Scandal's Child (12 page)

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Authors: Sherrill Bodine

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Regency, #Historical Romance, #Holidays, #FICTION/Romance/Regency

BOOK: Scandal's Child
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“Don’t bother to explain.” She shrugged with feigned indifference. “Sir Edmund made it clear you had not taken up with her again … Where are you going!” she gasped, as he blurted an expletive and stalked toward the door.

“This earth has been defiled long enough by Sir Edmund’s miserable existence,” he spit out.

Kat threw herself in front of the library doors, barring the way. “No! That’s why I didn’t tell you before! I don’t want you or Jacko killed in some duel! Look at what you’ve already lost dueling!” Frightened tears streamed down her cheeks.

He stopped short, all the anger melting out of his face.

“My dear girl, why would you think I lost my sight in a duel?” he asked softly.

Although her face burned in embarrassment, Kat stiffened with indignation. “Since I know nothing about your past, and your thoughts and emotions you keep hidden from me, I make mistakes. I have nothing to guide me. You do not see fit to confide in me even though I am your wife.”

There was a short silence, during which Kat thought her heart would break from the pain in her chest.

Then Jules smiled, a sweeter smile than she’d ever seen, and taking her hands, led her to a chair. He sat before her on a footstool. When she tried to speak, he silenced her with two fingers across her lips.

“Kathryn, I am no heroic figure. I gained my scars neither by bravery in battle or reckless daring on the dueling field.” Now he hesitated for a moment, but Kat wisely did not speak. Jules gripped her hands so tightly her fingers were numb, but she did not pull away.

“I lost my sight in a family accident,” he began quietly. “It’s a long and tragic story.” He paused for a moment. “My mother didn’t love her husband, Dominic’s father. They both used us as pawns in their game to hurt each other. And although I was five years older than Dominic and tried to protect him … It didn’t work … I didn’t realize until recently how much the events had affected me.” He loosened her hands at last and turned his head slightly away.

“My mother was devoted to me, unusual … unhealthy devotion. I was blind to the innuendo of the whole situation until it was too late. She was, after all, my mother, even if she was also an evil, spiteful woman.” He turned to look Kat full in the face.

“Suffice it to say, in a drunken fit of rage my stepfather killed my mother and wounded me because he believed us to be lovers. Then he turned the gun upon himself.” His voice gained strength. “Dominic also believed it for ten long years. I returned to England last year for the sole purpose of forcing him to see the truth. That the tragedy was not of our making, but of our parents. And, at last, with the help of Juliana, he has. I have regained my brother.”

His words reached her, but it was a moment before understanding dawned. He was as pale as the white marble of the fireplace, but his gaze was dark with anguish.

Through the painful jolting in her ribs and the agony in her throat, Kat whispered, “I am sorry you suffered so unjustly. I wish I could take away the pain.”

Kat saw his breath leave him silently and color return to flush his high cheekbones. Then with a ragged breath, he lifted her fingers to his mouth. “You have taken away the pain, Kathryn.”

She couldn’t speak, she couldn’t even breathe, she simply rose slowly to her feet with him.

Wordlessly, he reached to caress the base of her throat with his knuckles and Kat felt the rhythm of her pulse increase under his touch. She stood utterly still, gazing up with sweet uncertainty.

Capturing her face in his hands, he moved it ever so gently from side to side, dragging her lips across his, teasing, intoxicating her. Unable to stop herself, she slid her arms around his neck and clung to him. She pressed closer to him, her mouth finally meeting his in a deep clinging kiss that left them both trembling.

He cradled her against his chest, one hand on her cheek, his lips playing over her curls. “Kathryn, we—”

“No! Promise me…” she faltered, throwing back her head to meet his melting gaze. “Promise me you won’t place yourself in any more danger. I don’t wish to lose you now … now that we are … we are becoming … better acquainted.”

His arms tightened around her, his face was luminous with emotion. “I promise, Kathryn. And I promise that very, very soon we shall be even better acquainted.”

Chapter 12

Kat stretched lazily in her bed, then absently slid her palm over the place where Jules would be tonight if she had anything to say about it. Which, she pledged, she most definitely would!

