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Authors: Eli Harlow

Savior (23 page)

BOOK: Savior
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              Jasmine directly, he just did not have any love to give her. It was time to let her go, there was real love in his life now and damning himself for not protecting her would only soil the present. With a silent kiss goodbye, Jasmine slipped from his mind and into the eternal land where she would rest in peace.

              Alyssa looked into his eyes, felt his breath on her face. She reached up, letting the backs of her fingers gently brush his face. Her heart beat wildly in her chest. Her breath came in short gasps. She blew a gentle stream of warm air onto his temples as his cheeks began to darken. His gentle smile enticed her and she leaned toward him for a kiss.

              Her lips traveled to his cheek and then his chin. She brought them to his ear and nibbled gently on the soft lobe. "Marcus. .." she whispered as his hands held her tightly. He pulled her against him as her mouth found his lips. At first she was gentle but soon the yearning inside of her took over. She brought his lips to the delicate skin of her neck and moaned softly as his hands moved to her back. Alyssa wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him. Marcus’s mouth quickly moved down her neck to her collarbone and then to her shoulder. Her skin trembled under his gentle touch. Alyssa’s hands went to his neck and then his hair. She leaned back and closed her eyes, her body warming to the overwhelming pleasure. She was dizzy with euphoria and her mind was racing out of control. Marcus pulled away gently, finding her eyes in the darkness. He touched the side of her face, his fingers gliding through her soft curls.

              Marcus embraced her against his body and stroked her hair gently. “I love you so much Alyssa, ever since you came into my life my world has shined more brilliantly,” he murmured against her neck.

              Alyssa closed her eyes and relaxed against him. She breathed his scent in deeply. That warm mix of chamomile and mahogany brought to life something deep within her.

              “I love you more everyday Marcus. I never knew a love like this could exist and I'm grateful that you showed me a life a beautiful as this,” she whispered back as she clung to him.

              Marcus brushed his lips gently against her neck and released her, allowing her to lean back against the couch. His hand trembling nervously, Marcus cupped her face in his palm. He looked deeply into her soft eyes as his thumb caressed her bottom lip.

              “You are the most beautiful soul I have ever seen Alyssa, thank you for being here with me.”

              “There is nowhere else that I would rather be right now than here with you,” she replied. Marcus gave her a smile as his cheeks began to flush slightly. Alyssa reached up and brushed a lock of hair off his forehead. She allowed her fingers to linger against the side of his face.

              Marcus brought his mouth to hers, caressing her mouth gently with his.

              Alyssa guided his lips to her shoulder as his fingers closed around the thin strap of her dress.

              Marcus inched the dress down her shoulder, his lips quickly following with a fiery trail of kisses. Alyssa watched him from beneath heavy lashes, her heart racing in her chest, her body trembling lightly. His kisses on her bare skin were gentle, loving, and tender. Marcus’s hands moved around to her back, caressing the base of her wings as his gentle kisses continued down her shoulder.

              Marcus whispered into her ear, “The air is chilled this night, perhaps you would like to feel the heat of the fire?” His breath was warm against her skin, causing her heart to race even faster.

              “I would like that very much,” she replied, her voice no louder than his.

              He gave her a tender smile and rose from the couch. Alyssa watched him from beneath heavy lashes as his arms went underneath her thighs and shoulders, lifting her gently into the air. Alyssa breathed in his scent deeply and kissed his neck as he carried her in much the same way as he had the night of the storm. Marcus placed her gently in front of the fire, finally letting go reluctantly as he kneeled next to her on the soft rug. Alyssa lay trembling lightly under Marcus’s gaze. She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. They watched each other in the near darkness for a few moments, neither of them willing to move.

              Alyssa took another deep breath to calm her nervousness and brought his hand to the warmth of her calve. She watched him through heavy lashes as his hand held her. Her fingers never left his as they caressed her skin.

              Marcus caught her gaze in the light of the fire. She could see concern in those perfect blue eyes of his. “Darling, are you alright with this? With… everything?”

