SEAL Wolf In Too Deep (25 page)

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Authors: Terry Spear

BOOK: SEAL Wolf In Too Deep
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“Okay, so what are you going to do that's so important?” Sarandon asked.

“Nothing. Just checking out an area on the nearby creek.” He wanted to learn more about the pack that had rented the cabin, like where they lived. Which meant checking their reservations. Since he worked for the park, it would be easy for him to do. He had to know if they were involved in the illegal cultivation of cannabis.


Eric couldn't lie to his brother. After their father had lied to Eric and his brothers, Eric wouldn't do that to them. But he wasn't about to tell him he had seen a fantasy in the forest he wanted to know more about, and wanted to prove to himself in the worst way that Pepper was innocent of any wrongdoing. Pepper was the only name he had to go by. And she was just as hot and spicy as her name. “Just checking it out.”

“Okay, well, let me know if you discover anything interesting.”

“Will do.”

“I bet,” Sarandon said, sounding skeptical.

Eric knew he had to get his injuries looked at, and better Sarandon hear about the fight from him rather than pack gossip. “A couple of wolves bit me.”

“Is it bad? It has to be or you wouldn't have told me. Do you need me to come get you?”

Sarandon knew not to make a big deal of it.

“Not a problem. And I wouldn't have mentioned it if I hadn't wanted Doc to look at it.”

“Hell. It is bad or you wouldn't be seeing Doc.”

“Just to be on the safe side.”

“How bad—”

“Minor.” Though both wounds were still bleeding and hurting like crazy.

“This has to do with the drug wolves?”

“One of them, yeah. CJ and the rest of the sheriff's department are checking into it.”

“One? What about the other?”

“He was a…guard wolf for another pack, just visiting the park.”

“You're going after the wolf tomorrow then?”

“No.” Not
wolf. The she-wolf.


“I think he was protecting his pack. Anyway, I was just curious where their pack is from.” Eric pulled onto the main road going to Silver Town.

“Related to the drug business?”

“I don't believe so.” He sure as hell hoped not.

“Any woman you're interested in seeing more of in particular?” Sarandon asked, his tone bordering on amused, but he was also curious. “You wouldn't be interested if there wasn't more to it than that.”

“As if it's any of your business, but yeah. There were some women in the pack.”

“Hell, Eric.” Now Sarandon sounded surprised. Which, given Eric's disinterest in women for the past two years, was understandable.

“They might be mated.” Eric knew Sarandon would assume he was interested in one of the women in particular. He didn't want to tell him about the possibility that her pack, or some of her pack, could be involved in illegally raising cannabis. Not without proof.

Then again, Pepper had been the leader of the group of women at the creek, not necessarily a pack leader. The other women had fluttered around her like she was a goddess, everyone attentive to her, and when she entered the cabin, she'd definitely been the one in charge.

“Do you want me to go with you when you check the area out?” Sarandon sounded worried.


“The wolf who attacked you could be her mate.”

“She didn't have one. Apparently some wolf has been wanting to court her though.”

“Do you have a name for her?”

“Pepper is all I got.”

“All right. Let me know what Doc says about your injuries.”


“All right, all right. See you tomorrow if we can get together. Otherwise, I'll talk to you later.”

“Sounds good.” They ended the call. Despite the fact that Eric's shoulder was hurting like crazy, he was trying to see the point of view of the wolf who had bitten him, but he was having a difficult time of it. He called Doc, hating to make this a late night call, but Dr. Weber always took calls anytime of the day or night. Not that he would be happy about it. Doc wasn't a late-night person.

Still, Eric was damn glad they had a wolf doctor in their pack. Reporting that a wolf had bitten him to a human doctor would be bad news all the way around for wolves, his kind and otherwise. And lying and blaming a dog could cause problems too. Of course, Eric could have called their pack vet, because he didn't mind taking care of anyone any time of day or night, but Eric really didn't want to see the vet.

“Hate to be calling you like this,” Eric began.

