Say Please: Lesbian BDSM Erotica (12 page)

Read Say Please: Lesbian BDSM Erotica Online

Authors: Sinclair Sexsmith,Miriam Zoila Perez,Wendi Kali,Rachel Kramer Bussel,Gigi Frost,BB Rydell,Amelia Thornton,Dilo Keith,Vie La Guerre,Anna Watson

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“I’d seen pics of you, Ma’am, but—” Smack.
“How do you feel about being spanked while Caine watches?”
“It’s kind of exciting and kind of embar—” Smack. Smack. SMACK.
“Do you like a hard spanking, boy?”
“Oh God, I—” Smack.
Caine rubbed her hand meditatively over the leather crotch of her pants, kneading slowly as she watched our scene.
“Oh yeah, look at her face when you hit her. She’s trying to stay controlled.”
“Then she’s not doing very well,” I said. “There’s all these little gasping sounds, and she wriggles a lot after each whack. If I didn’t have her cock between my knees, she might slide off my lap. And you know what else? Her cunt’s getting juicy. I can see from here. She smells good, too.”
Sammy whimpered with embarrassment, and I fancied I could see her ears getting pinker still. I decided to drop the interrogation and just concentrate on spanking, so I set about a slow, steady paddling that had her groaning and trembling by the time I stopped.
“Is that good, boy?” said Caine, watching intently.
“Sir, I…thank you. Thank you, Sir, Ma’am.”
Her butt was swollen and uniformly red. Sammy hissed when I drew fingernails lightly across the scorching surface. I opened my knees and shoved her onto the floor legs-first. She landed gracefully, and I reached out and lifted her chin, directing her silently until she knelt in front of me as I sat in my chair.
After a moment’s smiling contemplation of her flushed face and breasts, I opened my bag and pulled out nipple clamps and a length of cord. The clamps went on Sammy’s nipples, with a bit of frantic air sipping from the poor boy, and the cord was easily looped around the chain between the clamps. I let the contraption drop and hang from her tits, saving it for later. I unfastened my cock from my thigh, and fed it, fat and hard, into her eager lips. The low sound of Caine’s growl came from the small speakers.
From the insistent tugging and pushing on my cock, Sammy knew what she was doing, so I allowed her to set the rhythm of cocksucking. Watching Caine watch me get sucked off was good enough for a while, but soon it wasn’t feeling aggressive enough for me, and I pulled my cock, trailing strings of drool, from Sammy’s mouth, stood, and backed her up against the side of the desk. Crouched low on her knees, her head at the level of the desk edge, she was just the right height. I pulled up my cock and went in again, face-fucking the boy, who now had nowhere to go. Sammy’s hands on my thighs pushed a little desperately at times, but she tried hard to keep up.
Caine couldn’t see Sammy so well from this position, so I filled in the details for her, telling her how well Sammy sucked my cock and how bravely she was trying to please me. I described how she couldn’t help herself and gagged every so often, and that her eyes were shiny with tears. I told Caine what a beautiful, beautiful boy Sammy was.
“I remember Sammy’s cocksucking skills well,” said Caine. “Last time she and I met up, I came in that very same hot mouth quite a few times.”
“Oh, I’m not coming yet,” I said, pulling out. Sammy wiped her wet mouth with the back of her hand, breathing hard and saying nothing. I grabbed a pile of books and CD folders from my desk and placed them on the floor as I spoke. “Bend over the end of the desk, no, the one opposite the laptop. Yeah, that’s right, I want you looking right into the camera. Thighs up against the desk edge. Brace your arms. Spread your legs. Yeah, like that. Don’t move.”
Humming thoughtfully, I buckled Sammy’s belt tightly around her naked waist. Then I pulled the cord attached to the nipple clamps forward across the desk and past the camera and fastened it to the base of my lamp with another cord from the red bag. I adjusted the laptop and camera to the new angle as Caine smiled at me, and I accidentally bumped the cord with the case, tugging Sammy’s nipples. She grimaced.
“Tender tits, Sammy?”
“Yes Ma’am,” she said hoarsely.
“You’d best try not to move too much, then.”
