Score! (80 page)

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Authors: Jilly Cooper

Tags: #love_contemporary

BOOK: Score!
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‘Yes, he must.’ Tab’s hand clamped round Wolfie’s neck. ‘It’s exactly what she does need.’
Outside, Rupert, trying to get through to Gerald Portland, had to cope with another casualty. This time it was Xavier, sobbing his heart out. Rupert was touched. Perhaps, at last, his son was mellowing towards his stepsister.
‘It’s all my fault,’ wailed Xav. ‘Tab was so horrible this morning, I prayed she’d die.’
For a second Rupert had difficulty in keeping a straight face. ‘It seems you didn’t pray hard enough,’ he said gravely. ‘She’s getting better by the minute.’
‘Will she be coming back to live with us?’ Xav asked gloomily.
Looking through the glass into Tab’s room, Rupert could see Wolfie taking off Tab’s wedding ring and throwing it in the bin. ‘I rather doubt it,’ he said.
‘D’you think her horrible mother could go and live with them both?’
Five minutes later, walking at speed along the corridor, Tristan went slap into Rupert and steeled himself for more abuse. But Rupert seemed in an excellent mood.
‘She’s come round. Go and say hello.’
As Tristan tiptoed in, Wolfie slid out without a word. Outside he leant his hot forehead against a cool corridor window, raising two sets of crossed fingers to the skies.
‘My poor darling, ’ow are you?’ Tristan took Tab’s hand.
‘OK.’ She forced herself to look at him. After a day in the sun, he was going brown again. She’d forgotten how handsome he was. ‘Look,’ she muttered, ‘I know I threw myself at you. Wolfie told me why you backed off, but you mustn’t feel guilty about Claudine because I’m in love with Wolfie.’
Tristan noticed her ringless finger and her mud-splattered face. Only the ticking clock broke the long, long silence. ‘I know you are.’
Looking up, Tab was amazed to see happiness and sweetness in his face.
‘Darling Tab, you gave me the most beautiful night of my life.’
‘I thought I was so in love with you.’
‘And I with you, and I still think Wolfie is the luckiest guy in the world.’
‘You shouldn’t look so relieved,’ grumbled Tab. ‘It isn’t very flattering.’
‘It isn’t very flattering that your father looks ecstatic as well. I’m sorry,
, I’ve been like a bear with a hurt head and you had that ’orrible fall.’
‘Wolfie thinks you’ll be cross with him.’

Au contraire
. I come not for Wolfie’s blood but his car keys. When he saw ambulance, he leave Lamborghini across gateway so the unit cannot get in or out. His burglar alarm is going off every second so Sylvestre is going ape-sheet. Worst of all, Alpheus’s suit is locked inside so we cannot film last scene.’
The moment Tristan returned to the set an anxious Rozzy asked after Tab.
‘Out of danger,’ said Tristan happily, ‘and absolutely crazy about Wolfie, which lets me off the hook.’
‘Oh, I’m so pleased for them both,’ sighed Rozzy, taking Alpheus’s suit from him. ‘I wonder if it needs a press.’
‘Don’t bother,’ said Tristan. ‘Oh, Rozzy, I was such a bastard to Lucy earlier. Now I’m worried stiff. Someone tried to kill Tab, they slashed your dress yesterday, the murderer’s on the rampage, and Lucy’s not answering her mobile.’
‘Leave a message on her bleeper.’
‘I’ve been leaving them all day. I need her to make up Alpheus. We can cover his Shirley Temple curls with straw hat, but only Lucy can give those commonplace features an air of nobility. And to tell the truth,’ confessed Tristan wryly, ‘I shouted at her because I miss her so much.’
‘I’ll find her.’ Rozzy patted his shoulder. ‘Don’t worry.’




