SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories) (71 page)

BOOK: SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories)
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“What, you don’t believe in love?”

She laughed, a bit jaded.  “Do you, Billy Jameson?”

“Well…I reckon I don’t know what love is, Miss Garrett.”

“It’s Missus Garrett.”

“Is it now?”

“Whatcha’ think?  How about we limp along for a while?  I stay on my side of the house, you stay on yours.  We save up some money.  Give the people something to talk about just for laughs.  Then before you know it…I’ll be gone.  Just like that.”

“Just like that?”


“Well…all right.  I’ll tell you what.  Just stay here for now.  We’ll play this game for now.  But let’s not get tied down to anything.  Just temporary, right?”

“Of course, sugar.  See you and I are in the same boat.  Neither of us crave romance the way most young’ins do.  You could say we have a more practical understanding of the way the world works.”



Chapter 3

Billy Jameson hated to admit it, but that crazy mail order bride didn’t seem so crazy after all.  Strangely enough, he did feel almost instant affection towards her, since she seemed like a well-grounded woman and one who shared his cynical view of the world. He was also half ashamed to admit that she was attractive.  She had an altogether different aura about her than any of the easy girls at the saloon.  When she spoke she did so with confidence.  When she stared someone in the eye it was to make a point, not beg for a favor.  He couldn’t quite explain why he found his instant wife so fascinating, but all through the night he couldn’t stop staring at her.

And yes, Billy actually seemed like he was in love with his new wife—the funniest notion of all.  The townsfolk definitely “had a cow over it” as Jane said they would.  Little towns just loved to gossip and Billy’s mystery wife that came out of nowhere was just the scandal they needed.

“Hey,” Jane said, after downing three shots of whiskey and hardly flinching.  She leaned over close to Billy’s face and giggled.  “Isn’t this kind of funny?  That we’re acting so goofy-eyed in love?  It’s like a slap in your father’s face.  He probably thought he was yanking your chain.  Now you’re sticking it right back to him.”

They both laughed, more than a little drunk after a night of partying. To Billy’s surprise, he never caught Jane staring at him once.  She actually seemed more interested in yelling and playing with the bar girls and his no-good-dirty friends than him. It was almost as if…she really wasn’t in love with him.

Billy shook away the strange feeling.  Probably a good thing.  A sham marriage.  A reasonable business arrangement.  A practical joke gone awry.  There was no reason to bring love into it.

But as he watched her horse around with friends, and occasionally making sarcastic “love” gestures towards her imaginary husband, he felt a sudden pang of discomfort.  This is what it would be like; to have a partner, to have a friend, one step above girls who accept free drinks and roll around in the hay if you throw them a few coins.

This must be that weird thing called family that his father once described to him.  A sense of belonging, a sense of soul bonding and emotional draw.  All he really knew about this nutty woman who showed up and usurped his life was that she was like no other he had ever met.

They drank for a few more hours and then stumbled home.  That is, to their “house” where they played husband and wife for purely financial reasons.  It was enough to send them both into jitters as they just barely made it through the door and them falling down to the sofa inside.

Billy laughed more moments on in, trading stories with Jane and thinking about how many white lies they must have told under the influence of liquor. 

“I think at one point, Mel thought you were a rich city socialite widow.  He kept thinking you were paying for all the drinks.”

“Well, see that’s the thing,” she giggled.  “You always let them think what they want.  It’s more fun that way.  If people want to think I’m a rich and powerful woman, why would I correct them?”

“Well, you’re a powerful woman, that’s for sure.  Maybe not rich but strong.”

“Hmm,” she said, looking Billy in the eye and squinting.

“What was that look?”

“It’s that same funny look you gave me, dear sir.  I just hope you’re not getting too attached to me.”

“Noooo, no ma’am.”

“Good because this is all just an act, you know.  Just a purely financial thing-of-a bob.”

“Of course, of course.  No woman’s going to tie down Billy Jameson.”

“Well no man’s good enough for Jane Garrett.  So let’s drink to that.”

They both clinked imaginary classes and smiled.

“Although one gets to wondering…” Billy said with a sly smile.

“What you got on your mind, boy?”

“Well you know, we both made it clear what we think about love.  But there is always the opposite of love.  That lowdown dirty thing a man and woman are capable of doing behind closed doors.”

“Ohhhh,” she said staring back at him and sneering.  “I know where your mind is going.”

“I’m just proposing a perfectly reasonable scenario for our unusual situation.  Neither of us are attached.  But we DO become attached under the covers.  And I must say, without the influence of alcohol…though it helps…you were easily the prettiest woman in that whole building tonight.”

“Aww, you think so?” she said, touching her cheek and blushing.

“So what do you say we just kiss and see what happens?  No pressure, no promises.  Certainly no intent on feeling anything romantic.”

“Of course not!”

“But still…just to say we gave it a try.  We can kiss once and see how it feels.  Because Missus Garrett-Jameson, I do declare you have a very beautiful smile.  And your lips are very tempting.”

“You are such a charmer!”

“I can’t help but speak the truest thoughts of my heart.”

“Well, Mister Jameson, the problem is, I don’t have any special ‘mixes’ that will protect me from the inevitable problem.”

“Oh I see…” he said unsurely.  “Well, all I offered was a kiss and I don’t expect that lip to lip contact is a risk of pregnancy, not as I understand sex anyway…”

“Yeeeah but…” she said with raised eyebrows, “Something tells me once you get a taste of it, you’re going to have a hard time slowing down.  I know how cowboys think, you see.  And they usually don’t think with the head up here.”

“Come on, you can trust me.  I’ll know when you stop.”

“Hmmm,” she said.  “I don’t know about a kiss.  Sometimes a kiss means a lot more than a kiss.  But I’ll tell you what…”


“Have you ever been to a house of ill-fame?”

