Saving Us (21 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Foor

BOOK: Saving Us
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I held up my hands. “Whatever you say. I have no idea about any of this.”

In all of my life I had never wanted to have anything to do with guns. This was all for Conner. I knew it was almost necessary at this point, but it still made me very uneasy. Once we picked out one that was appropriate for me, we filled out all of the necessary permits for me to own one. In the meantime, John took me out to the shooting range and let me fire one that was similar. He had one of his friends attach a silencer to it, because I was scared it would hurt the baby. He assured me that pregnant women fired guns, but it seemed a little too unorthodox for me.

There was a wait period after you applied for a gun, so after the time was over, John and I went to pick it up. I wasn’t as excited as him and Conner were, but it was pretty cool that I owned something so powerful. Even my father had joined the bandwagon and was getting on me to listen to the guys when they were trying to teach me to be able to defend myself. Conner brought home this sign and put it over our welcome sign.

It read “We don’t call 911” and then had a gun next to it. It was both funny and scary at the same time. I don’t know if I would want to proceed into some people’s houses with a sign like that outside.

Conner showed me the combination to his gun safe and he bought me a very special
box to keep my gun in. Of course, it was pink and it had initials on it that included the last letter being an H. It was very sweet and even though I didn’t care for the gun, I really did like my box.


After my father had given me that money, I thought about what I could do with it. It wasn’t like Conner or I needed anything. We didn’t have a house payment. Our bills were hardly anything. Conner had a pretty good amount in savings and we were very comfortable with the things we had.

I put the money in a savings account for the baby. The interest would accumulate and later, if we didn’t need it for anything else, I could put it into a college fund for him or her. Conner was pleased with my decision. He took me out to dinner for a big fat steak. It was funny, I never liked steak until I got pregnant. Then I wanted it every single night.

After dinner we drove right home. My belly was getting bigger by the second, so after eating everything on my plate, I needed to shower and get into some comfortable pants before I busted at the seams. Conner waited in the bathroom for me to climb out of the shower. A smile formed on my face when I saw him standing there with a towel in his hands. “Thanks, babe.”

welcome, darlin’.”

Once the towel was tucked around me, Conner followed me into our bedroom. We had a bunch more space since we took his mother’s master bedroom. Plus, the bathroom was
separate from the one that everyone used. Conner sat me down on our bed. He had an ornery look on his face and I knew he was up to something. He stood over me and started unbuckling his belt, which wasn’t unusual. I decided to make a joke and see just what kind of mood he was in. “You planning on spanking me with that thing?”

He looked up at me and quivered his lip. “Why? Have you been a bad girl?”


“Then I suppose that I’m goin’ to need to punish you.”

I let the towel fall off of my body. I knew my belly was the first thing he saw. For a second it made me feel self-conscious, but there was something about the way Conner was looking at me that made me feel like I was the most beautiful girl in the world.

To make myself feel better about my body, and attempt to turn on my boyfriend, I rolled over and got up on all fours and looked back at him. His smile was even bigger than before. I smiled back at him and then licked my lips. “Be gentle.”

I turned around and prepared myself for whatever Conner was going to attempt. I trusted him completely and knew he would never hurt me. His warm hands made contact with both of my ass cheeks. Then he worked in a circular motion, before traveling up to my lower back. Small kisses were placed all over my right cheek and then he did the same to the other side. I felt him climb up behind me on the bed. Right away, I could tell that he had dropped his jeans. The smooth skin of his erection was pressing against my leg as he continued to kiss up my back and around my neck. It tickled and gave me chills all at the same time. I was so hot for him; so ready for whatever he wanted to do to me. I was his completely, even without the piece of paper. I loved this man so unconditionally that just being around him made me feel like I was the luckiest woman on the planet.

Conner reached around and slid his hand over my belly. His hot body pressed over my back. I heard a soft growl come out of his mouth, before his lips grazed my ear lobe. “I want you.”

I moved my butt around, so it was brushing against him. “You can have me.”

Conner’s hand left my body. It was soon being used to
position his erection at my entrance. He rubbed it up and down my hot sex, getting it wet for him to slide right in. I gasped when his length entered me. He moved slowly, then steadily picked up the pace. I kept my ass up high, allowing him to hold onto my waist as he continued pumping his hot love into me. The faster he moved, the better it felt. Being pregnant wasn’t always the easiest when it came to making love. Conner was gentle enough that it wasn’t uncomfortable. He knew how far to take things without hurting me. He also knew just where to touch me to make me forget that I even had a big fat belly. His strong hands came up and pinched one of my nipples. I moaned, making him do it again. His speed picked up again and I felt my body getting that euphoric feeling. I let go, screaming out in pleasure. While I clung to my blankets, Conner thrusted a few more times, before tightening up and leaning his weight on my back. He placed small kisses on my shoulder, before sitting up. I turned over and realized my body was full of sweat. I wiped the beads off of my forehead. “Shew, I guess I should have waited to get a shower.”

“I got no problem takin’ you back in that bathroom and washin’ every single inch of you.”

I grabbed his hand and pulled him down next to me. “Just turn on the fan and lay with me. I’m too tired to move.”

Conner got up and turned on the ceiling fan. The cool air started to hit me before he was back down beside me. I cuddled my naked body into his. “I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

The following morning Van asked me to watch Noah while she took Christian to the doctors. I was going to head over to their house, but he just showed up on one of the golf carts. He came walking right in the kitchen door. “Aunt Amy, are you in here?”

I came around the corner and saw the kid standing there in full camouflage. “Hey, I would have come to your house.”