Rupert managed to catch the five fifty news on a hospital television. That pompous ass Gerald Portland was giving a press conference at Rutminster police station. He was flaunting a purple spotted tie with a purple striped shirt and kept smoothing his chestnut hair for the cameras.
‘We are treating this incident as attempted murder,’ he was telling the rugger scrum of reporters. ‘But happily I can confirm that Tabitha Lovell is no longer in a life-threatening condition.’
After that, Portland’s emergency meeting of the Inner Cabinet was most embarrassingly interrupted by an apoplectic telephone call from Rupert. ‘I merely said she was no longer in a life-threatening condition, Mr Campbell-Black.’
‘Don’t be fucking stupid. The person who’s just tried to kill her for a second time has already killed two people and tried to bump off half a dozen more, and is still on the loose. If that isn’t fucking threatening her life, I don’t know what is. All you overpaid cretins do is waste tax-payers’ money chasing the wrong people.’
‘We are about to make an arrest,’ said Portland huffily.
‘Well, until the killer’s behind bars, I want a dozen men guarding Tab at the hospital — and while you’re on, never, never, never wear spots with stripes.’
‘Bastard!’ Portland slammed down the telephone.
But nothing could dent his euphoria. The DNA testing had at last produced a match.
‘Who is it, Guv?’ begged DC Lightfoot in excitement.
Gerry Portland turned to Gablecross, not without a certain satisfaction. ‘I’m afraid it’s your girlfriend Lucy Latimer, Tim.’
‘I don’t believe it.’
‘Nor do I,’ said Karen indignantly.
‘She never had a cast-iron alibi,’ went on Portland. ‘She was allegedly walking that dog when both Rannaldini and Beattie copped it, and her DNA profile showed up in Rannaldini’s saliva and in the bite on Beattie’s shoulder. She was carrying Tabitha’s saddle when Tristan fired her — that probably pushed her over the top. And her fingerprints and fibres from Tab’s stirrup leather were found all over the penknife on her key-ring, which Kevin and Debbie’, Portland grinned at Fanshawe and Debbie, ‘unearthed from a bin-bag outside Wardrobe. Latimer must have been frantic to get rid of it.’
‘The murderer must have stolen her keys,’ snapped Gablecross, who had only recently come off the telephone to Wolfie. ‘Why should Lucy want to kill Tab when she’d just come back from France, where she’d specially gone to clear Tristan’s name so he could marry Tab?’
‘Very subtle,’ said Fanshawe nastily. ‘After such altruism, no-one would suspect her of murdering Tab. Then she could have Tristan for herself. Her total, total obsession is behind the whole thing. You and Karen were the first people to suss how crazy she was about him.’
‘Then why did she kill Rannaldini?’ demanded Karen.
‘Because he was going to tell the world Maxim was Tristan’s father,’ explained Gerald Portland. ‘She killed Beattie for the same reason. Rannaldini had humiliated her by making a pass at her — it’s in his memoirs. Psychopaths can’t stand being belittled, and Rannaldini was also threatening to tell Tristan she was crazy about him. She tried to kill Tab because she couldn’t bear her to have Tristan.’
‘Doesn’t add up,’ muttered Gablecross.
‘’Fraid it does,’ said Fanshawe patronizingly. ‘Everyone Tristan favoured got warned off. Granville’s patchwork quilt, Flora’s fox, poor Rozzy’s dress cut to ribbons, putting petrol in the water cans, all the work of a mad person.’
‘What about the adder in Lucy’s make-up box?’ pleaded Karen.
‘A plant — made her look like a victim, same as showing Tim the burn from the poisoned champagne on her tablecloth. She’s diabolically clever, like all psychos. She failed twice with Tab, but she’ll strike again.’
‘I swear she hasn’t done it.’
‘The DNA’s conclusive, Tim. It’s always the quiet ones,’ said Portland, not unkindly. ‘Latimer spent so much time making other people beautiful, but they got the clapping. For the first time in her life, she’s got a bigger audience than they ever will.’
Then he turned briskly to Fanshawe and Debbie. ‘Go and pull her in. Well done, both of you.’
‘Where is she?’ asked Gablecross dully.
‘Searching the Valhalla woods for her dog, but we’ve got tails on her and she keeps ringing to check if he has been handed in. Next time we’ll nail her. You and Karen better go and keep an eye on Tabitha at Rutminster General, Tim. We don’t want any slip-ups.’
The ultimate put-down, thought Gablecross savagely, the hound demoted to guard-dog.
Lucy had been searching for hours, shouting herself hoarse, running herself into a state of collapse. To add to her frustration, her mobile wouldn’t work in the wood so she had to keep returning to the house or the Paradise — Cheltenham road to ring the police and the local dog sanctuaries.
Purplish-black clouds were massing on the horizon and the wind had risen, tangling her hair. After yesterday’s downpour, the woodland floor was impossibly slippery, her legs were lacerated by bramble cables and nettles, her face and arms scratched, her knees bruised and bleeding where she had continually fallen over. But she felt no pain except desolation.