“Well of course,” he said with a smile.  “The girls at the saloon all know my name.”

“Yeah but sugar,” she said, squinting her eyes.  “I mean not like a saloon house with easy women and drinks.  I mean a real parlor.  A brothel of painted ladies.”

“Well…” he said uncertainly.  “To tell you the truth, I never really had to go to one of those houses.  There were plenty of women at the saloons who were like putty in a man’s hands after a few drinks and a few presents.   That’s the kind of thing a fellow does when he’s alone and has no other options.”

“Yeah…because I was wondering just how much you
about what men and women do to each other.
of matrimony.”

“Outside of matrimony.”

“Outside of matrimony?  I don’t follow you.”

“I’m guessing you’re a breast man, Billy Jameson.  Being the kind of good old boy you are in a small town.”

“Well,” he said with a grin, “I can’t complain about the luscious female form.  No ma’am.”

“And since daddy taught you about loving from his old married arsenal of tricks…I’m guessing you only know how to make love to a woman the old fashioned way.”

“Well, damn, wife of mine!” he said with laugh. “When you say it like that.  I’ll just so have you know, I happen to enjoy a lot of different positions, shall we say.  And of course my favorite is reverse cowgirl, for obvious reasons.  Riding the buck, now doesn’t that sound scandalous.”

“Well let me teach you a little trick I learned in the old country.  When a woman gets excited, and I do mean really excited…”

“Uh huh?” he said, looking at her intently as she crawled over to rest her head near his lap. 

“She starts to desire him.  And he she wants him to be as hard as humanly possible for when they move onto bigger and better things.”

“I hear you…”

She reached over and unbuttoned his pants, making eye contact with him and smiling.

“She desires to know him and to know every part of him.  Especially his manhood.  A man’s penis is like his favorite gun, you know.  If he knows how to use it right it can be a killer.”

“I’ll say,” he laughed, smiling as she unzipped him and searched for his growing penis.

She pulled it out and admired his size; a solid ten inches, circumcised and steadily growing the more she gently squeezed at the shaft.

“But if it’s unloaded it can be just the most useless thing in the world,” she said crawling closer so that she lay down on her stomach, right on top of his lap.

“Well yeah…but what are you…”

“What am I what?”

“Aren’t you going to climb on top of me…”

“Just sit back and relax.”

She smiled at him and then closed her eyes, taking his stiff cockhead into her mouth.

“Whoah!” he said in amazement.  “What are you doing?”

She laughed.  “What’s wrong?  Your saloon girls never taught you that?”

“Taught me what?  You’re putting my penis in your mouth!”

“Yeah.  How can I really know you, Billy Jameson until I taste the flavor of your manhood?”

“What?  Why on earth would you want to…”

Billy shifted his head back in shock as Jane began lightly licking his head with her tongue.  “Mmmm…aren’t you the tasty specimen, Mister Jameson.”

“Holy shit!  I can’t believe how nasty you are.”

“I know,” she said defiantly, squeezing his base harder and licking him right along the hole of his sensitive prick.

“Ohhhh that hurts!”

“Mmm it feels a little funny at first,” she said with another smile.  “But you’re going to learn to love it.”

“Love what?  You drinking down the awful taste of semen?  What kind of a nutjob are you?”

“Nut job!” she laughed.  “Funny man, you are.  This is a sort of nut job, isn’t it?”

She wet his cock with her lips and tongue until it was stringy and covered in spit. 

“Uhhhh…I don’t like the way this feels…”

“Don’t knock it till you try it, cowboy.”

She looked at him again, this time with more bratty eyes.  Then she gently sucked on the head of his cock, making sure he watched her with that star-struck face.

“Oh God!” he said, shifting around and fighting the urge to break free.  “I can’t believe you!”

“Mmmm…” she said, taking a break and licking the sensitive spot right under his cockhead. 

“Huhhhh…” he said, groaning and shaking his head back and forth.  “Maybe you should stop.”

She smiled…then grabbed his balls in her hands, carefully squeezing just the scrotum and cupping his balls gently—but with a definite threat.

“Whoah!  No, no, don’t do that!”

“Looks to me like I got all the power.  Now unless you want to know what happens when you crack an acorn, I suggest you shut up and let me do my thing.”

Billy laughed and shook his head in disbelief; pretty much powerless as she quite literally had him by the balls and enjoyed flexing her muscle.

She looked at his penis carefully, examining its veins and solid lines, engorged in blood and becoming even thicker and girthier than before.

“Ohhhhh it feels not so bad…”

“Mmmm.  Like what?” she said, before sucking him in deeper, reaching all the way to his mid shaft.

“Ohhh God!” he moaned, his voice becoming deeper and more stressed.  What…what are you doing to me…”

“Mmmm,” she mumbled letting her mouth make a lot smacking sound as she sucked him in, then spit him out, lubing him up nasty as can be.

Billy was watching in awe.  Fascinated by the filth of it all.  He was the type of womanizer who kissed, titty-grabbed and pussy-pounded his way to a fast orgasm.  But this was something new.  Something only an improperly educated woman could ever
.  Not even the easiest saloon girl ever just tortured him like this, teasing him, dirtying him up and then…well, only god knew what this vixen might do next.

“You like me sucking your big cock, cowboy?”

“Jesus!” he said with a laugh.  “I never heard a good lady talk so nasty before!”

“That’s because I’m not a good girl.  Not at all.”

“Mmmmmm!” he grunted loudly, as she pushed her mouth down his cock, reaching deeper this time deep throating him down to the very base.  “Holy fuck!” he cried out, amazed that she could fit his huge penis down that tiny throat, where that sweet innocent voice came from.  “How did you do that?”

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