Read SEAL Brotherhood 06 - SEAL My Destiny Online
Authors: Sharon Hamilton
Tags: #Romance, #military, #Suspense, #SEALs
Her delicate fingers slid down his thigh and traveled over his erection. She squeezed him, and his package stiffened to full attention. He didn’t want her to stop, but he’d make a mess right there in the front seat of his Mustang if they didn’t get to a motel quick.
He managed to separate himself but held her fingers in his right hand while he turned the ignition with his left. After the car roared to life, his fingers began seriously having their way with her smooth skin and the dimples above her bottom, just inside her waistband, working down. She leaned forward to allow him access to anything he wanted. His forefinger had just discovered the warm cleft at the top of her derriere. She inhaled and leaned back onto his hand. Her voice was ragged as she whispered, “Hurry.”
He clumsily shifted into drive, again with his left hand, and drove one-armed, with his dick stiff enough to handle the steering wheel all by itself. The Pink Slipper Cottage motel came into view just in time.
He thought about saying something like, “I wish I could take you some place nicer,” but that would draw too much attention to his meager military salary. Maybe she didn’t like sailors. And saying something like “You’re probably used to more expensive places,” might indicate he thought she slept around a lot.
No, it was safest to just say nothing.
She was all over him while he signed the guest register. The college kid with thick, round glasses tried hard not to notice, except he kept clearing his throat and swallowing hard. She slid a hand down the front of Luke’s pants, which made him do a reverse whistle with his mouth.
“Luggage?” the clerk asked, and then snapped his eyes shut after stealing a look at her. The young man was in pain and couldn’t control his shaking.
“I’ll get it later,” Luke answered.
Room 428 was tiny, not that it mattered. As soon as the door closed behind him she was removing his shirt, her hands riding up the muscular ridges of his chest. The feel of her warm flesh against his, her hair brushing gently against the underside of his chin, the way she shimmied herself out of her shorts with the help of both his hands, were driving him wild with anticipation. He couldn’t get them properly naked fast enough.
She stepped back and sat on the bed, allowing him a full-length view of her nakedness, her shaved pussy, and the lips of her sex dipping down like his thirsty tongue. She propped herself on one hand, her knees spread, as she let him come to her, while she twirled a bit of her dark hair around the fingers of her right hand. It was his turn to drop to his knees.
He looked up at her while his hands reached out and touched her, barely at first, then with a lazy forefinger that circled her nub and slid up and down her moist passage. He loved looking at the fire building in her eyes when he made her wetness coat first one finger, then the other one, then a third until she accepted him fully. She leaned back enough so that he had all the room he needed, in case he might want to bring his face to her peach and drink.
Which of course he did. Happy to oblige. He saw the pink flesh of her lips parted as his tongue darted around the little button that made her jerk, while he sucked the lovely, tangy moisture from her like he needed it to survive. While his fingers smoothed over her ass and tested a slight press against her anus. She didn’t shy away. His cock got so stiff he had to adjust himself with his other hand. And he let her see it.
He was feeling more alive than he had in days. He’d held death, but now he was holding the promise of an evening of spilled seed, sweat, and anything else they could think of. She waited for him to taste his fill, her long hair falling down to touch the tops of her buttocks as she arched back and moaned.
He took his time with her, which he knew was what she wanted. She said she liked entangled. Complicated. Well, hell, he’d give her intense, then he’d worry about the entangled later. Right now it was all about keeping himself in check long enough to keep from exploding all over his knees.
Finally, he stood, looking down at her, cupping her face between his hands. With his fingers reaching into the mahogany strands behind her ears, he brought her to his mouth, still wet with her arousal. Before they could meet, she closed the distance, pressed against his hunger, and fed from his lips. His tongue found hers and caressed it as she plunged deep.
Slowly she wrapped one leg around his and slid her wet sex against his thigh. Her breathing was ragged, telling him she couldn’t press hard enough, couldn’t get enough. He lifted her with both hands seated below her butt cheeks, and slid her over his erection until her opening got snagged on him.
At this she tensed. Out of nowhere she produced a foil packet. He didn’t want to set her down, but she was determined he wear something, so he obliged her. He let her lead him over to the bed, where she pushed him down, climbed on top, and slowly ripped the upper edge of the foil packet. It was one of those fancy pink gizmos with ridges.
Holy Goats, how am I going to last?
As if she heard him, she smiled. She pulled on his hand where it rested under his head on the starched white pillow, and made him help her. Used his fingers to lubricate her opening, then lubricate him, and then cover him with the pink latex. In tandem, they massaged his rock hard cock up and then down slowly.
Two of his fingers were still inside her when his cock entered her and she took a quick, deep inhale, and then settled herself down on him, laying her legs back and to the side for full penetration. God, he was deep.
They began a rhythmic pattern. She rode him, and she raised herself and then crushed into him while her muscles contracted around him and he started to feel a loss of control.
He’d been clutching one of her butt cheeks so hard while he rammed up into her, he felt welts on her skin. She removed his hand and showed him she wanted to change positions. She rolled to her side, then on her stomach, raising her sweet little derriere.
He got to his knees behind her as if in worship. He could fully enjoy her little nude opening, the red glistening folds that beckoned to be touched, kissed, pressed to move aside.
He kissed her there, from behind, tilted his head and watched his fingers dip into her again. She closed her eyes, and then turned her face into the pillow, arching up even further. He tucked one of the pillows under her belly and smoothed his fingers over her ass, massaging the cleft between her cheeks. With one finger on her anus button, he positioned himself, ready to enter from behind. He rooted at her opening. His granite cock had no trouble navigating the lubricated soft tissues of her sex. He plunged deep again, deliciously burying himself to the hilt.
