Read Sea Panther (Crimson Storm) Online

Authors: Dawn Marie Hamilton

Sea Panther (Crimson Storm) (11 page)

BOOK: Sea Panther (Crimson Storm)
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lolled at anchor. Robert leaned back against the cabin door with
fisted hands. He sensed Kimberly’s frustration as if it were his own. Even
without the transfer of blood, a feeding would provide, he was more attuned to
her than any woman he’d met in his nearly three hundred years of immortality.

Could such profound awareness have come from the one wee
taste when he licked the scratch on her hand? If so, what would he experience
if he were to drink his fill?

Fangs punched through his gums. Frustration wrapped around
him and squeezed.

The tight confines of the cabin gave little room to
maneuver. Not wanting to do something foolish, he locked the door. He clutched
the bag of blood and removed the brown paper wrapping. His fangs penetrated the
thick plastic, and he drank deeply from the unsatisfying contents. Nutrients
coursed through his veins giving much-needed strength.

The vampire surged for control, wanting to break free before
Robert stopped his heart and descended into the mindless deathlike sleep of his
kind. Hunger satisfied, Robert easily confined the monster to the evil black
place within him.

He slid a hand over the hidden latch on the bunk. To the
casual observer the bed looked like any other bunk in any other sailboat. On
, as on
Sea Panther
, the bunk contained a secret compartment.

After releasing the catch, Robert lifted the hinged lid,
stepped in, and lay down amongst the thin layer of nourishing soil Jagger had
kindly provided with the boat. Most vampires preferred to sleep within the
earth. Robert found the rhythm of the sea more to his liking. He closed the
cover, taking solace from the absolute dark.

He needed to shut down his system and welcome the sleep of
the undead.

The panther stirred, wanting to protect his mate. Robert
willed the beast back into the shadows. The animal knew the truth. Robert
couldn’t embrace the regenerative slumber of vampires. If he did, who would
protect Kimberly?

* * *

Kimberly stared through a window at the red fireball rising
over the horizon. How did the old saying go?
Pink at night, pirates make
delight. Red in the morning, sailors take warning.

A bone deep chill shivered through her and she pulled on the
cape Robert gifted her.

During the next two hours, both of the other sailboats
motored out of the secluded cove. Kimberly paced the confines of the salon,
knowing she wouldn’t be able to sleep without help. In frustration, she
swallowed one of the pills Robert supplied and climbed onto the bunk.

When sleep finally came, it was fitful.

She ran as fast as possible. Her muscles burned from
exertion. She weaved through the trees, searching for a way to escape. The
pounding sound of the man’s footfalls spurred her onward. A steep cliff
appeared. She paused and with hands on knees struggled for breath.

After glancing in both directions, she darted left. Too
close to the edge, she skidded to a stop. Chest tight, she peered into the deep
ravine. Fear spiked. She turned and raced along the edge of the cliff. Loose
rocks tumbled down the slope.

Please, God, don’t let me tumble over the side.

Twigs snapped behind her. The stranger must be gaining

She glanced over a shoulder. Shit! The man was right
behind her. Kimberly took a deep breath, sprinted full out, and jumped over a
fallen tree.

Her foot caught on a branch. She fell hard. Pain seared
an ankle, but she managed to push up onto sore knees. The stranger’s body
shuddered, contorted, stretched. Oh, dear God, what horror is this? The man
jerked and transformed into a cougar.

Holy shit. She froze. The big cat bared its canines and
leapt for her throat.

Kimberly woke with a racing pulse. Perspiration soaked her
brow. Light streamed through the windows in the salon. She sat up and listened.
Quiet. Robert’s door remained closed. She hadn’t wakened him. Her heartbeat
slowed enough to settle the frantic thumping against her ribs. She settled back
into the pillows. Exhaustion pulled her into oblivion.

Later, she woke again, feeling a subtle change in the motion
of their floating home. The normal calm lapping of waves against the hull had
turned into a persistent rocking. She quickly threw on a pair of jeans and a
lavender t-shirt and scooted out of the cramped v-berth.

