“Both.” Now she was fully blushing. Oh, yes, she was going to be a lot of fun.
“Hands on the table.”
I scooped up more frosting and brought my fingers to her lips again.
It would be a waste to limit her talents to fingers, but anything else would have to wait. I considered letting her feast between Brandi’s legs, perhaps after tying Brandi to the bed. I filed that image away for later. Using my other hand to lower Chloe’s panties, I caressed her ass as I gathered another dollop of creamy chocolate. While she cleaned my fingers, I reached between her legs.
“My dear, you’re soaking wet, and all I’ve done is feed you some frosting.”
She lowered her eyes instead of replying, her cheeks pinking again. I told her to stand, and she started to reach for her panties.
“Don’t. Just stand there.” I went to get a narrow, rolled leather collar, one made for dogs.
“Hold your hair out of the way.” I fastened the collar, saying, “It appears that you can follow orders, so you don’t really need this to remind you, do you?”
“Not unless you think I do, ma’am.”
“Good answer. Pull up your panties.”
I ordered Brandi over and held up a wide collar intended as the evening’s replacement for her chain. While it was too bulky for everyday wear, I knew she enjoyed feeling all that leather against her throat. As she knelt at my feet, I exchanged the collar, feeding the small brass lock through the closure and pocketing the key.
I noticed Chloe staring at the lock and, I assumed, its symbolism, since her collar didn’t have one. Her gaze remained fixed on my moves as I put similar, but not locked, padded leather cuffs on Brandi’s wrists and ankles. Chloe soon wore the same restraints. I placed a towel on a nearby chair.
“Take them off,” I said, pointing to her panties. Chloe clearly had obeyed my instructions regarding trimming her pubes—short, but long enough that the hairs wouldn’t be rough.
I had Chloe put her hands behind the back of the chair where I joined her cuffs to each other.
“Show me that you can move your shoulders. I don’t want them to get stiff in that position.”
Chloe complied, but looked concerned. I sent Brandi to wait for me by the Saint Andrew’s Cross. Returning my attention to Chloe, I pushed her knees apart and secured her ankles to the chair legs.
As I closed the last fastener, Chloe, with obvious frustration, blurted out, “But I thought you said…”
I looked up at the flustered young woman, silencing her with a look before speaking. “First, it sounds like you’re about to complain or argue. I suggest that you don’t. Second, I never said that I wouldn’t do it.”
I stepped back to survey the arrangement before patting her shoulder and walking toward Brandi. I hoped I wasn’t pushing Chloe too far. I had to know if she could play the way I wanted, and I didn’t think it was necessary to work up to it slowly. Her strong personality would be an asset if she could remain submissive. After I took only two steps, she made a disappointing announcement.
“I should get to know what’s going on. This isn’t fair.”
Her face held determination and possibly a small amount of defiance. My instinct told me she would rise to the occasion, but I might have been moving too quickly. After a few seconds of staring at each other, I put aside my doubts and slapped her face. It wasn’t very hard, but a faint handprint appeared and her stunned expression told me it got her attention.
“I’ll decide what’s fair. I thought you were interested in obeying me. Was I mistaken?”
Even with the surprise, her face still reflected a willfulness that didn’t disappear immediately. I waited.
“No, Mistress Lynn. Please forgive me.”
“I do.” I held the back of my hand near her lips. After only a brief hesitation, she leaned over and reverently kissed it before thanking me for forgiving her. When I reached toward her to retrieve some stray hairs that had fallen over her eyes, she flinched.
“Relax. I’m not going to slap you again.” I pushed her hair back in place and put my hands on her shoulders. “Do you trust me?”
She nodded, causing her hair to fall again. This time, she didn’t move away when I reached for it.
“I’m going to give some attention to Brandi now. I can assure you that you won’t be in this spot all night.” I hoped my choice of “spot” over “chair” would send an ominous message.
I attached Brandi to the cross, facing the wall, arms spread and above her head, with her feet spread and fastened to rings in the wooden base.
Brandi resembled a redheaded version of Chloe, beautifully curved and a little past the heavier side of average weight. She was Chloe’s height, about five feet, with lovely pale skin dusted with fine red hairs in the places that weren’t entirely smooth. The short, wavy hair on her head echoed the bush at the apex of her legs, an occasional inconvenience I accepted in exchange for the visual appeal. Brandi’s breasts were slightly smaller, but still a very generous handful. She and Chloe were going to look lovely tied together.
“Very nice,” I said, punctuating my comment with a sharp slap on her perfectly rounded ass. “Wait here.”
“As you wish, ma’am.”
Brandi didn’t see me smile at her remark.
I dragged Chloe in her chair to a position where she could see what I was about to do to Brandi.
“I’m not so cruel that I would leave you over there by yourself.” I chuckled and added, “Well, actually, I could be, but I feel generous tonight.”
I returned to Brandi and gave her shoulder a little squeeze while stroking her back and ass. I started kneading her bottom, adding a few slaps before moving away to pick up a leather flogger. As I gave her a light flogging to build her arousal, her hips moved in the familiar little rocking motion that told me she was getting to a happy place. When I stopped and touched her shoulder, she rubbed her cheek across my fingertips, a signal we developed as a result of playing in noisy clubs. Since I already knew she enjoyed it, the gesture served more as a display of affection. In reply, I kissed the back of her neck before turning her to face me with her back to the cross.
I changed to a rubber flogger made of strands resembling thick, round shoelaces. Brandi calls it my licorice whip. Chloe’s widened eyes told me she knew it wasn’t for the timid. I hadn’t told her very much about Brandi being a pain slut, knowing it would become obvious. Even with my gentle warmup, her skin reddened quickly and her chest, hips, groin, and thighs soon bore marks. Her pale skin and tendency to mark gave the appearance of a severe flogging, judging from Chloe’s expression. Wielded equally, rubber often marks more than leather of similar weight. I like rubber for the ease of control, something important when flogging the front of the body.
