Scandalous Heroes Box Set (29 page)

Read Scandalous Heroes Box Set Online

Authors: Latrivia Nelson,Tianna Laveen,Bridget Midway,Yvette Hines,Serenity King,Pepper Pace,Aliyah Burke,Erosa Knowles

BOOK: Scandalous Heroes Box Set
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Heading home, he swung off to see his brother. Parking in the drive, he sighed and climbed out. He couldn’t forget Scott telling him to stay away from Affrica.

What was the harm if they were both consenting adults? Really, surely, her brother couldn’t find fault then. A cold chill raced up his spine as not only Hondo’s face rushed to mind but also Maverick’s.
Yep, they’d find fault.

Reeve scowled and opened the front door. They weren’t babies in need of supervision. He closed the door behind him and slowed his steps at the sound of his brother’s voice.

“No, sir, she is not talking nor does she want to sit down for any interviews. Yes, I’m aware an interview with Mr. Lauer would be impressive; however, I’m telling you Ms. O’Shea is refusing any and all public appearances. Let her be.”

His ears perked up at the mention of Affrica. Interviews? Not doing public appearances? What the hell was going on?

“They won’t leave her alone!” Scott griped.

“She broke a hell of a story, Scott; of course they want to talk to her.” Lex’s calm voice followed.

“I know but she went through hell out there, Lex. I’ve never seen her cry before.”

“I know. But, she made it, Scott. Don’t forget that.”

Reeve pushed through the living room and into the kitchen where Lex stood at the center island cutting up some fruit. His brother leaned against a counter.

“What happened to Affrica?” he demanded.

Scott crossed his arms and arched a brow. “Eavesdropping now?”

“Damn it, Scott. What happened?” He couldn’t explain the tightness in his chest.

His brother and sister-in-law shared a look before meeting his gaze again. “She ran into a bit of trouble in Australia.”

“What?” he asked when Scott didn’t elaborate. He moved to stand directly before his eldest brother. “Tell me.”

“I can’t.”

Frustration swarmed high within him. “Why not? She a member of your SEAL Team, brother? Part of your clandestine operations?”

Scott shook his head. “No. I can’t, because it’s not my place to tell her business.” His brother’s voice was the epitome of calm. “If you want to see her and ask her yourself, she’s over with Tyson and Jayde.” A slight pause. “Just one thing.”

Reeve moved to Lex’s side and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “What’s that?” he asked, swiping a piece of kiwi.

“Lose the attitude before you get there and knock on the door instead of just cruising right on in.”

“That’s two things.” He glared at his brother.

“Two things which may just save your life. Tyson won’t put up with your shit like I do, Reeve.”

He wanted to snap at his brother but he couldn’t. Scott was only telling the truth. He already knew Tyson disproved of how he acted, and while he never voiced it, the man’s feelings were obvious.

He stepped away only to freeze at a light touch. Lex watched him carefully. “Be careful, Reeve. She’s been through a hard time and doesn’t need you adding to her stress.”

A nod was all he afforded her before he left the Leighton house and made a beeline for his car. His name was called before he got there. He stopped and turned to see Scott standing behind him on the steps, a serious expression on his face.


“I hope you know what you’re doing, Reeve. When you see her, tell her we expect her for dinner, along with the Kincades.” A slight pause. “And you.”

He ignored the fact his invite seemed an afterthought and inclined his head once. “I do and I will.”

He left with a wave and slid behind the wheel of his car. He’d only recently learned where Tyson Kincade and his family lived.

The trek to Tyson’s took about twenty minutes because of his fast driving and weaving in and out of traffic. “Finally,” he uttered as he parked along the street before their home. He was a very impatient driver, and to top it off, he wanted to see Affrica again.

He climbed out and passed a midnight blue crew cab 2500 GMC pickup. A quick glance back to his car made him think again about Affrica’s comment that none of them had anything to prove. The garage door was open, and he saw Tyson moving around in there. Beside him was a minivan as well. The man wore worn jeans and a torn gray shirt.

“Hello,” he called out.

Tyson turned, and with a single glance, Reeve felt inferior. Wiping his dirty hands off on the rag he held, Tyson approached the opening.

“Figured you’d be by. Women are inside.” He punctuated the statement with a jerk of his head.

“Thank you.”