He was locked in her tangle of arms and legs, loving the smell of her arousal and the sound of her breath. He felt her soft flesh against his thighs, against his chest while he hovered over her, digging deep and having as much of her as he could. He couldn’t stop long enough right now to properly take his time and explore. That would have to come later. Now it was all about having her or he’d die trying. Or explode like an IED.
She turned her face in profile to him while he continued to pump her from behind. Her lips pursed in an O of heightened arousal, and when he saw goose bumps wash up her arms, he couldn’t resist leaning over to kiss her bunched-up lips. Her eyes grew wide in reaction while he filled her, needed her more than he would ever be able to say. He kissed her through her moans, claimed her mouth, all of her.
She rose up on her knees, arched her back, pushing her butt into his groin, begging him to go deeper still. She threw her head back onto his shoulder, panting, pulling him into her with her fingers clutching his butt cheeks. He wanted to ram so far in he’d be blinded to everything else in the room.
Her spasms tightened around him. She held her breath, then shuddered, and groaned into her release. And he was right there with her, thrusting from behind and then holding firm until he could pump out every drop.
This was the part when he always got uncomfortable. Several heartbeats later, he wanted to say something. Something other than “thanks” or “that was great.” But again, it was prudent not to say anything at all. He continued to taste and kiss and rub himself against her, every bit of her he could feel. This had been way too fast. He hoped she wasn’t disappointed.
She didn’t look like she minded. Besides, he had a plan for making it up to her.
He delicately flipped her over on her back, kissed the salty hollow between her shoulder and neck, and she groaned again when he re-entered her. Her skin was like silk. His tongue easily traced a path down over both her nipples, suckling them slowly, first the right and then the left. Her fingers sifted through his scalp. She traced the arch of his ears, then pulled his face to hers and begged for a deep, penetrating kiss, and he was only too glad to provide.
He’d fuck her until the moon rose and set, and then fuck her again at dawn and through breakfast if she would let him.
Fuck breakfast. Fuck lunch. Fuck dinner.
He’d found her. He’d finally found her, that woman from his dreams. He’d watched her walk with that tall, confident gait only the right woman for him could have. She was someone he could love and love hard. She could love all the sand and dust and death off him. She would let him show her how much he needed this connection.
And she wouldn’t run away.
He was caught, entangled, willingly dying those thousand little deaths as she kissed him. His real flesh and blood dream woman breathing life into him.
And he would never let her go.
Well, at least not until tomorrow or the next day.
ulie woke up
to the feel of his lips on her chest. His gentle touch didn’t startle her. He was leading her from sleep to the pleasure of his morning, and, even though her dreams had been wonderful, this was better, much better.
She hadn’t seen his face clearly last night in the dark, but her hands had traveled over his body hungrily, and she felt she knew him, all of him. As he looked up at her, she saw he was more handsome than she’d imagined. Clear, icy-blue eyes and dark brown hair, dark stubble on his cheeks and around full, sensual lips, his bare shoulders revealing powerful, muscles rippling under satiny skin.
“Good morning,” he said.
“It kinda is a good morning, isn’t it?” She traced his bottom lip with her forefinger. The weight of his chest against her breasts was delicious. She could feel his heartbeat and hear the rumble of his steady inhale and exhale. She liked him even better in the light of day.
She could tell he wanted to ask her things, talk to her, and she liked that about him. Their lovemaking had been fierce and consuming. He played her body like he’d done it for years. She wondered how he’d managed to do that.
He’s an experienced lover.
That must be the answer. The little niggling of doubt crept in, wondering if she’d satisfied him. Seeing his gentle smile and feeling the way his thumbs tenderly caressed her forehead, the way he brushed the backs of his fingers against her cheek, sent her the message he’d been pleased. Wanted more, but didn’t want to show it. Was waiting for her move, and boy, that was sexy as hell.
“What are you thinking, beautiful?” he asked.
“I was thinking about you. Wondering where you’d come from, and what brought you to the beach last night, how come we crossed paths,” she swallowed, “like we did.” She blushed and saw his lips arch up at the corners while his eyes laughed.
“We did. We certainly did, didn’t we?”
She tried not to grin. He was making her hot for him all over again.
“I think we both needed something,” she said, and immediately regretted it.
He lowered himself to whisper to her lips, “I certainly did, and you certainly delivered.”
Wow. Just holy fuckin’ wow. Did he just say that? She rolled it around in her mind. It was okay that a hookup could be beautiful. That she would be left wanting more. But she’d never done this before, jumped into bed with someone so quickly. Recognized the need within her own body and found that missing piece in the arms of another. She’d always thought of herself as a cautious girl, and even a little afraid of love. What had made her say the things she’d said, do the things she’d done?
It was like some part of her had been revealed, a part she’d had no idea existed.
The familiar panic of second thoughts set in, and she caught herself reconsidering choices and decisions she normally made so carefully. She’d thrown caution to the wind, and had found something that was deep and in need of roots to grow. But it came with huge risks. She could get hurt.
He could too. She took out her internal disclosure statement, and, yup, she’d signed it and printed her name underneath in blood. That statement had prepared her for all the negative things that could happen, had saved her from the heartache of never getting that phone call the next day, the next week.
Or worse, thinking he could be somebody he wasn’t, like the young Navy recruit she’d met last year in San Diego, who told her he loved her; only it turned out he was a serial liar and had girls lined up in every port all over the world. Either way, her internal disclosure was supposed to protect her from falling for the wrong guy.