SEALed with a Kiss (Alpha SEALs Book 2) (10 page)

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“You okay?” Patrick asked from beside him.

“I’m fine,” Evan ground out.

Patrick raised his eyebrows.

Hell.  He was dating Alison’s best friend.  Women talked.  This night was just getting better and better.

“You probably heard I saw Alison again the other night.”

“Rebecca might have mentioned it,” he commented dryly.

“Let’s just say it didn’t end well.”

“Look, I’m hardly the man to give anyone relationship advice, but Rebecca did say Alison’s last boyfriend broke her heart.”

Evan raised his eyebrows.  He didn’t know the what or the how of the circumstances, but his blood heated at the idea of anyone hurting Ali.  She deserved more than some prick toying with her feelings.  Hell, the woman worked at a hospital taking care of sick kids all day.  She’d been worried about him walking her to the door in the rain a few weeks ago because he’d get wet, too.  All she did was think about other people.  And all that sweetness wrapped up in her sexy little body was almost too much to take.

Christopher started telling a story about some crazy ex-girlfriend of his just as the waitress brought them another round of drinks.  Beer bottles and shot glasses covered the table, and their group was growing louder and more boisterous as the night wore on.

Evan downed another shot, the second one going down more smoothly than the first.  Maybe after a few more he’d forget about the clusterfuck this entire week was turning into.  He didn’t see an easy way out of this situation short of pounding on Alison’s door and telling her to give him a fucking chance.  There was no way he could show her the kind of man he was if she was going to pull away every time he tried to get close.

He wanted to know more about her past.  What exactly had this ex done that had her so spooked about relationships?

“The best part of leaving Coronado was knowing I’d never have to see her again,” Christopher continued.

“The babes were smoking hot out there,” Brent said.  “How bad could she have been?”

Evan’s eyes swept the room.  The last thing he needed was to listen to Christopher drone on and on about some chick he’d been with years ago.  The brunette from earlier was still watching Evan, and he slid his gaze over her body.  She was attractive.  Not stunning in the way Ali was, but pretty enough.  And hell.  Was she licking her lips?

What was wrong with him tonight?

Alison wasn’t his.  Maybe never would be if she had her way.  The
too young
for her explanation was obviously just an excuse, because she’d been more than happy to have dinner with him—twice—and let him undress her.  The memory of going down on her had him groaning in exasperation.  It just figured that the one woman he was slowly becoming addicted to wasn’t interested in actually dating him.

He didn’t take Ali for a one-night-stand kind of girl.  She’d obviously frozen up at the thought of them getting too intimate, going any further, but damn.  He hadn’t been inside her yet, but he sure didn’t kiss every woman the way he had at her front door.  He sure didn’t pleasure every woman so thoroughly with his mouth and his tongue, with no thought but of bringing her to complete ecstasy.  She’d been at his mercy, vulnerable and exposed to him, and the power he’d felt as he seized control of her body, kissing, licking, and sucking until he’d sent her soaring had made him feel about ten feet tall.  He’d wanted to roar in approval at the complete way she’d surrendered to him.

But holding her close in bed?  Apparently that shit was out of the question.

The brunette across the bar was still watching him, and he rose from the table.

Christopher stopped in the middle of his story and gazed over at the brunette batting her lashes as she watched Evan.  “She’s hot, buddy.”

Patrick narrowed his eyes, but hell if Evan was going to let Alison stop him from enjoying himself.  He wasn’t planning to go home with the woman, but maybe a little innocent flirting would take the edge off.  He wasn’t the type of man that needed a woman to nurse his wounds, but hell if he wasn’t feeling a little battered and bruised after the cold way Ali had dismissed him the other night.

He was halfway across Anchors in just a few strides, and the brunette left her friends, winding her way through the crowd to meet him.  A few male heads turned to watch her as she wove her way through the throngs of people.  She was cute.  Attractive.  But she wasn’t Alison.  Before he could say anything, the brunette launched herself into his arms, rubbing her breasts against his chest as she kissed him.  His hands slid to her hips, and he set her back down.  Her kiss did absolutely nothing for him, but she didn’t seem to notice or care and asked if he wanted to leave.

