Seacrets (17 page)

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Authors: Adrianna Wingate

BOOK: Seacrets
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Daniel reentered the chamber and stood by the doorway. He asked Maura for permission to enter.

he reluctantly allowed him entrance.  Daniel inched his way to the rocker, at the end of the bed, and sat down. "Do ya know who ya are?" Daniel questioned her.

"Yes. My name is Maura McCoveny." She answered with a hint of pride.

"I am not daft, ya know. Of course I know who I am." Maura snapped back.

"Good. Glad ta know ya are not daft." He said with a slight grin
that made Maura instantly furious.

"Who are you, sir, ta be makin’ fun o’ me? You needn't smirk at me
. Placing her arms across her chest in a huff.

Daniel waited for Maura to settle and then probed on. "Do ya know where ya are?"

"Yes. Mary told me I am in America...Boston, I think she said." Maura answered with some degree of uncertainty.

"Do ya remember how ya got America, I mean?"

"No. That I do not know." Maura looked down and was pulling at her fingers.

"Lass, tell me the last thing that ya do remember." Daniel pushed on.

"Well, I do remember having a rousing argument with my father. Richard is his given name. You see, he has never taken very good care of himself. He wanted ta send me away and I said no I wouldna go away and leave him in his hour of need." Maura began to rub at her temples. She was somewhat dizzy and complained of a slight headache.

"Is my father dead?"
She asked.

"I don't know Maura. Th
e argument ya had with ya father was months ago. Ya sailed over with my ship five months ago." He replied.

"Five months ago!" Maura sounded shocked at that revelation. "I feel as though I just had that argument with him a day or two ago. How could five months and a trek across the ocean have escaped my mind?" She dropped her head into her hands and began to sob.

Mary came to the bedside and interjected on Maura's behalf. "Alright now, son, enough.  Perhaps her memory will return in a day or two. She's had a terrible shock and it may take some time ta wear off." Mary sat at the bedside and rubbed Maura's back. "Danny I'm sure that ya have plenty ta do 'round here. Ya can visit her again later, off with ya now."

Daniel let himself be shooed out by the women in the room but felt he needed to get to the bottom of what had happened
on the night Maura was shot. Why would anyone want to shoot Maura? Or was the bullet meant for him? He really hadn't a clue. Was she still in danger? Was he? Would whoever tried to harm them be back to finish what they started? He told himself to be on his guard, for certain.




















Chapter Fourteen


The weeks past from spring into early summer. The pastures of Hargendon Hills were lush and green o'er the many acres as far as the eye could see. Maura sat by the brook, not far from the main house. This would be her first venture out onto the grounds, alone, since her arrival to the great estate. She was gaining strength with each passing day. It felt good to be outside in the fresh air with the sun shining on her face. She had removed the large brimmed hat Mary had insisted she don.

"Part of her rebellious nature, I take it". Mary spoke out from the screen door, behind Daniel. 

"What was that Mother?" Daniel replied.

"I said Gee she may as well be naked the way ya are starin’ so intently

"Oh you did not say that Mother, now c'mon, out with it." Daniel was more than a little embarrassed that his mother had caught him
staring at Maura. Had she only known that was exactly what he was picturing in his minds eye and more.

"I said she has quite a rebellious streak, that one. She'll be a good match for your temper, eh?"

Daniel just glared at his mother."I have no idea what you're speakin' about woman. You must've been inta the brandy closet again, ta be makin’ such statements.”

"She is becomin’ more restless, son. She has been askin’ if there is any chore that she may do ta repay our kindness toward her. I told her she was still too weak ta be up and about for too long and that her verbal thank you would suffice. Truth is Danny
, she is strong enough ta probably be put upon a transporter and sent back ta her kin, in Ireland."

Daniel's eyes widened
. He had a look of complete dread, as though he were about to meet his end. "What are ya saying, Mother? Ya don't want Maura here any longer?"  He stood head and shoulders above his slight wisp of a mother, looking directly into her eyes.

"No Danny, that 'tis not what I'm sayin’, but ya have just answered my other question.It is you who do not want her ta leave. Ya have feelin's for this girl.Ya just haven't admitted it to ya self yet." She replied with a grand smirk upon her face. "Ah yes
,the lord does work in mysterious ways.” Mary laughed.“My son, the hard hearted sea captain is finally in love." Mary swaggered away with a lilt in her step and a song in her heart.

Daniel bellowed after his mother and f
ollowed her into the main house."Mother, you come back here immediately! That is utter nonsense! I'm as concerned for her well bein' as anyone would be, considerin' the circumstances that had befallen her. It is my duty as a gentleman ta care for her." Daniel was directly on Mary's heels as she entered the kitchen. 

“Well then what's the big fuss all about? If ya don't have feelin's for this girl then there should be no problem for ya ta make arrangements for her ta set sail, say, by the end o’ the summer?  Yes, that will be about the time you'll be itchin' ta get back ta the sea. Why ya could take her back yourself. That way ya can resolve this insane notion that ya have wronged this child in some way, eh?” She winked at him and then shooed him out of her kitchen as it was getting to be time for her and Sally to start preparing for the evening repast.

Daniel was more tuckered out after one conversation, with his mother, than if he'd been in a fierce battle with a brigand at sea. Taming his emotions was the toughest battle yet and even he knew he was losing this one.

When Daniel returned to the front porch, he could see that Maura was engaged in
conversation with his brother Aiden. He walked out toward the pair to better hear their exchange.