              Alyssa gave him a warm smile and nodded. “I have never been more sure of anything in my life. I want this more tonight than I’ve ever wanted anything. I trust you with all my heart. You won’t hurt me.”

              She put her hand over his. Her voice was steady as she continued to hold his gaze. Fear was not among the mix of emotions she had. Although she had expected to be afraid, even if it was just a little, she couldn’t bring herself to it. She felt safer now with Marcus than she ever had before. If he had wanted to harm her, he easily could have. But he didn’t now and he never had.

              “I perhaps rescued you at one time, but I think it is you who has rescued me,” he said gently.

              Marcus lay down next to her and propped his head up on his elbow. They exchanged warm smiles as his fingers caressed her warm calve. He brought his lips to her neck, giving her tender kisses.

              Alyssa brought his fingers to the delicate white straps of her dress, helping him ease them down her arms. With her hand still over his, Alyssa brought his fingers to the hem of her dress. He slowly pulled it up her legs, exposing her pale skin. Marcus’s mouth, warm and moist, returned to the nape of

              Alyssa’s neck as they continued to slide the fabric along her skin.

              Just as his fingers brushed the silky skin of her lower thigh, Marcus’s hand shuddered and pulled away. Alyssa propped herself up on her elbows, her brow knitting in confusion. “What’s wrong?” she asked softly.

              Marcus’s cheeks flushed and he looked away nervously. “I am sorry, a bit nervous, I um…”

              Alyssa gave him a warm smile. “It’s alright, I’ll help you.” She brought his hand back to her thigh, guiding him to the smooth skin of her inner thigh. Alyssa released his hand and slid the dress up, allowing it to collect around her waist. Beads of sweat began to form on Marcus’s forehead at her delicate exposed skin.

              She watched his eyes in the dancing firelight as she brought his hand closer to the warmth of her body. Alyssa pulled him ever closer, allowing his fingers to graze the soft curls between her legs.

              Marcus’s arm slid under her back, supporting her as they pulled the dress completely off her body. Alyssa lay trembling, her mind at once both clear and suddenly cluttered with emotion, as he gazed at her nude form. Marcus’s lips again returned to meet hers. His kisses were gentle, sweet, and full of love. Alyssa had never known a kiss like his and she doubted that she ever would again. His kisses sent fire dancing along her nerves, overwhelming her body and mind all at once. His fingers traveled delicately over her skin, caressing her as no man ever had before. Marcus’s lips moved to her neck, leaving a fiery trail of gentle kisses in his wake. His arms were strong as he held her, embracing her tightly as the world began melting away.

              She brought his fingers to her lips, granting each tip with a delicate kiss as she stared longingly into his pale blue eyes. Alyssa touched the side of his face, her voice gentle. “Do you like what you see?” she asked as she smiled uncertainly up at him.

              “Your beauty shines from within your heart to each corner of your body, looking at you is like looking at heaven itself,” he replied with a warm smile.

              Alyssa brought his fingers to her heart. Marcus smiled warmly at her and placed her hand over his own racing heart. She giggled and moved her fingers over the light fabric of his shirt. Marcus was still, keeping his gaze locked with hers, as Alyssa’s touch traveled over his shirt, flowing softly from his chest down to his stomach. She paused for a moment as she watched his eyes in the near darkness before sliding her fingers under his shirt to the muscles of his stomach. Alyssa touched his skin gently, savoring the feeling of his warmth beneath her palms before lifting the shirt over his head.

              Marcus’s strong arms wrap under her hips. He pulled her on top of him and offered her a warm smile. Alyssa returned his smile as she watched the firelight dance across his smooth muscles. Marcus cupped her face in his palms, easing her mouth against his. Her kisses were eager, hungry.

              Marcus said, “I love you so much Alyssa, I want this day to last forever.”

              “As do I,” she breathed against his neck.

