Scary Dead Things - 02 (12 page)

Read Scary Dead Things - 02 Online

Authors: Rick Gualtieri

BOOK: Scary Dead Things - 02
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“The Khan's ger-tereg is five kilometers hence,” Nergui then said, pointing out towards the desert.


“Okey-doke,” I answered, having absolutely no fucking idea what he was talking about. Whatever the case, though, I assumed it meant that the Khan and his entourage were a ways down the road...or sand. I mentally did the conversion in my head. Silly backwater countries and their metric system! Oh well, that would put them about three miles away. Having seen James move, however, I knew that he could probably traverse that distance in mere minutes if he so chose.


* * *


It turned out I was right. Nergui and I made it back to the supply tent, and within fifteen minutes, James and his two minions, for lack of a better term, returned. If they were out of breath from their six-mile round trip, they didn't show it.


“I'm glad to see you stayed put. Amazing how few people know how to follow instructions these days,” he said as he entered.


“That's me. Mr. stay where the fuck I'm told to,” I replied. If Nergui wanted to tell James otherwise, then that would be his business.


“Well, Dr. Death, you should be flattered to know a great honor has been bestowed upon you.”


“Let me guess. You guys are giving me my own pet camel?”


James wisely ignored my idiocy and continued as if I hadn't spoken. “The Khan is intrigued by your presence. He wishes to meet with the Freewill.”




James sighed at my reaction. “You have no idea how big of a deal this is, do you?”


“Not even remotely.”


“The Khan is one of the
. They are our ruling elite. They do not just grant audiences to anybody. In fact, they never speak to children...and before you say anything, yes you
a child, to us anyway. It's almost unheard of for the Draculas to deal with any of our kind under a century in age.” He saw that I still had a fairly nonplussed look on my face. “This is kind of like the Pope just up and giving you a call to see if you wanted to do lunch.”


“Oh. That makes sense then,” I said, putting more enthusiasm into my voice. I still didn't care all that much, but I decided I had better act like it before I started insulting a bunch of creatures with over a millennia of combined experience amongst them. “Let's get going.”


“No,” James said, stepping in front of me. “The day will be breaking in a few hours. You will meet with him tomorrow. For now, you will be his honored guest, given all of the hospitality that is his to offer.” When I didn't reply, James gave me a wink. “Trust me, you're going to like this part.”


* * *


Since James told me they needed some time to properly prepare my lodgings, we chatted some more. I brought him up to speed on the goings on in the coven, starting with my defeat of Jeff. “You killed Jeff by yourself?” he asked dubiously. I knew he had spoken to Sally. No doubt he knew what had really happened.


“Well, I may have had a little help,” I admitted.


I then spent about an hour going over the last six months, culminating with the final fight between Village Coven and the HBC, more specifically between myself and Samuel.


“I had been meaning to apologize for all of that,” James said once I had finished. “I meant to give you a little reputation boost amongst your own, not bring a full scale coven war down on your head.”


“It was a bit touch and go there for a while, but since it all worked out in the end, apology accepted,” I replied, which was more or less true. I had bitched enough to Sally over the past several months about the whole situation to drive her half insane (
assuming she wasn't already there
), thus I more or less had it out of my system. Besides, I preferred to stay in James' good graces.


Finally, just about when I could see the sky outside beginning to lighten ever so slightly, another vampire entered our tent and whispered something into James' ear.


“Excellent. You're all set,” he said. “Monkhbat here,” he gestured towards the guy who had just entered, “will carry your bags and show you to your tent.”


“Are we heading over to where the Khan is?” I asked, not really looking forward to a three-mile hike.


“That's tonight. For now, you've been set up here, just across the way. I'll pop by after sundown to retrieve you. I know it may prove to be difficult, but do try to get at least a little rest.” He said that last part with a wry smile.


I just gave him a confused glance as I followed my porter out of the tent and towards my destination. I was actually looking forward to some rest and relaxation. Despite spending a full day horizontal in my packing crate, I had gotten zero sleep. It wasn't exactly the most comfortable thing on the planet, and this is coming from a guy who has passed out on his fair share of floors.


We walked to the other side of the settlement. Monkhbat put my bags just outside of the door, or flap or whatever you call it, of a mid-sized tent and bowed to me before walking off. Guess I had to put my shit away myself. Fine, see if I tip the help here. Oh well. I was thinking it was time for some well deserved shut-eye when I walked in and immediately stopped dead in my tracks.


The tent was


Oh boy, was it not empty.


