Scarlett White (36 page)

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Authors: Chloe Smith

BOOK: Scarlett White
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Chloe, Zoey, and Millie met up with Scarlett in the parking lot that was located right next to the beach. They were all wearing jeans tucked into boots. Since the temperature was going to drop to below forty degrees Fahrenheit, Chloe was wearing a stylish black sweater, Zoey was clad in a red sweater, and Millie was clothed in a pale blue sweater. Scarlett was relieved that she had decided to wear a sweater as well. Though it was simply a white sweater, it was still a sweater, nonetheless.


"Scarlett!" Zoey smiled. "I didn't think you would come."


"I'm here." Scarlett smiled.


"Glad you could make it," Chloe replied. "Come on, let's go see everybody." Chloe grabbed her hand and led her to the campfire.


Scarlett saw about seven or eight people from school whom she knew; they sat at her lunch table. She saw Barney Kingsten, Vincent Symms, Kimberly Barnes, Drake Johnston, Helena Blakes, Randy Hemmingway, Sandra Brock, and Johanna Miles. They were all standing around the blazing fire with red, plastic cups in their hands. They all wore long jeans and shirts. Some of the girls were wearing cute hats and mittens. Most of the guys had on sweatshirts, and some wore letterman jackets. They were all laughing at each other's jokes. And then there were some other people that Scarlett hadn't seen before. Millie quickly explained that some of them were friends from other schools that people invited to mingle. At last, Scarlett's green eyes landed on Christian.


Chloe giggled. "Well, go over there and talk to him, Scar. We all know you like him. And, believe me, we all know he likes you. He doesn't ever shut up about you when you're gone."


"What are you talking about?" Scarlett asked.


"Go talk to Christian."


"I have a boyfriend," Scarlett whispered.


"I didn't say go shove your tongue down his throat. Just go talk to him. There is no harm in that," Chloe replied with a smirk.


"I don't know what to say," Scarlett argued.


"Honestly, how did you even get a boyfriend?" Zoey said exasperated. "You are so shy. Come on, I'll help you through it."


"Wait. Stop. You don't understand. Please, Zoey, quit!"


Zoey laughed the entire trip over to Christian. He looked up just as Zoey and Scarlett reached his side. He had been talking to one of his football buddies, but immediately stopped when he noticed that Scarlett was next to him. Scarlett began to blush when his brown eyes locked with hers.


"Hey." He smiled.


"Hey," Scarlett said breathlessly, fatigued from the struggle of trying to tug away from Zoey.


"Well, have fun, you lovie dovies." Zoey smiled and pranced off in the opposite direction.


"She's so infuriating," Scarlett said to Christian.


"Why? What did she do?" Christian asked.


"Um…nothing. Never mind. So what are you up to?" Scarlett asked, looking at the red cup in his hand.


"Nothing really. My friend dragged me here. I didn't want to come."


"Same here. Well, my future stepsister insisted that I come," Scarlett answered.


"Ah. Melody?"


"Yeah. It seems that everyone knows her."


"I know about her. I don't know her," Christian corrected.


"That's what I meant."


"Do you want me to get you something to drink? There's beer in that cooler," Christian offered.


"No. I don't drink."


"Really? So, you're a good girl."


"Yep, that's me. Goody, goody two-shoes."


"Do you want to go for a walk?"


"Yeah, sure." Scarlett smiled up at Christian and followed him down the beach.


As they were walking away, Zoey nudged Chloe. "What do you think? Give 'em…two weeks, and then they'll be the 'It' couple of Humphrey Day. New Girl with Mr. Popular. I can see it now."


"I'll give them until Friday," Chloe said.


"Really? You think that soon?" Millie asked.


"Yeah. Christian likes her and wants her. And you know he always gets what he wants," Chloe explained.


"That's true," Millie replied, looking down as she tried to hide her face from her friends, and succeeded. They didn't even notice the shameful look she wore.


"How cold do you think that water is?" Scarlett asked Christian.


"Want to test it out?" Christian asked, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively. Scarlett couldn't help but giggle at his facial expression. It reminded her so much of Tristan.


"Have you ever seen 'Jaws'?" Scarlett asked.


"Yeah, why?"


"Well, I don't want to end up like that nameless girl in the beginning," she answered.


Christian chuckled. "Touché."


Scarlett could feel her flesh beginning to rise in goosebumps. She tried to hide her coldness and wrapped her arms around her chest to gather body warmth against the chilly wind, but when she shivered, Christian noticed.


"Here," he said as he shrugged out of his letterman jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders, helping her as she shoved her arms through it. Christian led Scarlett near the water where they walked along the edge of the shore; the small waves from the ocean were only centimeters from their feet. Scarlett stuffed her cold hands into his jacket while the cool wind blew her hair about her face.




"I guess you're not used to this type of weather," Christian said.


