Scarlet Heat (Born to Darkness) (49 page)

Read Scarlet Heat (Born to Darkness) Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

BOOK: Scarlet Heat (Born to Darkness)
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“Goodbye then. For
good this time.”

His eyes flashed. “For

There was a popping
sound and a small puff of cinnamon-smelling smoke and he was suddenly gone.

Gwendolyn turned to
stalk out of the room and saw me standing there, rooted to the spot.

“What are you doing
here?” she demanded grumpily. “And how much did you hear?”

“All of it, I think,”
I said apologetically. “I’m sorry but we have an appointment—or had one, about
five minutes ago now.”

“Shit, that’s right.”
She ran a hand through her long black hair. “I’m sorry, Taylor—I completely
forgot. It’s been a crazy day what with trying to get everything ready for when
Grams comes back and then that asshole showing up…”

“I heard what he was
saying,” I said quietly. “I guess I owe you more than I thought.”

“Nah.” She made a
shooing gesture. “You don’t owe me anything, don’t worry about it.”

“Yes, I do,” I
persisted. “And I’m really sorry, Gwendolyn—I didn’t mean to get you in

“Forget about it.” She
sighed. “I get my own damn self in trouble. Grams always says I take too many
risks, stick my nose in where it doesn’t belong.”

“Well, I’m really glad
you did this time,” I said seriously. “If you hadn’t I wouldn’t be here.”

“And why
you here—talking to me, I mean?” She raised an eyebrow at me. “You said on the
phone that your bond was restored and everything was hunky-dory—it doesn’t
sound like you need me at all.”

“I just wanted to
thank you and to invite you to our re-bonding ceremony,” I said, smiling. “And
ask if you wanted to come with Addison and me the next time we have a girl day.”

“A girl day?” She
looked at me like I had spoken in a foreign language.

“You know,” I said.
“Sushi and a movie? Or sometimes we just hang out at her place and eat popcorn
and watch cheesy chick-flicks. It’s fun. I just thought…” I cleared my throat.
“Well, I like you and it seems like you could use some girl friends.”

“That’s really nice of
you. You know, I’m in a coven
of female witches but I don’t ever
really hang out with any of them.” She made a face. “They’re all so judgmental.
So yeah, maybe I’ll take you up on that.”

“Great.” I smiled at
her. “I’ll call you the next time we get together.”

“I’d like that.” She
smiled, a bit shyly I thought. It occurred to me that, though she put up a
fierce front, Gwendolyn was really very vulnerable inside. It made me like her
even more.

“You know how you said
you don’t usually like vampires?” I asked her. “Well, I don’t even
witches—or I didn’t until this. But I’d like to get to know

“Back at you,” she
said, smiling. “But I’m afraid I’m not your typical witch.”

“Who is then?” I
asked. “That warlock guy—Shadowlock—that Celeste was working with?”

Her heavily made-up
eyes widened.

“She was working with
He’s the most powerful warlock in the whole damn country. No
had such a hard time breaking his spell—I’m amazed I could do it at all. Are
you sure it was him?”

I nodded. “Uh-huh. At
least, that was what Celeste called him—I could never see his face for some

“No one can—he uses an
obscuring spell.” Gwendolyn frowned. “There’s been a lot of speculation about
that—about why he wants to hide. Nobody really even knows who he is.”

“I wonder what
happened to him,” I said. “I’m pretty sure Victor didn’t kill him.”

“No, he would have
woven an even stronger protection spell around himself than he did around the
hill,” Gwendolyn said thoughtfully. “Although why he didn’t stay and try to
help Celeste I don’t know.”

“He didn’t like her,”
I said. “In fact, I think he kind of hated her. Well, she
have a way
of rubbing people the wrong way.”

“Yeah, just slightly,”
Gwendolyn said sarcastically. “What with being a complete bitch willing to kill
anyone at any time, for any reason. That kind of thing tends to piss people

I laughed. “Right. But
about Shadowlock…you think he just slipped off?”

