Say Nothing... (The Speak Series Book 2) (9 page)

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Authors: T.A. Roth

Tags: #Say Nothing

BOOK: Say Nothing... (The Speak Series Book 2)
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my graduation. I've been so damn bored because sitting idle has never been my thing. I've always had something to occupy my time—practice, school, homework, the fraternity, girls. My internship cannot start soon enough.

Ari and I hadn't had a night together since last week when I convinced her to come home early. The memory has me shifting in my seat. Is it possible to miss someone you sleep next to every night? The poor thing has been exhausted and can barely keep her eyes open long enough to eat.

I take the freeway exit toward her office. I decided, after waking up to an empty bed and a note saying she had to go in early and didn't want to wake me, that I would surprise her with some lunch. She mentioned she's been practically chained to her desk the last few days.

I park the car in the structure and take the elevator to the lobby. Shit! A frisson of self-doubt plagues me. What if I interrupt her? What if I get her in trouble? She has to eat, right? My mind is racing as I look for the office directory. I mentally slap myself. When in the hell did I turn into a chick? Man up, dude. I jump into the elevator, and head up to the ninth floor.

I reach the large wooden doors and walk into a small waiting area. A blond woman with a large smile and hair to match greets me. "Hello, can I help you?"

I can't ignore the way she looks at me appreciatively and the thought makes me laugh. "I hope so. I'm looking for Ari Muñoz."

Her eyes widen. "Are you Ben?"

I furrow my brow. "Yes. I'm sorry, but you have me at a disadvantage." Should I know who she is?

"I'm sorry. I'm Hilda." She offers me her hand. I walk closer to the counter that separates us and take it.

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise, sugar." Her Southern drawl makes an appearance.

"Ari stepped out to the ladies’ room. She'll be right back."

As if on cue, the door I just came through opens up behind me and in walks my girl. She's rubbing at a small pen mark on her shirt and almost walks right into me. I grab her shoulders before she does. She startles, and then looks up to meet my gaze.

"Ben?" Confusion, happiness—a myriad of emotions passes over her eyes before she throws her arms around me.

"What are you doing here?" she asks, still a little stunned.

"You left so early I didn't get a chance to say good-bye, so I thought I would surprise you with some lunch."

She pulls away, and I hold up the paper bag between us.

"Is that what I think it is?" she says, snatching the bag out of my hand. She looks inside then back up with a small O forming on her lips. "Oh, my God, you drove all the way to Tony's Deli?"

"You mentioned how much you loved it the other day. So . . .” I shrug, and she wraps me in an even tighter hug.

"Thank you. This is really sweet of you," she murmurs into my neck.

"Aww. Y'all are so darn cute."

We turn toward that Southern drawl and find Hilda with a hand pressed to her chest. Ari giggles, her eyes looking a little misty. "Hilda, this is Ben."

"Oh, we've met, sugar," she says winking at me. Ari shakes her head and laughs.

This woman is a character. I turn my attention back to Ari.

"I can't really leave the office. Mr. Warner and Mr. Benton have been calling throughout the day to check in on different clients. Do you mind eating in the conference room with me so I can be close to the phone?"

I lean in and kiss her cheek. "Of course."

I wasn't expecting to have an opportunity to stay. She laces our fingers and leads the way.


My day has been complete crap. I left the house at the crack of dawn and forgot my travel mug. I got to work and the office coffeemaker was broken. Then my pen decides to explode all over my favorite blouse. I was on the verge of tears when I saw Ben in the waiting area of my office.

He holds my hand as I lead us into the small conference room across from my desk. I close the door behind us and launch myself at him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he says, kissing the top of my head.

"Nothing. I'm just happy to see you," I say wiping away a stray tear.

The mix of exhaustion and PMS is definitely making me extra weepy. He smiles and runs his thumb under my other eye wiping at another tear.

"Stop," he says then leans in to give me a kiss.

"I'm sorry. I'm just tired and my day has been going to shit and then you show up. It's just, this is so nice." The dam breaks, and I turn into a sobbing mess.

He pulls a napkin out of the bag he's holding and hands it to me. I wipe my eyes as he leads us over to the large leather couch. He sits bringing me into his lap. I curl into him, and he runs his hands through my hair for a few minutes. This always seems to calm me.

"Better?" I nod in response.

"Good. Now, can we eat? Do you know how hard it was not to tear into that bag on the way here? If it tastes half as good as it smells, then I'm a goner."

I slide off his lap and laugh a little. "Well, then be prepared for CPR later ‘cause this place is no joke."

Fifteen minutes later, we are completely stuffed.

