Scarlet Woman (15 page)

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Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Scarlet Woman
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“Mates? Is that something special?” Wariness hit her then. What exactly was a mate? Was that why she felt so horrid after being apart from Saber? Why she felt as if her heart had been ripped out without anesthesia? Emily squeezed against the door, her eyes wide with apprehension. Had he done something to her?


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“I’m not sure I can explain. You’re my fated mate. I feel it in my gut, knew it the first time I looked at you. It’s a sense of rightness and awareness.”

Emily opened her mouth to hotly refute the claim. “There’s a second step to the process. Almost a bonding if you will. I bite you and draw blood, letting the special enzymes in my saliva flow into your body through your blood.”

“These enzymes—they’re not transferable through having sex?” Emily heard the accusation in her voice. He had to have done something to her. She couldn’t have fallen in love with him. Could she?

“I haven’t completed the second step. That’s the truth. I’ve wanted to, but I needed you to choose me freely without any coercion.” Pride and arrogance shaded his words, and Emily believed him.

“Well, what if two…um…creatures like you want to mate?”

Saber smiled briefly. “Cats. We’re feline shifters. If two cats wish to mate, they will bite each other and the exchange goes both ways. And your other questions—life expectancy is slightly longer than a human. It’s the enzyme, so if we were to mate, you would live for a similar length of time to me. Children can arrive in multiples. Two or three is common, but no more than that at once, and if we were to have children, they would have the ability to change like I do, but you would retain your human characteristics and wouldn’t be able to change. Any other questions?” Emily scowled. They had litters. That sounded exhausting.

“You’ve given me a great deal of power,” she said finally. “What if I run to the press? Or tell all to that female reporter that’s skulking around?”

Saber’s hands cupped her face and stared deeply into her eyes. “I trust you.”

An ache started in her chest and welled up her throat. Emily swallowed. She knew what he was trying to do. “I trusted Michael.”

“I know, kitten.”


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“We hardly know each other. How do we know what we feel will last?” Her voice held every bit of the uncertainty she felt. “I knew Michael for five years before we married.” Emily sucked in a deep breath and looked him straight in the eye, firmly facing both him and her fears. “I’m sorry, Saber, but I’m scared.”

“Ah, kitten.” Saber kissed her, their lips moving together in a slow, seductive dance. She leaned into his muscular body, her heart pounding erratically. Her nipples peaked against the cotton T-shirt and woolen jersey she wore. Too many clothes. She wanted to get closer, to take him inside her body. She wanted…Saber. Saber pulled away, his green eyes bright, the pupils barely visible in the winter gloom. “Nothing is certain in this life, kitten. I showed you my true identity because I didn’t want any lies or pretence between us. All I want is the chance to take our relationship further. We can go as slow as you want.”

“What if we’re not compatible?”

“We’re compatible. Have faith, kitten.” He traced her lips with his thumb. “I know we’re destined. I can handle a wait.”

“But how long will you wait?”

“As long as it takes. One month should do it,” he added in a casual tone.

“One month?”

“Yeah.” His grin was slow. Sexy. Confident. “I figure one more month to make sure you’re fully addicted to my lovemaking. And if you have any doubts after that, I’m going to drag you to the altar kicking and screaming. You belong to me, and I don’t intend to give any other man the opportunity.”

Emily’s mouth dropped open. Of all the conceited, arrogant—

“And, of course, there’s the fact that I love you. That’s got to count in my favor.”

She went all mushy inside and struggled to keep it from spilling out into a dopey grin. He loved her! She had a sneaking suspicion she returned the emotion but wasn’t ready to admit it. Not yet. Although Saber could act bossy and arrogant, he didn’t make 111

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her feel vulnerable and weak. When Emily stood up for what she wanted or stated her point of view, he listened—even if he didn’t agree. It was the big difference between him and Michael. “Okay. Let’s see how it goes. Take each day one at a time.” Being needed and wanted was addictive. Loved. Emily pressed her body up against him and wound her arms around his neck. She’d been so lonely without Saber. He’d sneaked into her heart and filled the empty spaces, brushed away the hurt she’d suffered at Michael’s hands. Emily glanced at him with a trace of shyness. Dare she admit it? “I’ll stay. I’ll move back in with you starting tonight.” She sucked in a deep breath before blurting, “I…I’ve missed you and your brothers. But mostly you.”