In the center of the tent was a large pile of rugs and pillows. On top of that pile sat three attractive females. Three very
attractive females. As I stood there gaping like a complete moron, they all giggled. A moment later, they got up, almost as one, and walked over to me. They removed my bags from my hands and led my still very much in shock self back to the center of the tent. Now, these were people who knew what hospitality was all about.


A Test? I Didn’t Even Study!




It was official. The Khan was by far my favorite vampire in the world. Holy shit! Forget about threesomes. Skipping all the way to foursomes is
the way to go. Not only do you have enough to make yourself a sandwich, but you get an order of chips on the side as well. If I lived to be ten-thousand, this was still going to be one of those days I bragged about. Even better, when all the
was over, they got me bathed, cleaned up, and dressed for my grand appearance with the Khan. Note to self: next time Sally tries to stuff me into a box headed for some godforsaken corner of the earth, go willingly!


As promised, shortly after sunset James appeared at the entrance of my tent. I excused myself from my little personal harem (
hmm, wonder if I should have gotten their names first...oh well
) and went out to meet him.


“I trust your day was
,” he said with a bemused grin.


“Dude, these people know how to party,” I replied, barely able to contain my giddiness. “I am definitely giving this resort five stars on”


“Excellent to hear. Now if we could just...”


“I mean I don't know about you,” I continued, still rambling, “but I had all kinds of freaky sex going on today.”


James put up a hand. “Far too much information, thank you very much. Now if you're done gushing, you have a very important person awaiting you.”


“Lead the way, my friend,” I said, putting a little swagger into my step. “Oh, and next time you need me to join you anywhere, you just say the word.”


“I'll keep that in mind,” he answered dryly. Before I could say anything else, he set off at a brisk pace across the compound.


“So what's the plan?” I asked as we walked.


“Very simple. We meet with the Khan, enjoy whatever festivities he has planned, and then ship you back out of here.”


“Ship me out?”


James nodded. “Yes. As I told you, it's dangerous here right now. Freewill or not, you're too inexperienced to play in this league yet. Right before sunrise, another truck is coming here to take you back to where you belong. Don't worry, though; I asked my men to throw a few rugs into the crate so you're a little more comfortable on the return trip.”


“Any chance of packing one of those girls in with me?”


“Alas, you'll just have to live with your memories.” *sigh* Oh well, fortunately I had a good memory...not to mention, a very good imagination.


We crossed the settlement in a matter of minutes. We arrived at our destination to find Nergui and James’ two other companions waiting for us. They were all mounted on horseback with two additional steeds standing by. James quickly jumped up and got onto the saddle of one of them.


“I thought we were running there,” I said.


“Normally, yes,” he replied. “However, in times like this there are certain traditions to respect. The Mongols are expert horsemen.”


“Yeah, but I'm not. I haven't even been on a pony ride since I was three.”


“I'll show you what to do. Just follow my lead,” he said patiently.


What followed was more or less the comedy of errors you would expect. I managed to get into the saddle on my first try. Being a vampire definitely has its perks from the physical side of things; however, the three mile trek to the Khan's settlement took several times longer than it probably should have. Bang and Cheng-gong (
get it on, bang a gong!
) thought the entire thing was hilarious. James and Nergui, on the other hand, traded glances that ranged from embarrassment to outright disgust. Finally, lest we spend all night wandering aimlessly due to my inability to control a stupid horse, Nergui grabbed the reins from me and led my horse along. Sure, it was a little mortifying. But then again, I'd like to see him try and figure out the NYC subway system on his first try. That'd show him.


* * *


I had mentioned a while back that I had felt like I had stepped into an
movie. Now I felt like I was on Tatooine from
. The Khan's setup looked like something you'd expect to find
Jabba the Hutt
living in. The settlement was similar, if considerably larger, than the one I had just come from, with one exception. In the middle of it, surrounded by many smaller tents, was a gigantic ornate one. It looked like a portable palace, and I really mean
. The thing was on wheels as if someone had decided to turn it into its own self-contained wagon-train. James saw my look of awe as we arrived and commented, “Even in this day and age, it's something to behold, isn't it? Takes an entire herd of oxen to pull it, but it allows the Khan’s base of operations to remain mobile.


“A moving target?” I suggested.


“In some ways. The way things are going, I'd say that's probably a wise way to look at it.”


We finally dismounted. Thank god! Hopefully, my vampiric healing would quickly take care of all the sores on my ass from the ride over. Nergui and his loquacious friends went ahead of us into the main tent. James held me back to help him tie up the horses, a task that I was absolutely useless at, by the way.


“They'll go in and take their seats of honor,” James said, motioning to his three companions. “You'll stay with me. As you're technically under my jurisdiction, you'll follow my lead, and in turn I'll translate for you.”

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