Scornfully Yours (Torn Series) (37 page)

BOOK: Scornfully Yours (Torn Series)
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Both of our hands were full with two plates each. Much to my surprise, Dimitris didn’t head out to the tables where everyone was getting to know each other and what not. Instead, he strode to where to the main entrance and took me to spot where we could eat on a hill-top grass, overlooking the sea.

“How do you like Greece so far?” The Greek man who sat before me asked with a winning smile.

“It’s great. I will let you know once I have explored more of your country.” I took one flaky spanakopita and savored each bite. Delicious, I thought with satisfaction. 

“I’ll show you my country. You’ll love it.” A soft breeze passed through us and I noticed how the ends of his hair curled around his eyes. When he looked at me, I noticed how clear his eyes were.

“Your eyes, they’re very clear. I’ve never seen blue eyes like that. It’s very distracting,” I wondered out loud.

“I could say the same on your eyes, Emma. But I would be lying because I find the whole package distracting.” Dimitris’s eyes studied me and lingered on my cleavage.


How long did that playboy side of his take to come out?
Fifteen minutes tops?
“Well, I suggest you become accustomed to it. You and I will be spending a lot of time together.”

Dimitris brushed off the crumbs on his fingers whilst laughing. “Yes, you and me have two good naked scenes, no? How long have you been an actress?”

I’m all new to this. Will he not take me seriously if I told him I’m a newbie?

With a lock of my hair, I tucked it behind my ear. “Actually, this is my first time in a movie. I’m overwhelmed to be honest.”

That definitely intrigued him. “A virgin actress! How exciting. We’re going to have fun.”

Hmm, right. Don’t think so.

We just finished eating and I was about to burst in this dress. The food was totally delicious. I was already looking forward for dinner tonight. I noticed that Dimitris piled his plates and instantly a man took the plates from him, clearing everything.

Nice. He seems to be quite popular amongst his people.

Dimitris looked at the scenery as did I. It was really beautiful here. “I have a party tonight in Athens. Will you come?”

I wiped my mouth with a napkin before responding, “Sure. What time?”

Dimitris gave me a dazzling smile. “I plan to leave after dinner. I will meet you back here at the villa, say at ten tonight? I have to speak to Martin about something important.”

Partying in Athens, how far is that from here? ”Okay, I’ll see you then.”

We both got up and he immediately gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before strolling back inside.

I walked back to the cottage and was surprised to find Bass. He was alone out on the patio enjoying a beer, lounging with only his surfer shorts. Where was Alexia?

He strode back inside when he heard me. “Where did you go?”

I looked at him strangely. Why was he talking to me? Especially after the shitty welcome I got from him?


Bass frowned with my question. “I was worried.”

I snapped. “Well, don’t. You can go ahead and keep screwing Alexia. I’m going to nap. And please stop making her scream like she’s getting murdered because I might just murder you both if you guys interrupt with my sleep.”

“I sent her home”

What? “Why would you do that?”

“You’re here. We’re sharing a house together. I don’t want to offend you that way. I apologize for my attitude earlier. You just caught me by surprise. I didn’t expect you to be just standing there listening while I had sex with another woman.”

I folded my arms and glared at him. “I wasn’t listening Bass. Hell, I bet the entire island heard her scream. I honestly don’t care about your sex life.” I harrumphed and turned around to leave but he caught my arm.

“Let me make it up then. I’ll make dinner tonight and we can go dine outside on the patio.” Bass’s lazy dimpled smile surfaced.

That caught me off guard. I used to drool over his stupid smile but now…I still do…but I won’t give him the satisfaction.

“I’m going out tonight. I got invited to a party.”

His hold tightened on me. “Party? Where?”

I gave him a bright smile. “With Dimitris Kosta…in Athens.”

Bass let go of my arm and cussed. “You barely just got here and you’re already going on
a date?
Are you fucking kidding me?”


“See you later, Bass.” With a quick wave, I left him there. I walked to my bedroom and napped.

Forget Bass and those stupid beautiful eyes…and that stupid smile too.




“I do not believe this! Go change, Emma!”

That’s not going to happen, buddy. “You wish.”

When I came out of the bedroom to call for a ride to pick me up, Bass was waiting for me in the living room.

Bass’s eyes raked all over my body. I simply flushed from his eagle-eye scrutiny. “Your skirt is indecent. Your top is too revealing and those fuck-me heels need to go.”

My fingertips touched the end of my short skirt. “It’s not that revealing. I’ll be okay as long as I don’t bend over.”  I was having such a ball making his blood boil.

Before he could muster a response, a knock came at the door. “That must me my ride. Have a goodnight, Bass.” I sauntered past him and went out.

Before I managed to close the door I heard him yell, “Fuck!”

I smiled at his frustration.

Jealousy is a bitch

When I got to the villa, Dimitris was waiting on me, still looking hotter than ever.

“You look perfect, Emma.” His light eyes were shining in the dark as he admired me. I murmured my thanks, feeling shy all of a sudden.

“There’s been a change of plans. I hope you don’t mind but I want to take you to dinner then we’ll head out to the party afterwards.”

“Sure, I would love to see more of Athens. I can’t wait.” I have him a great smile before he ushered us to the awaiting ride.

“Efharisto, Emma.” Thank you.

