Say Forever (3 page)

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Authors: Tara West

BOOK: Say Forever
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I don't need to look behind me to know he's talking about Karri; the stupid bitch is still chowing down on my food.

I look him dead in the eye and clutch his collar so tight, he makes gagging sounds. "You should have thought about that before you fucked her... again. I hope you wore a condom this time."

I release Jackson with a shove and point the way out the door.

Jackson stumbles over the threshold and pulls his hand from his mouth. He turns to me with a quavering lip. "I think you busted a tooth."

I ball up my hands and take a step forward. "Good. Now get out of my sight before I bust some more." I step into the foyer and watch as he sulks toward the parking lot.

I hear the sound of a fork clanking on top of an empty platter. Karri rushes the door. "Now maybe you'll go to the dentist," she calls out in a sing-song, mocking tone. "Did anyone ever tell you your breath stinks?" She turns to me with a triumphant gleam in her crazed eyes.

My shoulders stiffen as I brush past her and shut the front door. I walk into our bedroom and close the door behind me.



I'm sitting on the bed, holding Ty against my chest when Andrés walks into the bedroom. It's only when I see he's whole and unharmed I exhale a sigh of relief. Though I don't think Jackson could hurt my boyfriend, anyway. I definitely heard a scuffle outside my door, and knowing Andrés, he'd probably had enough of Jackson's shit.

"What happened?"

He looks at me with a smirk before holding up a fist. "Jackson got what was coming to him, that's what happened."

I gasp when I see my boyfriend's knuckles are bleeding. "Andrés, your hand!"

He shrugs. "It's nothing. Do you know how many times I've split my knuckles fixing cars?" He crosses his arms over his chest and winks. "Besides, you don't know how good that felt."

"I bet," I laugh. "I've been dreaming of face punching Jackson for years."

The door opens and Karri sidles in, unannounced and uninvited. Big surprise.

Karri beams down at Tyler and me. "Awww. Don't you make a good godmother?"

Tyler tightens his grip around my neck and whimpers into my shoulder at the sound of his mother's voice.

Andrés looks at my meth-head ex-BFF and scowls. He tenses up when her shoulder brushes his forearm. She smiles up at him as if they're best chums. Doesn't this girl have fucking boundaries?

Andrés takes a step away from Karri. "Do you know how to get ahold of the grandparents?" he asks me.

I point to my phone on the nightstand. "I already texted Jackson's stepmom."

I'd sent Mrs. James a message that Karri and Jackson were fighting over Tyler, and she'd better come get him ASAP. She messaged me back a few seconds later they were on their way out the door.

"What did you tell her? I don't want them taking Ty!" Karri shrieks as she lunges forward.

Andrés pushes her back with a quick thrust of his arm. "You don't have custody," he says in a menacing tone. "This is kidnapping."

Karri flaps a hand at Tyler and stomps her foot. "He's

your baby," Andrés says with a clenched jaw. "You lost your rights when you ran off with your drug dealer."

Karri gapes at him like he's grown a second head.

"He's got Celiac Disease, remember?" I ask, scooting away from Karri while clutching Tyler tighter. "Special diet? Do you even know how to feed him? Do you even have a place to live?"

"I can stay here." Karri doesn't even flinch when she says it.


Before I get a chance to tell the bitch how crazy she is, Andrés says on a roar, "Hell, no!"

Karri shrieks back, looking at Andrés with wide watery eyes, and then she wails like a child.I'm so embarrassed for her.

Once again, I'm startled by pounding on the front door. Andrés swears and grabs a baseball bat out of the closet. My limbs ice over with fear when he storms out of the bedroom. I know Andrés is ten times the man Jackson is, but I also know Jackson has probably been doing drugs, most likely cocaine, his drug of choice. Who knows what revenge he's capable of while he's wired? What if he's got a bigger bat, or worse, a knife or gun? I give Ty an extra squeeze and rise on shaky legs as I peer through the crack in the bedroom door.

Relief floods through me when I see my tall, blonde, and Barbie doll perfect best friend and neighbor, Grace, and her rancher girlfriend, Violet.

I carry Tyler out to the living room, Karri lapping at my heels like a stray dog begging for crumbs.

"Is everything okay?" Grace asks as she sweeps a hand through her long curls. "We heard a commotion."

