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Authors: Debra Elise

Saving Maverick (28 page)

BOOK: Saving Maverick
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He didn't hear the call. Couldn't make out the bag. The crowd let him know that his effort was successful and Rand “Maverick” Jansen had thrown the first no-hitter of his career.

Damn. He lay there and took the weight of his teammates as the dugout emptied and they dog piled on him. His mind blank and swirling all at the same time. A boyhood dream had come true and he began laughing. Couldn't stop. He absorbed the crush of at least ten bodies before he rolled over and crawled out from under the weight of his teammates.

He jumped up and placed his hands on his hips, hung his head, and grinned like a fool. He looked up into the stands and the first person he saw was his dad. Mav kept his smile in place. His gut churned as he searched his father's expression. And what he saw blew him away. Growing up he'd seen little to no emotion from Randall Jansen Sr. and today he swore he saw tears in his father's eyes.

He gave his dad a nod and took a long look around the stadium. Fans were still going crazy; some had made it onto the field and made a beeline for him while security scrambled to keep up.

Today, he'd achieved what many never had. A no-hitter was something he'd dreamed of since he was a Little Leaguer with too-big cleats. Today was a new beginning in his baseball
and maybe, just maybe, the beginning of a future with the woman he'd lost his heart to the first time he saw her.

He took a deep breath and threw his fist into the air. He let out a shout of pure joy. Once again his teammates tackled him and Luke was right there holding on, not letting him fall.

Chapter 33

The locker room had been crazy after the game. All he wanted to do was get out of there and find Kelsey, but the reporters had prevented him from making a quick escape. Not happy with sound bites, they wanted to know about everything from Syndi's arrest to what he thought about his brother's killer being acquitted.

They were more interested in knowing his relationship status with Kelsey than why he hadn't pitched the last game of spring training. He wanted to know that himself and after yet another round of questions on what he was thinking as he pitched the shutout, Blake stepped in and told them they'd gotten enough from his star pitcher for the day.

He texted her and when she didn't respond, he called her and got voicemail. He needed to come up with something big to get her to see him. He'd hoped when she'd brought Ian out on the field, all had been forgiven. Damn woman was going to make him work hard for her forgiveness.

And he was ready to prove to her that his bad boy days were over. He went over to T.S. who was wrapping up an interview and asked for some help in getting Kelsey to see him.

“Hey, boss, you have a second?”

T.S. broke off his conversation with the reporter. “Thanks for the write-up, Mike. Your support is really appreciated. If you need anything else, call my secretary.” He shook the hand of the local newspaper editor and walked over to where Maverick was standing.

Nice game. Hell, it was a spectacular game. Have you talked to Kelsey? Let's go find her and celebrate.”

“Yeah, that's who I wanted to talk to you about. She's not returning my texts or calls. She's still pissed at me and I need your help. I need you in on my plan.”

“Does this plan include a long-term commitment?”

“If she'll have me.”

“That's the right answer, Maverick. I know Kelsey better than just about anyone else outside of Lara and Noel. There was no way she'd have put herself in the position I asked her to if she didn't have real feelings for you.”

T.S. stared him down. Maverick understood this man was the closest thing to family Kelsey had and he wouldn't hesitate to protect her from Maverick if he thought she'd be hurt any further by him.

“She was devastated when you shut her out, Mav. Hell, she gave me her resignation.”

“What the—” Mav said.

“Which I didn't accept. We all know you were hurting, but if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I'll make sure you never get a third chance with her. We clear?”

“I'm not sure if having you as an owner or an honorary brother-in-law is scarier. But you have my word I will never keep anything from her again. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me.”

“Damn straight.” T.S. pounded him on his back. “Now tell me about this plan of yours.”

Maverick rolled his shoulder. T.S. had put some muscle behind his punch. He asked him to call Kelsey and let her know there was going to be a party in the owner's skybox and she needed to be there. And T.S. would be in the clear because it wouldn't really be a lie.
was going to be a party all right. A party for two.