“Another snakebite?” Dr. Weber asked, sounding grouchy.

Eric was still irritated with himself for not spotting a coiled-up rattler only a week ago while he had been out searching for a missing hiker. He'd been wearing heavy-duty, snake-proof boots, but the rattler had struck out at him from a stack of rocks, and had dug his fangs into his thigh.

“A couple of wolf bites this time. I probably shouldn't even be bothering you with it.”

“Wolf bites? While you were in the national park? A regular wolf? Couldn't have been one of our pack. If you're calling me at this hour, it needs to be seen. How long before you get here?”

“Half hour. Yes, I was at the park. No, it wasn't one of our people, and before you ask, it was a
lupus garou

“I'll be ready.”

“You don't need to tell Darien.” Eric knew he would anyway.

“When a wolf bites one of our people, Darien needs to know about it. I take it you didn't provoke the wolf.”

“One of them is involved in the drug business. The other bite happened in a different location, and the wolf was just being protective of his pack.” Eric didn't want Darien sending out a hunting party to take down the “dangerous” wolf.

“All right. I'll let Darien know.”

Fifteen minutes into the drive, Eric got a call.
. Eric let out his breath and explained about the woman's injury and the subsequent events.

“It's a national park, not a place a
lupus garou
pack can claim for their own,” Darien said angrily after Eric had finished. “And you didn't act aggressively to the wolf or threaten their pack in any way.”

“I know, but it's okay.”

“I know you, Eric. It's not okay. You're going to try and locate the pack.”

“Yes, as a human and in my capacity as park ranger, I am checking on the status of the woman's injury. I won't be running as a wolf. They have to respect the uniform.”

Darien didn't say anything. Eric knew Darien didn't want him going alone, not after what had already happened between him and the wolf. He
concerned about the woman's injury, but he was also bothered by the notion that some wolf was hassling Pepper. Not that she'd appreciate Eric stepping in and chasing off the other wolf if she thought she could handle it herself, but if it worked out well for her, he was certainly willing to help her out.

“I haven't had a chance to check in with CJ. What happened when he and the others investigated the trouble I had up on the cliffs?”

“No bodies. No marijuana plants. But all the wolf prints and trace evidence of blood, including your own, were there. The wolf pack had to be close by to clean it up as fast as they did and move out. Eric, you're not to investigate these people on your own any further. You're not immortal.”

“I had to take a chance. This is the first time any of us have actually encountered the wolves responsible.” Not that it did a whole lot of good, since the wolves were now dead. What if he learned Pepper and her pack were involved up to their wolf ears in this shady business?

“Take Sarandon with you,” Darien said, breaking into Eric's thoughts. “You said you both were giving talks to Boy Scout troops in the area. Take him with you when you investigate this visiting wolf pack.”

Darien was giving a pack leader order, and Eric didn't like it. He knew Darien was concerned for him, but that's what irked Eric the most. “Eric? I know you're perfectly capable of handling this on your own, but for my peace of mind, will you take him along?”

Eric was surprised Darien would change his tune. He normally wouldn't have altered his command to a request with any other pack member—except when it came to his pack leader mate, Lelandi, and no way did he order her about.

“They packed up and left already.”

“Okay, but I still want you to take Sarandon.”

“Yeah, all right.” What else could Eric do? He had gone against Darien's rule on occasion, but not when it might involve another wolf pack and get his own into trouble.

“Let me know what you learn.”

“Will do.” Eric hadn't wanted the whole pack in on this. Sarandon would keep Eric's injury secret from their younger brothers, Brett and CJ. But Eric was afraid news would somehow get out that he was bitten by a wolf from a neighboring wolf pack and was trying to track down the pack.

Others in the Silver pack would want to help him. Including his brothers. He really didn't want anyone's help in this. The more who got involved, the more the she-wolf would feel he was being too pushy. He'd been accused of it before; well, of being too bossy when he wanted to help the three new she-wolves in the pack to renovate the Silver Town Hotel. He wasn't one to stand by and not offer advice when he came up with some brilliant ideas of his own.

