Scrooge's Bear (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tales) (3 page)

BOOK: Scrooge's Bear (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tales)
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When all he’d wanted to do was pull
her over the tabletop and have her straddle him as he acquainted himself with
her ample form. He was a Were. His kind came big. He preferred women that could
hold up to the fierceness of his love making. A slip of a woman scared him. Sex
was a pretty intense affair and he always had to keep his sexual exploits to
human women of the thicker variety. A beautiful figure with large breasts,
narrow waist and wide, round hips and ample thighs to cradle his hips and take
the power of his thrusts. Ebony, in her perfectly tailored green suit, was that
kind of woman.

Casually strutting behind her fast,
long strides through the lobby, he allowed himself to think on something
else—the strength of his desire and attraction for her. He hadn’t missed the
electric heat that coursed through his arm when he’d laid his hand over hers.
It felt as if he’d tried to hold on to a live wire—his blood sizzled. The hot
flash of pleasure swirled through his body and landed dead center in his lap.
His cock had been rock hard the entire time he sat across from her. Even now,
it was semi-erect hidden behind the lower end of his suit jacket.

If the long-lasting erection hadn’t
been enough of a response to jar him in the gut, the fact that his gums had
been itching in four specific places had the hair on his arms raised. He
couldn’t figure out why he was responding to her in such a way—this strange

As her pace slowed, she drew closer
to the elevators, he allowed himself to close the gap some so that he could
take in another direct dose of her scent. Cloves and apricot—there was
something about it. Something he couldn’t put his finger on. Like a vapor, the
clarity of who this woman was eluded his grasp. 

He intentionally kept his distance
from Were-females in his county and found a reason to be far away from town
during the First Frost Moon. Finding a life-long mate wasn’t on his agenda.
There were too many favorite flavors of women in the world he’d yet to taste to
find himself in the same bed night after night for the rest of his life. No
thank you. Yeah, he felt the pull the week prior like all other men, but he
hightailed it quickly beyond Den County’s limits. Usually, he locked himself in
a hotel room for a few days until the intensity to mate wore off enough that he
could trust himself to find a willing human woman and slack his lust.

So, why he was willing to trail
behind their aphrodisiac delight and risk the warning connection was beyond
him. What he should do was confess the truth and tell her he wasn’t the man
she’d been waiting for—the one she’d paid to service her.

But his bear growled and urged him


When she arrived at the bank of
elevators at the back of the lobby, she could feel the heat of his body behind
her letting her know he had followed her from the bar. He wasn’t close enough
that their bodies connected, but it didn’t seem to matter. Her breasts felt
heavy and the urge to cup them herself assailed her.

Finally, the doors parted and she
stepped in and moved as close to the panel as possible.

Her shadow flowed in next.

Cutting her eyes toward him, she was
arrested by his direct gaze. He stood against the opposite wall, giving her
space. She was grateful for that. However, the way he was looking at her, as if
she was his favorite treat that he wanted to consume, made her hands shake.

For a moment she paused with her
finger on the button for the floor where her rented suite was located. The
protracted stare was doing a number on her. If a man had ever viewed her with
such intensity before, she couldn’t recall.

Maybe I should just end this. Take
the loss of the money I paid and send him away.

The car began to ding, letting her
know the doors needed to close and it was awaiting her selection.

Her mind told her having sex with
him could be dangerous. Her loins told her it would be worth it. Her heart had
yet to voice an opinion other than the firm, steady beat that pulsed through
her eardrums.

“I think I’ve chan—”

“Hold the elevator!” A man came
slipping through as the doors started to slide shut. “Phew. Thanks.” Out of
breath the intoxicated man slumped against the back wall.

“Hey pretty lady.” The
drunk wobbled closer to her and with a hand stretched toward her. “How about
joining me in my room for some holiday

A growl pierced the elevator car
before the man had completed his offer.

Ebony and the balding drunk both
snapped their heads in the direction of the big, silent man in the corner.

She could have sworn that she felt
the steel box shake beneath her feet.

Dainton took one step
that brought him to the center of the enclosed space as he focused his gaze on
the inebriated man. “
touch her.”

His voice that was already heavy and
rough, in a sexy way, now was menacing and sounded more like two rocks being
ground against each other—grating. She also noticed instantly that those
intense gorgeous eyes of his that were making her melt across the table now
almost seemed reddish in color as they held the intoxicated man pinned to the

Mr. Drunkard, seeing the hard look,
swallowed once then twice. He rubbed his hand down the front of his face
swiping away the river of sweat that began to pour down from his bare scalp.

The big man that was her
date made her a little nervous at the moment, even though his ire was raised by
her and he wasn’t giving her the cold glare.
Would he hurt this man?

She’d never had a man step forward
so protective of her before. It had always been something she’d had to do for
herself. Unsure of how she felt about her body guard for the night, she surely
didn’t want him to hurt this man.

“Umm…ugh…haha…umm…” The man shuffled
back more.

The beast of a man, her date, took
two steps and had the man backed into a far corner away from her. Dainton
looked so fierce it almost seemed as if the expanse of his shoulders was
swelling bigger.


She knew better than to jump between
two grown men that were squaring off, but she had to do something to stop them.

If she hadn’t witnessed it with her
own eyes, she would not have believed it when she saw his body actually shiver
when she called his name.