Chapter 34

It had taken several attempts to track Kelsey down and another two phone calls to her friends Lara and Noel, to convince them he was serious about Kelsey and needed their help in getting her to the last-minute party.

He heard a commotion in the hall outside the clubhouse and made one last sweep of the room. He'd brought in candles and had finally figured out how to work the sound system so there was soft music playing. This was as romantic as he could get in two hours.

“Kelsey, hurry up. We're going to miss the party.” He heard one of her friends complain. He wasn't sure which one it was. Lara or Noel.

“Lara, stop rushing me. I'm not really sure this is such a good idea. I don't know if —”

A statuesque woman entered the clubhouse and gave him a wink. He'd yet to meet Noel, so this had to be her.

He then heard Lara out in the hallway convincing Kelsey to come in the room. “Of course, it's a great idea. Come in and hold your head up and give that no account Maverick Jansen a piece of your mind.”

“She's coming. Lara's got a death grip on her. Hi, I'm Noel.”

“Hi, Noel. Thanks so much for this. I'll make sure you and Lara get tickets to all the home games.”

Just treat her right, Maverick. Otherwise, we'll haunt you and post naked pictures of you on Twitter.” Noel blew him a kiss and gave him a finger wave.

“Hey, Kelsey. Get in here. Everyone wants to say hi.” Lara stepped in and sent him the evil eye before she too blew him a kiss.

“Wait. Naked pictures? Where would you—”

Kelsey appeared in the doorway and was shoved from behind. She tumbled right into his arms. Laughter rang out from his co-conspirators as they ran down the hall. Maverick grinned. He was going to get along well with her friends.

He looked down at the irritated woman in his arms. “Kelsey.” Her name came out more like a plea than a greeting. He'd never been so nervous in his life.

“Where is everyone? I thought there was a big party and . . .” She stepped out of his arms and turned back to the doorway and called out. “Noel . . . Lara? Hey, where'd you go?”

She kept her back to him so he couldn't read her face. Was she happy to see him or was she going to bolt?

The room felt smaller now that she was there and it pulsed with expectation, desperation, and something he prayed was hope.

“Maybe you could stay for a moment? Now that you're already here?” he asked.

Kelsey turned and stared at him and said nothing. Damn, she wasn't going to make this easy for him.

He never wanted anything as badly as he wanted this woman. And she deserved his best effort.

“I made a mistake, Kelsey, a big one and I need to make it better, make it right. For us.” He watched as she started to speak, hesitated, and shrugged her shoulders.

walked toward the windows overlooking the field, now dark and empty. Everyone else was already out celebrating the big win. He needed to step it up. He took it as a good sign she hadn't left by now. Maybe he was going to get another chance with her after all.

“So, did you get a chance to speak with Ian?”

Maverick chuckled. “That was a pretty good move. Sending the kid over to make me feel like even more of a heel than I already did.”

He was now standing side by side with her. She closed her eyes and absorbed his heat. Hope bloomed in her chest.

“It worked.” She shrugged.

“Yes. However, I'd pretty much figured out what I'd done was a stupid knee jerk reaction to something I should have been better prepared to accept.”

She grinned. “You sound like you've been talking to Caris. I'm glad you were able to open up to her about . . . everything.”

“Yeah, but I shouldn't have shut you out. I should have trusted what was happening between us and gone to you right away when I heard about the trial.”

He was saying all the right things and she wanted nothing more than things to work out, but he was taking his sweet damn time. She shivered and hugged her arms around her waist.

The movement brought his gaze to her chest. “Cold?” He stepped in front of her and rubbed her arms. “Maybe I can help you with that. That's a pretty dress, Kelsey. Did you wear it just for me?”

Kelsey tried to focus on the question instead of the sexy-as-sin man asking it. Her nipples reacted to his slow, visual caress up her body.

cleared her throat and looked at his gorgeous face. He gave her the smile she adored. The one guaranteed to melt her panties off.