"Well, I never really went out in the sun when I lived in Jacksonville. I was more of an indoor kind of gal."


"So, what you're trying to disguise is that you were a total nerd at your old school." Christian smiled.


"Shut up. That's a very touching subject for me," Scarlett mumbled.


"Really, why?"


"People at my old school didn't like students who made good grades. They considered them geeks and losers. Nobody wanted to talk to losers, or other people might consider them losers."


"That's rough," Christian said.


"Tell me about it."


"Well, our school actually praises students who take the time to get good grades. I have to work very hard so that I can stay on the basketball team. I have to maintain a three point seven grade point average to be the captain of the basketball team," Christian said.




"Yeah. I'm just that good," Christian said jokingly.


"Oh, I'm sure you are."


"Is that sarcasm?" Christian asked with mock shock.


"Oh, no. I would never be sarcastic," Scarlett said sarcastically.


"Stop that. You're hurting my feelings." Christian frowned teasingly.


"Ah. I'm sorry. I didn't realize that such a strong boy could get hurt so easily by a weak girl, like me."


"No comeback."


Scarlett smiled to herself. She liked Christian, even if he did remind her of Tristan.


"Mary, I think I love you," Ginny said as Mary handed her the money they needed to get Scarlett back down to Florida. Only…they hadn't exactly asked Scarlett to come down here yet.


"It was easy enough. All I had to do was bat my eyes at my father, and he gave me the money. Didn't even ask me what it was for."


"You're an angel," Kate said to Mary.


"A devious one, yes. But I would have done this anytime if it's going to help my brother. It will help him, right?" Mary asked.


"I don't know. We think it might," Meghan said.


"Well, at least we're trying. That's what I have to say," Mary replied. "Have you contacted Scarlett yet?"


"Not exactly," Kate replied.


"Well, what are we waiting for?" Mary asked.


"What if Scarlett says 'no'?" Meghan worried.


"She'll say 'yes,'" Ginny said. "She has to. She likes Tristan. More than she's ever liked anyone. He's her first boyfriend. She will want to. And if we have the money, she will have to come."


"Well, let's call her," Mary said.


Ginny pulled out her phone and pressed speed dial #1. It rang four times and then went to voicemail. Ginny left her a concise message, telling her to call back as soon as she got it. And then Ginny called her again, only to come up with the same results as the previous time. She called Scarlett again. And again. And again.


The entire theater jumped back, and a few people even screamed in their seats. Scarlett's heart jumped into her throat as the young couple on the huge screen huddled together in the bed as an unknown force toyed with them. Scarlett subconsciously grabbed onto Christian's arm from fright as they both watched 'Paranormal Activity.' Christian smiled down at the gorgeous redhead who was holding onto his arm. His plan was working out just as he had thought it would. Now if only she would join the cheerleading squad, they would make the most perfect couple to ever walk the halls of Humphrey Day. Maybe even better than Melody Harman and her four year boyfriend, Jake Connery.


But right now was the time for the ultimate test. Christian very carefully, very smoothly, wrapped his arm around Scarlett's shoulders and brought her closer to his chest. At first, his heart pumped loudly in his chest. What if she pushed away and never talked to him again? He had only gotten her to come with him alone to the movies by saying they would go as friends. Maybe he was pushing her buttons a little too much. But then he relaxed when he realized Scarlett wasn't pushing against him. Instead, she snuggled a little bit closer to him. Christian was pleasantly surprised by her response.


In Scarlett's mind, she was nervous. This was only the third time she had been close to a boy. The first had been Francis, and look how well that relationship turned out. The second, of course, was Tristan. And he was still deep in a coma down in Florida. And now it was Christian. She felt like she was cheating on Tristan, but Christian and she were only friends. Christian had been so nice and kind to her. She didn't know what Tristan meant when he said Christian was a player. Every day at lunch he talked with her and told her jokes, and she did the same thing. If people didn't know that she wasn't interested in dating since she was taken, they would think that Christian and Scarlett were going out, but she had made it abundantly clear that she had a boyfriend.


It was still nice to have someone hug her in between classes, and buy her lunch when she forgot her wallet, and walk her to and from classes, and study with her when an important test was coming up, and dedicate a basket to her by pointing to her after he made a three-pointer during the game, and give her his jacket whenever she was cold and her own thin sweater wouldn't suffice, and walk her to her car after school, and protect her hair from the rain by letting her join him under his jacket, and open a door for her, and hold her hand, and everything else that Christian did for her.


Oh, my God, I'm cheating on Tristan with Christian.


It wasn't cheating though. They had never kissed. He had never advanced on her like that. Sure, he hugged her. But that was it. Sure, he held her hand. But nothing more. He didn't try to make a move on her or anything. They were simply really good friends. Maybe, Scarlett was just looking into it too much because he was her first real guy friend.

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