Scandalous Endeavors (Ladies and Scoundrels Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Scandalous Endeavors (Ladies and Scoundrels Book 1)
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Her heart veritably left her chest as Lord Shillington tumbled backwards, landing on his haunches. She turned to face the duke, her cheeks burning with fury. “I most certainly am not!”

Richard closed the distance between them before she had a chance to run away and took hold of her arms. “You are, and you very well know it.”

Amelia glared at him, all of her anger and disappointment threatening to overwhelm her as she searched for the appropriate words. When they did not come, she stomped on his foot. “Let go of me this instant. You have no right trying to lay claim to me after casting me aside.” When he released her, she moved to the opposite side of the fountain.

Lord Shillington regained his footing. “It seems the lady does not wish for your attention, Goldstone. Perhaps you should leave us.”

Her gaze never faltered from Richard’s handsome face as she battled the emotions sweeping through her. A stormy scowl sculpted his features as she watched. He moved with confidence, closing the gap between them while coming within reach of Lord Shillington.

She moved, positioning herself between the two lords, one hand rested firmly on Richard’s chest while her eyes meet Lord Shillington’s. “It is true that the duke is seriously misled in his assertions, but they are not entirely unfounded. I cannot accept your proposal.” She forced a gentle grin. “I am both flattered and grateful you tried to save me from my fate, but I must go to America.”

Lord Shillington looked at his feet before he glanced back at her. “I wish you’d reconsider, but as it stands, I have no choice other than to accept your decision.” He glared past her at Richard. “Shall I escort you back to the house, Lady Amelia?”

“That will not be necessary.”

“Surely it is not your desire to stay here with Goldstone.” The words seethed liked venom.

“You heard the lady, Shillington. Now see your way out before I am forced to help you.” Richard’s tone vibrated with danger.

“Lord Shillington, please excuse us. I must speak to the duke.”

His searing gaze met hers, and she nodded, praying he would leave before Richard brought harm upon his person.

“As you wish, Lady Amelia.” Lord Shillington shot another glare at Richard, then trudged down the path that led back to Abernathy House. Silence filled the air as she watched him go.

“Amelia.” Her name emanated from Richard’s mouth, causing her belly to flutter.

When she turned her head, she focused on his heated gaze, and her insides quivered. Dropping her hand from his warm, muscled chest she stepped back in an effort to collect her wits. She tore her gaze away and willed her anger back. “How dare you impose on me and throw around your will. You left me! Why are you here?” She curled her fingers into her palms.

He stepped forward and reached for her, but she sidestepped his advance. “Do not touch me. You have lost that privilege.”

He flinched, dropping his arms back to his sides. “Amelia, let me explain. I was angry--”

“The way you allowed me to explain, before you abandoned me and left me with Lord Shillington and his sister?”

He caught her off guard, wrapping her in his firm embrace and merging his lips with hers. His tender lips pressed to hers stole all of her resolve as she melted into him, hungrily taking what he offered.

Breaking the kiss, he stared into her eyes. “That is better. Now might I have a word?”

Amelia lifted her hand and brought it down across his chiseled cheek. “Nothing is better, do you hear me, nothing. Take your hands from me this--”

He smothered her words below another demanding kiss. This time, she fought the urge to abandon herself and pushed hard against his chest. He removed his mouth from hers, releasing her as he chuckled deeply, sensually.

She desperately tried to catch her breath while she fought the urge to toss herself back into his embrace.

“If you are ready to hear me out, I promise not to kiss you again.” He smirked seductively. “That is, until you ask me to.”

His final words caused her to laugh boisterously. It was not the first time she had heard them. She recovered herself, settling her gaze back on him. “That is something I shall never do.”

His irritating grin never faltered. “We will see about that.”

She leaned her hip on the fountain’s edge and took a deep breath bracing herself for his explanation. “I am listening. Speak your piece, and when you have finished, you can leave me to mine.”

He raked his fingers through his thick onyx hair before they came to rest at his side. “I arranged for Shillington to escort you back before we made love.”

“Oh, is that what we are calling it? Pray, do go on.” She arched one brow in partial amusement.

“I left because I was angry at myself for compromising you.” He stepped closer and rested one hand on the fountain next to her hip. “I barely made Leeds before posting a letter home and turning back toward London.” His gaze seemed to be searching her soul. “I have returned to make you my duchess. Marry me, Amelia.”

Her tone came out frosty. “Why would I do that?”

“You may well be carrying my child, and as I have already stated, I compromised you.”

A baby--she had never considered the possibility. She moved one hand to rest upon her midsection. “I will not marry you. If I do indeed carry your offspring, I will raise it on my own, in America.”

“Do not be daft. If you are carrying
child, we owe the babe a family and the legitimacy to be gained through our union.” His voice raised by several octaves. “Our child would be heir to a dukedom!”

