Scandalous (6 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Suspense

BOOK: Scandalous
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God, the more he thought about it, the more emotional he
felt. If tears stung his eyes he was going to feel like the world’s biggest,
overemotional baby.

Brandon nudged against him, his cock hard, brushing against
the top of Eric’s buttocks. Eric nudged back, the smile still curving his lips,
his eyes sliding closed. Poor Brandon, he’d been left hanging after he and Lex
had come. He’d never complained though. Never demanded anyone give him an
orgasm once, which was rather unselfish of him.

Rather unusual of him too.

“You awake?” Brandon slipped his arms around him, his hands
splayed across his stomach, fingers lightly stroking.

Eric shivered at his touch, his cock giving a twitch of
appreciation. “Maybe.”

“How about our guest?”

Eric glanced down at Alexa. Her eyes were tightly shut, her
lips parted, another little snore emitting past her lips. “Sacked out.”

“I can’t sleep,” Brandon admitted, nuzzling Eric’s neck. His
hand slipped lower, glancing across his dick and balls.

“I’d say the fact that you didn’t get to come earlier might
be the problem.” Eric groaned when Brandon wrapped his fingers around Eric’s
cock and stroked.

“Might be,” Brandon agreed cheerily. He pressed his thick
erection between Eric’s ass cheeks. “Think you could do something about that?
Help me out?”

“I think I might be able to offer some help.” Another
strangled groan sounded in his throat when Brandon’s hand stroked downward,
moving to his hip before he slid his hand down Eric’s ass.

“Roll over on your stomach, Eric.” Brandon’s low voice sent
a thrill shooting along Eric’s spine, and he did as he bid, careful not to
disturb the sleeping Alexa.

“Mmm.” Brandon braced himself over Eric, his hands pressed
on either side of his shoulders as he dusted Eric’s back with lingering wet
kisses. Down he went, kissing and licking, nibbling his heated flesh, and Eric
buried his face into the mattress, his cock thickening with every brush of
Brandon’s lips.

Next to him Alexa stirred. He watched her in mute
fascination as she rolled over onto her back, the sheet falling away to reveal
her lush breasts. Her nipples were soft, pink and tempting and if he didn’t
have a huge man pressed hard against him he would’ve reached over and licked
them to hard awareness.

Brandon’s mouth brushed against his backside as he shifted downward,
his hands locked on his buttocks. “Spread, baby,” he grunted and Eric spread
his legs eagerly, accommodating his every wish. Brandon settled between his
spread legs and licked down the seam of his ass, spreading him wider with his

Eric moaned into the mattress, not wanting to wake Alexa,
but he couldn’t contain himself. She moved again, restless as she murmured
something completely unintelligible, and he leaned in. Dropped a gentle kiss
upon the tip of one breast, the only one he could reach.

Her thick lashes fluttered open, revealing her hazy blue
gaze and she stared up at him, looking confused. She blinked once, twice,
bringing him into full focus and then she smiled. Reached out and ran a hand
through his tousled hair.

“Eric,” she murmured.

“Christ,” he bit out when he felt the firm, wet lash of
Brandon’s tongue against his puckered hole. He groaned again, his eyes sliding
closed and he drew Alexa’s nipple into his mouth. Sucked her deep as Brandon
stroked him again and again, his tongue thorough and wet and so fucking good.

Alexa cried out, her body shifting restlessly beneath him.
He uttered a curse when Brandon’s big hands wrapped around his hips and lifted
him, positioning him on his hands and knees. Alexa watched helplessly, her
delicate brows wrinkled in confusion as she watched the two men move into their
familiar position above her.

“Watch, Lexi,” Brandon commanded, his voice fierce, his
hands gentle upon Eric’s flesh. “Watch me fuck Eric.”

She lay still, her eyes wide, her tongue sneaking out to
moisten her lips. Eric hung his head, slightly humiliated at the way Brandon
always took control of the situation. He’d never minded before. He liked how
rough, how strong Brandon was in their relationship.

But would Alexa think less of him for behaving in such a
manner? Would she believe him unmanly?

Fuck, he didn’t know but it was too late now. Brandon
shifted behind him, he heard the tear of a condom wrapper being opened and knew
what was to come. The thick probe of Brandon’s cock when he breached Eric’s
entry, the muscles tensed in resistance just before they gave and then the
smooth glide of his long cock deep inside his body.

He shivered in anticipation.

“You want me to fuck you, Eric?” Brandon’s cock nudged
between Eric’s buttocks, an exquisite tease.

“God yes,” Eric muttered.

“See, Lexi? He begs just like you do. I can make you both
beg.” The cocky tone of Brandon’s voice should’ve irritated the hell out of him
but, again, he just didn’t care. His body waited in breathless anticipation for
Brandon’s invasion. He could hardly fucking stand it any longer.