“Let’s make it more interesting. Hold this.” I draped the flogger around Chloe’s neck and went to the toy table to get a handful of something neither Chloe nor Brandi could see.
“Don’t let these fall off.”
The objects of attention were miniature plastic clothespins I had already started attaching to Brandi’s areolae. Most of her skin wasn’t loose enough for the tiny, strong jaws to grasp, but I managed to make a little ring of clips around her nipple. I attached several on her outer labia and put the last few on her ears.
“If you lose any of them, Chloe will feel the consequences. Do you understand?”
Brandi nodded.
I had her repeat the instructions aloud. Chloe looked at me, then Brandi, and back again, her brow knitted.
“Is there a problem?”
After Chloe assured me there wasn’t, I resumed the flogging, carefully working around the clips. If they fell off, I wanted it to be because Brandi moved too much, which she eventually did when a particularly hard stroke caused her to twist away. Even aroused as she was, the light clattering sound of clips hitting the ground captured her full attention. She tried to apologize to both of us.
I brought the four clothespins to Chloe. She inhaled quickly as she felt the little jaws bite into her delicate skin, but otherwise remained silent. Each breast now sported a pair of clips.
I returned to Brandi and gave her a few more lashes before removing the remaining clips, watching her face for reactions to the tiny bursts of pain that usually accompany the decompression of the flesh. That sort of pain wasn’t her favorite, unlike the flogging, but she accepted it beautifully.
“Shall I kiss it and make it better?” I was removing the clips from her breasts at the time.
“Please, ma’am.”
“No talking or noise, now.”
I doubted Brandi had time to contemplate why I gave that order before I knelt and sucked her clit into my mouth.
Chloe had managed to be quiet up to that point, but my move elicited a moan and whimper. As I continued sucking on my obediently quiet girl, the intensity of Chloe’s needful, plaintive little sounds increased. I stopped after a brief tease, leaving Brandi breathing heavily and pulling at her restraints.
“Is something wrong, Chloe?”
“Please, I…would you…” She stopped and sighed.
“Would I what?”
“Touch me, please.” The now-faded sensation of the clothespins biting her breasts was the only stimulation provided since I put her in the chair.
I went over and caressed one breast, knowing the clips’ movement would hurt.
She whimpered again, but I thought more from desire for stimulation than pain.
“Aren’t I touching you?”
“You are.” She looked at the ground.
“She’s suddenly become shy. Brandi, you may speak now. What do you think she wants?”
“We haven’t delivered her birthday spankings yet?”
“Oh, of course.” I put a finger under Chloe’s chin and lifted her face toward me.
“Would you like that?”
“Yes, ma’am. Please.”
“I told you I would consider requests, and I just gave you a chance to make one. Is asking so difficult?”
“I guess so.”
I grasped one of the clips and cupped her breast with my free hand. “This will hurt, but I assume you don’t want to keep them.”
She nodded and closed her eyes. Despite knowing what to expect, she yelped when the clips released her breasts. After removing her restraints, I took the towel off the chair and put it over my lap as I sat. Pussy trails on black jeans could be sexy, but it was more fun to tease her about making puddles.
I pulled her across my lap and started spanking her hard enough to qualify as spanking, but not something too intense to enjoy. Her gorgeous, squirming, pale bottom showed my pink handprints beautifully. After the first six, I spanked a little harder, and did so again for the remainder. Chloe’s adorable ass wriggled appreciatively as I rested my hand on the reddened cheeks.
“There, eighteen.”
“And one to grow on,” Brandi cheerfully called out.
“Right.” I added a particularly hard one.
Brandi called out again, “Ma’am, do I get a turn? It’s traditional, you know.”
“Girl, you’re taking liberties tonight. Do you need to be reminded of your place?”
“No, ma’am. I apologize.”
“I accept your apology, but I think you need a reminder. Chloe will think I haven’t trained you very well.”
I helped Chloe stand and went to release Brandi from the cross.
“Bring me a cane.”
Brandi, who loved the cane, froze in place and looked guiltily at Chloe, who was probably unaware of my intentions.
“Quickly, or the number doubles.”
Brandi wasted no time complying.
“Chloe, put your hands on the chair seat and brace yourself.”
She looked at my contrite girl, then at me, as if checking that she heard correctly.
I delivered one hard stroke and handed the cane to Brandi while Chloe rubbed her bottom. She continued to look surprised. Good.
“After you put that away, if you behave well, you may give Chloe her birthday spanking.”
Brandi took her time with the process, caressing the pink bottom draped over her bare legs. I couldn’t blame her for lingering on a task I rarely gave her the opportunity to perform, but this wasn’t the time for indulgence. I cleared my throat and made the “get on with it” signal with a waggled finger.
Although it wasn’t as hard as mine, Brandi delivered a proper spanking. Chloe squirmed on Brandi’s thigh, now slippery from her juices. Without pants to protect, Brandi apparently didn’t think of using the towel. She had to adjust her grip and Chloe’s position more than once to compensate for the slickness. Chloe was so much messier than Brandi, giving me fuel for teasing. When they were finished, Chloe grabbed the towel and quickly swiped it between her legs.
“This will be your last chance for a break for a while. I will admit that I’d happily let you relieve yourself while in bondage, but as I said earlier, I’m feeling generous tonight. Chloe, since you have been losing so much moisture, you might want a sip of water. Not too much, of course.”