              Alyssa pulled away reluctantly and smiled at him. She brushed her fingers along his cheek, caressing him gently. Alyssa brought his fingers to her ribs, gently guiding him up to cup her breasts. The blood was racing in her veins and she could hear her heart beat wildly. Marcus’s fingers trembled as they roamed the valleys and curves of her chest.

              She smiled at him and ran her fingers over his chest and stomach, allowing her fingers to taste the warmth of his skin. Her fingers ran along the waist of his pants as they exchanged smiles. Marcus’s fingers loosened the belt slightly, but his fingers were a bit clumsy. Alyssa smiled at him and pushed his fingers away insistently. Her fingers gently undid his belt and slid his pants a little down his hips. She kneeled next to him and helped pull them off the rest of the way.

              Marcus ran his fingers through the soft feathers of her wings and gazed deep into her eyes. Alyssa bent down to kiss his chin as she took a deep breath to steady her nerves. Trembling slightly, she straddled his stomach. Marcus lifted his head and kissed her lips softly. Alyssa gave him a steady smile and rocked back on her heels, hovering just above him. Marcus gazed at her, his hands still gently caressing her skin, as he blushed.

              Alyssa hovered above him, uncertain of what to do, awaiting his approval. After long moments of uncertainty, determination, and love, she lowered herself onto him and felt the first touch of bliss that

              Marcus could provide. She eased him gently into her warm body, grateful that he had remained still.

              Alyssa stroked him softly as her breath came in warm gasps. After a few long moments of allowing her body time to adjust to his presence, she lowered herself further onto him. She leaned forward, her hair spilling onto his chest as she started moving against him. Marcus let out a soft moan of pleasure while kissing her neck and shoulders. He cradled her head in his hands and kissed her deeply.

              Alyssa wrapped her arms around his shoulders and returned the kiss. She wrapped her wings tightly against his body and buried her face in his neck, stifling her soft moans. His hands slid along her body, exploring every inch. Alyssa caught his mouth in hers, moaning between kisses. He was like wildfire; consuming, infecting, overwhelming her. Marcus moaned with each motion, losing himself in her loving bliss.

              Alyssa felt her body stir as the sweet friction between them grew. Her mind was slowly dulling to a white, fiery, roar. Her nerves felt like they were ready to explode with joy. A thin sheen of sweat covered their bodies. Alyssa tunneled her fingers in his hair as her body began to shake.

              Marcus caught her mouth with his, holding her gently in place as their bodies gave in to sweet release.

              Marcus held her against him as they shuddered, their bodies trembling from the small aftershocks.

              Her wings, still clasped tightly around him, relaxed, drooping to either side of them. Alyssa’s breathing slowed and her heart beat softer. Marcus looked at her, ran a hand through her sweat dampened curls and smiled. He hooked a finger under her chin and lifted her head so that he could see her face. Alyssa’s cheeks, wet with tears of joy, shone brightly in the light of the full moon. Marcus wiped away a few of her tears and gave her a tired smile. Alyssa returned his smile. She looked as exhausted as him.

              Somewhere in Marcus’s sweet embrace she had found herself. And in him she had gained back her innocence. Words could not express the joy, the gratitude, or the love the angel felt for Marcus as she lay beside him, basking in the soft glow. She brought his fingers to her lips, granting each tip with a delicate kiss as she stared lovingly into his pale blue eyes. The softly blazing fire felt warm against her back as she stretched out her wings to fully embrace Marcus once again. Marcus brushed his lips over hers. The kiss was sweet and gentle.

              Nothing could have prepared Alyssa for the embrace of someone she loved, and that loved her back. Marcus was like nothing she had ever experienced before. Having him be with her in that way was sweet, innocent, and blissful. Their union had been gentle and loving, nothing like the pain and agony of what she had previously experienced. Painful memories became as distant as the howl of a wolf, far off to the west. All that remained of her life before Marcus were a few fleeting emotions which were quickly swept away by his gentle hands as he held her.

BOOK: Savior
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