A rush of heat spread through her body as she curled up in a tight ball thinking about him. How could one’s life change so quickly? Everything was changed since she and Jules had talked. She had not realized her feelings could grow even stronger and brighter than they already were, but last night when he had told her about his accident she had been consumed with wanting to banish his pain forever and fill that hollow with love—her love.

The only blemish on an otherwise totally satisfactory evening—seeing Sir Edmund get his just deserts (when had she turned into such a blood-thirsty creature?) and discovering Jules had not renewed his liaison with the contessa—was that he had not swept Kat up in his arms in the library and carried her to his chamber.

Sighing, she moved her cheek on the pillow where his ebony head would rest tonight. She would twine her fingers through his rich locks and press kisses across that hard muscular chest … Breathing most unevenly, Kat sat up in bed, her heart pounding beneath her night shift. Did all married women have these wonderful dreams about their husbands? How did one ever get anything accomplished with these delicious thoughts filling one’s mind? It was quite shocking to realize she would be content to laze here all day thinking about Jules, but to make these daydreams spin true she had things to do.

Tonight, Mariah would be officially engaged to the man of her dreams. Tonight, Kat would use every lure she knew to draw Jules to her; she would entice her husband to her bed where she would entwine him forever with silken bonds of love. There was nothing standing between them and nothing, she promised herself, would stop her!

It was too early for the
to be riding on Rotten Row, which was precisely why Jules was there. The sun’s light was weak through a light layer of clouds, and there was a dawn breeze from the Thames which, thankfully, had cleansed the acrid city air. He felt wonderful this morning, free as he hadn’t been in years. Somehow, in telling Kathryn about the accident, he had evacuated that hollow of pain. Now, little by little, he could share all his past with her, share all his thoughts and feelings. He never could have anticipated her reaction to his story. That was one of the reasons he hadn’t wanted to burden her with it. So few people knew the truth. Now, suddenly, the past held little importance for him. The future was what mattered. His future with Kathryn.

Holding her in his arms last night, hope had sprung fresh that very soon he could keep the vow he made in Champagne. Although Kat had not actually said the words, her sweet, responsive body spoke its own language. What it had told him fueled his determination.

At Lady Tutwilliger’s tonight he would charm and beguile his wife with loving attention. Perhaps this was the night that blasted connecting door would finally be opened.

Jules was jarred out of his pleasant dreams of Kathryn by a friendly crack of laughter.

“By gad, Saville, nearly ran me over!” Jacko reined his horse in sharply to sidestep Noir.

“Jacko, what a surprise! These are hardly the hours you keep. Usually you’re not abroad until afternoon,” Jules drawled, with a quirk of his lip.

“Making good my escape, Saville. If you’re smart you’ll do the same.” Jacko nodded sagely. “Stay away from the house today or the women will be bound to drag you into some job for this ball of Willy’s. Seen it happen before. Doesn’t help I don’t live at Tutwilliger House, they even find me in my rooms.”

“Plan to avoid them all day, Jacko?” Jules smiled at his brother-in-law’s fresh dimpled face, so much like Kathryn’s.

“Got it all planned. Ride in the park this morning. Spot of lunch. Dress for the ball early, then off to faro at Mrs. Cathage’s before I have to do the pretty tonight.”

“Mrs. Cathage’s?” Jules lifted his brow at the mention of the notorious faro den. “Bit too far on the fringe, isn’t it, Jacko?”

He shrugged, moving his horse back a few paces.

“Percy and Glady are going with me. Play is fair there even if the company is a bit off. Well, must be going, Saville. Remember what I told you. Stay away from Kat today, sure to put you to work.”

Amusement curling his mouth, Jules watched his young brother-in-law canter down the path. Actually, he would be tied up most of the day with his man of business so he did not plan to see Kathryn. The separation only fanned the anticipation for the evening to come, Jules decided.

With a short laugh of excitement, Jules gave Noir his head, since they were quite alone, and galloped up Rotten Row.

Everything was perfection, Lady Tutwilliger decided, giving one last twist to the turban feather brushing her cheek. Dressed in her favorite color of lilac satin, Gwynneth was ready to accept the congratulations and envy of the
. She had pulled it off: this season Kat had married the dashing and extremely well-connected Comte de Saville; now Mariah was betrothed to Mr. Christian Vanderworth—even without a title, his enormous wealth made him an enviable catch.

