SEALed Bride: A Bad Boy Romance (Includes bonus novel Jerked!) (12 page)

BOOK: SEALed Bride: A Bad Boy Romance (Includes bonus novel Jerked!)
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slipped out of bed just as the sun was rising. Selena was still sleeping peacefully, and I didn’t feel like waking her.

I padded out into the main room and sat down on the couch. It felt good to finally sleep in a damn bed and not have to stay on the couch.

It felt even better to get a taste of that pussy. But it was dangerous, too. We’d spent the night exploring each other’s bodies, not stopping to think about what we were doing. I made her come again and again, made her swallow my cum, made her take my cock, gave her what she wanted and took what I wanted.

And I wanted it again. And again. And again.

Which was dangerous as hell in my line of work. Yeah, true, I wasn’t out running missions anymore, but I was still a damn SEAL. I could be called up to serve at any point, and frankly I hoped I would, and soon. I didn’t need another attachment, and yet when I thought of that pussy, I couldn’t imagine not having her wrapped around me.

It was pretty fucked, truth be told. I came into this hoping to find a nice girl to parade in front of the cameras, pay her good for it at the end of it all. I had never expected to start fucking her, and to want it so fucking intensely that I could feel her pulsing in my veins. But there I was, fucking hard in the morning just thinking about her sweet cunt sliding soaked up along my hard cock.

I stood up and walked over to the phone. I ordered some room service breakfast, including plenty of coffee and some stuff I thought Selena might want to eat. True, I was walking around in just my underwear, but I could at least be a fucking gentleman.

I put the TV on to some baseball highlights and zoned out, thinking back over the night. I kept thinking about her back arched as she came, saying my name over and over. That look on her face as her orgasm hit her like a truck drove me insane and lit a fire in my cock. It was amazing the way she begged for it, the way her pussy gripped my cock, and she never seemed to get tired of me fucking her nice and deep.

I could feel myself getting hungry for her again. Maybe I would have to go wake her up after all and give her a nice breakfast of my cock.

Before I could do that, there was a knock at the door. Grunting, I grabbed the pair of pants I had left on the ground the night before, slipped them on, and opened the door. The room service guy wheeled in the cart and set it up. I tossed him a few dollars and surveyed my food.

I heard some noise from the bedroom as I poured myself a cup of coffee and grabbed a handful of bacon. Selena emerged a minute later, wearing short cotton shorts and a thin white T-shirt, looking sexy as fuck with her hair all messy.

“Morning,” I grunted. “Got breakfast.”

“Oh. Good.” She walked over to the cart as I sat down at the table, sipping my coffee and watching her.

She glanced at me but quickly looked away. I frowned at that. Normally she couldn’t help but fucking stare at me, but this morning she was acting like a frightened woodland creature. If I spoke, I was willing to bet she’d scamper away and hide behind some trees.

“How’d you sleep?” I asked her.


“Food look okay?”

“Great. Thanks.”

Fuck. This was why I kicked every slut out after our one night together. I hated fucking awkwardness, hated fucking post-sex awkwardness even more. The girl was clearly feeling weird about all the work I’d put her body through and suddenly was acting weird.

We didn’t have to be all fucking lovey-dovey. I didn’t want that shit. We didn’t even have to fuck again, though that’d be nice. I just didn’t need this damn stupid awkwardness.

“Okay, let’s get it out there,” I said finally, unable to keep my damn mouth shut. “I fucked you last night, made you come again and again, and you can’t stop thinking about it.”

She stared at me, wide-eyed. Just like a doe caught in front of a speeding van.    I couldn’t help but laugh at her. Quickly, that fear turned into anger.

“You don’t have to be an asshole,” she said. “It’s not like I was drunk. I remember what we did.”

“Good. So no need to act weird about it.”

“I’m not.”

I laughed again, grinning at her. “Come off it. You’re acting all weird. I don’t need this awkward shit between us.”

“I’m not acting weird,” she said, annoyed. “But you’re definitely being a dick.”

“Whatever you say, girl. You’re my wife now though. You’ll have to get used to the sweet fucking I gave you.”

She made a face. “I’m not getting used to anything.” She poured herself a cup of coffee. “You’re so damn arrogant, you know that?”

“Maybe. And your pussy is like a fucking magnet for my steel cock.”

“Steel cock?” she said, laughing.

“Lighten up a bit, babe.”

She shook her head. “Look, you want to talk about last night?”

“Not really,” I said. “I just want this awkward shit to go away.”

“Fine. Last night happened. We can’t take it back. Let’s just pretend like it didn’t and go back to normal.”

I stared at her for a second. I didn’t want to pretend like it hadn’t happened. I wanted to keep fucking her, to keep making her say my name.

But I wasn’t some pussy-whipped pathetic loser. If she wanted to ignore it, then that was fine by me. I’d get what I wanted in the end.

“Whatever you say,” I grunted at her.

“Okay.” She turned and disappeared back into the bedroom.

So much for sleeping in the bed. I’d better get used to these damn couches, and quick.

I didn’t have much time to be annoyed about that. There was another knock at the door, and I had a pretty good guess about who it was.

I walked over and pulled it open. “Morning, Liv.”

“Put a shirt on,” she muttered, “and let me inside.”

I stepped back and she walked in. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Is your wife around?”

I heard the shower running and shook my head. “Sounds like she’s busy.”

“Good.” Livy sat down at the table and poured herself a cup of coffee. “Sit. Let’s talk.”

I sat down and sighed. “The fuck is this about, Liv? It’s early.”

“I know what’s happening with this girl,” she said.

I stared at her, grinning dangerously. “You’ve finally noticed our love?”

“Don’t bullshit me, Nash. I know this whole thing is a charade.”

“Why would I marry some random girl for absolutely no reason?”