Andrés looks back at Karri with a scowl. "I'm handling it."

Karri's bottom lip is hanging down in a pout. She looks terrible, her pink spiky hair a twisted mess, and her thick black eyeliner smeared down her face. She's lost a lot of weight since I've last seen her over a month ago. She once prided herself on her curves, but now she looks like an emaciated rat.

"I come back home and find out my mom is dead and my stupid brother sold our house." Karri throws up her hands. "I don't have anywhere to live! You can't just throw me out on the street!" She looks at Andrés with an accusatory glare.

Andrés squares his shoulders, his normally passionate and loving gaze turning to stone. "No meth-head is staying in my house."

"I'll take her."

I gape at Violet. She's dressed in worn denim jeans and scuffed boots, and her cropped dark hair is slicked back with gel. Grace's girlfriend has been full of surprises. When I first met her, I thought she was some rodeo groupie, but I've learned there's a lot more to this woman. She owns a successful horse breeding ranch on the outskirts of town. Grace told me Violet has taken in many wayward teens and taught them how to care for livestock and manage their thriving, organic farm.

I guess I'm not the only one shocked by Violet's offer. Slack-jawed, Grace is looking at her girlfriend, too. "W-what?" Grace asks, breathily.

Violet crosses her arms over her chest and eyes Karri like she's a piece of livestock. "She can work at the ranch."

"Ranch?" Karri stops her false tantrum long enough to cock a hand on her hip and sneer. "You mean like horses and cows and shit? It's not like one of those fucking rehab ranches, is it?"

"Sort of." Violet's face is devoid of expression. "You want a place to live or not?"

Karri props her other hand on a hip and rolls her head with an exaggerated movement. "I'm not picking up horse shit."

Violet takes a step forward, the hard angles of her face turning into a frown. "You'll do what you're told if you want room and board. I'll be waiting in my truck. You've got two minutes to decide."

Violet turns and walks out, Grace trailing behind her. I can hear Grace's high-pitched whine echoing in the corridor, and I can tell she's not happy about Violet's offer.

"Christina!" Karri waves a hand toward the front door. "You cannot make me go live with her."

Tyler is snuggling against me, and I look down to see his eyelashes are fluttering as if he's fighting sleep. His cheeks are flushed, and he feels like a little squeezable furnace. I run my fingers through his hair and feel his forehead. It's warm. Too warm. Who knows what this kid was exposed to while his parents were doing drugs today? I swear if I wasn't holding Tyler, it would be hard for me to keep from wrapping my hands around Karri's throat and throttling her.

"You're not staying here." I turn my back on her and rock the baby in my arms. I keep my gaze focused on the blank flat-screen in our oak entertainment center. It's Andrés TV, and bigger than the width of my arms. I'm pretty sure it costs more than all the furniture in our apartment.

"I can't believe you would do this to me!" Karri yells, causing Tyler to jump.

I mentally count to ten as I try to shake off the urge to give Ty to Andrés, rip the television from its stand, and smash it over Karri's head.

"Get over yourself, Karri," Andrés snickers.

I bite my lip to keep from laughing out loud.

"Fuck you and your stupid fucking boyfriend!" Karri screams before I hear her stomping out the door. I hold Ty tightly as I listen to the retreating sound of her shoes smacking against the pavement.

And just like that, Karri the tornado storms out of my apartment, and hopefully out of my life, in a whirlwind of emotion. She doesn't even bother saying goodbye to her sleeping baby. Not that she gives a shit about anyone but herself. Poor Grace. Violet doesn't know what she's gotten them into.


Jackson's stepmom shows up about fifteen minutes later with an escort built like a refrigerator, wearing dark shades, a black suit and tie, and a Bluetooth in his ear. I think he must be part statue, as I don't see so much as a muscle twitch on his face while he blocks my front door with his hands clasped in front of him.

As Mrs. James takes Ty from me, she explains Mr. James is in Paris on business.

Out of all of Jackson's family, his stepmom is the only person I've ever liked. She can be haughty at times, usually when Mr. James is around, but one-on-one, she's always been nice to me. She's only about ten years older than me and my height and dress size, a petite trophy wife, with hair so pale it practically glows.

Ty wakes up when I hand him to her, and I get choked up by his reaction.

