SAVING REBEL: Renegade Rebels Motorcycle Club (29 page)

BOOK: SAVING REBEL: Renegade Rebels Motorcycle Club
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“Stay here.” Mr. C grunted and turned, with Pockets following him, but not without first raking his gaze across my body in disdain. I knew MC members weren't fond of cops, and I could only imagine how much they must hate someone like me who had betrayed them so badly.

When Crow walked out onto the sidewalk, I gasped. He looked gaunt and miserable. His normal enthusiastic gait was replaced by a sluggish walk, his normally flowing free hair was tied back into a tight 
ponytail, pulling his skin harshly. But it was his eyes that tore right through my heart. The last time I had seen him, he was angry. But now, his anger was gone. His eyes were filled with sadness. He looked broken.


“You shouldn't be here,” he avoided looking in my eyes, his gaze darting around to the bikes around us.

“I really need to talk to you, Crow. I have a lot to say.” I pleade

“Oh, yeah?” he asked. “I see you drove your bike here. I thought that was just part of the act.”

“My bike? No, it's not an act. I ride my bike everywhere

“Well, whatever. It's hard to know what was the truth and what was the lie, so I'm just assuming you lied to 
me about everything you said.”

“Well, that's what I want to talk to you about, Crow. Can we go somewhere private to talk? I have some 
information I want to share with you. I think I can help you...” My voice trailed off nervously. “Help me? What a fucking joke? Didn't we have this conversation already? There's nothing you can do for 
me. You've done quite enough already.” 

His eyes finally met mine and the sadness there was immeasurable. 

“And no matter what you said, I wouldn't believe a fucking word of it anyway. How could I ever trust you? How could I ever trust a fucking lying cop like you?”

“Crow, please. I understand. But listen, I will do anything you want to convince you that I want to help. I don't care about my job. All I want is to make sure you know some things that are going on and you can decide what to do with the information.”

“Are you fucking serious? Are you crazy? You're an undercover cop working to bring down my MC who may or may not have planted illegal drugs in my clubhouse, and you expect me to believe you want to help me now? Fuck that.”

“Crow, seriously, I'll do anything you ask. You don't believe me? Give me something I can do to prove it to you.”

“Prove it to me? Are you kidding? How would you ever prove it to me after all of this shit you've already done?”

“I don't care. I'll do anything.”

He shook his head, leaned against the brick wall behind him, and slowly lit up a cigarette. I wasn't sure if there really was anything I could do to convince him I was on his side, but if there was anything that would actually work, I was willing to try it.

“You'll do anything, huh?” He asked, his voice low, almost a whisper in the shadow of the building.

“Yes.” I said quietly as I stood before him

A long moment passed as he watched me silently. Shaking and nervous, it took all my strength not to walk 
to him, to embrace him. His sadness broke my heart, and the fact that I caused it only made me feel worse. I sighed as he inhaled deeply before slowly exhaling the smoke from his full lips. I felt the overwhelming urge to kiss him deeply.

“Come on.” He threw the cigarette on the ground, stamping it out with his leather boot and walking away from me.

Startled, I followed him into the clubhouse. My eyes took a few minutes to adjust to the dim lights of the bar, and the smell of weed, cigarettes and beer filled my nostrils. As soon as they saw me, all conversation ceased in the room. Every eye in the room followed me as I followed Crow. He stopped at the bar and turned to the room full of men. I stood beside him, waiting to see what he was up to and scanned the room quickly. Mr. C was behind the bar, and Pockets and Rat Boy were playing pool in the corner. Three other MC members were sitting at a dark table in the back.

“Boys, this woman here has something to prove to me. I need you guys to do me a favor and see just how trustworthy she really is. If she makes it through this, then maybe I will believe that she's telling me the truth.”

“What!” I exclaimed, “Crow, what the fuck?”

He looked over at me, his eyes cold and unwaverin

“You said anything. Show me what you're made of,” he whispere

“She's all yours boys,” he muttered before walking down the hallway to his offic

Every inch of my body began shaking as every man in the room stopped what he was doing and began 
walking towards me. This was not what I expected at all, and yet I had told Crow I would do anything. I just never expected him to give me away to his club members. My heart and mind began racing as I tried desperately to come up with a way to get out of this situation. How could Crow do this to me? I thought he cared about me, I thought the sadness in his eyes was because he had lost me, but apparently I was wrong. He didn't care about me at all if he could do something like this.

It was true, though. I had said I would do anything, whether I expected something this extreme or not. And what was the alternative? I had to make Crow realize I was telling the truth. So would this work? I didn't have much time to decide as I felt rough hands leading me over to the pool table in the corner. I seemed to move in a trance as I heard excited murmuring around me, but I couldn't make out any words they were saying. Was this really happening?

I was picked up effortlessly and placed on the pool table, the sounds of the balls left on the table being pushed into the pockets around me clicked loudly in my head.

Quickly, someone pulled off my boots and threw them across the room, inciting a chorus of laughter from the men.

Hands were coming at me from every direction, groping my tits and pulling my hair roughly. I cried out as I felt someone working at the buttons of my pants, pulling them over my thighs and off me in one fell swoop, exposing my pink panties. I was cold and shaking and I realized by the wetness pouring down my cheeks that I was also crying. But I wasn't resisting. If this was what was going to get Crow to believe me, then I would just endure it. Maybe they wouldn't be too rough, that was the best I could hope for. I didn't think I had any chance of stopping them now anyway.