“I’ve been wondering about that actually,” Liv said. “I know you hate this whole tour. I know there’s something going on here that I’m not aware of, and frankly I don’t really care about it.”

I smiled at her, listening. Livy was a capable person, bright and intuitive, and I knew she had figured all this out the second she saw us get off the plane.

What I didn’t know, though, was why she’d decided to bring it up now.

“Okay, Liv,” I said. “What’s your theory?”

“I believe you think marrying this normal girl will somehow endear you to the publishers. You’re probably hoping you can end this book tour sooner that way.”

I nodded. “I do fucking hate this tour, but I married Selena because we’re in love.”

Livy nodded. “Sure. But if that weren’t the case, this is what I’m offering.” She paused to sip her coffee. “I won’t tell the media that you sleep on the couch most nights. I won’t tell them that I’ve never seen the two of you kiss, flirt, or really act like a newlywed couple. I’ll even put in a good word to the publisher.”

“In exchange for what?”

“Behave. That’s all I ask. Stop making my life a fucking stressful hell. Show up to media events on time. Stop staying out all night with random hookers. Try and be more sober.”

I laughed at that last one.

“I’m not asking for perfection here, Nash. Just stop being such a dick.”

I nodded slowly. “If what you said were true, that’d be fine with me.”

“One thing more,” she said. “What’s your endgame here?”

I looked at her for a second. I didn’t believe that Liv didn’t have some ulterior motive here, but I did know that she could be useful.

“If it were true,” I said, “I want back in the game. I want active duty again. No more of this pretty-boy media star. I want back in the shit.”

Liv nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind.”


She stood up and looked at her phone. “You and Selena have an interview in an hour. Then we leave for Brown.”

“Sounds good.”

“I hope this talk was useful,” she said.

“Sure was.”

She quickly walked out of the room.

I leaned back in my chair, shaking my head. Liv was a crafty mother fucker. I knew I needed to be careful with her, but I had underestimated her completely. I was going to have to really watch myself, and figure out what her game was.

I stood up and barged into the bedroom. I walked back toward the bathroom door and threw it open. She had left the door unlocked. Poor girl was too trusting.

“Nash?” she asked.

“It’s me,” I said. “Need a hand?”

The enclosure to the standing shower was all glass, but unfortunately it had mostly fogged up. I couldn’t see a thing.

“Get out of here!” she said.

I laughed. “We got an interview in an hour.”

“Okay. Now get out.”

“Sure you don’t want some company?”

“Nash. Out.”

I laughed and left the room, shutting the door behind me.

What an eventful morning. Selena was back to pretending like she didn’t want me, and Liv wasn’t pretending about anything anymore.

This might be a fun tour after all.

Chapter Seventeen: Selena



f course Nash had to go and act like an asshole.

Of course the morning after it happened, after I finally gave in to him and slept with him, he had to act like a dick.

I was conflicted. Of course I was conflicted, since I had done the thing that I wasn’t going to do. I couldn’t help myself. I’d wanted to sleep with him, but I felt strange after it had finally happened. We were in a business deal, after all, and sleeping with him only muddied those waters.

We weren’t really married. I had to remember that.

So of course I felt a little awkward.

But that didn’t mean he could act like an asshole. Maybe that was his way of trying to smooth things over, but it definitely did not work very well. In fact, it only made me even angrier. Of course he didn’t understand why or really even stop to think about what he was saying. No, he was just a big, dumb jock. A sexy as fuck jock, but an asshole anyway.

As I sat there with the bright lighting shining down on me, the makeup girl doing her thing, I wished I could run away. But it was way too late for that. I was already committed to doing this thing whether I wanted to or not.

My parents knew about us. Hell, half the country knew about us now. My phone had been blowing up all night, but fortunately I’d had someone there to distract me from it.

Even with how angry I was, I couldn’t stop thinking about that sex. Nash was insatiable, starving for me, and so damn sensual. I’d felt things I didn’t know I could feel, because he’d taken me and made me feel them. He was rough, strong, and powerful, and he pushed every single button I had. When I’d thought we were finally done, it turned out that we were just getting started.

I’d let him sleep in my bed with me, something I hadn’t thought I would do. I couldn’t exactly kick him out, not after what we had done all night. It would be silly to care about that after I’d felt his thick cock filling me up from behind over and over.

Still, I was conflicted and angry with myself. I’d thought I had more self-control, but apparently that went completely out the window whenever Nash was around me. He had this effect on me, turning me into this sex-crazy maniac that needed his body.

I sighed and Nash glanced at me, grinning. “Something wrong?”

“Nope,” I said.

He leaned in closer to me. “You okay for this?”

“Fine,” I said.

“Great. One word answers. Real grown up.”

I smiled at him. “Thanks.”

He laughed at me. “You’re actually pretty cute when you try to be mad.”

I wanted to say something, but Melissa Carpenter, the journalist from the day before, walked into the room.

“Nash!” she exclaimed. He stood up, smiling. She hugged him, and I noticed that her hand moved dangerously close to his tight ass.

“Hello, Melissa,” he said. “Nice to see you so soon.”

“Well,” she said, “when your lovely Livy asked if I wanted to do a follow-up, how could I say no?”

He laughed. “Liv does love to give you access.”

The two of them sat back down in their chairs and the crew busied themselves setting up the cameras and getting microphones set up on our clothes.

“Selena,” Melissa said, finally acknowledging me.

“Hello. Good to see you again,” I said.

She looked back at Nash. “So tell me, are you giving me the goods today?”

He looked confused. “What do you mean?”

“Come on, Nash. You guys eloped out of nowhere, and nobody had ever heard of her before that. There has to be a story.”

“We told the story yesterday, Melissa,” he said coolly.

“Between me and you, I just don’t believe it.”

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