Gwendolyn shrugged.
“Seems the most likely thing. I haven’t felt any of his magic signature around
here, anyway. Which is good—it would drive Grams crazy to have a dark magic
practitioner so close to our territory.”

would drive me crazy?”

We both turned
abruptly to see an older woman with nut brown skin and pure white hair standing
in the hall behind us. She was holding a small suitcase in one hand and a
carry-on bag in the other.

“Grams!” Gwendolyn ran
to her and pulled her into an affectionate hug. “You’re home early! I thought
your plane didn’t get in until tomorrow.”

“I took an earlier
one.” The old woman sighed and dropped her bags. “I couldn’t
to get
out of there. You know, these conferences get longer every year?”

“I bet. Grams, this is
Taylor. I’ve been, uh,
her while you were gone.”

I had an idea that Gwendolyn’s
grandmother probably wouldn't approve of the way she'd been “helping” me at all
so I decided to keep my mouth shut on the subject.

“Nice to meet you,” I
said politely, holding out my hand.

“Nice to meet you too,
child.” Gwendolyn’s grandmother held out her hand as well but just then, my
stomach chose that moment to emit a long, angry growl.

“Oh, excuse me!” I put
a hand to my midsection, my cheeks getting hot with embarrassment. “I don’t
know what’s
with me. Ever since I started eating solid food again
it seems like I’m

The old lady’s
wrinkled face broke into a warm smile.

“Now then, there’s no
need to be embarrassed,” she said, taking my hand anyway. “You’re just hungry
and that’s perfectly normal when you’re pregnant.”

Gwendolyn and I said at the same time.

“You heard me.”
Gwendolyn’s grandmother smiled and patted my abdomen. “You’re pregnant, child.
Do you mean to tell me you didn’t know?”

“Oh, I…” I shook my
head. “I just, I didn’t think it was possible. I mean, it’s
I looked at Gwendolyn. “Is it?”

She shrugged
helplessly. “I would have said no but this is one thing Grams
about. She’s one hundred percent accurate. If she says you’re pregnant, it
doesn’t matter how impossible it is—you’re


“If you’re worried
about the baby, don’t be.” The old lady smiled at me and patted my tummy
gently. “She’s a healthy baby girl and she’s going to be just fine."

"A…a little
girl?" My hands started to shake and I felt dizzy. "A girl?" I
repeated but my voice sounded like it was coming from far away."

there!" Gwendolyn grabbed me just as I started to tilt sideways. "I
know it's surprising but don't faint."

"My dream…I had a
dream," I babbled. "I dreamed Victor and I were walking along the
beach and we had a little girl with dark hair and brown eyes."

"Well, that
sounds just about right," Gwendolyn's grandmother said, smiling.
"Like I said, child, she's going to be just fine. As long as you
her, that is,” she added when my stomach growled again. “What would you like to

“Oh, I couldn’t
impose—” I began but Gwendolyn interrupted.

“When Taylor was here
the other night she had some of your homemade pickles, Grams. I bet she’d love
some more.”

The old lady beamed
and reached for her bag and suitcase. “That’s good to hear. I made more than I
should this year so we’ve got plenty to spare. Just let me put my things down
in my room and I’ll get you some.”

“Well, sure. Thank
you,” I said lamely, partly because I felt faint with hunger and partly because
Gwendolyn was standing behind her grandmother and making signs for me to go
along with everything.

The minute the older
lady passed us and went on down the hall, she grabbed my arm and steered me
into the living room.

“Don’t say
she hissed. “Grams would
be happy if she knew what I’ve been up
to while she’s gone.”

“I didn’t think she
would. Don’t worry—I’ll keep it to myself,” I said. “Are you going to get in
trouble if she finds out?”

“She’s not going to
find out,” Gwendolyn said grimly. “Not if you can sit here and make small talk
and eat pickles while I go clear up the work room. Can you do that?”