“Dad said I could come here instead. Uncle Conner lets me watch that show he records. Dad doesn’t let me watch it.”

I poured myself a glass of milk. “Did you want some?”

“You got any cereal?” I looked down at his feet and saw that he was wearing his favorite cowboy boots.

“Just pick out what you want. You know where the cabinet is.”

I grabbed the bottle of chocolate syrup and started pouring it into my glass of milk. My mouth was watering just imagining how the chocolate was going to taste. Noah grabbed a box of Lucky Charms and I handed him a bowl. He started to pour it and cereal went everywhere. It wasn’t just all over the counter, it was also all over the floor.

“Oh no! I’m sorry, Aunt Amy.” He looked as shocked as I was.

“Noah, it’s fine. I will clean it up.” I poured some milk into his bowl and handed him a spoon. He sat down at the kitchen table and started eating, while I got down on the floor and started
picking up cereal. When I heard a scratch at the door, I got a better idea of how to clean up the mess.

Sam went wherever Noah went. That dog was so attached to the kid. I opened the kitchen door. “Come on, Sam. Look what I got for you.” Right away, he started eating up the spilled cereal. Noah started laughing and watching him.

Once I got the counter cleaned up, I looked down to see that the floor was clean. Sam was sitting next to Noah, waiting to drink the rest of his milk.

I left Noah in the kitchen while I straightened up the living room. After a few minutes, I heard the kitchen door open and shut. “Noah?” I walked into the kitchen and saw that he was still sitting there. “Did you open the door?”

He shook his head and pointed toward the corner of the kitchen that I couldn’t see. “No. That man did.”


Chapter 26



My day was going just like every other. Colt and I were working on a broken fan in one of the chicken houses. After nearly three hours, we weren’t any close
r to getting it to work. Once it was time for lunch, I decided to head home and eat where there wasn’t the smell of chicken shit around me. Colt decided to come with me, since Amy was watching Noah.

We were pretty far away from my place, so Colt drove us in one of the ranch trucks. “What kind of lunchmeat you got at your house? I ain’t eatin’ that liverwurst shit again.”

Liverwurst was this awful shit my mother used to buy. It tasted like liver; cold liver. “We don’t buy that nasty ass shit. Amy likes roast beef and turkey. Sometimes she buys me bologna, but she calls it a flat hotdog.”

“A what?”

I laughed. “She says that bologna and raw hotdogs are the same damn thing. Since she hates both of them that is what she says when I want to eat it. Last time I asked her to buy it, she slapped it on two pieces of bread with mustard, ketchup and relish. Now, I hate to say this, but it did taste just like a freakin’ hotdog.”

“You probably ate the whole thing, too. Simple. That’s what you are.” Colt just shook his head and kept driving.

“Come on, I know there has to be somethin’ Van cooks that makes you shake your head like that.” Colt may act like Van was perfect, but every woman has some flaws.

He started to laugh. “Yeah, there was this thing she went through where she was watchin’ all those cookin’ shows on television. She would write down how to make it and try somethin’ new every night. A couple things were pretty good, but a bunch more were just plain terrible. The first time she asked me to be honest, so when I told her I hated it, she went to bed cryin’
. After that I would tell her that I liked it, but not enough to have it all the time. She started to get the hint, but it’s a touchy subject. Over the years she’s learned what we all like and she cooks those things. That woman can make one hell of a breakfast though.”

I knew she could. I’d eaten there enough to know that. “I agree.”

“You should have called and told her I was comin’ with you.”

“Why is that?”

"Who knows what you all do?" I looked at Colt like he had three heads.

"Your so
n is at my house. Surely you don’t think I would do somethin' while he's in the next room. I mean, don't get me wrong, if Amy wants to get freaky, I've never turned her down."

Every man I'd ever been around had taught me that. I knew to never turn down your woman's offers. Even if I was mad, it was always worth it.

We walked up to the kitchen door and I opened it for Colt to go inside first. Once he was past, I followed behind him. I should have known that something was wrong when the television was blaring. We both walked into the living room to find Noah sitting in front of the television with a jar of peanut butter and a spoon.

Colt grabbed the peanut butter out of his son's hand. "Boy, you know better."

"I got permission."

I w
andered around the house looking for Amy, before coming back into the living room. "Hey, where's Aunt Amy?"

He shrugged and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "She told me I was a big boy and that I could take care of myself."

That wasn't possible. Amy would never do that. If something was wrong, she would have called me. I looked around the room and spotted her cell phone and purse. "Where did she go?"

"She didn't say." He was still watching his show and not paying attention to how serious this was.

I think Colt could see the worry in my eyes. He turned off the television. "Son, your uncle is askin' you a question. You best get to answerin' him."

He turned around looking annoyed that we had interrupted him. "She didn't say where she was goin'. She just told me to be a big
boy and wait for you or mom to come get me. Can I watch my show now?"

"No!" Colt and I both yelled.

I squatted down to his level. "Was she hurt?"

He shook his head. "She looked sad. That man made her cry, but she said she was just real happy to see him."

I stood right up and looked at Colt. "Please tell me this ain't happenin'."

"What did the man look like?" I don't know why Colt was asking that. We both knew who the man was.

"He looked regular." Typical kid answer.

"Did he hurt her?" I was more than concerned.

"Nope. At first she ran into her room, but he told her she couldn't run. That's when she was cryin'. Am I in trouble?"

I patted him in the head and started dialing John's number. "No, buddy. You're not!" After two rings John finally answered.

Hey, Conner what's up?

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