“Do it,” Eric panted, pushing his ass against Brandon’s
erection. “Fuck me, Brandon.”

He heard Alexa’s quiet whimper and he looked at her, saw how
aroused she was. Her nipples were hard, her hand rested between her legs, and
he realized she was stroking herself.

Brandon entered him with one powerful thrust, pushing the
air right out of Eric’s lungs. He pounded inside his body, his hips and stomach
slapping against his ass, the sound of connecting flesh echoing in the quiet
bedroom. Brandon’s hands held him firm as he pushed deep, and Eric wrapped his
hand around his cock, fisting himself, desperate for another orgasm.

Alexa’s hand busily stroked between her legs, Eric could
hear the creamy sounds of her wet pussy, and he stroked faster. Harder. Pulling
on the tip of his cock, he felt the familiar buildup at the base of his spine,
the race of semen through the length of his cock.

“Come for me, Lexi,” he heard Brandon demand. “Touch your
little clit and come for me.”

“Oh!” She cried out, her entire body still for one
breathless moment before she shattered. Her hand slowed though she still
touched her clit as she shook, her climax taking over her body. Her eyes slid
closed, her whimpering cries loud to Eric’s ears.

Bringing his own climax closer to the edge.

Unable to stop it he gave his cock one final jerk and
spilled onto his hand, the sheets, Alexa’s hip. Long streams of creamy semen
spewed from his cock again and again. She dipped her fingers into the
stickiness that covered her skin and brought them to her lips, tasting him.

He gave a wretched groan, the sight nearly undoing him. She
coated her fingers with more come and pushed between her legs, rubbing it
there. Marking herself with his come.


A loud shout sounded above him and then Brandon was coming
as well, his body rigid, his cock pulsating deep inside Eric’s ass. Wave after
wave assaulted him, he could feel Brandon without even seeing him, knew that
his orgasm was intense, huge. Finally his lover slumped over him, his mouth
pressed against his sweaty back, his hands stroking the outside of Eric’s

“Amazing,” he heard Brandon mutter, and he couldn’t help but

Made all the more amazing with Alexa in their bed.

Would she think him crazy if he begged her to stay a little

Chapter Six

Alexa couldn’t concentrate. She stared uselessly at the
computer monitor, her fingers poised over the keyboard and ready to type. She
had a letter she needed to complete by the end of the day, and it was already
four-thirty. Her boss was going to be pissed if she didn’t turn it over for his
review soon.

Yet she couldn’t come up with one rational word. All she
could think about was Eric. And Brandon. What she’d shared with them. Brandon’s
arms wrapped around her, hands wandering all over her body, the way he’d
offered her to Eric who’d taken her so easily. Intense, earth-shattering
orgasms, emotions, sensations, all of it had threatened to overwhelm her that
night. Those same feelings still threatened.

It was hard for her to wrap her brain around it all. That it
really had happened. She didn’t think moments such as what she experienced two
nights ago existed.

But they did. And she’d actually experienced it—and liked
it. Didn’t feel like a slut over it either. That was actually quite liberating.

She’d always been rather open in regards to sex, but she
never believed she’d be up for something so…creative. It had thrilled her just
to watch Brandon fuck Eric. She’d brazenly touched herself, giving herself an
orgasm as she stared at them. The commanding way Brandon took over Eric, his
cock gliding deep inside Eric’s welcoming body. Two sweaty males grunting and
groaning and coming.

God. Eric had come on her, and she’d liked it. Liked how he
marked her as if he was some sort of possessive dog. She’d loved every freaking
minute of it.

Was she depraved? A complete pervert? What would her friends
think of her if she admitted what happened? God, what would her family think?

Like she’d ever let them know. Her parents would keel over
in shock. Austin would warn her off, tell her she was making a huge mistake and
go all protective older brother on her.

As if he had any room to talk. She’d heard rumors of wild
escapades involving Austin. But she never once questioned him about it. Not
that she really wanted any details…

“Are you almost done with the letter, Alexa?” Her boss sped
by, tossing the question over his shoulder in passing.

“Almost,” she called after him, slumping in her chair once
he entered his office. She stared at the blinking cursor, mumbled under her
breath as she started to mindlessly type.

She couldn’t let this affect her productivity at her job.
She desperately needed this job. Her apartment was small, not in the best part
of town and hellishly expensive. But it was all hers. She wasn’t dependent on
her parents any longer though her mother did occasionally stop by with bags of
groceries to fill her cupboards and refrigerator. She was always grateful for
the gesture. She knew her mom worried over her.