Saber’s eyes glowed and as she watched, they changed shape. Just a fraction, but they made him appear more cat-like. He issued a soft, satisfied purr that stabbed through Emily to the depths of her soul. Saber cupped her face in his hands and smiled.

“Can we cement this momentous occasion back at the house? In my bedroom?”

“Good plan.” Curious about the changes in him, she raised her fingers to touch the corners of his eyes. “Does it hurt?”

Saber moved away to start the SUV and head for home. “Does shifting hurt? Not really. A little discomfort at first, but there are compensations.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Enhanced senses for one.”

“During sex?”

Saber purred loudly and stepped on the accelerator. He glanced across the interior of the vehicle. His grin was smug and his wink suggestive enough that her breasts tightened to hard nubs. Emily took that as a yes.

Dust trailed behind them as they sped down the gravel road. Five minutes later, they pulled up outside the house. They climbed from the SUV and hurried up the concrete path to the front door.

“Ah, Saber and Emily,” Felix said, meeting them in the entrance. 112

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“Oh, you’re back from shifting the stock. You should know,” Emily said, “that we’re going to make noise in the bedroom.”

“Again?” Leo said, appearing from the direction of the kitchen. Saber stepped up beside her and curled his arm around her waist. “I hear they do a very good meal at the pub. The café, too.” He propelled Emily toward his bedroom and kicked his shoes off just inside the door.

Their bedroom, she thought with a sense of satisfaction. The door shut behind them with a satisfying clunk. Real privacy at last.

Emily smiled and teasingly licked her lips. “Let me undress you. I need to study you more closely than I have. See if I’ve missed any feline-type clues.”

A laugh escaped him. His eyes glowed brightly, the gold flecks mesmerizing. Beautiful. “Have at it, kitten. You won’t make me scream.”

“But I might make you purr,” she countered, stepping closer to unbutton the shirt he’d hastily donned after his earlier demonstration. Emily slid her hands beneath, savoring the warmth of him, the musky scent combined with the green fresh smells of the outdoors. Smoothing the shirt down his arms, she let it fall away. Glancing up at him, she grinned. “So far, you appear human. No differences I can see.” Deftly, she unbuckled the belt at his waist and popped open the snap fastening on his faded jeans. The zipper whined down at the slightest touch of her fingertips. Denim parted to reveal his erection. Satin smooth and tempting. Emily slid his jeans down his legs and silently indicated by touch that he should step out of them. Very cooperative, he did as she wanted and kicked them out of the way. Then Emily gave into temptation and touched. She ran a delicate finger the length of his arousal before kneeling in front of him.

“For closer inspection?” His voice was husky. Full of heat. Promise. Love. Emily smiled before she repeated the journey of her finger with her lips. When she reached the swollen crown, her tongue darted out to lick delicately across the head. 113

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Saber shuddered, his hands threading through her hair. Her breasts felt tight. Achy. And her juices flowed in arousal, but Emily had no intention of hurrying. This time was special. She gripped his thighs and took his cock deeper into her mouth, swirling her tongue across the head to taste the bead of pre-cum that had gathered. His salty taste filled her mouth.

Saber groaned, the sound a deep grumble in his chest. She heard his breath, deep and unsteady. His hips jerked when she licked and fondled his tight balls at the same time.

“God, Emily. Do that again.”

She smiled around his cock and obeyed the instruction. Shouldn’t be much longer until she had him purring. Emily took more inside her mouth and sucked, her cheeks hollowing as she licked and caressed him. More pre-cum leaked from the tiny slit at the end of his cock. Saber trembled violently.

“Enough,” he said, removing his shaft from her mouth and bending to lift her in one easy move. Saber unbuttoned her blouse and slid it off her shoulders. He slipped her bra straps down her arms and leaned forward to press his lips to her cleavage. “You smell good. Fresh and summery. Good enough to eat,” he added in a husky voice. His tongue flicked out and slid across her warm skin. Rough. Abrasive. It slid beneath the cup of her bra to caress the plump curve of one breast. Too many clothes. She wanted her bare skin brushing against him so she could feel every sensation. Savor it. Celebrate. Emily threaded her hands through Saber’s dark hair and cradled him closer to her chest. “Pity we can’t think these pesky clothes away. They’re standing in the way of progress.”