"Mommy!" he cries before flinging his arms around Mrs. James's neck. Considering how young she is, I guess it would be odd for him to call her "grandma." Obviously, Mrs. James has assumed the role of Tyler's mother.

My heart warms at the way she snuggles Tyler and kisses his forehead. I remember Jackson telling me his dad had already had surgery that would prevent him from having any future children, making Jackson his only child. I often wondered how Jackson's stepmom felt about that, and if her husband even cared about her feelings.

Seeing her with Ty, it's plain how much this woman loves kids.

The irony is I once told Andrés I would never want a family. I didn't even consider what he wanted. I realize now how selfish I'd been.

Mrs. James lets out a shaky sigh as she whispers into Tyler's ear. "I was so worried about you."

When Mrs. James's eyes water with tears, I feel compelled to look away. At least I know she loves him. I doubt my adoptive mother ever worried this much over me.

Mrs. James walks over to a corner of the room, bouncing Ty in her arms. She's facing away from everyone, and I can tell she's trying to regain her composure. Finally, she clears her throat and turns to Andrés, a solemn expression in her darkening gaze. "I called my stepson. He told me you punched him in the face."

Andrés lifts his chin and meets her gaze with an unwavering stare. "I did."

I look from Mrs. James to Andrés and back to the big guy in the suit, hoping the shit isn't about to hit the fan. I place my hand on Andrés's forearm. If they mean to cause trouble, I'm determined to stand by my man, though I don't know how much help I'll be against that bodyguard.

Relief floods through me when Mrs. James breaks into a wide grin. "Thank you," she says to Andrés. Then she looks at me and her lower lip trembles as she speaks. "Thank you, Christina, for looking after Tyler."

"I'd do anything for Ty," I say through a tightened chest. "I've missed him."

Gawd, now I feel like crying. It suddenly hits me I haven't seen this baby in over a month, and I probably won't get the chance to see him ever again. The last time we were together, he was calling me his "Teeny." Now he acts like he hardly recognizes me.

Mrs. James walks over and lays a hand on my arm. "You know you can visit him if you like."

I shake my head. "I would, but I don't want to see Jackson."

The last time I tried to spend time with Tyler, I had to put up with Jackson's farty breath and marriage hints. As if I'd ever consider going back to that jackass. Besides, due to a misunderstanding, Andrés was so furious when I'd had dinner with Jackson and Ty, he walked out on me. We were broken up for over a week—the longest week of my life. I won't risk my future with Andrés again, no matter how much I miss Ty.

Mrs. James steals a glance at Andrés and then at me, a knowing look in her eyes. "Then maybe just us girls can take Ty out to the park or to lunch."

"I'd like that," I say on a rush of air. My chest feels ready to burst, and I practically jump out of my shoes. Andrés squeezes my hand and smiles down at me. His approval makes me feel even more elated.

"Teeny!" Tyler squeals and then flaps his hands.

I lean over and plant a kiss on Tyler's cheek, his very warm cheek, and realize this baby is probably coming down with a fever.

Mrs. James must see the concern in my eyes. She places a palm on Ty's forehead and then gasps. "I need to get him home," she says as she rushes toward the door. "I'll call you," she says over her shoulder.

I don't get to say goodbye to Ty, but I know his health comes first. He's already had a major health scare before he was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I'd hate knowing he may be getting sick. Still, I cling to the hope that once he's better, I can see him again.

"You ready to finish dinner, mija?" There's a softness in Andrés's gaze, and I realize he senses my distress over Ty leaving.

I take his outstretched hand and let him lead me to the kitchen. That's when I notice it appears a bomb went off on our table. Breadsticks are scattered everywhere. A bowl is tipped over, and spaghetti sauce is running down a chair leg. Andrés's plate looks like it was ravaged by wild dogs.

"What happened to your food?" I gasp.

"Karri happened to my food," Andrés says through clenched teeth.

Holy crap! Now I feel terrible. Though I no longer consider Karri my friend, I still feel partly responsible for her showing up at my door.

"Sit down." I lead him to my chair, as his chair is covered in sauce. "Eat my food. I'll get another plate and an ice pack for your hand."

Just as he eases into the seat, he jumps up. "Shit!"


Andrés turns to me with his hands in his pockets and a wild-eyed expression. "It's gone!"

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