I stopped to have a good look at what we were doing here. Caine was magnificent, even on the small screen: Her dark handsome face was a little flushed and the muscles in her arm flexed as she caressed her cunt through the leather. Sammy, sniffling slightly from the aftereffects of her enforced cocksucking, was bent over at the waist, braced on the desk, her tits pulled tight forward by clamps, her dick hanging forlornly under cherry-red ass cheeks.
I reached into my bag, snapped on a pair of nitrile gloves, and grabbed the lube. Before I opened the bottle, I reached around Sammy, slid a finger under her harness, past her hard clit, plunging into thick wet heat. Sammy groaned feelingly. “Ma’am, I…uh, oh damn.”
“Mmm, she’s wet,” I said to Caine.
“Gonna fuck that boy?” said Caine, unfastening her pants and sliding her square-palmed, blunt-nailed hand within.
“Oh yeah. I’m gonna fuck this boy right now.”
I squirted great gobs of lube into the palm of my gloved hand, pumped my cock once or twice, and slid inside her cunt a little too fast, trusting the vast amount of lube to smooth my way. Sammy’s gasp sounded like an inward shriek, but I didn’t wait for her to get used to the stout cock inside her and started a nice steady fuck, using her belt to pull her back against me with each thrust. Her paddled ass felt scorching hot against my thighs as I slid back and forth inside her, and the nipple clamps jingled merrily as her tits bounced.
“Describe for Caine what you’re feeling.”
“Yes Ma’am, uh, Sir, Ma’am’s cock feels so big and so good inside my cunt, Sir, but my tits are jerking against the clamps each time she fucks me, and my ass hurts too, Sir.”
Caine’s hand, which had been moving slowly, sped up a little. I watched my lover jerk off. I watched my fat dick slide in and out of this hot sweet boy my lover had sent me, and through it all I was trying to hold back from coming. My clit twitched and throbbed, and I had to slow my rhythm so the feeling of the base of my dick shoving back at me didn’t push me over the edge.
“Did you say your ass hurts?” I said, trailing my lubey finger down Sammy’s ass crack.
“Um, my cheeks, Ma’am, my ass cheeks hurt where you spanked me,” said Sammy in a panicked tone.
“You give me ideas, boy,” I said happily, slowing my strokes still more. I squirted more lube into my palm, pulled back a little, and slowly pushed my thumb into Sammy’s asshole.
“Oh, Ma’am,” she said, feelingly.
“That sounds like a welcome.” I pulled my dick, glistening, out of the boy’s cunt, and as she gasped in surprise and loss, slid my lube-wet hand in a few fast pumps over the dick and nudged the head up against the boy’s butthole.
“Oh Ma’am, oh, I don’t know if I can…I’ve never had anything so thick up my ass. I just don’t know—”
“Try, boy,” growled Caine. “I’m pretty damn sure you can take it if you put your mind to it.”
“I’ll try, Sir, Ma’am. Oh! Oh!” This as the rounded head of my cock nosed its way inside her sphincter, as I leaned into Sammy, impatient with the necessity for care.
“C’mon, boy, let me in!” And I spanked her fiery ass a few more times as she made a high-pitched gasping noise; my clit was hard and cunt clenching from the sensation of my dick pressing against my clit, and then her asshole suddenly loosened and the bulbous head slipped inside with a rush. Her ass clamped tight around the smooth shaft, and I paused with only an inch or two inside, letting her adjust. She hung her head and made little panicky noises. I leaned over Sammy and grabbed the hair atop her head, just long enough for my fingers to find purchase, and pulled her head up to face the camera.
“She broke into a fine sweat, with just the tip inside,” I informed Caine, who was breathing heavily. “I’m not even all the way in. Wanna see what happens next?”
“God, that’s hot,” said Caine. “Yeah, show me what you do with this boy of mine.”
“Sammy, how about you?”
“Ma’am, Sir, I’m up for going anywhere you both want to take me.” Still a bit panicky, Sammy’s voice was nevertheless earnest, and I was touched to my perverted core by her trust and willingness. It made me want to take her as high as she could go.
With my hand still fisted in her brush cut so she was panting open-mouthed into the camera’s greedy eye, I gave in to my burning desire to get all the way inside this boy. Trembling from desire and feeling myself right at the edge of a hot wet orgasm, I fed the entire length of my cock into her ass, going slow so she almost had a chance to get used to the stretch before another inch slipped inside and she gasped anew. I stopped when my hips flattened her sore red ass cheeks. Sammy’s gasps sounded almost like a wheeze now, and I held completely still, fighting my too-close orgasm.
