Scorpion (14 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Goodgame

BOOK: Scorpion
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I felt jipped.  I glanced up sideways at Cas wondering what else he
’d been telling about me.  How many ways can I look like an idiot today?  “You can heal others.  And you see visions.  The fire, and us, and the Elf lord.  Didn’t you?”

He gaped at me.
“It’s our blood.  The future maybe.  I’ve touched you before,” he said out of breath like me, “at the party when my arm was cut up.  You grabbed me and then you were whipped away by Thorn to oh so glorious safety. And I was healed like I said.”

I think I need to lodge a complaint with the mothers for the overdoneness with being this connected to a bunch of bloody men.

  “Well, say something.”

’m not sure what to say.  You’ve just told me there is yet another person entangled in the web of “All About Stace” and I am the last to know.  You’ve just announced that I can heal you by touching you.  And you’ve just told me there is yet another person who feels the need to alert me to their damn presence with some kind of funky calling system.  I thought you might be different.  I hoped at the least.”

I looked up to see some very puppy dog eyed sad boys looking down at me.  “I didn
’t mean that in a bad way, its just there seems there will never be any privacy in any way for me anymore.  And I will always have an alarm system when my marked like me guys are around.  That could be very frustrating.”

And is it not frustrating to live with the fact that they have the same with you that I have?  I have to live with this also. 

I glued my apologetic eyes to Cas. 
I’m sorry.  You are right.
  “Cas is right.  I’m just throwing my own pity party.”

’re forgetting something.  We didn’t hear what Cas had to say,” Calum snarled.

No, thank the gods.

Cas chuckled under his breath. 

I recomposed reaching my hand out to offer Cord help up.  He stared at my hand and finally reached for it a little surprised I could lift him.  Ha!

He landed too close to me and I couldn’t believe he did but he threw me back and held me down kissing me full of on the mouth.  I was shocked into it so my mouth had been open and I felt his tongue dart in before I pulled off him.  Or rather Cas and Calum and even Lee hauling him down in a full on pinned to the ground position. 

I heard knuckles popping everywhere
but no one was screaming.

, princess.  You’ll want it one day.  But I had to try it out.  See if it works for me like it did them.”

My angry face left me wondering what he meant.  “What?” I blew air in his face.

“More theories, gorgeous.  I suspected your emotional overdrive you did on me earlier has merit from something such as sharing...things.”

Eww!  “Wanna try it one more time for science?”

I backed away.  Is he insinuating that the emotions are triggered from kissing?

He is saying just that
, Stace.

I jerked up at Cas
’s stern inner voice.

“Thank you for healing me
, gorgeous.”  He leaned in and I ran back to stand with Cas. He received dirty looks from my guys.  This is pure loco!

So let’s move on.  We have five of us now.”  Cord said licking his lips.

  “Cord, I assume you will work together with us?” I asked winded.  As if I could possibly have my composure back after all that.

“With you.”

Sucks for you then.”

’s us or no go.  We are all in this somehow.” I wanted to spit out his taste. 

“Fine, but FYI, I communicate through who I want.”  He handed me a card.  I took it absentmindedly and then read it.  His name and personal cell phone
number.  “I’ll be waiting by the phone,” he jested me. 

Was that meant to be rude or was he truly making eyes at me this whole time?  I didn
’t want to give him any excuse to think I would give it back.  Were dude Cord Ryan could wait all day.  I peeked at Cas to confirm what I felt from him.
Jealousy suits you.  I could get used to it.

He gritted his teeth at me, growling.

I raised my eyebrows at him.

He swooped in and latched on to my hip with his hand pulling me up against him closer than I
’d ever been with my back against him.  He felt me lunge forward an inch.  He knew why, but Cord interpreted it exactly the way Cas wanted to.  A
she’s mine

Cord laughed maniacally and waved his hand in the air.  His guys stood to attention as he came closer to Cas but took my hand and kissed my palm watching my eyes totally ignoring Cas
’ tug away from him.  “Till we need to meet again.”

He was gone a second later walking away with his crew and retreating back towards the parking lot they
’d parked in.

Well, that was entertaining. I think we at least gained an ally.
No answer. 
Are you going to respond?

Stace, I
’ll never survive you.

Thanks for the confidence.

It’s not you I’m concerned about.

We headed back to my father and Lord Green. 
Jealous still?  I’m sorry but you have nothing to worry about.

No, you shouldn
’t be sorry.  You’re very alluring.  You always have been.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed before letting go. 
Hardly.  I’d never even been allowed to interact with boys until Lee, and then that was over fast and then Calum came along.  Why am I telling you this?

You were alluring way before then. 
Many came to call, you were just shielded greatly.