Eric was also worried that if the wolves
involved in the drug business, they could get spooked and run off to another park that he didn't have jurisdiction over.

When Eric arrived at the clinic, Doc Weber let him in, glanced at the blood soaking his shirt, and shook his head.

“Did you call Darien about this?” Doc asked as Eric stripped off his shirt in the exam room. He then removed the bandages Eric had applied.

“I did.”

“So how did it happen?”

Eric had to explain all over again.

Doc stopped stitching him up for a moment to consider him, his white brows deeply furrowed. “I'll have to give Darien a medical report.”

“Over a couple of lousy stitches?” Eric snorted, wishing he could have pretended nothing was wrong, but because of the location of the second bite, he couldn't have stitched the wound closed himself. Plus the antibiotics could help keep the bite from becoming infected. Suturing it would help it heal faster than if he'd just let his enhanced wolf healing abilities take care of it.

“Twelve on one shoulder, ten on the other. And they're fine stitches, if I do say so myself. I'd tell you to take it easy for a couple of days, no running as a wolf, and by the end of the week you should be mostly healed. But I know you won't listen to me.”

Eric grabbed up his shirt, but didn't put it on. With the suturing and the new bandages, he wouldn't bleed on the driver's seat and he didn't want to put on the bloody shirt.

“Take it easy, and if you need anything for pain…”

“Nothing. Thanks.” Eric left the clinic and when he arrived home, he called Sarandon one last time for the night. He really didn't want to take Sarandon with him tomorrow, but pack leader orders. He began washing the blood out of his shirt when Sarandon answered.

“Hey, what did Doc say? You must have already seen him by now.”

“Couple of stitches. Why don't you come with me to try and locate the pack tomorrow? I want to check on the woman and see how she's faring.”

Sarandon was so quiet, Eric thought he'd lost the connection. “Okay?”

“I know you didn't threaten the women or this wolf, or you would have taken a chunk out of him. You didn't, did you?”

“No. I just left the area.”

“If he's a
lupus garou
, it seems he wouldn't react so aggressively unless he were provoked.”

provoke him.”

“I know. I'm just saying, it seems odd. It seems he has more at stake here.”

“Alpha male pack leader, I suspect. Anyway, no big deal.”

“And the woman you're interested in?”

“Yes, she's alpha. At least around the women she was with at the creek, and then later when she met up with me at the cabin.”

“You were alone, together?”

“No. Give me a break.”

“Then the guy was most likely her mate.”

“One of the women said a guy wanted to court her but she wasn't interested.”

“How many are following
wolf then?”

“The one who attacked me was probably with her pack. She might be a sub-leader or just another alpha in the pack. He might be the pack leader, or a sub-leader or just another alpha in their pack. We have several alphas in ours. She might have several in hers. And if he's not with her pack, he could be a lone wolf.”

“All right. I'm just saying don't get your hopes up. Wait, you've been trying to catch up to the wolves growing pot in the remoter areas of the park. Don't tell me you think this pack has anything to do with it.”

“Do you want to come with me or not?” Eric couldn't help being annoyed. He wasn't declaring his interest in courting the she-wolf. Yeah, he found her attractive, and just the fact she was an alpha intrigued him. But she hadn't trusted him enough to help take her pack member to Dr. Weber. Then again, maybe that was some of his problem. The need to prove he was trustworthy and not in the least bit bossy. As to the other matter, he wasn't going to say they might be the wolves who planted the weed if they were innocent.

“Did Doc say you should rest up a bit?” Sarandon asked, abruptly changing the subject, as if he knew Eric was about to leave him out of this.

“Yeah, he did. But you know him. He always thinks anyone who has been injured should be abed for days afterward.”

“Of course he does, because he doesn't want to have to redo his work if the wolf doesn't mind him and pulls out the stitches. And, hell yeah, I want to go with you. Did you want to ask CJ to come with us? As a deputy sheriff, he would lend a little extra weight.”

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