He turned and fixed his gorgeous
eyes onto her. The longer he stared at her the more it appeared the ruby tint
faded and those golden flecks began to take over.

She was truly becoming fond of that
metallic color.

The elevator dinged announcing its
arrival onto a floor; too early to be the one she rented for the night. When
the doors were barely open the drunk hustled past Dainton quickly and shot
through the slowly widening gap, stammering his apologizes the whole time. Most
likely, hoping to stave off any beating that may still be coming his way.

Dainton only shifted so that he was
resting his shoulder against the shiny metal side of the elevator, appearing
all too cocky.

She folded her arms and pinned him
with a look. “I don’t care for violence.”

“You don’t think a man should stand
up and protect his woman?”

“I’m not
woman. I don’t need a man to go all Neanderthal on my behalf.”

A single corner of his mouth curled
up. “I think you do.”

“And I think you need to step back.”
Oh, hell what was wrong with her? Why didn’t she just tell the man to get off
on the next floor and keep away from her? “What are you, some kind of bully?”

“Never to you, love.”

Finally, the elevator signaled it
had arrived at the twenty-third floor where her suite was located.

“I’m not your love. I’m your client.
Since I’m paying a hell of a lot, think of me as your boss.” She liked that
term. It was something she was familiar with, a way more comfortable for her to
deal with such an overpowering man. She’d have him firmly in his place before
he slid inside of her.

That thought caused warmth to spread
through her thighs and made her clit press into the seat of her panties.

Stepping from the elevator, she led
them down the hall. Before her door, she paused with the keycard in hand. For a
moment she wondered if she was making the right choice. Not because she’d paid
for sex. Hell, she was a modern woman and took control of her own life. More
because of this man, a man that seemed so virile, so untamed.

Glancing over her shoulder she
looked at him.

“Have you changed your mind?” His
question came out in a low timbre and for a moment his gaze became less intense
and warmth more than fire filled his eyes.

Was he concerned about my feelings?

She shook that away.
This man didn’t know her well enough to have such a concern. He was probably
more worried about not getting his
after services rendered.

“No. Of course not. You know the
rules…I expect you to stick to them.” With that she opened the door and stepped
in first.

A soft rumble was the only response
she heard.

The suite door closed behind them.

“One thing about rules…I’ve never
been good at following them.”

Before she could respond, he had her
pressed to the wall beside the open bathroom door his mouth covering hers.
Breaking rule number one, doing what she told him to do and only that. No
kissing was the first thing she expressed she didn’t want.

Why aren’t you
pushing him away?
mind taunted.

However, her body
disregarded the question and gave in. She never recalled being kissed so
well—it stole her senses.

His lips were firm but gentle. They
felt like silk moving over hers. He didn’t press his body against her, but kept
a small amount of distance so that she barely felt his chest brushing her

As if reaching for him, her nipples
were drawn tight, stretching forward.

The kiss deepened as he slid his
tongue into her mouth causing electric currents to shoot into the tips of her
breasts and her fingers. She needed to touch more of him. Raising her hands,
she placed them on his sides and resisted the urge to pull him closer.

She sighed and yielded to his oral

He glided his tongue over hers then
curled it so that every time he drew it away the tip of it grazed the roof of
her mouth. She shivered and moaned in response.

Over and over again he claimed her
mouth, turned her core to jelly and made her mind spin. She needed more. More
kissing. More of this man.


Did he just growl?
Even as the question came into her
mind, her body acted on its own to the sound. She arched her back, pressing her
breasts to his solid chest. She moved her lips back and whispered, “Touch me. I
want to feel your hands on me.”

He stared down at her, his eyes were
definitely more metallic, the ebony color now flecks in the golden pool, barely

If she wasn’t half out of her mind
with desire she may have stopped them and inquired about the shifting in his
gaze she kept seeing. However, with the blood rushing through her veins—hot and
fast—she couldn’t drag herself to do anything but wait anxiously for his touch.

Smiling, he leaned closer and glided
his tongue over her bottom lip as his hands palmed her breasts. Large breasts
that most men in the past had struggled with handling. Not Dainton.

He cupped them through her suit
jacket as he resumed kissing her.

Her fingers flexed at his waist and
felt the hard muscles concealed beneath his clothes. For a moment she felt
hesitant about having her body bared before this sculpted man. She was fit. She
worked hard daily on the treadmill, but sometimes no matter how hard someone
dieted and went to the fitness center they couldn’t fight genetics. Her curves
were thick and prominent.

In her experience, men liked slimmer
woman. They were all over Hollywood and plastered across billboards and the
covers of magazines. Even in the corporate field when she first got started she
was passed over a few times for lead positions for the thin, athletic type,
until she proved time and again how much of a go-getter she was and how well
she could produce above expectation results. Then the men in charge couldn’t
overlook her. Would this man be disappointed in what he saw revealed before

She wanted to not care. Wanted to
take the haughty road and recall she wasn’t paying him for his opinion but his

However, even as a strong, confident
and business-minded person in her core, there was still a sliver of the young
woman that wanted favorable attention, love, and for someone to see her as
beautiful—the things that had been denied to her in her life.

Pulling back, she pressed her hands
on his chest, needed a bit of space. Catch her breath. Her head was spinning.

BOOK: Scrooge's Bear (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tales)
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