“Sure…I guess so.” I
nodded, feeling dazed. “Sorry, I’m still just…I don’t know what to think about
what she said. About me being, you know…”

“Knocked up?”
Gwendolyn grinned at me. “Good thing you and Victor are so happy together. How
do you think he’s going to take the news?”

“Fine.” I smiled at
her. “I’m sure he’s going to be fine. It’s unexpected but…but so wonderful. I
never thought I could have kids after I got turned. And I’ve always wanted

“Yeah, you seem like
the domestic type.” She grinned at me and gave me a quick, hard hug.

“Thanks.” I hugged her
back and then looked at her. “But are you
you’re going to be okay?
I mean, with everything you did for me—the risk you took? I’m sorry, I just
have to ask one more time before your grandmother comes back.”

I saw that look of
unease flit across her face once more but again she hid it really well.

“I’ll be fine,
honestly,” she said. “And the best thing is that I finally got Laish out of my
life. Looks like we’ve
got something to celebrate today.”

“Right.” I tried to
smile at her but despite my cautious joy at my own good news, I couldn’t help
being worried about Gwendolyn. What was going to happen to her? Was she really
safe? And was Laish really out of her life forever?

I didn’t know…but I
had a feeling I was going to find out in the very near future…




Coming soon, don’t
miss Ruby Shadows, the third book in the Born to Darkness series.

Nothing is for free when it comes
to demons…a fact that Gwendolyn LaRoux finds out the hard way when she summons
Laish, a minor demon from the Shadow Lands to help her cook up a little black
magic. Unfortunately black magic has a way of growing and soon Gwendolyn finds
herself drowning in darkness. Still, she’s determined to clean up her own mess.
But when a creature from the Abyss enters our world and threatens her beloved
grandmother, Gwendolyn has to admit she needs help—which means summoning the
infuriating Laish, even though she swore never to call on him again.


Answering Gwendolyn’s incantations
in a moment of boredom was a mistake for a demon who keeps what little heart he
has left under lock and key. Laish immediately fell for the Creole beauty with
jade green eyes and creamy, café au lait skin and now he’s determined to have
her—no matter what the cost. And thanks to Gwendolyn’s sticky dilemma, the
price just went up.


When it turns out that the intrepid
witch must travel through the Shadow Lands and close the door she left open to
the Pit, she knows at once she can’t make the dangerous journey on her own. Of
course Laish is more than willing to act as her escort and bodyguard…for a
not-so-small fee. Gwendolyn doesn’t want to use her body as a bargaining chip
but the lustful demon will accept no other form of currency. And since her
grandmother’s life is at stake, she has no choice. Little by little she must
give in to his demands.


As Gwendolyn and Laish travel
further and further into the interior of Hell, will he be able to keep her
safe? And will she be able to keep her innocence? Or with they lose themselves
and each other among the… Ruby Shadows?


Excerpt from
Shadowed: Brides of the Kindred book 8 coming this fall


Chapter Two


Nina Kerrick sighed as she dusted
the glass case containing the brightly colored Seminole dolls and the display
of sweetgrass coiled baskets. Moving methodically but quickly, she cleaned the
rest of the exhibits and straightened the stacks of brochures located near the
front of the small tribal museum attached to the Hard Rock Casino. The museum
didn’t pay much but she only worked there two or three times a week. She loved
being surrounded by the fascinating history of the Seminole Tribe even though
she was only half Native American on her mother’s side.


Her father was Welsh and the
resulting combination gave Nina an exotic look with high cheekbones and warm
copper-tan skin. She also had long, straight black hair with reddish highlights
but it was her deep blue eyes, so unexpected in one with her coloring, that
drew the most attention. Nina liked her looks but she wished she had inherited
a smaller behind—her big hips and bottom were a constant source of
consternation but no matter how hard she worked and dieted, they never really
got any smaller.

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