I guess that makes me angry, yet I was led straight to you with only a few snares.

He smiled at that making me like the snared idea of being forced to wait for him.  His thumb brushed my right cheek.  He kissed me quickly, but it was all action with his tongue brushing across the sections of my mouth.

Do you feel better?
  It was a cleansing kiss. One that said he didn't want me to remember Cord's.  Not a problem.

Cas asked instead of answering,
So what am I if all the others are snares?

That I caught the fish made of gold. 

That you did.  Hook, line, and so into you I’m making a fool of myself in front of everyone.

Yes.  But you
’re my fool.             

He smiled and kissed my lips quick.  I wrapped my hands around his waist and laughed into his chest
before scrambling to join the group.  Beside them, Lee and Calum glared at the two of us so I decided I would try to cut down on public affection.  But then changed my mind because it felt so natural with Cas, like two puzzle pieces joining together at multiple points throughout the day to day. 

Why cut down what I want to display a little more?  I
’m not caring what they think, why should you
?  To others, Cas’ face was focused, but I could hear the smile even in his head voice.

Harsh.  Be nice,
I told him.

My girl.

My guy.

He laughed at me. 

We drove away from the meet and greet, the four of us and Lee discussing the events worming away from the extroverted amount of flirting by Cord to gain my attention.  I neglected to inform them that his number was in my back pocket.  I’d hide that away for now.  Cas could do the calling since he was apparently best buds with him and all. 

I told them about the headache and watched them all squirm in
their seats.  After mentioning the blood and the healing and Cord’s theory on me being a healer Cas and Szar admitted they were already aware, told by Cord, and now Calum knew.  Of course, they wanted a demo. When I mentioned we would have to back and see Cord, they all changed their minds.  Cas joked and said he didn’t want blood on the seats.  Says the Vampire.

t do any of you know about the Elves and who is their Elf lord?”

Szar looked at Cas.

Calum snorted, “Don’t you two start speaking in your heads now.  I’m part of this or I’m out of this car.”

Cas glared at him.  This glaring needed to cease.

Enjoying yourself? 
I let my gaze look straight into him to get my point.

Immensely.  You
’re mine, Kissa. 

“Not in the car too,” Szar mumbled meaning to make me mad.

I popped my hand back and slapped his leg hard.  And his ego.

“Ow, woman.”

Cas spoke to all of us, “The Elves haven’t had a leader in a long time.  Working with Borgon is a first in their history of letting someone run them as a group.  Before now, they were just always spread out wide and no one in charge.  Now they seem to have one goal.  Eliminate who they’ve been told the enemy.”

“And I am that enemy?”

“Yes.  They were so close at the party,” Cas said closing his eyes in pain.

I turned my thoughts to him
.  I love that you want to protect me and all.  I do.  I will never tell you to go against that, but you’re worrying over something that is in the past.  Worry about the future and help me to do it together.

“They started it, but Borgon is the real enemy.  He has nothing to live for.  At least if we work together now we can keep any of us from getting hurt and maybe change their minds if we take care of Borgon.”

They didn’t know what Cord and I saw about the Elves.

A horn beeped twice causing all our eyes to shoot toward it.  After a group reaction of “all is well” I turned my back to hopefully finish my thoughts out on the subject at hand.

“Maybe that’s your plan,” Calum stated as if there would be another plan aside it.

“I sense a but here.  Maybe we need to all be on the same plan.  The stay alive plan.”  Everyone laughed.  I didn
’t mean it to be funny.  But it was.

Chapter Thirteen
Two minds meet and do not understand each other in time enough to prevent any shock...



That night I lay
in bed with Cas holding me with him above the sheets.  At his insistence.

He was home a lot.  He was gone a lot.  He was constantly checking on his people.  He told me once when I asked why he was such a homebody away from work related issues that he wanted to always be available to his people.  I insisted that technology had allowed us to be “
available” at a moment’s notice.  He smiled and asked if I was trying to get rid of him.  I rolled my eyes and suggested that maybe it would be nice to get out a little more.  I
sheltered and hidden from the world that my movies just didn’t do justice for being so exciting and fulfilling in the experience department called “fun”.  And I didn’t want to sit around and think about doom and gloom all the stinking time.

I broke down and told him about the blood and what it did with Cord.  I wanted to be honest with him.  Turns out, he
’d guess it.  Telepathy has it perks and not!

When I told him I saw a vision of what I think might be the future, he didn
’t persecute me or doubt it.  I told him I saw Cord and I and an Elf standing over us.  He listened patiently.  I told him about what I had seen at the party right before he took me and how Cord knew all about both of these to and that it was his theory to begin with.  After a lot of quiet time he said, “Ryan told me about the party wanting to try it again.  I didn't think you were ready then, but I thought then and now we should talk to your father.  He has seen all this come to pass and knows what is next.  He will know.”