Cold hands pulled at the bottom of my black tank top, pulling it over my head. I lay in front of them, splayed out in nothing but my bra and panties. I had never been in a situation like this, despite my years with the Blackhearts and I found myself frozen with fear.

The jeering men were encouraging each other, the energy between them building to a frightening frenzy and I began for the first time to worry about my safety after all.

“That's enough!” Crow's voice bellowed from the doorway. “Get away from her. Let her go!”

I sobbed loudly as they removed their hands from my shaking body and one by one, walked away from me, leaving me naked, crying, and spread out on the green felt of the pool table.

“Everyone go into the conference room and wait for me. We have some club business to talk about. I'll be there in five minutes.”

The men trailed down the hallway, leaving Crow and I alone as he stood over me and I looked up at him angrily, feeling completely helpless.

“Get dressed. Get out.” He turned on his heel, leaving me alone in the cavernous clubhouse bar.


After returning to the sanctuary of my apartment, I drowned my sorrows in drunken isolation and retreated from everything and everyone. Lying sad and alone, I looked around at the few possessions I had, and nothing really meant anything to me at all. I had a few pictures of my parents scattered in frames around my house, but looking at them now only made me feel even more nostalgic for the MC life.

So many years had flown by since I felt that kind of community. That kind of family. I missed it. And I had felt it for just a brief moment when I was with Crow. Going over it again and again in my head, I spent hours torturing myself with thoughts of how I could have done things differently, and what I could do now to make things right.

But Crow didn't want my help. And I completely understood. I wouldn't trust me either. After all, I was a cop. An undercover one, at that. I had been sent into his world to spy on him, to catch him doing something wrong. But I hadn't discovered anything like that.

In fact, I had discovered the complete opposite. Crow was a rugged, rough around the edges guy, but he was so much more than that. He was strong, and his character was noble. He was sensitive and sexy, and filled with a raw sensuality that seemed to seep out of him. And that is what I had fallen in love with. That, and the way his rough hands felt scratching across my hips. Fuck, I missed him.

Because of all these wonderful things about him, I had to respect the fact that he wanted nothing to do with me, whether I could get the club out of this mess or not. I did. I didn't like it, but I understood it.

So, I gave up. Nights were spent with a few bottles of wine and watching old movies curled up in my bed, alone and frustrated. Tommy tried to pull me out of my isolation, but outside of short conversations on the phone to ask for updates on the case, I had little contact with him. A month passed and there still was no news either way. If there was, it was being kept from us.

Late one night after a run to the corner store for more wine, I pulled up in front of my apartment to a sight that terrified me and filled me with hope all at once. My heart soared as I spotted first Crow's bike parked in my parking spot, and then his silhouette in my doorway. With shaking hands I parked my bike, removed my helmet, shook out my hair and looked around.

No other bikes or people were in sight. The only sound was my heart pounding so hard I thought it might escape from my chest. I had imagined the moment I would see him again, but I certainly had never entertained the thought that it would be a surprise visit to my house. As far as I knew, he didn't even know my real name, let alone where I lived.

I walked up to the door of my apartment, as he turned and looked at me. Those eyes were still blazing, still slaying me, just as I had imagined they would. I laid in my bed every night thinking about them, and here they were.

“Hi.” I said, quietly, meeting his gaze.

“Hi.” His hair curled around the top edge of his cut, and I found myself biting my lip as I watched him run his hand through his hair, his chin tucked as he gazed through his lashes at me. His movie star good looks never ceased to affect me and today was no exception. My palms were sweating and my breath quickened as I watched him.

“Can we talk inside?” he asked.

Such a simple question. And yet a hopeful doorway to a future. I nodded, not trusting my voice just yet, unlocked my door and led him inside. He strolled in slowly, taking 
in the pictures of my past scattered on the walls silently. He headed straight to my couch, and sat down. Crossing his left leg over his right, he leaned back and stared at me. I couldn't place what I saw in those eyes, but it wasn't nearly as angry as it was when I had last seen him. I sat down next to him, waiting for him to speak first.

“I've been following you for a few days, sorry for the unexpected visit. You came to me saying you can help, and I'm not sure what you meant by that, but I have to do whatever is necessary to save my club, and if you have the key to that, then I'm ready to listen. I have reason to believe there is another cop in my MC.”

His words sank in slowly, and I contemplated where to start. There was so much to share with him, so much to explain. I took a deep breath, and began the only place I knew how.

The beginning.

“My name is Olivia LaVelle. My father was the president of the Blackheart's Motorcycle Club.....”


By the time I was finished, he was left with confusion in his eyes, and a thousand questions. We stayed up all night, and I answered them all.

I told him about my parents, about my life after they died, about Tommy saving me and how grateful I was for that. I explained my decision to become a cop, and how shocked I was that my first assignment was breaking into his circle. And then I told him about Pete. About how he had recognized me, how I saw him in the office with the coke and his demeanor towards me as soon as Crow left the room.

His eyes clouded over with anger as we came to the mutual suspicion around four in the morning that Pete had to be the guy. It was apparent that the DA and Pete were working together to exact the DA's long held grudge against Crow, and the fact that he had stooped to the level of planting evidence didn't surprise either one of us. But what was Pete's connection to the DA?

BOOK: SAVING REBEL: Renegade Rebels Motorcycle Club
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