‘James, James.’ Her voice echoed mockingly back at her. The hot heavy air carried every sound except a joyful bark. To the clay shoots banging away in anticipation of 12 August was added a rumble of thunder. Untranquillized, James would bolt half-way to London. Returning to the road once more, she punched out the number of Rutminster police station.
‘It’s Lucy Latimer again, ringing about James, a big red shaggy lurcher. He slipped his collar so he hasn’t got a name tag.’
‘Who did you say?’
‘Lucy Latimer.’
She could hear a hand thudding over the receiver, then a man’s voice, calm but quivering with excitement. ‘Where are you, Lucy?’
‘To the north of Hangman’s Wood.’
‘Come back to the big house.’ Then, after a pause, ‘We’ve got good news for you.’
‘Oh, my God! He’s red and shaggy.’
‘That’s the one. Meet us at your caravan, Lucy.’
Crying with relief, her loafers squelching in sympathy, Lucy ran all the way. Oh, please, please, please, let it be James. An extraordinary garish light was gilding the wheatfields, turning the Valhalla lawns a Day-glo emerald. Silver streams were hurtling down the valley into an ever-rising lake. Outside her caravan beside the love-in-a-mist, a bowl of food she’d left to tempt James was so heaving with maggots she nearly threw up. She was about to chuck it out when, glancing into her caravan, she saw that her suitcase had been opened, her drawers up-ended and her bag emptied on the table.
Tristan’s papers, she thought in horror. Leaping up the steps, unzipping the bench-seat cushion, she sighed with relief. The parcel was still there. She must lock it safely in her make-up box, but where were her keys? Normally they hung on a hook beside her nieces’ photographs.
‘Lucy Latimer,’ yelled a voice.
‘James, where is he?’ croaked Lucy as, still clutching Tristan’s parcel, she bounded down the steps.
DC Miller had never confronted a murderer before. This one certainly looked crazy: muddy and bloodstained, with scratches on her arms and legs, a torn dress, hair like an electrocuted bird’s nest and frantically heaving breasts.
‘Oh, please, give me back my dog,’ gasped Lucy.
Then police were fanning round her, and Lucy caught a glimpse of handcuffs, or was it a gun in Fanshawe’s hand?
‘Lucy Latimer,’ he said triumphantly, ‘we are arresting you for the murders of Roberto Rannaldini and Beatrice Johnson, and the attempted murder of Tabitha Lovell.’
‘Wha-a-a-t?’ whispered Lucy. ‘You tricked me. You haven’t got James at all. Bastards!’ Her voice rose to a scream.
Seeing a gap to the left, she shot through it. Terror gave her feet wings — she had not run for Cumbrian Schoolgirls for nothing. She also knew Valhalla better than any of the police. Racing across the facilities unit, jumping box hedges, running towards the car park, for a second she left whistles and baying Alsatians behind, then went slap into Rozzy.
‘Darling, whatever’s the matter? I’ve been looking for you everywhere.’
‘The police! They think I’m the murderer,’ sobbed Lucy. ‘Oh, Rozzy, help me, I didn’t do it.’
‘Of course you didn’t. How ridiculous!’
‘I can’t let them arrest me until I’ve found James.’ Lucy took off across the grass again.
‘You certainly can’t. Funnily enough, I keep hearing squeaking. I just wonder if the old boy’s got himself shut in somewhere. Clive’s back. He might have been poking around, and left a door open.’
‘Oh my God, Clive stole Gertrude! He might steal James!’
‘I can’t keep up with you,’ gasped Rozzy. ‘I’ve got a stitch. I know where you can hide.’ She tugged Lucy behind a yew peacock as a cursing, sweating Fanshawe pounded past.
Grabbing Lucy’s hand, Rozzy led her through iron gates across the east courtyard in through the back door along endless dark passages, then up shiny polished dark stairs into Rannaldini’s study, which had a musty, neglected smell. There were no fan photographs stacked on the big oak desk now, no-one to encourage Don Juan, astride the lady of the manor, in the Étienne de Montigny on the right of the fireplace.
Rozzy went straight to the left of the painting and started to tap the panelling.
‘What are you doing?’ asked Lucy, through desperately chattering teeth. The heavy velvet curtains were drawn but outside she could hear shouting.
‘Looking for the priest-hole. I’ll find it in a second.’
‘Please hurry,’ begged Lucy.
‘Rannaldini showed me,’ Rozzy gave an almost coy giggle, ‘when we once had a little fling, and Cecilia, his then wife, came home unexpectedly, but he swore me to secrecy. Now how does it work?’
‘Pur-lease,’ beseeched Lucy. The raised voices and excited barking were getting nearer.
‘Got it.’ Suddenly, with an arthritic creak, the panel swung back to reveal a big dark cupboard.
‘I don’t want you to be done for aiding and abetting,’ gibbered Lucy. ‘Oh, Rozzy, you do believe I’m innocent? I adore Tab.’
‘I know you do.’ Dropping to her knees, Rozzy reached inside the cupboard and removed the floorboard. ‘Get inside,
. What’s that you’re clutching?’

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