Just a few months ago, he probably would’ve taken her up on that offer.  Even if he wasn’t feeling it, who would he have been to turn down a good time with a pretty lady?  But now?  Not a fucking chance.

She brushed up against him again, getting up on her tip toes as she whispered promises for the night into his ear.  Was he ever into women this forward before?  Jesus.  Maybe he should send this chick Brent’s way.

She tugged on his earlobe with her teeth, trying to entice him.  It had the complete opposite effect, and he pulled away, the pout on her face making him want to groan in exasperation.  Maybe he should just call it a night.  Not a damn thing had been going his way since he walked in here an hour ago.

Suddenly, a feeling of dread washing over him.

His eyes swept over to the door.


Chapter 14


Alison’s stomach dropped as she saw Evan kissing the woman in the middle of Anchors.  What. The. Hell.  For a man who’d acted interested in her, who’d acted almost hurt that she’d brushed him off the other night, he’d sure moved on mighty fast.

Not that she cared.  He was obviously not serious about being in a relationship anyway if he kissed multiple women in a week.

Holy crap.  Had he taken this woman to bed as well?  They sure were acting awfully well-acquainted at the moment.  Was that woman tugging on his ear with her teeth? 

Alison flushed, anger and hurt coursing through her.

It just figured that the first guy she’d—surprisingly—been interested in and attracted to was about a million different ways wrong for her.  Too young.  Too carefree.  Too frequently deployed.  Too macho.  Too into sucking face with women he met in bars.

“Alison?” Rebecca asked.

Shoot.  They were blocking the doorway, a group of people behind them unable to go in. Well, no time like the present to turn around and leave.  There was no way she was staying here after witnessing Evan’s public displays of affection in the middle of Anchors.

“Rebecca!” Patrick called out, waving at her from across the bar.  Hell.  The entire table of SEALs looked over their way.  So much for escaping without anyone noticing.

“I have to go,” Alison whispered.

“What?” A huge smile spread across Rebecca’s face as she beamed at Patrick, but she cocked her head toward Alison.

“I have to go,” Alison repeated, louder this time.  Tears pricked the corners of her eyes, and she saw Evan trying to untangle himself from the woman he was with.

“But we just got here.  And I drove.”  Patrick was already making his way over to them, and there was no way Alison was going to cry in front of any of Evan’s friends.  Patrick would certainly give Evan hell for upsetting her, and there was no way she was dealing with the aftermath of that.  Better to cut her losses now and get the heck out of there.

Alison turned and bolted from the restaurant, leaving Rebecca standing there looking completely bewildered.  She hurried down the block, tears streaming down her cheeks as she edged around slow-moving pedestrians out for the evening.  Families and happy couples blocked her path, and she darted around them, moving faster.  Farther away.  The more distance she put between Evan and her, the better.

Why the hell had she been so stupid?  Evan was just like every other man—interested in a little fun for the time being but not interested in anything long term.  She should never have let him come over on Wednesday.  She already knew last weekend that it wouldn’t work between them. But had that stopped her?  Not in the slightest.  She’d let him into her bed for God’s sake.
Shit.  Shit.  Shit

A few people stared at her as she hurried down the block to the boardwalk.  She had no idea where she was going and didn’t even care.  God, she never should have agreed to go to Anchors with Rebecca.  They’d had a nice dinner at one of their favorite seafood restaurants, and then Patrick had texted Rebecca to say the team was meeting up for a drink after a tough day.  Why Alison thought she could go where Evan most likely would be was beyond her.  Obviously she was a glutton for punishment.  She should’ve just taken a cab from the restaurant and left.  Or borrowed Rebecca’s car—no doubt Patrick would’ve taken her home.

Finally, she made it to the boardwalk, the ocean breeze whipping her hair around.  She felt as crazed as the wind blowing in off the water.  The salty air assaulted her senses, and she hastily wiped her eyes.  At least out here, with the sun setting, no one would notice her tears.  They continued to fall, embarrassment and hurt competing within her.  She was the one who’d told Evan to leave the other night, so why did it hurt so much seeing him with another woman tonight?  Why was she letting this guy get under her skin?