Since he never mentioned how we would manage to get off this island, I was a little apprehensive when we got to the small air strip where a black helicopter parked. I was maybe thinking along the lines of a speed boat?

Once he thanked the driver, the pimped out golf cart left us. I stood there eyeing the daunting black thing. “Um, where’s the pilot?” I fucking don’t see anyone out here other than us.

Dimitris just gave me an amused smile. “I will be the pilot. Come on, beautiful Aphrodite, your chariot awaits.” Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty and pleasure.

I swallowed. No, way. “I don’t know. I, uh, I’ve never been in a helicopter before.” I didn’t plan on dying tonight either.

“I will keep you safe, let’s go.” Oh, fuck it.

Once we were seated inside the cockpit, he turned and flicked a lot of switches, I had a hard time keeping up. Before he handed me a headset, I looked at him deadpanned. “How long have you been doing this?”

His light blue eyes glowed. “Ever since I was twenty, five years ago.” He touched my jaw and our eyes locked together. “Just trust me; I will not disappoint you, Aphrodite.”

I smiled a tad hesitant. “Just try not to get us killed, I would very much appreciate it.”

With a throaty laugh, he turned on the rotors and swiftly lifted us off the strip and off of the island. Scaredy cat that I was, I sat still and prayed for safe landing with my eyes closed. That luxury on lasted about twenty minutes.

“Emma, watch as Athens come alive. It is a beautiful sight to see,” Dimitris’s sexy accented drawl came through the headset.

Men and their sexy accents. It was hard to resist when they start talking and it doesn’t hurt that they’re good looking to boot.

Sure enough, when I opened my eyes, the glittering lights of Athens were beautiful. It also dawned on me that it sort of reminded me of Bass’s “view” in his house. I know it wasn’t to be compared with since there was nothing much more fascinating than seeing Acropolis from this angle,
but still
… it somehow reminded me of Bass. He seemed to be taking a nice long vacation and decided to revel in my little ole head.

After what seemed like another ten minutes, Dimitris landed on a helipad of a tall building.

Apparently, he owned the entire building. The ‘party’ was three floors down. His apartment was the top two floors.  We were in the apartment eating a meal that he had his chef prepare–a very Greek meal for me.

By the time we finished and went a floor down, where his party was located, I was surprised that the loud music didn’t reach upstairs.
His party felt and looked like a club but had a breathtaking view of the Acropolis from afar.

I only had a glass of wine upstairs during dinner but when his friends welcomed and shoved shots of ouzo my way, I couldn’t say no and decline them. Did I fail to mention that Dimitris was the perfect gentleman? He was awesome. We danced all night.

At around two-thirty, he pulled me aside. “Do you want to stay the night here with me or do you want my pilot to fly you back?”

We were both obviously drunk and I appreciated that he was offering to have his pilot fly me back instead of him. But did I want to fly back? Bass would probably be asleep by now. “I would love to go back to the island. It’s been a lovely night but I want to sleep in my room if you don’t mind.”

Dimitris arranged his pilot to fly me back. On the helipad, he gathered me in his arms and gave my lips a chaste kiss, the taste of ouzo evident on his lips.

“I will be seeing you very soon, Aphrodite. Have a safe flight.”

I gave him another quick wave before I jumped inside the deathtrap. Since I was drunk, everything happened quickly. I barely even remembering getting out of the helicopter or if I thanked the pilot or I recall getting inside the pimped out cart that brought me to my cottage.

“Thank you,
thank you
.” I happily waved at the driver. Walking slowly towards the door, I opened my purse and hunted for my key. When I found it, I squinted to look for the keyhole. Before I inserted it in the, the front door was yanked open. An intimidating Bass appeared before me. “You’re drunk!”

I didn’t notice. “Ah, Bass-
, how are we doing tonight?” I shoved past him and went straight to the kitchen to get some water. The entire house was dark, except for the kitchen light on and the moonlight through the windows.

“Why are you home so late, Emma?”

I chugged the entire glass of water and slammed it down on the counter. I spun around and faced him. “The green-eyed monster got you, baby? You should be happy that I didn’t say
to Dimitris’s offer to stay the night with him.” I walked towards him, brazen and so full of energy, and cupped his balls. Bass was momentarily shocked from my attitude. “Does jealousy eat you alive?” I squeezed his manhood a little bit tighter. “How much do you want me hotshot?”

His eyes darkened and he looked downright wicked.

Bass gave me a devilish grin and instantly plucked me up and carried me inside my bedroom. He got us inside in a heartbeat and put me down on the floor, standing.

“Don’t move. Let me do everything.”

I like this Bossy Bass, I excitedly mused.

“Lift your arms.” I did as I was told. Bass carefully took off my clothes. He was standing behind me as he pulled my hair to the side. Only wearing my skimpy thong, his forefinger caressed the base of my neck…all the way down to the base of my spine.
gave me goose bumps all over. I just wanted to feel tonight and not think. This might be the only time with Bass…if at all. With my neck exposed, his lips softly kissed it. His hands softly slid off my underwear while he trailed kisses on my back. I tensed when he kissed the crevice of my butt and stuck out his tongue.

Whoa, there!

“Step aside and bend over with your hands touching your toes.”

Ummm, What?! I was a bit skeptical but still followed his commands.

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