Reeve headed for the front door and knocked. Soon, he found himself face to face with Jayde. Her large brown eyes widened a bit before she gave him a smile and waved him into the open living room.

“She’ll be back in a few. Can I get you anything to drink? Tea? Water? Coke?”

“Coke would be wonderful, thank you.” He wiped his hands down his slacks and loosened another button on his long-sleeve silk shirt.

“No problem.” She slipped away.

Movement pulled his attention from Jayde’s retreating form to Affrica’s approaching one. She drew a sharp breath the moment she spied him and hesitated before she entered and sat on the white sofa.

“Mr. Leighton,” she said, tucking her legs under her. “What brings you out this way?”

Her lilt flowed over him, soothing wayward nerves. He approached and sat catty-corner to her in a chocolate brown leather chair.

“Are you okay?” he asked as Jayde returned, only to set his drink down then vanish again.

“Some reason you feel I shouldna be fine?”

He trailed his gaze over her, taking note of the bandages on each arm. In fact, there were two on her left.

“Don’t play games with me. Are you okay?”

She sighed and leaned back against the sofa. “Aye, I am. Not something I’d care to do again. Thank you for your concern.”

“What happened?”

He wanted her to share with him. More than that, he wanted to gather her close and hold her. Take her to his place and tend to her. Shit! What the hell was going on with him?

“I went with someone to take some photos and it didn’t turn out well.”

Taking a drink of his Coke, he moved to sit beside her. Immediately, he noticed her stiffen. “I’m a pretty good listener.”

Her bark of laughter had no humor in it. “Since when?”

He bristled. “I’m not a total ass, you know.”

“Look. I dinna know your game here, but I’ve not forgotten our last meeting.”

Leaning closer to her, he breathed in deep her scent and closed his eyes in pleasure. “Me either, sweetcheeks. And I meant what I said about having a repeat of that kiss.”

He wasn’t sure what he expected but it wasn’t her soft laugh. “You Leighton boys recall what you want to.”

“Get what we want, too,” he purred in her ear.

The clearing of a throat had him straightening and swallowing hard. Tyson stood there, beer in one hand and warning fire in his eyes.

Christ. And to think I used to believe him as one of the more easygoing guys on the team.

“Everything okay?” Tyson asked, setting a bottle and a glass of water down near Affrica. “Take your pills.”

Reeve shifted away from her, not much, but a slight bit. “We’re fine.”

Another dismissive glance from Tyson. It was weird. Reeve had never felt uneasy around the man before, yet now, he did.

“Okay. Yell if you need anything. We’re going to Scott’s in two hours.” Tyson retreated from the room, beer in hand.

“I’ve ne’er seen him so prickly. Do the two o’ ya nae get along?”

He brushed away her question, not wanting to talk about himself. “Tell me what happened.”

“I did. I ran into a bit o’ trouble, found mahself in a pickle and was rescued.”

He narrowed his eyes at the image of someone else saving her.
Get a grip and grow up, man,
his brain admonished.
She’s safe, and that’s the important thing.

“Who got you?”

A soft and wistful smile turned up the corners of her mouth. “Your brother, Osten, Ross, and Tyson.”

She closed her eyes and leaned back. Reeve stared at her, memorizing every curve, the slight flare of her nose, how thick and curly her lashes were. He dug his fingers into his palm to keep from reaching out to her. This wasn’t the time or place to jump her. The rod in his pants informed him it was all for the jumping.
for it.

“How come your brother didn’t go get you?”

Her entire body stiffened before her lids slowly lifted, exposing her concerned gaze before it slipped away. “He’s in Antarctica.”

There was something else going on but a lusty wail pierced the air. Affrica smiled, and his heart skipped a few beats. Gorgeous. She was simply gorgeous.

“Logan’s up,” she said, her eyes twinkling with honest humor.

He took a drink and cocked his head to the side. “How can you tell one from the other? Couldn’t it be…” he trailed off, embarrassed at the realization he didn’t know the children’s names.

“Ethan has a higher pitched cry. Dinna you know them?”

The blush raced up his skin. Not really the way to impress her by letting her know he’d not made an effort to get to know the members of his brother’s team.

“Not really.” He cleared his throat. “You must spend a lot of time here if you can tell the boys apart by their cry.”

She pursed her lips and shook her head. “Nae. I unfortunately dinna spend as much time here as I’d like to. Just good with remembering things.”