“So you didn
’t know all this?”  I snuggled up against him as much as I could wrap up like I was under the covers away from him.

“No, Kissa.  I didn
’t know anything but about his mark until he started spouting after the party.  I had my guesses, suspicions.”  I read his emotions like a book.  He sucked in a breath waiting for my reply to his admission.

He was so...
you don’t have to worry Cas.  Being away from you is not an option. How you could think an arrogant Barbie doll could sweep me off my feet and take me away from you is just ludicrous.

Barbie doll?

Yeah, he looks like Ken, the Barbie doll with better clothes.

He grunted letting the jealousy fly out.
  And you noticed his clothes?

I swear I heard a wolf howl outside, but I didn
’t mention it whatsoever.

I noticed...that this mother goddess picked four very different men and me, the lone female.  I noticed...that he was too clean looking for a werewolf or what I perceived one as.

Stereotyping again I see. 
His emotions downplayed and became happy again. 

I grunted and tried to roll away but he rolled me back and we kissed until neither of us could deny the deeply, crippling pain of far away contact. It hurt to be apart so he held me all night.

A week went by and no word came from any direction negative or positive. 

I learned from Cas in a free information giving discussion he initiated that he has the same ring as Calum and also Cord and never told me.  He
’d ran into Cord several years back in talk discussions when he was the hired bouncer that he himself was hired for to follow a mission that included protecting me.  They had an altercation and discovered the rings' similarities leading to a discussion about me somehow.               

He hinted that he
’d known Cord longer, knew him when they were young, but didn’t elaborate on it. Cord didn’t deserve any more space in my mind.  It was already overloaded with enough.

Friday night I was sitting like an old lady watching old TV reruns and eating leftover pizza…alone.  I had a tremendous headache and not even the meds in the cabinet softened it.  It worried me since I am not prone to ailments and feared something was wrong.  I checked my drink for poisons and found nothing.  That was a common practice with my father holding the title he does.  I wallowed in my loneliness knowing Cas had b
usiness to attend to being the lord of a faction.  Fact is fact. 

I stretched and walked to the balcony to feel the breeze
then groaned as I changed another channel and winced when I heard Granite, the guard, stationed at the door laugh at me. 

What I didn
’t hear was the shadow that had crept to my side from over the wall and onto the balcony. Standing beside me was Cord Ryan.

Granite wasn't pounding his head in.  I was trying to peek back for him and survey my options at the same time.  I am supposed to be guarded.  Liam, the other guard who was a regular at standing watch over me, I presumed off duty or somewhere else.

I hurled myself to my tiptoes standing a good two inches shorter without shoes to give me closer eye contact with this Were leader of badness.  Conscious of my absence of clothing for anyone but my date with the television, meaning pink tank and sleep shorts, I assessed his emotions and knew I needed to hide behind a pillow or something.  I was indecent, just comfortable.

He chuckled and led himself to sit beside me when I half ran back to the sofa.

“You were not invited,” I hissed looking around him towards the posted guard who wasn’t there. 

“I didn
’t say I was,” he looked at where I craned to see.

“If they find you in here…”

“What will they do Anastacia?  What will they think?” his voice suggestive.

“You need to leave.”

“Why haven’t you called?” Cord leaned closer.

As gorgeous as Cord was he was starting to give me the creeps.  “You should leave.”

He let his eyes linger on mine and then cut them to the cell phone I’d left on the coffee table in front of us.  He had it before I could.  Refusing to touch him, I was forced to let him go on with this parade.  He typed for a few seconds and sat the phone back down. 

“Now, we can keep in touch.”  Cord looked around the room taking it in.  “I haven
’t been in here in months.  It seems different.”

I looked around wondering what might have changed.

“No, it’s just you.  I’ve never seen a female in this room. That’s a nice change, but I’d be just fine if you chose another…place.”  He purposefully let his words drag to lead me to believe what his intentions were.  And they were clear as rain.

’m safe here.”

“Ahh, but do you want to be here?” Cord looked at me imploringly.

“Don’t put words in my mouth?”  I was getting angrier by the second and really wanting this wolf boy to leave.  I could just tell the guard if I knew where he was.  But then, what would Cas do?

“Ahh, your mouth.  Shall we talk about it then?”  He watched my mouth and moved towards me with the virility of all male
prowess.  There wasn’t much breathable air left between the space left to avoid him.  I drew my eyebrows in debating a counter move.  He inched closer, sat on the sofa not directly in the middle, but not far enough to be called out of my personal space in the small corner left on the sofa.

