Seal the Deal (1Night Stand Series) (5 page)

Read Seal the Deal (1Night Stand Series) Online

Authors: JoAnne Kenrick

Tags: #Isle of Man & Selkie

BOOK: Seal the Deal (1Night Stand Series)
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“Did you know Grant Hughes?” One of them asked. “Didn’t he grow up here?”

“Why are you talking about him?” Anne asked.

“We just learned he’s the big star due to arrive.”

Anne gasped. Of all the local celebrities to cause a ruckus, it had to be the man she suspected to be her father. She might have the opportunity to meet him while he was here. She could drill him for information; find out the truth finally. His version of it, anyway. But was it a truth she’d want to hear?

Sarah handed Finn the little red and white striped bags. “Here, take them. Save yourselves.” She pivoted to address the crazed mob. “I’ll answer all your questions if you ask me one at a time, and if you each spend five quid.”

The men scooped up armloads of treats then queued at the counter, eagerness shining in each of their expressions.

Finn popped a rhubarb and custard in his mouth. “Mmm, these used to be my favorites,” he mumbled. “After buying a quarter of these, I’d run down to the end of the pier and watch the seals until I’d finished the last sweet.”

“What are we waiting for then? Come on, let’s go.” She headed out of the store and across the street, anxious to escape the press before they turned their questions on her.

“What’s the hurry?” He caught up with her as she set foot on the weathered fishing pier.

“Want tae enjoy a quiet date with you, Finn, that’s all.” She popped a cola square in her gob before he could question her further.

He beamed. His arm brushed hers and sent a rush of goose bumps across the back of her neck. She’d never wanted a man so badly. Perhaps because it’d been so long since her last fix? Or because she suspected he was a selkie? Maybe destiny had brought them together for a reason, and this 1Night Stand agency lived up to its reputation.

She tried to shake away her rapidly increasing desire for this strange man with so many mysteries in his background. He walked tight to her side, staring at her with his oceanic blues. A cold breeze swept in from the water and she shivered.

“Oh, are you cold?” Without waiting for a response, he wrapped a bulky arm around her shoulders.

“I’m glad we came for a walk, Finn.”

“I figured I should make the most of these legs.”

“Why, are they going somewhere without you?”

“More like I’m going somewhere without them.” His eyes narrowed.

What an odd remark
. Even more intrigued, she asked, “I think it’s time tae tell me your story. What led you to using the 1Night Stand agency? And what’s with the legs comment?”

“If it’s my story you want, Anne, then I have a better place for us to go.” He grabbed her and backtracked until they arrived outside the farm. The wild Irish Sea crashed beneath the lighthouse tower piercing the gray skies. Barking seals scattered the rocks. Picking up his pace, he yanked her along.

“What’s your rush? We have all night.”

“We have a few hours left to get to know each other. So little time, so much to squeeze in.”

“I’ve told you, I’m not so keen on overzealous men.” She dug in her heels and wrenched her hand free, but he continued his headlong rush and she had no choice but to try to keep up. “I like you, Finn. I like you a lot,” she gasped, running short of breath. Finally, he came to a stop by a rickety gate and she paused beside him. “Probably want tae see you again for another date. I mean, your profile did say you wanted something long term...unless you lied and all you actually want is the one-night stand. If so, I’m not your girl.”

“No, no, we’ll go as slow as you want, Anne.” His eyes glowed with such fierce passion her heart skipped, and his velvet tones turned her to mush.

Not too slow

He unlatched the gate then waved her in.

“Aren’t we trespassing?”

“Na, this is my family’s place. Come on!” He ran in the direction of the maritime tower.

So this was the farm he’d built for his parents. At least she knew where to find him again if he rocked her world then walked away in the morning. She wasn’t a stalker, but she might stroll this way to clap sight on him working with his hands.
Yum. He can work on me with his hands anytime

She dashed after him, over rolling fields scattered with sheep, past the farm cottage, toward the cliff’s edge, finally catching up with him by the lighthouse.

Lacing their fingers together, he whispered, “You are beautiful.” His words, combined with the wild, unruly scenery, stood the hairs on the back of her neck on end. Squeezing his hand, she glanced out across the waters and chewed at her bottom lip, too afraid to look directly at him. For if she did, she’d lose her balance and herself. How had he hooked her in?