It stung that she hadn’t brought a man to her place in months, and the first one she finally let in moved on without so much as a backward glance.  Nor had he given a second thought to her feelings.  Not that he owed her anything, but geez.  Rebecca was dating Patrick—certainly Evan would realize that his scene in the bar might get back to her whether he expected to run into her tonight or not.  Couldn’t he at least have been a little more discreet?

She didn’t need this kind of drama in her life.


She didn’t even know that Evan was behind her, but a second later, strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her back.  She collided into Evan’s solid chest, and he held her there, his front to her back.  His warmth and strength surrounded her, the scent that was pure Evan filling her with both comfort and desire.  She was supposed to be running from him, upset and angry, so why did his embrace feel so good?

Her body didn’t care that her heart felt as fragile as glass, about to be shattered into a million little pieces again.  It wanted nothing but Evan.

He rested his chin on her head, his large body holding her close. “Don’t cry,” he murmured, and it took a second for her to realize that she was shaking in his arms.

“Just leave me alone.”

“You ran out of there like the place was on fire.”

“You were kissing her,” she said, hating the tears that fell.  She swatted at them, trying to pull free.

Evan released her but caught her elbow as she began to walk away, turning her to face him.  “She kissed me.  I sure as hell don’t want to be kissing any woman but you.”

“It sure didn’t look that way,” she snapped.

A stray tear ran down her cheek, and she swiped it away, watching as Evan’s eyes softened.

“You’re the one that told me to leave the other night.”

“I just—” she looked away, more tears falling.  What did she want?

“I don’t want any other woman.  I can’t get you out of my mind, Ali.”


“I want to finish what we started the other night,” he said, his voice rough.  It was sexy as hell.  His blue eyes sparked with desire, and despite the hurt and her tears, she wanted him.  Maybe even because it had hurt to see him with someone else, she wanted him more.  The sight of him kissing that other woman had sent jealousy coursing through her entire body.  She didn’t want Evan’s lips on another woman.  Didn’t want his hands touching someone else.

It was her that needed his tender kisses, his sweet caresses, and those soft lips brushing over her skin.  She’d completely surrendered to him the other night, letting him command her body in ways no man ever had before, and she couldn’t fathom being that intimate with someone else.  Couldn’t imagine some other man touching her the way he did.

She didn’t want another man; she wanted him.

The air between them grew thick as Evan stepped closer, his focus only on her.

“I need you, Ali.”

“This wouldn’t work,” she pleaded.  Her heart was palpitating so quickly, she was certain it was about to pound right out of her chest.  Why the hell did she have to want him so damn much?

“I know.” He caught her face between two massive hands and ducked down, planting a kiss on her lips.  It was hot, aggressive, and controlling.

“We just can’t be together,” she gasped.

“I know.” Another searing kiss.

“I just can’t—”

The rest of the words never came as Evan claimed her mouth with his own.  His tongue swept into her mouth, dancing with hers as she surrendered to him. He tasted of whiskey and something else dark and distinctively Evan.  His clean scent surrounded her—no aftershave tonight.  A hint of sweat clung to his skin, no doubt from chasing her down the block all the way from Anchors.  The hint of salt somehow added to his musky appeal, making her want him all that much more.  He was all male.  Big and strong, commanding, controlling—everything that she wasn’t.

Thank God he hadn’t just let her run off like a fool.

He backed her against the railing of the boardwalk, and she clung to him, helpless to the feelings of lust and desire washing over her.  His massive body towered over hers, and she wanted all of him.  Desperately.

“I need you, Ali,” he muttered, his voice gravel.  “Right now.”

His thick erection pressed into her belly, and she felt her panties dampen with her arousal.  Damn Evan for making her feel this way.  For stirring up desires and longings she never should have with a guy like him.

His hands slid to her bottom, cupping and squeezing, and he pulled her closer as she gasped.

It felt so good pressing up against Evan’s solid frame.  To feel how aroused he was for her.  He was muscular and solid, pure alpha male wanting to control and dominate. To please and sate.  And her body couldn’t get enough.