Jayde entered, carrying the twins, and he watched as one reached out and made grabbing motions with his hands. Affrica pushed to her feet and took him, cooing to him as he laughed and hugged her. She sat back the child in her lap and talked to him in Gaelige.

“What exactly are you telling my son?” Jadye asked in a teasing voice.

“Oh, ne’er you mind. This be top secret between me n’ the wee one.” She nuzzled his neck, causing the boy to squeal with pleasure. “Inna that right, Logan?”

Jayde snorted and rolled her eyes. Tyson walked in but Reeve returned his attention to Affrica who continued to carry on a conversation with Logan.

“How can you tell them apart?”

“Tis easy. Logan here is slightly bigger, features are fuller, and is slightly more adventurous.”

He glanced between the two and couldn’t tell a damn thing. A small fist grabbed his shirt and tugged. He found himself staring into warm hazel eyes. He froze. Hell, when his own niece and nephew were around, he barely interacted with them.

“He likes you,” Affrica said. “Take him.”

“I don’t think—”

She plunked the child on his lap before he could finish the sentence. Crap! He had no clue what to do, where to put his hands, anything.

“Just hold him up. He won’t break.” She positioned his hands for him, causing his heart to stutter. Then, she moved her touch to his leg, and he held his breath until he realized it was only to adjust Logan’s pant leg. “Don’t drop him, either. Tyson might kill you.”

He snuck a glance at the Navy SEAL who watched over his son with hawk-like vigilance.
Might? Hell no, that’s a definitely.
Regardless of the laughing women, Tyson “Cade” Kincade was emotionless.
Great, like I needed something else to worry about.

Jayde and Affrica chatted easily as he held Logan. Every now and then, Affrica would reach out to the boy and touching him. In doing so, she connected with Reeve as well. He relaxed more and more as Logan played with a toy that Affrica gathered every time he dropped it. She never even halted her conversation, just grabbed the toy like second nature. The realization she’d make a wonderful mother hit him out of the blue, and he swallowed hard as he digested that information.

Reeve was amazed when Tyson said they should get on their way. The time had flown by, and he’d enjoyed sitting there listening to the women talk.

“Well now, wouldcha look at that. Ya’ve managed ta hold the wee one all this time.” Affrica gave him a smile which hit him like punch to his solar plexus. She stood and reached out for the boy. “Come on, me braw boyo.”

Logan went easily to her, and Reeve didn’t blame him one bit. If she held out her arms to him, Reeve would have been jumping into them. She shot him a wink, and he preened.

“Ride with me,” he said after Tyson claimed his boy from her.

“Ya have something other than that pretentious Enzo?”

“Not yet.”

She sighed and shook her head with what he took to be disappointment.

They walked to the door where he took the bag she attempted to lift. Her frown was ignored as he caught a glimmer of approval in Tyson’s expression.

“She’ll ride with me,” he informed the Navy SEAL.

Not giving her a chance to argue, he placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her past them, out the door, beyond Tyson’s truck and to his Enzo.

“Bye!” Jayde called out. “See you there.”

Like a gentleman, he held the door for Affrica and gave her the bag to hold. She sat stiffly as he climbed in on the other side after closing her door.

“You okay?”

“Fine,” she said.

He whipped the powerful car around and headed for his brother’s house, grateful to have her all to himself.

“Is there a fire?” she questioned.

“No, why?” He glanced at her.

She gave him a pointed look, moved it to the dash and back. He followed her gaze and swore as he noticed the speedometer. “Sorry,” he said, flashing a flirtatious grin. “It’s easy to forget how fast you’re going in this.”

She breathed deeply and turned her attention out the window. Not impressed was the vibe, and he read it loud and clear. He observed her in his periphery as they cruised along the interstate. Gradually, her fingers relaxed from where they’d held her bag.

“You okay over there?”

“Of course.”

He didn’t believe her. Reaching out, he turned down the music and took another opportunity to watch her.

“Really? You seem awfully tense.”

“I’m tired is all.”

He veered off on the needed exit. “You know I won’t spread it around if you want to tell me what’s bothering you.”

She glanced at him and, he knew she pondered his offer. The precise moment when he thought she’d open up, he noticed Scott’s place come into view, and just like that, she closed up again.

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