Maverick was jumping right to the good part and she couldn't keep up. He had a way of jumbling her thoughts when he stood too close. They needed to work things out, then he could have her just the way his eyes were undressing her—naked and ready.

“Kelsey, you can pretend you don't feel anything for me besides what we've shared in the bedroom, but I know different. You're different. Smarter, sexier, and kinder then any woman I've ever met. I knew it the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

“Maverick, I—”

“No, let me finish. I may have wanted you underneath me that night without getting to know you first, but something was telling me I needed you next to me more.”

She cried out softly, “Oh, Maverick,” and raised her hands and placed them on either side of his face.

“I've screwed up plenty in my life, but I have always been honest. I leave the game playing out on the diamond. If you take a good hard look at what we've been through in such a short time, how can you not see I love you?”

“Wha-what makes you think I should believe you now? After you pushed me away the other night? How can I trust that you've changed your ways and that I'm enough for you, Maverick?”

“When we met everything about me screamed lady-killer, commitment phobic, whatever you want to label it, and you were right. But since I met you, it's been all about you. ‘What she's thinking? Will she want to go to dinner here? Or can I get her to make that throaty little purr the next time I'm inside her?'”

moved his hands onto her hips, pulled her into him, and placed his forehead on hers.

“Damn, Kelsey, you feed my soul, my heart, and my life. The last two days I've woken up and lectured myself on losing the one thing I truly wanted in my life, the only woman I've ever wanted to share my life with, be nagged by.” He grinned.

Staggered, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tight. Did she dare hope there could be a future for them?

“You want to walk away at the first, okay, maybe second obstacle thrown our way? Even if I'm that obstacle? Fine. You go on your merry way, and see if you can live your life without me. Because I know I got to you just as much as you got to me. I sure as hell know I've reached you more than any other man ever has.”

Mav crushed her to him, afraid she'd get away. He needed this woman more than he needed his contract with the Outlaws. And he was ready to prove it to her.

“There is no way I'm giving up on us, so prepare yourself right now. Because I'm coming for you. Every. Day. Whatever it takes to show you that you're my priority now. Baseball, endorsement deals, everything else comes second.”

Maverick took a deep breath. He was laying himself bare. Emotions raw, he proved to her how real his feelings were—are. How could she not take that final leap with him?

“You're an idiot, Maverick Jansen. How can you put your career second? And the endorsement deals? You need to think about your future, your family's and your children's future. College is expensive and our kids are going to be geniuses, so we need to start planning . . .”

“Kids? Uh, hold on. Who said anything about kids?”

“Well, you told me you loved me, right?”

Right. So far I've been the only one who's said it.”

She ignored his prodding and teased him a bit more.

“Well, you know the old saying?”

“What old saying?”

“You know the one, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in the baby carriage?”

“Quit messing around with me, Kelsey, I'm trying to be serious here,” Mav said.

“So am I, and you're right.” She wound her hands up onto his shoulders and gave him an innocent look.

“Wait, what am I right about?”

“Everything.” She sighed.

“It's about damn time.”

“Well, don't get too used to me saying it all the time.”

“Fine. But you still haven't said ‘it' yet.” Maverick made air quotes.

“You mean I haven't said what yet?” She loved him and she loved to tease him.

He growled. “Don't make me tickle you.”

“Please, no.” Kelsey pleaded and tried to take a step back.

His arms tightened around her waist. He wasn't about to let her go. “Kelsey Marie Sullivan, spill it.”

“I love you, Randall Maverick Jansen. Want me to say it again? I love you.” She sighed, stood on tiptoe, and kissed the man of her dreams. Out of breath and itching to get his clothes off, she ran her hands over his shoulders and down his powerful arms. The arms that would hold and keep her—forever.

BOOK: Saving Maverick
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