This Gwynneth had accomplished even in the face of the Thistlewait Jilting Scandal. Although the children’s mother, Bettina, had been a sweet child, she could never have been considered a lady, and was certainly a misalliance for Francis. But, it was all ending like a fairy tale.

Gwynneth sighed, taking one last turn about the ballroom to check the floral arrangements and the fragile gilt chairs set against the walls for the dowagers. Francis and Bettina had been gloriously happy in the few years they had together and now their children had also made love matches. Although, it wasn’t official by any means, it was plain Jacko and Caroline were made for one another. That young woman had made her scamp into a very pretty-behaved man. She had even settled the slight difficulty of finding a proper match for
Vanderworth by encouraging her friendship with Gladstone Pennington. Yes, they would do nicely, also. Really, she never realized before what a genius she had for matchmaking. -

Positioning herself in the entrance hall, Gwynneth had nothing to do but wait for Mariah to make her appearance. Glancing up at the hall clock, she could see Mr. Vanderworth had fifteen minutes before he was due to arrive and, as always, he would be punctual.

When the knocker pounded five minutes later she was startled out of her complicated wedding plans. Westley opened the door to admit her godson, followed by Sir Percy Allendale and Gladstone Pennington. She was totally flabbergasted. These young rips were never on time for a social engagement! It was apparent they were arguing fiercely.

“Jacko, don’t be a fool! You ca—” Gladstone was heard to say before Jacko cut him off with a epithet which Gwynneth just barely made out.

what is the
of this!” she bellowed, fanning herself briskly with her lilac-tinted ostrich feathers.

All three gentlemen turned blank faces to her, although Jacko’s eyes seemed overly brilliant tonight.

“We’ve come to celebrate my sister’s engagement, Willy,” Jacko smiled brightly. Too brightly, Gwynneth realized when he bent to kiss her cheek. “Where are Mariah and Caroline?” he asked, peering up the great stairway to the second floor.

“Since you are a full half hour early, they are still dressing,” Gwynneth announced, pinning both Gladstone and Percy with her sharp eye. “I’ve known Jacko since his birth cry, so I know when he’s up to something. Which one of you is going to tell me?”

Both young men looked satisfactorily terrified, but neither dared open his mouth. Jacko suddenly took her fingers, lifting them to his firm lips.

“Have I ever told you, I love you, Willy,” he whispered, a heartbreaking smile filling his gorgeous face.

Stunned into speechlessness, Gwynneth stood stock still. A rustle of skirts brought all their attention to the stairs. Mariah glided down, glorious in palest pink crepe, with two glossy brown curls falling daringly down her neck. Floating behind her in a gossamer gown of azure came Caroline. Her eyes immediately lit on Jacko.

“Lord Thistlewait, you are here so early!” she breathed in unfeigned delight.

Gladstone and Percy stepped aside so Jacko could take each girl by the hand to lead them forward. “I have come early to gaze upon your beauty,” Jacko drawled with unadulterated flattery.

Mariah tapped his arm playfully with her fan.

“You’re talking to your sister, you ninny. What really brings you?”

He pinched her cheek. “Wanted to see you, that’s all. But now I must lose you to your fiancé,” he laughed as the knocker sounded and Westley admitted Mr. Vanderworth. “Come, Caroline,” he insisted, tucking her hand into the crook of his arm. “Let us be the first to sample the champagne Willy is serving tonight.”

“What is Jacko up to?” -Mariah quizzed, but Gwynneth could only shake her head. Before she could stop them, Gladstone and Percy had also disappeared up the stairs and into the ballroom. Short of racing after them, Gwynneth was powerless.

“I don’t know,” she said softly. “But before the evening is finished, I shall find out!”

It was fortunate that the duchess shared their carriage for Kat’s nerves were so fragile she doubted she could have survived the journey alone with Jules.

All day she had been concentrating on just how she would entice her husband. She’d decided on her lowest cut gown and her hair worn the way he had admired. But by the time he handed her up into the carriage she was nearly faint from anticipation. He, on the other hand, appeared his usual dashing self, dressed in severe black and an unruffled white shirt.