She’d hate to have to move back in to her parents’ house,
though. She was too old for that crap. The economy was shit and so many people
were suffering she had no room to complain. Her boss was firm but fair. She
knew he wouldn’t irrationally fire her for behaving like a dazed and confused
teenager the last few days.

But if she continued to suffer at her duties then she was in
for it. She needed to straighten up and get her shit together. It was bad
enough she’d been restless and quietly unhappy the last few months.

Her cell phone beeped from deep inside her purse, indicating
she had a text message, and she ignored it, determined to finish the damn
letter as the minute hand on the clock that hung on the opposite wall clicked
closer to five. Her fingers flew over the keyboard as she came up with a bunch
of lawyer-type nonsense for the letter, something she was getting excessively
good at as time went on.

Secretly she hated her damn job. It was boring. It didn’t
stimulate her. And it wasn’t what she wanted to do with her life. They paid her
well, she got a lot of time off and she was treated fine. She couldn’t
complain. But oh, how boring it all was. Her entire life had felt boring
lately. Stacy’s tale of her cross-dressing boyfriend was the most exciting thing
that happened to her recently.

Well, she’d kissed Eric before the crazy story from Stacy.
And then when she fooled around with him and the deliciously commanding Brandon
a few nights ago.

Alexa wondered if they’d be interested in seeing her again.

Finishing the letter, she emailed it quickly to her boss,
knowing that he would get right back to her with a yay or nay answer on sending
it. Deciding she had the time since nothing else was pressing in the last
fifteen minutes of her day, she reached into her purse. She yanked out her cell
phone to check the message.

The number was unfamiliar, and she frowned, pushing a button
so she could read the text message.

I want to see you.

Frowning, she immediately texted back.

Who is this?

Her answer came back quick.

Correction. We both want to see you. Tonight.

Her skin sizzled, and she glanced about the room, thankful
no one was lurking about.

Eric is that you?

A few moments passed and then her phone chimed.

This is Brandon.

She paused, clutching the cell phone, staring at the screen.
She wasn’t sure what to say next. Nerves jumbled in her stomach, making her
queasy and she took a deep breath.

Her phone chimed again.

Cat got your tongue?

She smiled and shook her head. He enjoyed nothing more but
to provoke.

And what a tasty tongue it is
, the next message said.

Her cheeks heated with embarrassment, and she silently
chastised herself. If he could make her react so strongly when she wasn’t even
with him then what the hell was she doing?

She should concentrate on Eric. Eric was familiar, friendly,
sweet. Gorgeous and good in bed though she couldn’t completely judge from their
one interesting performance.

Which meant she needed to do it again with him—soon.

You’re teasing me
, she finally replied.

I think you like it when I tease.

Alexa ignored her phone and checked her email. Saw that her
boss had replied that the letter was perfect as is. She opened the document and
hit print, ready to send it off in the mail before she left for the night. Her
phone had chimed again, two times but she refrained from checking it. Allowed
the delicious anticipation to curl throughout her body first before she finally
couldn’t stand it any longer and grabbed her phone.

Want to come over tonight? I plan on teasing your body
with my tongue.

Would you like that?

Shaking her head her fingers flew over the keyboard.

What about Eric?

What about him?

Will he be there?

Of course. He lives here. He suggested I invite you over.

She chewed on her lower lip, her entire body trembling at
seeing them again.

Say yes Lexi
, came his next reply. Using his nickname
for her, it infuriated and aroused her all at the same time.

She texted back a simple yes and then prepared an envelope
for the letter. Turned off her computer and gathered her stuff. Set the letter
in the outgoing mail pile and let her boss know she was leaving soon.

Finally she checked her phone one last time.

Be here at eight…and no panties allowed.

She bit back the smile that threatened and fled the suddenly
oppressive office.


“So she’s coming.”

“Hell yeah she’ll be coming. We’ll all be coming tonight.”
Brandon grinned, cocksure as usual.

Eric shook his head and chuckled. “What time did you tell

“Eight, in a few hours.” Brandon glanced at the clock on the
microwave in the kitchen. “I thought she might turn us down.”

“Really?” Eric frowned. She’d seemed so into it that night.
He still couldn’t get over the fact that he fucked Alexa Lang.
He’d been inside her. All while his boyfriend held her in his arms. Then she
watched as he got fucked by Brandon. She hadn’t balked. She hadn’t freaked out.
She liked it. Had gotten off on it—literally.


“I think she wanted you to be the one who contacted her.”
Brandon shook his head. “I don’t think she likes me.”

“You’re a bossy, controlling asshole who likes to tell her
what to do. Of course she doesn’t like you,” Eric drawled, shaking his head. As
if Brandon didn’t know any of this about himself.

Brandon actually had a hurt expression on his face. “You
really think she doesn’t like me?”