She stood and paced a few steps away before glaring back to him. “I am not carrying your child.”

The idea of carrying his baby settled into her heart, and she began to hope against reason that it could indeed be the case. A baby would give her a piece of him to cherish. A piece of him that would return her love.

“You have no way of knowing that, Amelia. Marry me?” He came up behind her and placed his arms around her. His hands rested gently on top of hers so that both of them caressed her midsection.

“It is of little consequence. It does not change the fact I cannot marry you.”

He moved his mouth close to her ear. “Why is it that you cannot marry the man who loves you?”

His warm breath on her neck sent tingles down her spine, and she swallowed hard. Her knees buckled as the words registered in her mind. She slumped against his hard body. Could it be true? Did he love her? He must be lying. She regained her strength and stepped out of his embrace. “How can you claim to love me after casting me away like a common tart?” The words burned her throat. She searched his eyes for the truth.

“Can you see your scheming was part of what made me so angry? I was hurt because you remained so focused on marrying an English lord that you could not see my love for you. And I was angry at myself for compromising you despite your plans. I knew when I bedded you that you planned to return to London and marry. I could not handle the knowledge that the woman I loved did not return my affection.”

He loved her. She could see it in his tormented gaze and hear it in the way his voice cracked. She threw herself into his embrace and smiled up at him. “Say it again? Tell me you love me?”

“I love you more than mere words could ever express. I want to spend the remainder of my days and nights with you, Amelia. Be it here in England or in Scotland makes no difference to me as long as you are by my side.” He brushed a curl away from her cheek. “Lady Amelia Cosgrove, Viscountess of Everthorne, will you do me the immense honor of becoming my wife?”


He brought his lips to hers, kissing her soundly. Her breasts pressed against his hard chest as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He pulled her closer, his kiss demanding more.

She softened under him, meeting his hunger with her own as desire spread through her. Would this always be her reaction to him?

She giggled girlishly when he broke off the kiss and swept her into his arms. Her heart soared as she held onto him like a person in danger of drowning. He cradled her against his strong chest before carrying her to a nearby bench and arranging her on his lap.

She slapped him playfully on the arm. “Had you allowed me to speak back in Sheffield, we could have avoided all of this. I wanted to tell you that I no longer planned to marry. I had decided to abandon my trifling and go to America because I could no longer imagine a loveless marriage. I hoped against reason you would return my feelings and stop me then.”

He reached up and feathered the fingers of one hand across her cheek, sending a parade of tingles through her. “You have my sincerest apologies. I shall spend the rest of my days making it up to you.” He smiled.

“And you can be assured I will hold you to your words, but for now I would prefer to plan our wedding.”

“I will procure a special license so we can marry without delay. Where would you like to hold the ceremony?”

She beamed. “Here by the fountain, and I want it to be a small affair. Naturally, Lady Sarah will stand with me, and Grace must be here too. There will not be time enough for Uncle Lewis to attend, but I must send him a letter.”

Richard pulled her in for a tender kiss full of promise.

She had found her home.



Amelia glanced up
as Lady Sarah swept into her bedchamber with Grace and Edna on her heels.

“Good morning! We have come to help you get ready.”

Grace beamed. “It is a glorious day for a wedding.”

Amelia stood and returned their sentiments with her whole soul. “A splendid day indeed. I have never been happier.”

Grace lifted Amelia’s hands into her own. “I could not be more pleased. It is a blessing of the best kind to have you joining my family. I am proud to call you my niece.” She squeezed gently before she released Amelia’s hands.

“There will be time enough for that after the ceremony. Right now we need to get her ready.” Lady Sarah motioned Amelia toward Edna, who stood near a pile of fabric.

Amelia sashayed over, then removed her wrapper before Edna started piling on the petticoats. She moved her gaze over the gown Grace had commissioned for her. It hung against the wardrobe, a tranquil waterfall of silk and organdy. Hand-sewn pearls dotted the fabric while lace trimmed the bodice, sleeves, and hem.

“The gown is stunning, Your Grace, thank you.” Amelia grinned at her as Edna adjusted the final petticoat.

“You will appear every bit a duchess in it.” Lady Sarah positioned herself near the vanity.

“You have no need to thank me, dear. It was my pleasure. I am simply relieved the seamstress was able to complete it on such short notice.” Grace nodded.

“I would not have believed it possible if the proof weren’t hanging in front of me.” Lady Sarah placed a hand on her hip. “An entire gown in less than forty-eight hours--it is quite the feat.”

“Are you ready?” Edna held out the wedding gown.

Amelia glanced at her friends before turning her attention to Edna. “I have never been more ready.”

A swoosh of silk and organdy glided over her body, encasing her in splendor. Edna fastened the tiny buttons down her back while Lady Sarah smoothed the skirts. Once secured in the gown, Amelia stepped into a pair of ornate slippers. Last of all, Edna pulled her white lace gloves into place.

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