He was crass, Peter-Pan-like, and way too evasive. But also gorgeous, considerate, and a fellow believer in fate. Not to mention his sexual magnetism. Unable to put her finger on why she had arrived at the conclusion he was her soul mate, she had to tread carefully and let their connection develop slowly. Protect her heart.

To distract herself, she cast a glance at the wild, stunning view. “Look at the seals. So beautiful, majestic.” She sighed, trying to act casual and not like a seal in heat.

“Magic, eh? This is what interests you, Scottish Anne?”

“The selkie myth is fascinating, dinnae think? How every four years the seals turn human tae find their one true love who will make them human? Do you think they do…find their true love, I mean.”

“You believe the legend?” He gave her a sidelong glance, eyes slanted.

“I believe in true love, aye. It’s so romantic.”

“Good, I’m glad.” His face lit with all kinds of mischief. Not a good sign. What trouble was she walking into? Heat traveled up her spine and beads of sweat settled across her brow. Getting out unscathed seemed less and less likely as each moment passed.

She slunk forward, her heartbeat pounding in her ears, needing to be kissed, but not quite ready to admit she was falling for him. Fear of rejection swarmed her, even though all she’d experienced so far suggested he’d jump on the idea...on her.

“Why are you glad?” she asked, the answer far more important to her than she wanted to admit.

He walked the small path to the lighthouse, unlatched the little red door, then stepped inside. He glanced back at her, brow furrowed, lower lip thrust out. “Because I’m selkie, Anne. I have but tonight to find love, and I hope to find such a connection with you.”

“Are you playing on the legend tae get a quick lay?” she snapped, regretting her question before it finished falling from her lips. She didn’t doubt what she had suspected from the get go, but the darn brick wall she’d built around her heart had put words in her mouth.

“Pardon?” He smiled, revealing two adorable dimples. How feckin’ gorgeous. It was a miracle she didn’t swoon each time he glanced in her direction.

“You have tae admit, it’s the perfect setup tae get me in the sack.” She awkwardly cleared her throat.

“Is it? Come, Anne, let me tell you a story.” He urged her forward. “At the top of the lighthouse.”

She gulped. Of course he was selkie. He’d brought her inside a lighthouse that shouldn’t exist in the ordinary world. If not selkie, then what? A merman? One of those fairies she’d read about in the library.... A bumbee? “Why did you bring me here?”

“This place is special to me, Anne. Please keep an open mind and take a step up. I promise to behave.”

Lifting her right foot, she grabbed his hand. He ran up the spiral concrete steps at a speed she could barely keep up with.

Stumbling, she cried, “Finn, I’m scared. What if I fall?”

“I know it’s high up, but you’re safe. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

But it’s not the height I’m afraid of, Finn. I’m scared of falling for you

“Trust me, nothing bad can happen to you here. This is
lighthouse, Anne, something only magical beings of the Isle get to experience since its demise four years ago. Or humans with a pure heart.”

“Like children?”

“Yes, exactly. Or you, Anne. You’re a believer. I knew as soon as I saw you in the hotel room.”

“I have gullible written all over me?”

“No, beauty. Pure, unadulterated.”

He disappeared up the winding steps.
Bugger it
. She swallowed back caution and followed, keeping a firm grip on the railing.

Rounding the corner of the last flight, she gasped. A wall of windows framed the view of the treacherous waves. Seagulls squawked, hovered, and the whooshing of the turbulent sea echoed around them.

“I’m selkie, Anne, on a leave of absence to seek out my one true love.” A shimmer of silver flickering in his steely eyes mesmerized her. Did he believe he’d found what he sought in her? Did she want him to believe that?

“Give over.” Anchoring a hand on her hip, Anne paused. “You can’t be serious. The selkies are only a tale….for tourists.” But she didn’t believe that, did she?

Her insides vibrated, and her pulse raced.

“What else but magic would explain us standing in a phantom lighthouse right now?”

Hmm, true
. “And you wiggle your nose like the gray-spotted seal I see the old couple talking tae every morning.”

