Scarlet Night (Limited Edition) (8 page)

BOOK: Scarlet Night (Limited Edition)
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Something more than just warmth.

“Serena,” the mystery vampire called to her, his voice no longer his own. She took another step, driven by that voice and the promises behind it, something in that voice made her want it all the more. “Serena!” he called again, the tone and pitch cutting through the haze of arousal and startling her with the now-obvious truth.

She faltered, nearly collapsing, and stared with wide eyes
at the suddenly rigid vampire.


The vampire’s face twisted for a moment, experimenting with its own expressions before settling with a wide smile and nodding.

“But… how?” she stammered, still staring.

“His guard was down,” he explained, “The gate was open so I… I just took it. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold it, but for now…” he bit his lip and blushed; his flood of emotions assaulting his stolen body’s cheeks.

Stolen or not, she rushed to him, wrapping her arms tightly around the broad back of the stranger that now housed her lover. Despite everything, with her eyes clenched and buried in the body’s chest, she could feel him there.

Her Devon!

Even in a different body, it still felt right.

Large hands met her face and lifted her chin, a flood of his classic warmth and that of the new body’s natural heat seeped into her as he brushed her cheeks and she closed her eyes to savor the feeling. Devon lifted her face further towards him and pressed his new lips to hers. Ignoring the subtle differences, she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, turning the kiss from an exploration to a fierce, passion-filled attack.

She’d been so damn starved for it that the first taste had awakened a hunger she’d long since forgotten.

She forgot how to breath then, but soon found it as he trailed kisses down her chin and a desperate gasp ripped from her burning lungs. Lips still wet with their combined moisture brushed down her neck. Another gasp seeped out, reaching a peak as his tongue ran across her collarbone.

Her senses grew more receptive to everything as their auras collided and mingled, creating a bright and pulsating wave of multicolored light that expanded and contracted rhythmically around them. Devon eased her to the forest floor, the gentle-yet-firm hold the same as she'd remembered it. He pulled away then, beginning to peel the shirt from his borrowed torso, and she reached out to trail her fingertips across the strong, tattoo-covered chest as it emerged. She wanted to reach past the flesh and into Devon, feel everything with him. Even after all those celibate years their passion proved strong, and she was willing to look past the flesh to once again experience who they had been when they had become one.

He began to explore her body all over again, clearly reminding himself of the dips and curves he had not traveled in so long, and she gasped and arched against the static shocks that lit up her nerve endings with each inch he took. Pressing his every essence into her, they once again became one.

Serena explored the new body, rubbing her hands across his entire being as he continued the dance above. The bliss was too much for her and soon her climax reached. As the sounds of her cries filled
the forest she felt his body release as well, together finally.

As their bodies entangled on the forest floor, their cries sounded together as they climbed their way to pure ecstasy.


Serena blinked at the outburst, shaking the sleep from her system as she sat up in a daze. For a moment she was reminded of the previous night as the body heat from her partner’s naked body seeped into her own. Then, as her eyes finally met his mismatched own, she was thrown off of him and onto the dew-coated grass. She cried out as the chilled moisture assaulted her bare skin.

“Ow! You asshole!” she glared, trying to ignore the burning of her cheeks as she realized her situation.

“What did you drug me with?” he jumped
to his feet and began snatching up the clothes that lay scattered all over the clearing and throwing what didn't belong to him in her direction. “God dammit!” he snarled, yanking his pants up, “Where the hell is my belt?”

“Probably in the tree where you threw it last
night, you dick!” Serena retrieved her clothes and began to slip into them, keeping her eyes on his chest and the large tribal designs and fresh scratches littered about thereon. Only when his glare returned with laser-focus on her did she avert her gaze, “And for the record, I did NOT drug you!”

He glanced skyward, his shoulders sagging as he spotted the length of leather dangling from a branch. Trying to remain intimidating, he hid his growing sense of defeat, failing to control his aura’s all-too-clear reaction. “Then why, pray-tell, am I waking up NAKED with you? Why can’t I remember anything from last night?”

Serena clucked her tongue, unsure of how to explain the situation without sounding like part of a strange, ghostly date-raping.

“Look, call me ‘old fashioned’, but I make it an effort to
how I come to be naked with somebody!” He gave up on retrieving his belt and ducked into his jacket, a growl emerging from his throat.

“Oh? I'm so goddam sorry to have interfered with your obviously detailed and intima
te list of skanks and whores!” she countered, “I'm sure it’s very confusing to wake up in this sort of a situation and not have to PAY your partner!”