“Does Cas know your here?”  Okay, so I didn
’t think that through.  His look said as much.  “You need to leave.”

“Perhaps, but do I want to?”

“I want you to.”  I gripped the pillow.

“Do you?”

I do.  I don’t want to know what he’s doing here. Yes, I do.  Just not the inappropriate part of it.  The business side of me was still searching for what Cord held in his super powered high agenda-ed self.

He kept his eyes still and focused.  Unfortunately, I recognized the watery glint in his eyes and where his mind was being led.  I once again remembered my attire and decidedly didn
’t move. 

“You smell amazing,” he purposefully leaned his face in and sniffed the air very slow to make him look sexier or something. 
Dang it if it didn’t work but I wouldn’t let him know that.

I did lean in to see the earring he wore.  He was the only guy around me who wore one so I was intrigued by it.  However, my inexperience with attraction failed to remind me that I done just the opposite of what I should do.  I was being a tease as they say and definitely to the w
rong person.  How, I ask, did I realize this after I “leaned” and not before?  Boys like Cord had never instigated such overt forwardness.  But I could deal once I got past the awkwardness.  I mean, actually flirting with him had never entered my mind but I could see the advantage and intel it could gain me if done right at the right time.

“Lean a little more and we could be kissing.”

I snapped back like a bungee cord farther on the sofa than before.  That’s how I knew I’d acted like a dang floozy.  I just wanted to see the earring. 

Quit.  Just quit.”  His obscure way of twisting things was getting me to the point I might just injure him.  Yet, I felt a draw to him that was not quite normal.  Not intimate or physical, but internal.  Like I knew him.

“Are you sure that
’s what you want?  What
you want?”

“You came here, remember?”

“Oh, yes.  I remember.  But I will leave as soon as you and I have finished our

My eyes went wide with worry.

“No fretting, gorgeous.  I just want to talk to you about what happened to us.”             

’re a riot. What did happen?” I resulted to just hurrying him.

“Well, the same thing that happened to me.  We shared blood and we saw the future.”

“How do we know it’s the future?”

Good question.  But it’s a reasonable explanation,” he stretched out in front of me making his legs long and noticed.

“Yes, but I wonder if sometimes it might not just be a bad idea to know it already.”

“Yes, but think of what power it would get us.”

SO this is what he wants.  “You just want to use me?  Like a vessel.”

“Never my true intentions.  You have me completely focused on the here and now.”

“Stop it.  Just stop it.  You are just awful.”  I twisted the pillow choking it.

He looked at my hands turning white with the loss of blood, somewhat sad all of a sudden.  I felt it too.

“I am sorry I made you feel that way,” he backed up on the sofa as if a sullen child, “I would never hurt you.”

He can feel my fear.  “Can you feel my emotions?”  I stammered out releasing the pillow a little as he backed up.

“Is that what I
’m doing?” he questioned.

“You didn
’t feel them before?”

“Not completely.  But I
’ve always sensed fear really in my prey.  Thing is, I don’t think it’s all fear you feel right now, and you’re not my prey.”

’t I?”  I questioned him with a halfway serious smirk.  I still thought he was a dirtbag.  A guttural sound emitted from his throat.  “Will you go now?”

He stood and walked four steps past me, turned around letting something land on the table beside him, and said over his shoulder, “Anastacia, I am your friend.  If you need me, you need only call and I will be there.”

“Thank you,” I said out of courtesy and silently watching the envelope left on the table.

He smiled looking at the same burning like a flame gift an equal distance between us.  A two-finger salute left me cold and alone in the room.

The guard was now posted outside the door again seconds later.  He had to have done something to Granite.

I lifted the
frayed envelope between my fingers and discovered its contents.  Empty.  But it was not always empty.  It held more answers of confirmation between its creases than any treasure box under the ocean.   


ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ


Later that night, in my sleepless bed, I heard a knock on the door.  I didn’t answer feeling somewhat like a betrayer of a whole list of things.

He sat down
as I faced the open balcony door.

What is wrong?

I had to tell him about my visitor, but not about the envelope.  Yet.

His hands went to my shoulders and rolled me over.  I stared into his moonlight eyes.  He
’d showered and changed. 

“Did everything go okay at the meet?” I asked getting a strong whiff of his soap and clean scent.

“Yes, we have eleven new recruits ready for guard duty.” 

’s good news.”

’s wrong?
Cas asked.

And like that, the idyllic moment we had together was gone.  Those two words are a loved one
’s worst fears.

I fear you don
’t want to know.

Just tell me.  Did I do something?

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