Caine knew the look. “Maybe you should just go ahead and come,” she said slyly. “I’m right there with you. Plus, if you’re interested in allowing it, Sammy can come almost instantly if she puts her mind and hand to it.”
“God, I…I don’t think I can wait anymore; you are both too fucking hot. Boy, if you can come while I do, you’ve got permission. Otherwise, let’s finish this ride.” And I let go the control and let go the hesitation and let go of being the careful top. I gladly accepted the beautiful submission offered by Sammy, and I abandoned my grip on her hair and grabbed her hips, and I fucked her ass hard and fat and long and fast, really digging in on the instroke so the pressure from the base of my cock hit that perfect spot over my clit. Sammy squealed at the first hard thrust, then shoved both hands underneath herself, falling forward onto her clamped nipples in a way that had to hurt in a way both delightful and awful. I knew by the flex of her arms that she was jerking off, although I couldn’t tell if she was holding her dick or frantically rubbing her clit behind the harness, and absentmindedly decided to ask her later because right now I…just…didn’t care.
Caine sat there on the computer screen, her eyes burning, fixed on me and Sammy, one hand holding her pants away from her cunt, the other hand a blur over her clit. And amazingly, though I’d been so fucking close to coming for so long, it was Caine who came first, hips bucking upward, full lips snarling beautiful filth, and then Sammy cried out, her tone suddenly more pleasure than pain. Her ass had been stretched so tight around my thick shaft that I could actually feel her asshole pulse as she started her come, and that tipped me over and everything vanished in a hot blind roar of sensation and our three voices in a harmony of squeals and growls and my hips pumping, pumping until vision returned and I panted to a halt with my knees weak and my clit thrumming.
Before I slid my dick out of Sammy’s ass, I leaned over her lovely sweat-coated back, fished her breasts to the side as she groaned in foreknowledge, and took off both nipple clamps at precisely the same instant. The pain of the outraged nerves firing back to life took Sammy’s breath away, and her body silently shuddered taut against me, grinding against my oversensitive clit. From that and her pain I came again, a small one this time, thrusting tiny little gentle strokes until the last little bubbles of come had popped in my cunt and heart and mind and dick, and all I felt was a truly massive benevolence toward both these sweet butches.
“Thank you, gentlemen.” I carefully pulled my dick out of Sammy’s tender ass as she squeaked softly, unbuckled my harness one-handed, looked around, and deftly dropped the whole thing into my wastepaper basket for later cleanup. Sammy, still slumped over my desk, peeked at me over her shoulder, obviously in a welter of shyness. Weak-kneed, I tottered over to my desk chair and collapsed into it with a grateful groan.
Caine laughed delightedly from the computer screen. “I’m going to log off now, love. You and Sammy look like you need some recovery time. Call you both tomorrow?”
I readily acquiesced. Sammy blushingly wriggled her fingers in a parting wave at the camera, and I clicked the End button. Caine’s knowing grin winked out of existence like the Cheshire cat, and I turned to regard Sammy, who had sunk exhaustedly to her knees. She gave me a dizzying smile.
Aftercare was going to be a real pleasure.
Shawna Elizabeth
he spoiled me. When I walked in the door I was so happy to see her I barely noticed she had a whole pile of presents waiting for me, all laid out on the floor. I was gone for weeks, visiting my family for the holidays. Being away made me appreciate how much better I feel in the city where I live now. My girlfriend’s house felt more like my home.
She told me to open the gifts and then stood back to watch. I settled down in the middle of the room and started tearing through the ribbons and tissue paper. I uncovered my favorite perfume, lacy panties, and a tiny box containing a delicate strand of pearls. “Because you are classic,” she said.
“It’s too much!” I exclaimed. I was cradling the gifts in my arms, surrounded by torn paper. She grinned sheepishly, full of pride.
“Come on,” she said, reaching for my arm and pulling me up off the floor. I embraced her and she held me for a moment. Then she pushed me and my head connected with the wall, my hair splayed out behind me. She was full of surprises. Her hands caught my shoulders, pinning me and holding my body taut. She moved her arms down the length of my body, getting reacquainted with my curves.

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