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Authors: Adrianna Wingate

Seacrets (11 page)

BOOK: Seacrets
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Maura stood before him unabashed and unashamed. Daniel placed his fingers on the inner front seam of her gown, and ripped it from her, letting it fall away from her into the water. Maura was somewhat stunned and a bit frightened, but trusted Daniel, although she did not know why. When Kilern had tried to get to her she fought with all her being, but this man had her in the palm of his hand and she could do naught except bend to his will.

              Daniel stood back from her and unclothed himself. She looked away out of shyness.

Before Maura could take another breath she was being lifted out of the tub, into Daniel's arms and taken over to his bunk, where he then ripped the woolen bed cover from the cot and gently placed her upon it as if she were
a precious gem.

The candle light enhanced her beauty all the more, he thought, as he slipped under the sheet and wool blanket and drew Maura close to him. Looking down on her face he kissed her forehead, then her eyes, her nose, her cheeks and finally made his way back to her full voluptuous lips.

She felt totally ravished, at this point. Her hair was a tousseled mass of soft black curls that cascaded over shoulders, her lips were swollen from his passionate kisses and she was utterly out of breath as if she'd just run an extreme distance.

Daniel leaned in again to take her mouth to his and was beginning to become more forceful with his passion. He forced her mouth open wider to take in the
breadth of his tongue.               Maura pulled back a bit and moaned her approval. Her passion for him was beginning to match his own. She cupped his face with her tiny hands and with a force to equal his, she kissed him back with a deep tenderness he'd never experienced before.

Daniel was lost in this moment and it not only surprised him, but had shaken him to his core.  His hands were all over her body, now. He had ventured to every curve and crevice, except for one.

Daniel took in a deep breath,
and slid to her side. He arched himself up on one elbow and looked down into her eyes with fierce determination. Instinctively and without hesitation Daniel began to speak to Maura in Gaelic, as though they had always done so. He whispered to her how truly beautiful a woman she is,
“speirbhean is ea tusa, Maura”
then he bent to  place hot kisses on her breasts and then came back up to slowly run his tongue along her bottom lip.

athless, Maura replied, in kind that he is the pulse of her heart
“Mo chuisle, Daniel, A chuisle Mo Chroi.”

Daniel stopped himself for a moment
, and then in a soft ragged tone he whispered into Maura’s ear. “I know this is a new experience for ya, Maura, and I don't want ta go any further without ya permission, but I'm beggin' ya not ta deny me.

Maura swallowed hard,
and then spoke her words of consent."Captain, I'm not askin' ya ta stop" she spoke in a low throaty tone.

Her acquiescence of his request drew a sexy half grin upon his face.

"Now woman, don't ya think the formalities are a bit ridiculous considerin' that we're bein’ so intimate? Please love, call me by my given name."

Maura touched his face and a
sequence of emotions, Daniel had never felt before, washed over him as if this were the first woman he’d ever made love to.

In a
sexy, throaty tone Maura replied, "Oh Daniel, I do not wish for this night ta end. You’ve awakened in me all the passions I have only dreamed of. I’m wantin’ ya ta take me. I'm not afraid." Maura ran her delicate hand up to caress his muscular shoulder, then leaned in to lay her warm kiss upon it.

Daniel felt a shiver go down his spine when her warm moist lips fell upon his skin. He pulled back from her for a brief moment and looked deep into her eyes. "Maura I must know for sure,
for I've only guessed ‘til now ...Is this your first time with a man?”

Maura did not speak but nodded her reply, never taking her eyes from his.

"I want ta try and make this as easy on ya as possible, love." Almost sounding apologetic that he was about to open her up to the kind of satisfaction most women never get to experience throughout their lifetime.

Daniel had been with many women in his twenty-eight summers, and through trial and error, learned the secrets to making a woman feel fulfilled sexually. This was a gift he so desperately wanted to bestow upon Maura.

To relax her he kissed her again, while running his hand down toward her stomach and gently caressing her well rounded hip. Then went a little further to her thighs and nudged her legs apart, gently. She responded to his gentle prodding, while he continued to draw her into the experience with his tongue gently caressing the inside of her mouth and playfully convincing her to respond by briefly slipping her tongue into his mouth. Now they were both spellbound, looking deep into one another’s eyes. He pushed further down toward her most private area. She instinctively began to close her legs, but he gently massaged her inner thighs to allow him to be able to continue to advance.

, my beautiful Maura. Let me in, love. Let me in." His throaty Irish burr nearly thrilled the very breath from her and she did as he requested. Maura opened her thighs to allow for him to slip his fingers into her soft mass of velvet curls and then further into her wet sheath.

"Oh, love, ya are so tight." The more he talked to her in this tone, the wetter she became and the more she wanted him to push further on. He pulled his fingers out of her and leaned up on one elbow. Looking down on her. He could see she was out of breath.

This sudden change between them startled Maura a bit. "Why? Why are ya stoppin'?" She asked him, pleading for his continued caresses.

"Lass, in a few moments from now ya will no longer be
, but a woman and I'm just wantin' ta make certain that ya are alright with that."

"Aye, Daniel, I am. I don't know for sure what I'm feelin' but I know that I'm likin' it with you. She clasped her hand inside of his and brought it to her mouth
, placing her soft kiss of approval reassuring him she was ready for this transition into womanhood. "I know ya are a good man, Daniel, and that ya will not hurt me, purposefully." Maura reached up and gently caressed his face. "Please, Daniel, I'm happy that you'll be my first."

He bent his head to one breast and took the delicate pink nipple into his mouth and gently suckled it to him. Then he cupped her breast and rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, while sliding his tongue across it.

