers, keeping the kiss soft and tender. "Yes, she's closer to my age and you know I had an issue with our age difference at first. But I've gotten past that now." He gave a mocking laugh before continuing, "I can't believe you're insecure about my interest in you. I keep waiting for you to open your eyes and find someone better than me. I'm crazy about you. Surely you know that?"

Pulling him down for another kiss, Talia poured her feelings into the embrace. Things soon got heated. Talia straddled Sean and slipped her hand into the neck of his shirt to clutch at his hot skin. With one hand entangled in her hair, Sean drew her closer and deepened the kiss.

His other hand caressed her bottom and pulled her snug against his body. When she ground her hips into him, he groaned and his grip on her hip tightened. He hardened beneath her and she could feel his erection straining within his jeans. His mouth trailed down the side of her face, nipping at her throat gently. She shuddered as his breath blew hot against skin his mouth had just moistened. Arching so that he had better access, she moaned in pleasure when she felt his light suckle on her pulse point.

The creak of the door opening startled them both. She buried her face in the hollow of his throat in embarrassment.

"Fuck." Sean cursed at the interruption.

"Sorry, boss, I, uh… I, uh… didn't mean to interrupt. Just checking on that change order. We're out of ones at the bar."

"I'll bring it out in a fucking minute, Jack. Give me a moment, please."

"Yeah, sure thing, boss man. And hey, at least one of us is getting some action."

Sean and Talia burst into laughter as soon as the door closed behind the red-faced employee.

"This is so not the place to get carried away," Sean said to as he gave Talia one last kiss.

"No, definitely not, I'll just go now. I don't know if I can face Jack after that. Um… lunch tomorrow? Call me when you get up, I'm free after my class that ends around eleven until I have to be at work at five."

"Sure thing, sweetheart, I'll look forward to it."



Chapter Thirty



With pizza and a movie in hand, Talia rapped on Sean's door. The horror movie she'd picked held little interest for her. It was a convenient excuse to snuggle up with Sean; an excuse that was truly unnecessary. Once they had officially started dating, Sean had dropped his hands-off approach and touched her every chance he got.

Their relationship was definitely getting physical. At times, Talia couldn't decide if things were moving too fast or not fast enough. Sean wasn't pushing, but she got lost in his kisses and would forget reality. If they weren't careful, they ended up kissing and snuggling for hours, literally. They'd had dinner one day and had gone back to his apartment, started kissing, and by the time they broke apart it had been three in the morning. Caleb had certainly never been content to just sit and kiss her like that.

She could tell that their kisses aroused Sean, but he let her set the pace and backed off if she was uncomfortable. Was he happy with their relationship as is? And after seeing his ex yesterday, she worried that he not only wanted more, but needed more from their relationship than she had given him. After settling in next to him on the couch, Talia let out a deep sigh.

"Something wrong, sweetheart?" She felt his chest rumble against her as he spoke.

"No, not at all, just thinking about how I don't want to leave you to go to work later."

"Well, I have to work too. Drinks won't pour themselves," he muttered while fiddling with her hair. "You sure that's all? If something's bothering you, go ahead and tell me."

She sighed again, before whispering to him, "Are you happy with how things are between us?"

"What? Why wouldn't I be happy? Is this because of Casey? I told you, things with her were done long ago. I only want you. I'm crazy about you, Talia."

"But she was all over you and well, it was obvious that you two had…" Talia trailed off, and Sean stared at her for a moment before it clicked what she was asking.

"Oh, this is about sex. You want to know if I'm happy that we haven't made love yet."

Not looking at him, Talia laid her head against his plaid shirt and busied her hand with one of his buttons as she nodded.

"I'd be lying if I told you that I didn't want to. But," he paused and put his hand under her chin with a gentle lift that made her look up at him. "I am fine with waiting until you're ready. Really, I am. I'd rather wait than rush into something you aren't ready for and ruin things between us. And that's the honest truth. You are right that Casey and I… were intimate, though. Again, that was years ago and I hadn't had a single thought of her in nearly two years. She's entirely forgettable. That's something you'll never be."

He lowered his head and she rose up to meet him in a passionate kiss. Pulling her into his lap, Sean held her firm against his muscular chest. He ran one hand up her bare leg, the dress she was wearing today allowing him access where her pants last night had not. She shivered at his touch and yanked his shirt free from his jeans so that she could run her hands up under it. He moaned against her throat as she moved her hands over his chest, grazing against her with his teeth when she tugged at the coarse hair on his chest.

Working the buttons loose on his shirt, she shoved it off his shoulders. He pulled back enough to free his arms from the sleeves before scooping her into his arms and carrying her through the apartment and laying her on his bed. Climbing up over her, Sean began kissing her again. She clung to him, her hands savoring the hot feel of his skin against her.

With a groan, Sean pulled himself away from Talia. With a mumbled curse, he laid his forehead against hers. "Is this what you want? Don't feel obligated or pressured into anything, sweetheart. I meant it when I said I could wait."

"I don't want to rush things, but I was certainly enjoying that. I could kiss you all day," she reassured him with a giggle.

Rolling off her and pulling her with him, he ended up on his back with her half on top of him. "I didn't even think about asking if you wanted to come in here. I just picked you up and went."

"You didn't hear me saying no, did you? Unless I said no and you didn't stop, then you have no reason to feel guilty, my big silly man," Talia scolded him in a playful manner. She ran her fingers around a scar she found on his ribcage. Raised and roundish, it had what appeared to be a surgical line running into it. "What happened there?"

He stiffened under her touch until it felt like she was cuddling one of the support columns at Garden. Finally, he released a ragged breath, and Talia thought for a moment he wasn't going to answer her.

Staring up at the ceiling, when he did speak his tone was clipped and tight, "My brother happened. He nearly killed me. It's a long story and I'd rather not get into the details right now. I… it's not pretty, let's leave it at that."

Talia didn't know how to respond. She was curious about what had happened. Was it an accident? She didn't know he even
a brother until that moment. Talking about it was upsetting him though, so she didn't ask any more questions. She stopped her exploration of his scar and ran her fingers through the dark hair covering his chest.

"What time is it?" she finally asked, not being able to think of another topic of conversation. They had lain there in silence for some time with only a few comforting kisses and caresses. Both had lost the urgency from earlier.

He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed his watch. "Four-fifteen, time to start getting ready for work, unfortunately."

Talia felt like crying. He was still troubled and she had to leave. "I'm sorry I upset you, Sean. I was curious, that's all."

"I'm not upset with you. You have every right to ask questions and someday I
answer them all. It's just… my past is just that. It's in the past. And I'm trying so damn hard to be the man I am now, not who I was then. It's almost like talking about a different lifetime. Telling you about it… that's not who I am anymore."

The expression on his face was so intense; she could tell that he had laid his heart bare to her in that moment. With tear-filled eyes, she pulled him to her for another kiss. "I know the man you are now, Sean. That's all that matters to me. I'd like to hear about your history at some point, but I won't push."

They shared one last lingering kiss before rising to get ready for work. It felt homey, her changing in the bedroom while Sean showered. It was nice. It felt right. She was glad to be leaving him on a better note. She still had to try to get her mom and dad off work on the same night as her and Sean so they could have dinner together since so far their schedules hadn't lined up. Her dad insisted on it, yet he'd been the one busy the last few weeks with some projects at work. Maybe this weekend it would all come together.

BOOK: Sean's Sweetheart
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