Faced with his truth, she didn’t know how to play. Blurt out her own oceanic ways, or play it safe for a while longer in case his claim to being part of the legend was a way of getting a quickie.

“Is that seal you? And the old couple your mother and father?”

“You noticed my parents talking to my seal self?”

She nodded.

“See...not so unbelievable, is it?” He pulled her against him. The sky danced around them and she clung to the only solid thing she could. A man who had been a seal—who would be one again if she was not his one true love. “We are destined to be together, Anne. Give in to the desire pulling at your heart. Let me in.”

The responsibility terrified her. Could she be the one to break the curse for him? Was forever in the cards for them? Had she really found someone who could accept the magical side of life without question or mockery? She dared not pin her hopes so high yet. She pulled away, seeking space to think.

“May I kiss you?”

Crossing her arms tight over her chest, she lowered her head to avoid his pensive gaze.


She rounded her mouth to say no. “Yes.”




Chapter Seven



Her chest rose and fell with rapid force while she squeezed her delicate hands around her elbows and cradled herself. Pulse quickening, Finn rubbed the back of his neck and considered his next move. He wanted to jump this beauty.
. He couldn’t allow his eagerness intercept his hope at redemption. Drawing in a deep breath, he inched forward then unraveled her arms with gentle guidance and slid his hands into hers.

She fluttered her long lashes, and her cheeks flushed. Hope existed after all. Remembering her thoughts on overly-forward lovers, instead of pouncing on her like he wanted to do, he lowered his head to kiss her.

Slow. Stretching out the moment for as long as he could, savoring the desire swelling in his chest, he breathed in her subtle lilac scent. Hmm, smelled like Madame Eve’s letter.

“What perfume are you wearing? It’s intoxicating, and as sweet as you.”

“Lilacs. The scent was a gift.” Anne grasped his jacket collar then yanked him toward her. The force slammed them against the glass, but before he could react, lips, full, plump, landed on his. She hopped up on the window ledge then parted his mouth with her tongue. Wrapping her legs around him, her soft mound pressed against his groin through her wool dress. Rubbing him, teasing him.

“Thought you wanted to take things slow.” He drew in fast, short breaths, seeking control.

“I did. We have. Now it’s time tae move fast.”

“Like take my pants off now fast, or—”


He didn’t need telling twice. Thank goodness he had come well prepped with condoms in his pocket. He reached under her dress, grabbed her knickers—thin, lacy—and ripped them off before grabbing her pert arse and thrusting deeper into her kisses. She wiggled and writhed, her movement driving his shaft to a full hard-on.

“Finn Kneale, show me how good with your hands you really are,” she teased, her cheeks flushing and her eyes reflecting the soft glow of the moon.

It was always the shy ones, the women who played hard to get, who were the most surprising. Or so he’d heard. People would reveal all their secrets in front of a sunbathing seal—but with Anne wrapped around him like a glove, all the knowledge he’d eagerly garnered seemed unimportant, far away. Only he and she existed.

But he had to slow things down or they would be over before properly begun, and he wanted her to remember this night. To give her—and him—a first time together to treasure.

He stepped back.

She groaned. “Come back here, selkie.”

Cupping her sex, he rasped, “Shh.” He parted her slit and eased a digit into her swollen flesh. Warm...moist...slick. Her muscles relaxed around his finger, welcoming him as he pushed inside her. Knuckle deep, he hooked his finger and massaged her swollen flesh and sought out her nub of pleasure, her G-spot.




Chapter Eight



His touch awakened the delicate nerve buried deep in her, sending a rush of tingles to her toes. Again.
. And again. She trembled, pressing her back against a window for stability, her bottom squished against the ice-cold glass. She had never been more glad only a select few could see the lighthouse—and her arse—right now.

He pushed another digit inside her, and drove her closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy. Her head spinning, Anne glanced toward the ocean below, waves of rising pleasure matching the frantic motion of the waves crashing ashore.
This is really happening

Muscles contracted deep within her stomach and spread to her swollen sex.

Close, oh, so close

“More,” she cried, grasping his coat to keep from toppling sideways as her knees buckled.

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