"Holy shit, you weren't lying," he says rubbing his belly.

I ball up my napkin and toss it at him before clearing our mess.

"Told you."

I lean across the table to grab his mess, and he slings an arm around my waist bringing me back to his lap.

"Yes, you did, and I'm glad I listened," he says trailing kisses down my neck.

"Ben." I sigh, tilting my head back to grant him better access.

"Shhhh . . . just for a minute. I miss you."

I can feel him hardening underneath me and the urge to throw him across the conference table is too much. I jump off his lap a little breathless.

"Okay . . . um. We can't," I say straightening my pencil skirt.

He stands, and he has that look. That panty-melting look he knows can get me to do whatever he asks. He steps toward me, and I take a few steps back. He grins at me mischievously.

"Where you going?" he asks huskily.

For each of his steps forward, I take two steps back. His eyes are predatory, and it’s making my skin heat. He's quickly closing in on me. I press myself against the closed door, and his sexy grin spreads into a full smile.

"Why are you running? I know you want this just as bad as I do."

He's caged me in; his hands are pressed firmly against the door on either side of my face. His question is a whisper across my overly heated skin.


Gah! I want to pounce on him, but I know I'll just be starting something we can't finish. I place my hands on his tight chest.

"Ben, please?" My voice is weak, and it sounds like I'm begging, which seems to spur him on even more.

He moves one hand onto my waist and tangles the other in my hair tilting my head up for a toe-curling kiss. God, I love this man, and his kiss makes me forget where we're at until we're interrupted by the office phone.


Ari presses a kiss on my cheek and hurries over to answer the phone before the last ring.

"Law offices,” she answers in her sweet voice.

I press my hands against the door trying to regain my bearings. I'm crazy about this girl.

"Yes, okay. Sure . . . just give me a few minutes and I'll email it over. Okay . . .”

She's listening intently and scribbling in the notebook next to the phone. Her cheeks are still stained that perfect pink, and her hair is mussed just the way I like it.

"No problem. Bye."

I'm leaning against the door with my arms crossed. She’s completely back in work mode as she writes a few more notes on the small legal pad. I clear my throat in an attempt to regain her attention, and she looks up at me shyly.

"Uh . . . I'm sorry. Just want to make sure I don't forget anything."

I smile and walk toward her.

"Yeah, I guess we forgot about our curse around phones." She giggles, and it's the best sound.

"I'm sorry about that. Thanks again for lunch, babe," she says pressing a sweet kiss on my lips. I deepen it, she moans and quickly pulls away.

"Okay . . . seriously, I need to get this stuff emailed over. You're making it really hard."

"Yeah, I can say the same about you," I say, looking down. She laughs and smacks my chest.

"I'm serious. I need to get back. Stop tempting me."

"Fine, I'll stop. On one condition."

"What's that?" she asks.

"Come home at a normal time tonight, please. I'll have dinner waiting, and we'll continue where we left off." I step toward her and press my lips on that spot behind her ear. "Please."

She groans and pushes against my chest. "Deal. Now, get out of here before I throw your sexy ass across this conference table and I get canned."

I chuckle leading us out of the conference room toward the front of the office. "See you later, babe. Love you."

"Love you too. Thanks again for bringing me lunch." She kisses me sweetly.

"Bye, Hilda. Nice meeting you." I wave as I pass the front desk.

"Likewise, handsome," she says batting her eyelashes. Ari snorts out a laugh as I let myself out.

Pulling out of the office parking structure, I decide to make a quick detour to the fraternity house. I've been meaning to stop by to leave my key and it's an excuse to waste some time before heading back to an empty apartment. Finding a parking spot is easy; since most of the guys are already gone for the summer. As I make my way up the walkway, I’m surprised when Paul and Karen come walking out the front door.

"What's up, dude?" he says with a big smile. "You remember Karen."

I nod, and she waves at me shyly. "Nothing much, bro. Just wanted to stop by to drop off my keys. Is anyone around?"

"Nah. It's empty in there. We were gonna head out to grab a bite to eat. Do you want to come with?"

"No thanks, bro, you guys go. I just finished having lunch with Ari."

"All right, it was good seeing you. Don't be a stranger, man."

I shake his hand and bring him in for a hug. "Good seeing you again, Karen."

She offers another smile. "You too, Ben."

I watch as Paul places a hand on the small of her back and leads her to the car. He mouths a thank you before getting in, and I can't help the pang I get in my chest knowing how happy my grandmother would have been that they hit it off. She wanted nothing but the best for everyone, and she had a soft spot for Karen. I'm glad it worked out.

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