“You bitch!” he bared his fangs, “I can guarantee that they’re a better lay then you could ever hope to be!”

Serena's breath caught in her throat at that and she bit her lip, looking down.

He paused, his enraged features softening as he took in her reaction. After a silent moment, he cleared his throat and calmed his tone, “So, did we…?”

“We…” Serena blushed and dared a glance at him, seeing his confusion and understanding his apprehension. She nodded once, “Yes. We did.”

“Dammit!” He rubbed the back of his neck and turned away from her, “This was not supposed to happen!”

“I… I’m sorry. If it makes you feel any better, it wasn’t exactly planned.” The sincerity felt strange to Serena. “I mean, I don’t even know your name!” A morning breeze began to pick up and the vampire looked over to meet her apologetic gaze; a gaze she had a hard time maintaining. She had no right to blame him for his reaction. There she stood, still
like him and not even
his name!

” He said with a sigh.

Her eyes shifted back towards him, “Wh-what?”

“My name. It’s Zane. It’s only right that you know that much.” He frowned at her confusion. He frowned and glanced towards the shadowed depths of the forest, growling. “We're not alone.”

Serena turned in that direction and squinted against the rising sun. “I don’t se—”

At that moment, four therions—already shifted into their bestial bodies and snarling through dripping fangs—leapt into the clearing and raced out towards them.

Zane solidified his stance and bared his fangs, “STAND DOWN OR I

The four snarling beasts didn’t falter; didn’t even respond—not even on an auric level—to the threat.

“Shit! They’re not stopping! Keep your guard up!” Zane growled, his eyes narrowing and his body shaking with rage as the familiar energy flared up.

Serena stared for a moment as his tattoos began to glow brightly, mirroring his growing rage.
“R-right!” Serena nodded, mimicking the action with her purple energy and taking a fighting stance.

The nearest therion focused on Zane and pounced, leading with its massive claws and coming down in a vicious arc with its unnaturally large fangs gaping and snapping hungrily in anticipation of his flesh. Serena gaped as Zane hissed—baring his fangs as his face started to warp and shift and his tattoos glowed brighter—and pulled back his hand. As Serena watched, Zane elongated and locked his fingers like the tip of a blade and drove it into his attacker’s throat. As the beast’s momentum forced it downward, Zane’s hand sank deeper and deeper into its body and Serena watched in horrified awe as it collapsed to the ground with her ally’s arm buried inside it to his elbow. Slowly and methodically Zane withdrew his hand and tore the fallen therion’s still-beating heart through its chest and back out through the wound. Appalled by his own prize, he threw the organ to the ground and brought his boot down on it. Still convulsing and writhing in
pain, the therion collapsed at that moment, finally dead. Seeing the ease with which Zane dispatched of their comrade, the others thought better of their plans and turned to flee.

-not… getting off—ahh! Fuck!—
EASY!” Zane roared, his voice growing deep and gravelly as the tattoos continued to glow. In the blink of an eye, he’d crossed the distance between them and cut off the remaining therions, easily ripping the head off of one as he lifted his hand in the direction of the other two and wrapping his aura—as it shifted unnaturally from blue to red; the
aura from the night before!—around them and pulling them off their feet. In the grip of Zane's inexplicable power, the two whimpered and writhed before the last of their life was choked from them, and he cast their corpses aside like toys.

Though the four were already dead, his body continued to convulse and twitch as he dropped to his knees, clutching his head and whimpering in obvious agony. Though worried, her concern for what was happening held her back; the mystery of what was happening to him—what he was
—too terrifying to approach.

After a moment his aura began
to deflate and turned back to blue, and she dared the first step towards him. As she drew nearer, he looked up with exhausted eyes.

“What did you…
y-your aura! It… it changed! That was
last night?” she shook her head, still not believing what she’d just witnessed. “H-how were you able to do that?”

“Because,” he looked over, his mismatched eyes shimmering brighter than ever before, “I'm not what you think I am.”


kay! I’ll bite, Mister Wizard! If you’re not what I
you are, then just what the hell
you?” Serena asked as she followed Zane through the forest towards the city.

“That’s not really important right now
,” Zane answered quickly. Then, obviously wanting to change the subject, “I was sent to find you”—he looked over his shoulder at her with cold eyes at that moment—"by your father.”

BOOK: Scarlet Night (Limited Edition)
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