Eric shrugged. “Nah, I was just giving you shit. She
wouldn’t have done what she did if she wasn’t into the both of us.”

“She told me straight up I couldn’t fuck her that night.”
Brandon’s eyes were dark, piercing as he stared at him. “I plan on fucking her
tonight though. Do you have a problem with that?”

“Not at all.” Eric shook his head. He was being honest. This
is what they both wanted. An experiment, a chance to have an amazing connection
with a woman. One they both ached for. He couldn’t be selfish and want Alexa
all to himself.

“She’s hot,” Brandon said, rubbing a hand along his jaw.
“Very responsive.”

They hadn’t even talked about what happened between the
three of them, almost as if they’d been too embarrassed to mention it to each
other. Not that Eric regretted the moment, not by a long shot. But how did one
discuss such things with one’s boyfriend.

It was all just so damn…odd yet thrilling. He definitely
didn’t want to stop seeing Alexa. Excitement already built up inside him at
knowing she was coming over later. That she would be naked between the two of
them, begging to be taken. He’d allow Brandon his fun, but he also wanted a
chance. He wanted to see those plump lips draw his dick deep inside her mouth.
Wanted her to suck him off while Brandon fucked her from behind.

Eric was getting hard just thinking about it.

“She’s extremely responsive,” Eric finally said. “She’s
always been full of fire, ever since I’ve known her at least.”

“Well she certainly showed that and more.” Brandon paused,
his expression turning pensive. “How long do you want to keep this up, Eric?”

“Keep what up? Messing around with Alexa?” When Brandon
nodded, he shrugged. “I don’t know. As long as you want to I guess. This was
all your idea in the first place.”

“I don’t want this to be a few quick nights and then let it
end. I want to continue this as long as she lets us. As long as we’re both
interested. Are you still interested? You know I did this all for you.”

“I know. And yeah definitely I’m still interested.” He was,
but he didn’t like the far away glimmer in his lover’s eyes either. Brandon had
seemed quite taken with Alexa that evening. He’d brushed it off, figuring
Brandon was more taken with the situation rather than the woman.

Now, he wasn’t so sure.

“Think she’d let me tie her up?”

“Our second night together? I doubt it.” Eric laughed. Leave
it up to Brandon to want to bust out the kinky shit straight away.

“Too bad.” Brandon slowly shook his head, his hand streaking
across his stubble-covered jaw again. “She’d look gorgeous all trussed up,
spread across the bed. Naked and open and willing for us.”

Eric had to admit the image held massive appeal. “Ask her to
do it once she’s more comfortable with us.”

“But you see, it’s almost better when she’s not as
comfortable. That offering of instant trust, it’s a powerful thing.” Brandon’s
eyes glowed with sinful thoughts. “To get her to give her trust to me, to the
both of us would be such a major commitment from her.”

“You want a commitment from her?” Eric was incredulous. He
didn’t think Brandon had any desire to search out a commitment from Alexa.

“I don’t know what I want. I want to play.” Brandon laughed
and shook his head. “I sound like an ass, but I want to play with her. Test
her. See how far I can push her.”

“You don’t want to—hurt her do you?”

“Hell no.” Another rusty laugh escaped from him. “I’d never
hurt her, you know this. I may enjoy my kink, but I’m not a sick fuck. I just
think she’s a woman who could learn to let go pretty easily.”

“You think she’s up for anything.”

“Exactly.” Brandon snapped his fingers. “And I want us to be
the ones who push her boundaries. What do you think?”

“I think you’re crazy.”

“I think I’m on to something.” Brandon got a far away
expression on his face.

The sight of it worried Eric. Maybe he was in over his head.

Too late.


Anticipation thrummed through Brandon’s veins, and he paced
the living room, unable to sit. Eric fled to the bedroom an hour ago, unable to
take his anxious mood any longer. Left him alone with his thoughts, his twisted
desires, his raging hard cock.

Just texting her had made him hard. Alexa did something to
him he didn’t quite understand but wanted to explore more deeply. Not
necessarily with Eric included either.

Damn it, I don’t have a choice. I can’t think like that.

He had to include Eric. He knew her first. She wanted Eric
more than she wanted him. For all he knew Eric wanted her more than he wanted

Were they putting their relationship at risk, inviting her

He’d thought of nothing else but her since the early morning
she’d left their place in a hurry. Disheveled and frazzled, eyes gritty with
sleep, dark circles shadowing beneath, she’d offered a breathless thanks and
fled. Not eager to stick around and make more plans to see them again. More
like distraught and dismayed over what she’d just experienced.

He’d waited her out much to Eric’s worry. His lover was more
than eager to see her again. His eagerness worried Brandon. Hell, his own
eagerness worried himself.

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