The door to Robert’s cabin was latched open. He wasn’t

After stepping into slip-on sneakers, she climbed the
companionway stairs and found him scanning the entrance to their private
paradise with binoculars. Ominous storm clouds covered the sun and a brisk wind
blew from the south. White capped waves rolled across the surface of the water.
Checking her watch, she was surprised at how early it was in the afternoon.
Three o’clock, much earlier than they’d recently made a habit of rising. With
the heavy gloom, the time seemed much later.

“Get below,” Robert hollered. “We’re about to have unwanted

A brightly lit coastguard inflatable raced into the cove.
Shit. Kimberly didn’t wait to be told a second time. She scrambled below stairs
and hid in the cabin.

* * *

Robert didn’t need to check to see if Kimberly obeyed. He
smelled her fear over the briny scent on the wind. He lowered the binoculars
and made ready to greet their guests.

The coastguard Zodiac pulled portside. “Ahoy,

“Ahoy,” Robert yelled in return. “Problem?”

“Nasty storm headed this way. We’re advising all boaters to
take refuge in protective moorings. You should be safe here, but might want to
put out a second anchor.”

“Thanks for the forewarning.”

“No problem.” The guardsmen waved, and the inflatable sped

When the Zodiac cleared the inlet entrance, Kimberly
returned to the cockpit. “Thank God, they’re gone.”

“Aye, I was in nae mood to try to outrun the US Coast Guard
with a single-engine sailboat.”

“Do you think they’ll be back?”

“They will be too busy with the storm.”

Kimberly raked her teeth along her lower lip. “Will we be

Robert ignored the blood rush to his groin and placed a palm
against her cheek. “Aye, lass. Safe and snug within
Night Thrill
. Let us
batten down the hatches. Shall we?”

She agreed and went to work. As a team, they prepared for
the oncoming storm. Kimberly impressed him. She remained calm and focused while
performing her duties. Bloody hell…if things were different, he’d be
contemplating making her his wife. The mother of his children. His

He swore under his breath.

“What?” She stopped to stare at him. “Did I do something

“Nae. You are capable. I was frustrated with myself, is all.
Here…” He reached for the other end of the rope she used to secure the extra
water jugs. “Let me help tie that off, and then we will take ourselves below.”

* * *

Wind howled, thunder rumbled, lightning streaked the sky.
Rain pelted the deck. Yet Kimberly felt safe and secure holed up with Robert
Night Thrill

He discarded an eight-of-clubs. “Your turn.”

She placed her cards facedown on the large coffee table.
“Sorry. Not much into the game.”

“Nae worries.” He gathered the cards, shuffled them, and put
them into the pack. “Is there something else you would rather do?”

There was, but she couldn’t tell him what.

As if a mind reader, he motioned for her to sit beside him.
She eased down onto the cushion, and he placed an arm around her shoulders.
They snuggled together, silent, listening to the storm rage outside their
little haven. When his fingers brushed across the bottom of a breast, her
nipples hardened.

A hungry fire burned in his cinnamon eyes. Butterflies
slam-danced inside her belly, and she self-consciously bit her bottom lip.

Robert made a strangled sound moments before his mouth
ravished hers. She leaned into him. Every shift of pressure, every sensation,
tore at her heart. Made her pulse race. She wanted to climb his body. Make

He scattered kisses over her face. Her neck. Her hair. A
warm breath teased sensitive skin. He murmured against an ear, describing
suggestive sensual positions they might try. She shivered in delight.

Erotic images played in Kimberly’s mind as teasing hands
roamed her body. Fingers plucked pearled nipples, drew her taut. He played her
like a fine musical instrument.

First, the shirt landed on the floor. Then the bra.

Cool air prickled her skin.

He gave an encouraging smile. Two could play at this game.
His shirt had to go. She reached for the bottom of the polo. His lips pursed
and eyebrows arched as if he wasn’t sure she could finish what she started.

Oh yeah, she could. Kimberly tugged the black cotton up and
over his head. Golden light from the lamp spilled across ripped muscle covered
by beautiful bronze skin. She brushed fingers over the dusting of fine hair on
his hard chest. Swept her touch over the washboard abs.

His body quivered. Was he as aroused as she?