Maura made a searing sound that told him he'd hit the right spot. He then returned to her slippery sheath and gently massaged her. Maura opened her legs to invite him in, but he was not quite ready, yet, for this to be over. He knew not where he was getting his self control from, but he was thoroughly enjoying this whole experience too much to quickly end it. With his arm about her waist he rolled her to the side of him. Her breasts where tucked tightly against him, and the feel of her skin on his was overwhelming, even to him.

Maura lazily draped her naked thigh over his and slid herself up against him. He could feel the heat and moisture from her soft private area. This was driving him crazy for her.

Slow down,
he kept telling himself. He was torn with whether to take her virginity from her. He felt if she ever found some one worthy of her she should come to him a virgin. This was the hardest decision for him, at this moment. Daniel took hold of her hand and placed it around his fully engorged manhood.

Maura was a bit timid, as she had never touched a man, ever, in this way.

"Just stroke me, love." He whispered in her ear.

After a minute or two she was no longer afraid and felt satisfied she was giving him pleasure. His blood was boiling, now. He could not hold out much longer, but he wanted to give to her his special gift, so when she met the right person in her life, she'd know what to be awakened to.
Daniel rolled Maura to her back and ravished her mouth with rough determination. Then he reached down between her legs and slipped his fingers back into her most coveted place. She was moist with desire. He kissed her deep and with passion, as he was pleasuring her.

Maura’s breathing was ragged. She grasped Daniel’s face with one hand and was crushing her mouth against his, while her fingers were caught in his thick black mane.

She buried her face up against Daniel’s thick muscular forearm and was moaning, as he scorched her neck with white hot kisses. "Don't stop, Daniel, don't stop!"

"I willna stop this time, love.” His voice was deep and husky and he was just as out of breath as
she. He rained scorching kisses down the length of her neck and back up to behind her ear. He ran his tongue around one incredibly sensitive lobe and Maura wrinkled in her response.

Then when Daniel felt she was at the point she could take not another minute of his sweet torture, he began to speak softly in ear. “Oh Maura woman,
dean tu meaigh te
.” He breathed in deeper, still.  “Come ta me, love. Come ta me."

Then she let out one last high pitched moan and Daniel could feel her muscles pulsating. She held
to him tight. Her brow was a bead of moisture and she was unreservedly breathless, as she ran her nails down his back trying not to scream her delight. She felt a warm numbing sensation that reached to her toes, and then had the urge to fall off to sleep. She started to closed her eyes.

"Uh Uh, my sweet, ya are not done yet", he whispered in her ear
, trailing his lips the length of her neck. She responded with a soft giggle then she pulled back from his playful gesture. He took her by the wrist and guided her hand back to his shaft. He was utterly sensitive to her velvet touch. He took in a deep breath the minute she touched him there. He was definitely on fire. "Stroke me, sweet." he coaxed her onward.

He was breathing so heavy, now, that Maura knew he was close to his breaking point. She leaned in and kissed him passionately
on his mouth, while she was pleasuring him.  He removed her hand from his hardened, sensitive mass and rolled her atop of him. He eased her legs apart with his and sat her upright. He forced himself up against her moist warm spot and could feel her heat. How he wanted to enter her. He continued to press himself up against her while wrapping his hands around her tiny waist. He reached up and caressed her breasts.

Then brought her down one last time to him, kissing her with a passion that even he had never experienced before.
He rolled her onto her back and thrust himself up against her thigh. He let out a most deep and satisfied moan. Maura could feel her thigh was moist and warm and Daniel's once hardened manhood was pulsating and beginning to soften. She waited only a few seconds before she tried to reposition herself and he jolted, almost off the bunk.

"Maura, love, I'll have ta be teachin' ya after lovemakin' etiquette. Always give a man at least five minutes ta catch his breath before attemptin' ta move, lest ya be sending him from pleasure ta pain in the blink of an eye. Get my meanin?” Giving her a forgiving wink of his eye and a kiss atop her forehead. He rolled to the side of her and pulled the wool blanket over both of them and tucked in close to Maura.

Quite a while had passed, but Maura could not sleep. She was lying there listening to Daniel's heavy, relaxed breathing and was confused. She had thought, from what the more experienced girls at school gossiped about, there was supposed to be some sort of entering of the female and the first time it would cause pain.
Daniel never entered me
. This, she did not understand.
I told him I was ready for him to be my first and that I was naught afraid
We will definitely be having a talk about this in the morning.
She finally drifted off into a relaxed slumber, cuddling up against Daniel's back.


The next morning when she awoke she was rolled up in the woolen blanket alone. She gave a yawn and a great stretch. That was possibly the best nights rest she'd had since boarding the ship. Maura turned onto her side, with the blanket tucked up under her chin. What woke her was the scratching of quill upon parchment. Maura could see Daniel, with his back to her, sitting at his desk pouring over his manifest sheets.

When he heard her stir, he turned to her and smiled. "Good mornin' love.”

He flashed that beautiful smile at her. “Ya were so peaceful I'd not the heart ta wake ya. Would ya like a cup o' tea or coffee to start ya off?"

He was far too cheerful for this early in the morning, she thought. Maura was used to being up much earlier and alone in the morning, not having to talk with anyone, save the cook when she'd go to retrieve Daniel's breakfast.

A sudden flurry of worry came upon as her she jumped from her bunk with the wool blanket wrapped about her, scurrying about the cabin looking for her boy's attire.

Daniel just sat in his chair watching her and waiting for her to notice he was watching her.

"Why did ya let me sleep in. I'll never get my chores done, today. I'm so late. Godsey must be wondered what has become o' me by now!"

She was even more breathtaking at this moment than any other. Her hair was a tousseled mess, clutching the blanket to her
and chugging down warm coffee.

BOOK: Seacrets
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