Fortunately they were early enough to beat the crush of carriages. The house looked particularly festive; Willy had fashioned two floral pieces to stand on either side of the doorway. After greeting Mariah and Christian, Kat was surprised when Willy stepped out of the receiving line to pull her behind a large potted plant.

“Willy, what are you doing?” Kat questioned, concerned by the lines of worry crisscrossing her godmother’s usually jovial countenance.

“Keep an eye on your twin, Kathryn. Something is up. I’m sure of it,” she declared.

The tiniest black cloud appeared on Kat’s rosy horizon, but she immediately banished it. “Don’t worry, Willy. I’ll have a talk with him,” she promised, kissing her godmother’s cheek.

Seemingly satisfied, Willy rejoined Mariah and Christian while Kat slipped into the ballroom to find Jules waiting for her.

“Here you are, my dear. I thought you might like a glass of champagne. Is something wrong?” he asked perceptively, in much the same voice he had used on the journey to France. The voice of strength and trust, the voice she had come to love.

“No,” she smiled and glanced away to search the rapidly filling room. “Have you seen Jacko?”

“Yes, there he is, dancing with Caroline,” Jules replied, touching her arm.

And there Jacko was, her twin, doing a remarkably fluid waltz with Caroline. When they glided by he threw Kat a kiss.

Laughing, Kat looked up into Jules’s face and found him so close she leaned back a little upon his shoulder. “He seems fine, doesn’t he?”

“He is enjoying himself. Come, let us do likewise.”

He handed her glass to a passing waiter and drew her onto the floor. They fit together so perfectly. Daringly she rested her cheek against his chest, closing her eyes. She was rewarded by his arm tightening about her waist, drawing her closer than any patroness of Almack’s would approve—even for a married couple.

“Kathryn, I’m keeping you all to myself tonight,” he whispered into her ear, his breath fanning her skin, sending shivers down her spine.

He was a man of his word, cavalierly sending away all who sought to partner her. They danced only together. Each time they waltzed he held her a bit tighter and even went so far, once, to press a kiss at the side of her neck.

Breathlessly, she pulled back to stare at him, her eyes wide with assumed shock. “Jules, what will people think?”

His arms tightened and she felt his thigh press against hers through the thin fabric of her gown.

“They will think the Comte de Saville is enchanted with his wife,” Jules murmured, his gaze roaming boldly from the low-cut bodice of her gown to meet her eyes.

Weak with longing, Kat nearly missed the fanfare of Willy’s formal announcement and toast to Mariah’s engagement to Mr. Christian Vanderworth. Most of the guests surged forward to offer their congratulations, but Jules took this opportunity to lead her out onto a tiny balcony.

The sultry night air of the city closed around them. Jules leaned back against the brick wall. He reached out, drawing her to him, his arms tightening around her so she almost lay against him. She felt the accelerated beat of his heart beneath her breasts.

Her eyes were becoming accustomed to the darkness so very faintly she could see his face, and it was transformed by his wonderful smile.

“Kathryn, will you become my wife?”

She stared at him. “I am already your wife.”

Jules’s hands rose to her shoulders, then slowly, deliberately, slid down to tease the inside of her elbows, near her breasts.

“Yes, we have gone through the forms, said the right words … We are legally married, but I want more,” he said softly. Slowly, his hand glided up to play in the locks of hair falling about her throat. “I want more, Kathryn.”

Kat was hypnotized by the pleasure his touch bore.

Carefully, he pressed a light kiss upon her lips, and Kat realized she was trembling. He whispered her name softly and, in surrender, she twined her fingers through his hair, leading him to her parted lips. Their mouths clung in a long, caressing kiss, their bodies arching together, demanding to be even closer.

She breathed her answer onto his lips. “Yes, please, Jules. I want to be your wife.”

Even in this dimness she saw a flame lighten his gaze. “Then come, my darling. Tonight is ours.”

He led her out of the shadows and as they stepped into the ballroom they nearly collided with Jacko and Caroline. They were hidden by a drapery in the window embrasure and, to Kat’s bemused shock, were clasped in a passionate embrace.

At that moment, Jacko released Caroline and, stepping back, he met Kat’s eyes. What she saw on his face froze her blood. Without a word, he stalked away into the lights and music of the ball.

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