Leaning over her, he pressed her body into the settee
cushion as if in answer. He claimed her mouth again. This time, wet and deep,
his tongue fervently stroked hers. Their intoxicating kiss lasted for what
seemed like an eternity, and then to her disappointment, he left her lips

Before she had the chance to complain, he drew a nipple into
a hot mouth, surrounded the puckered aureole with satiny lips, and sucked. He
laved the sensitized nub with his tongue. Grazed teeth across the heated flesh
and nipped.

Gentle at first. Then rough.

She panted with each fierce sensation that spiraled through
her system and clutched at her sex. Her heart pounded a tattoo. Not until the
rough fabric of his jeans brushed against her thigh did she fully realize he’d
removed her pants and panties while she’d been lost in a haze of pure pleasure.

She wanted him naked too. She reached for the buttons of his

He grasped her hands and held them still.

“Are you sure, lass? There will be nae turning back.” His
rough voice confirmed his desire.

“I’m sure.” Kimberly wanted him more than she’d ever wanted
any other man.

He didn’t wait for assistance. He jumped from the settee and
tore the pants from his body. Commando. She sat up and looked her fill. Tight
abs, to golden vee of hair, to…

Oh. My. God. What a body.

Kimberly couldn’t help but let a nervous giggle slip.

An assured smile curled his lips, and he sat beside her.
Placing a palm at the back of her neck, he drew her forward for another wondrous
kiss, the exquisite sensation sizzling all the way to her toes.

He pulled away, and she opened her eyes. He held a black
silk scarf. A trace of alarm tickled her nerves. She’d once imagined him
binding her with a scarf using a bowline knot. How had he known?

“You can trust me. I will never hurt you.”

Kimberly believed him. “Robert, I want to be with you, but
we need…protection.”

Understanding flashed in his eyes. “There is nae need lass.
I’m sterile thanks to my affliction.”

“I’m sorry.” She touched his hand lightly. “It’s not that.


“Protection against STDs.”

“Ahhh. I’m sure I’m safe, but Jagger must have some condoms
around here. Give me a moment.” A few minutes later Robert returned with a box.
“Do you think this will be enough?”

She held her mouth tight, trying not to laugh.

He held up the scarf and raised an eyebrow. She nodded
consent, feeling naughty.

Robert drew the silk across her chest. With the sensuous
feel of the sleek fabric skimming her sensitized skin, excitement escalating,
she gave him a game smile.


Robert wrapped the scarf around Kimberly’s wrists and bound
them together.

Hard and heavy, he fought for control. He had never wanted
another woman with so much intensity. With such great need. Kimberly was open
to him. The utter honesty with which she reacted to his touch left him humbled.

The vampire attempted to force his influence, to steal the
pleasure for his own. Robert fiercely fought the monster back into the inky
shadows, refusing to allow the beast to sully the purity of his desire for

He picked her up and sat her on the table. His hands shook
from the effort to remain gentle as he laid her back against the wood and
slowly raised her arms over her head. Maintaining eye contact, he secured the
ends of the scarf to the handhold at the edge of the table.

His black heart ached as he admired the woman laid out
before him. The way she moistened her lips sent pulsating blood rushing to his
cock. Robert licked his lips. He could still taste her sweet kiss.

She lay across the teak like an offering to the gods. Only
she was there for him. He could read the longing glistening in her eyes. His
erection throbbed. A groan burned in his throat. He held it there, not wanting
to frighten Kimberly with his animalistic need.

He skimmed fingertips along the insides of her thighs,
enjoying the feel of silky smooth skin. She shivered. When he spread her legs
wider and teased sensitive flesh, she squirmed with unabashed need. Her eyes
grew darker and more lustful. Soft sounds escaped her precious lips.

Satan knew how much Robert wanted to possess her. He fumbled
with the condom and snugged it over his erection. With a squeeze to his cock,
sensation shot to his toes. He rose above Kimberly and entered her with a quick
deep thrust. Wet and slick, she took him into her body easily.

On a slow draw, he pulled almost all the way out then thrust
again. And again.

BOOK: Sea Panther (Crimson Storm)
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