"Oh that's wonderful news, Aiden. Oh thank you! Thank you! You've no idea how happy this makes me! I must go and speak with Mary of this and seek her guidance as ta when she thinks I may be ready ta begin my new position!" She stood upon tip toes and kissed Aiden on his cheek and hugged him tight about the shoulders.

Daniel was not sure what it was he’d just walk up on, but he was sure he and his brother would have words.

"Oh hello Daniel. Please forgive my racin’ off this way but I need ta speak with ya mother immediately about when I may be ready ta move out. I'll talk with ya at dinner tonight." She was gone in a flash, hardly what one might expect from someone still in a weakened state.

Daniel was left speechless. He looked in Maura's direction and then in the direction of his brother, with a hardened jaw and squinted eyes. "What in the name o’ God just went on here, brother? Did I miss some part o’ this conversation? What does Maura mean when she states she wants ta know when it will be alright for her ta move out?"

"Now Danny hold up a minute. Mother mentioned that..."

Daniel was beside himself, “mother mentioned!"

"Yes Danny as I said, if you'll
only listen for a moment you'll see this is good for all involved." Aiden tried to calm his brother’s frustration.

Daniel was still in a state of agitation, but did listen
, with his arms firmly crossed over his chest and a glaring stare.


"Mother mentioned that Maura wanted ta do something ta repay our family for all the care she has received and she would not take no for an answer. Well naturally mother didna want her goin’ off ta town tryin’ ta earn money for her room and board, especially since we still have not a clue who has tried ta harm her. Why, that maniac could still be around, just waitin’ for her ta be alone and vulnerable. Right?" Aiden reasoned.

“Yes, yes, go on I'm listenin’ and
agree." Daniel interjected briefly, while allowing Aiden to argue his point.

"We're still no closer ta knowin’ the mystery o’ that night. And until we do, I don't want her ta be out there alone." Aiden continued to make his case to Daniel as if he were before a magistrate.

Daniel, frustrated with the whole turn of events, motioned to his brother to continue.

"Well as ya know, Quinn and I are seekin’ out a governess for the children, now that they are reachin’ school age and in the many conversations mother has had with Maura, she has found out she has quite an extensive education and would serve well as a teacher for Colleen and little Mick. She could earn a salary, feel productive and helpful, and be kept an eye on, as well."

Daniel's jaw loosened a bit and he relaxed his arms. "Alright, then, but I'll expect full reports of how she is doing, and often. I just may come out to your estate ta check on her myself."

“Yes...I'm sure that ya will." Aiden remarked snidely. "Mayhap I should instruct Quinn ta open another guest room in the opposite wing, eh?" Aiden walked away from his brother, laughing underneath his breath. He knew Daniel had finally fallen in love
and thought to himself
This should prove ta be more interestin’ sport than going ta the gamin’ houses for
this will surely be the greatest gamble that his brother would ever experience, that of the heart. 

Poor son-of-a-gun...doesn't know what he's gotten himself inta. “
Enjoy every moment of it, brother, for true love comes but once in a life time.” He mumbled as he walked away.

"What was that you were murmurin’ about?" Daniel questioned his younger brother.

"Who me? Why I never uttered a syllable, dear brother." He snickered.

Daniel raised a
disbelieving eyebrow in his brother's direction.

"Oh by the way, Danny, mother and Quinn are plannin’ a sort o’ comin’ out party for Maura. Ya know, have some o’ the town’s people come out and meet Maura
, ya know, get ta know our new governess." Aiden tried to slip that bit of news past his brother, as he continued walking towards his carriage.

"Wait just a minute, dear brother of mine. What do ya mean, paradin’ Maura about like some prize mare you'll be turnin’out!" He shouted after Aiden.

"Look Danny, ya canna keep her locked up in ya own little world, all safe and sound. Maura needs ta start livin’ a normal life again." He reasoned. "Maybe sooner or later somethin’ will jar her memory and she will begin ta remember somethin’ that will solve this mystery. But one thing is for certain...she'll never be or feel normal again, if she doesn't start livin’ a normal existence. I’ll see ya tomorrow when I come for Maura. I want her ta meet the children and begin ta settle into our home. Do be a good fellow and don't cause a fuss over this, will ya?" He turned to walk toward his carriage and heard his brother call after him.

              "Aiden wait. I know you’re right. I'm just worried who ever did this to her is still out there lyin’ in wait for her to surface, and then it will happen all over again." Daniel expressed his concerns to Aiden.

“But I
abide by ya plan in the hope that somethin’ will trigger her memory.  Maybe this is what must happen ta flush out the scoundrel.They both gave each other mutually approving slaps on the back then Daniel walked his brother to his carriage, and waved him good-bye.

Daniel’s attention was averted back to
ward the house when he heard the creak from the screen door, by the small herb and vegetable garden, just outside the kitchen.

He could see Maura picking herbs and vegetables to help prepare for the evening meal. He walked toward her ever so quiet so as not to startle her
, but also to allow himself a few brief moments alone with her. That has been extremely rare, these days. Ever since that night of the shooting, he has not had very many moments with Maura, especially since she had become so frightened of him.

The late day sun had cast a warm glow about her. She truly resembled that of an angel.

Just as he was nearing her, he stepped on a dry branch.

The loud cracking sound alerted Maura someone was approaching. S
tartled she stood straight and stepped back. "Daniel you startled me. Ya should have announced ya approach." Maura said with a slight stutter in her voice.

"I didna wish ta disturb ya in your task, lass." He said, apologetically, as he entered through the gate of the small garden.

After a short awkward pause, between the two, Daniel spoke. "That basket looks rather heavy. May I assist ya in carryin’ it inta the kitchen?"

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