“Where’d you park?” she managed to ask.

“A block away.  Come on,” he said, tugging on her hand.

“Wait, I should text Rebecca first,” she said pulling free of his grasp.

“I told her I’d make sure you got safely home.”  His eyes were dark with lust and arousal, blue as sapphires under the darkening sky.  He took her hand again, lacing his thick fingers between her own, and they hurried down the block to his car.

The sun had already set as they walked into the darkened parking garage.  Sounds from the street filtered in—music thumping from stereos, car horns, snippets of conversation.  But the inside was completely silent.

They were all alone.

Alison saw Evan’s massive SUV parked in a far corner.  It was exactly the type of parking spot she’d avoid because it was so secluded, but Evan was six-feet-plus of solid muscle.  A Navy SEAL.  It wasn’t like anyone would mess with him.  They walked to the passenger door, right next to the far wall of the garage.  Evan clicked the remote to unlock the doors, the
echoing throughout the walls of concrete. Alison reached for the handle, but Evan suddenly gripped her hips from behind her, pushing her against the SUV.

“Evan, someone will see us,” Alison whispered frantically as his hands slid to her breasts and he ground his erection into her ass.

“I won’t let anyone see you.”

The gauzy sundress she had on did nothing to conceal her from him.  She might as well have been wearing absolutely nothing at all.  His hands kneaded and caressed her aching breasts, and his large frame bent over hers, shielding her.  Dominating her.  He plucked at her nipples, which had peaked beneath the thin material.  He teased and tormented her, causing her to gasp and rock back against him.

One muscular hand slid to her thigh, and he teasingly traced upward toward her throbbing center.

“What kind of sexy panties do you have on today?” Evan growled, nipping at her earlobe.

“Evan,” she moaned.  Her mind was screaming at her that this was a bad idea, but her body just didn’t care.  Couldn’t resist.  Evan’s touch felt too good.  She was too worked up from earlier, adrenaline still coursing through her body.  Every touch, every kiss of Evan’s was sending her higher, building her up even more.  When she finally fell, she’d never be the same.

He grazed her inner thigh with his fingertips, slowly, confidently, finally reaching her center.  She was already drenched, aching for him.  He slipped his hand inside her panties and cupped her sex.  The way his hand rested there, between her silky underwear and bare lips, was driving her absolutely wild.  It was possessive and sexy as hell.   She was his, whether she wanted to be or not.  Evan was once again in complete and utter control.

She sighed softly as he eased his fingers through her wet folds, teasing and caressing her.  No other man’s touch had ever made her feel this way—so lost, so teetering on the edge, and so completely at his mercy.  His fingers fluttered against her, and she nearly lost it right there.

Evan’s other large hand squeezed one breast, and she gasped, desire overtaking her.  He slid two thick fingers into her molten core, filling and stretching her.  Possessing her.  She gasped, and slowly, he began pumping them in and out.

“Fuck, baby, you’re so wet.  Do you want me to make you come?”

“Yes,” Alison gasped, helplessly thrusting against him.  She needed more.  She needed everything.

He lightly bit her neck, sending shivers through her entire body.  He owned her—mind, body, and soul.  She couldn’t move away if she wanted to—her very existence centered on Evan and the exquisite pleasure he was giving her.

His fingers slid upward to her clit, tracing her arousal around the swollen nub.  She cried out as shockwaves began to burst through her body.  She was about to come any second, unable to hold back from the onslaught of pleasure.  “I bet you’ll feel so good, baby,” Evan murmured huskily into her ear.  “I can’t wait to be inside you.”

His fingers swirled faster and faster, and heat coiled down from her center, spreading through her entire body.  The waves of her orgasm began to overtake her, and she was about to be pulled under, helpless to the pleasure Evan sought from her.  He pinched her nipple through her flimsy dress and worked his hand in her panties even faster.  She glanced down, completely aroused at seeing his large hand touching her so intimately.  She was still completely dressed, but Evan was building her higher and higher, commanding her body, just as he’d done in her bed a few days ago.

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