“Don’t worry, kitten. I’ll have your clothes off soon enough.” He nuzzled the upper slope of her breast with his mouth this time and peeled away one lacy blue cup. Emily’s heart went pitter-patter, the blush of arousal crawling down her neck to color the curves of her breasts. Her clothes felt like a yoke. Definitely unwanted. She was done with 114

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waiting and patience. Emily struggled with the button fly on her jeans, grunting with irritation when she fumbled.

Her huff of impatience brought a chuckle from Saber. “Let me, kitten.” Saber undid the buttons on her jeans. Competently, with not a trace of fumbling. He tugged them down her legs, taking her panties with them. Emily unhooked her bra, and seconds later they fell on the bed, their naked limbs entwining with the intimacy of lovers. She undulated against Saber, enjoying the press of his cock against her stomach. Emily nibbled Saber’s earlobe, and when he didn’t protest at the ticklish sensation, she explored the inner shell of his ear with her tongue.

Saber groaned, a harsh sound full of need. He grasped her upper arms and turned her before she could blink. An instant later he was between her parted legs and thrusting deep into her womb before she’d stopped bouncing on the mattress.

“I wasn’t finished with my examination. I was checking for pointy ears.”

“Later. Right now I have other things on my mind.”

“You haven’t purred for me yet.” Emily tried for righteous indignation but a gurgle of laughter spilled over and spoiled the effect.

“You wanted feline,” he muttered. “I’ll give you feline.” He pulled back and plunged deep again.

Emily groaned, her eyes sliding shut to savor the intense feeling of rightness that filled her body when she was with Saber.

“Open your eyes,” he ordered. “Watch.”

Emily forced her eyes open. A shimmer of light glowed around him. A soft golden luminosity that made her blink in astonishment. She caught the devilment in his eyes. He smirked at her, and she couldn’t help but notice the sharp white teeth gleaming in his mouth. She gulped as reality enforced itself. Yep, sharp and white and capable of inflicting great harm—if he wanted. Emily traced her fingers across his cheek, mentally refuting the idea he might hurt her. In that moment, she realized she trusted him implicitly. A light coating of fur had appeared on his chest, and he appeared to flash 115

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from the man she knew to a different Saber. Fascinated, she ran her fingers across his chest then tugged experimentally at the fur. She giggled at his wince and soothed him with a lingering kiss on the lips. Tongues twirled together in a slow mating. Inside her womb, his cock filled her even more than he had before. Emily frowned as a thought occurred. “Every other time, you told me to close my eyes or made me face a tree.”

“Yeah.” He thrust smoothly, angling slightly so he rubbed against her clitoris each time he moved. “Didn’t want to scare you.”

“You’re not so scary.” Emily ran her hands across the soft hair that had appeared on his back and chest. It felt smooth. Soft. Sort of sexy now that she that knew his secret.

“And the way you fill me is excellent. Top marks.” She wondered if he’d force the issue and do the enzyme thing he’d spoken about. Panic touched her for an instant before common sense reasserted itself. He hadn’t completed the process yet. He’d refrained because she hadn’t given her agreement. Emily realized she believed in him and stopped worrying. “Definitely top marks for sexual performance.”

“Glad you approve.” Saber thrust again and kissed her neck, his rough tongue swirling and teasing her neck while he lightly pinched one nipple. Emily groaned and forgot her questions. She forgot about the differences between human and feline shifters as they moved together in perfect harmony. A light shimmered around him again, golden and dazzling, as he continued to thrust, brushing her sensitive nub with each plunging move. The sensation built slowly. Her nerve endings vibrated in exquisite pleasure. Their mouths met, satisfaction coursed through her body. Saber swept her under into a private place where pleasure ruled. Her climax exploded through her. Control shattered and she shuddered helplessly, dimly aware that Saber had gained release, too.

Minutes later, he kissed her gently on the lips and withdrew, rearranging their bodies so they were as close as they could possibly be. Emily smiled sleepily and hugged her lover tight.

That had felt good. Very good.


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