Saving Grace (17 page)

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Authors: Katie Graykowski

BOOK: Saving Grace
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“You should do this. You’re so talented.” Interest sparkled in Chord’s eyes. “You could record it, and we’ll put it up on iTunes. You’re going to be famous.”

Her amazing voice was a gift that should be shared with the world.

“I never wanted to be famous, I only want to sing…make a living out of it. Do what I love and get paid for it.” Her voice was really high.

“And so you shall.” Daniver patted her hand. “It’s about time you did something for yourself instead of helping everyone else.”

Daniver had known Grace for all of twenty-four hours, and he already knew her inside and out. She’d move heaven and earth for anyone but herself. How long had it taken Chord to figure that out?

“I’d like to kick in some money.” Chord sat back and tried to casually put his arm around Grace, by parking it on the back of the sofa and leaning into her. “And we could ask the players, too.”

“Well, I’ve been toying with this idea.” Grace noticed his arm on the sofa back and shot him a strange look.

He just grinned and kept his arm right where it was. She was his and short of peeing on her to mark her as his to all the men flocking around her, he was keeping his arm put.

“I was thinking…um…” She cleared her throat. “Chord, how attached are you to that fountain outside?” She wouldn’t meet his eye.

“I’ve tried to donate it to every place that I can think of…even the school for the blind wouldn’t take it. Does that answer your question?” When Alice had wanted a fountain, he’d been thinking something small and Saltillo, not naked battling mermen.

“What if we did a calendar? I could ask the players if they wouldn’t mind posing in or on the fountain. We could sell them and then auction off the fountain. There has to be some poor sap who wants that thing?”

Daniver nodded. “It could work. Some overzealous Lone Stars’ fan is bounded to want it.” He sat back in his chair and crossed his legs. “I didn’t want to hurt your feelings, but it’s the single ugliest thing I’ve ever seen, and that’s including all the cat paintings my grandmother did, and that picture of dogs playing poker, and all those creepy family photos hanging on the walls at The Cracker Barrel.”

“You’re preaching to the choir. I would have had it jack-hammered years ago, but it seemed wrong to bust up all the Carrera marble.” Chord played with a lock of Grace’s hair. He watched Daniver’s eyes following his hand curling and uncurling her hair. Score one for team Chord.

Grace patted his knee. “It’s time for that monstrosity to find a new home. I’m pretty sure the angels wept when it was finished…and not in a good way.”

“So, Grace’s single will be the first thing recorded at Project Hope. Leah, would have liked you.” Daniver smiled at Grace and then rose. He buttoned his suit jacket.

For a man who was reserved and uptight, he sure did smile at Grace a lot.

“And I would have loved to have met her.” Grace stood also.

Daniver took her hand and held it. “Thanks for a wonderful dinner.”

“You’re welcome.” Grace smiled into Daniver’s eyes.

Chord stood and put a possessive hand at the small of her back. “Thanks for coming over. Project Hope sounds like fun.” He nodded toward Grace. “We can’t wait to get started.”

If he’d beat on his chest and hauled her back to his cave, he couldn’t have made it clearer she was his woman.

“We’ll walk you out.” Chord propelled her toward the door.

Daniver followed. “I’ll have CanDee make a list of the equipment we need and run a cost analysis. She’s a genius.”

CanDee was a genius, older than dirt and tough as nails. She was the pit bull through which all humanity must pass in order to meet with Daniver.

“Would it be okay if I have CanDee contact you with the details?” Daniver stepped into the balmy night. “Tell the kids I said goodbye.”

He turned to take Grace’s hand and Chord pulled her into him. He had to remind himself Grace was allowed to shake other men’s hands. Jealousy wasn’t like him, but when it came to Grace, he was finding he really didn’t know himself at all.




Grace waited until she could no longer see the taillights of Warren’s Ferrari. As soon as he rounded the bend, she turned on Chord. “What was with you tonight?”

He was all innocence. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Don’t play dumb. You were all over me. I’m your CFO, not your girlfriend.” She ground the words out.

“You would be if I had my way.” Chord turned completely serious.

Grace was pissed, and no amount of charm was going to calm her. “All you want is to sleep with me.”

“Who said that?” He stepped back, and she could see he was truly offended. “I want a relationship with you. Sure the sex will be amazing, but so is the conversation. If I only wanted a fuck buddy, I’d call Debra.”

“Wait a minute.” She threw a hand up. “I don’t understand.”

“What’s not to understand? You and me…monogamous relationship. We already live together. I don’t think we should have sex while the kids are in the house…well maybe after they go to sleep. I don’t know…I’m still working that one out.”

“So you want to date? I still don’t think it’s a good idea.” But her heart wasn’t in it. She was falling in love with him. Dating sort of made sense.

“Yes, I want to date you. I want to get dressed up and take you out on the town—no kids allowed. I want to go to cocktail parties with you and benefits and text you a million times a day and call you up to see what you’re doing even though I only saw you ten minutes ago. You know…sappy boyfriend crap.” He opened the front door for her, waited for her to walk in, and then he followed.

“What happens when things go south?” It wasn’t a bad idea. He made it sound like things could work. “What happens when I find out you’re no good in bed?” Grace laughed at the horrified look on his face. “No pressure though.”

“I beg your pardon.” His honest look of mortification was really funny. “I’m spectacular in bed. Ask any one of my exes.”

“Would they be willing to fill out a survey? I could put something up online.” She went for total seriousness, but couldn’t pull it off. “I’m thinking ten or so questions. Nothing too long. I have a feeling you didn’t choose them based on their IQ.”

“That’s not true. Sarah could spell cat in five languages.” He thought about it. “Although, I’m not sure pig Latin and Klingon are actual languages.”

“Wow. MENSA must be combing through your little black book looking for new members.” Grace rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, they called just the other day. They couldn’t read my handwriting and requested that I transfer all of my numbers to contacts on my phone so they could actually read them.” Chord put his arm around her, and this time it wasn’t awkward.

“Damn geniuses. They can put a man on the moon and cure wrinkles, but they can’t read that chicken scratch you call handwriting. You have the handwriting of a doctor.” Grace couldn’t help herself. Chord made her smile.

“No really. What happens to the kids if things don’t work out between us?” She needed to understand what was at stake before things got serious.

“No matter what, you will always have a place here. You’re part of the family. The kids depend on you and so do I.” It looked like he truly believed they could pull off an amicable breakup, remain friends, and still live under the same roof. Clearly, testosterone made men delusional.

If things didn’t work out, the breakup would be messy, but maybe she could find a way to still be in the kids’ lives.

He guided her toward the stairs.

“No wait, I have to clean up. The dishes.” Grace tried to turn back to the kitchen.

“The kids already did them.” Chord looked very proud of himself.

“What did you have to bribe them with?”

He put a hand over his heart. “Who me?”

“I’m told that before me, that was your finest and only means of control.” She tried not to sound self-righteous but it was hard.

“They did it of their own free will.” He lowered his voice. “At fifty bucks…each.”

“Are you kidding me? You paid them fifty dollars each to do the dishes?” Grace stopped and stared up at him. He really hadn’t learned a thing. “Have you lost your mind?”

He smiled down at her. “Gotcha.”

“You didn’t pay them?” Her pulse returned to normal. “Whew.”

“All I did was ask them, and they said yes.” He walked her to her door. “CoCo unloaded and the boys loaded the dishes. I’m not promising they did a good job, but they were happy to do it.”

They stopped outside her door. It was late and a school night, but she wasn’t quite ready to part company.

With his right hand, he stroked her cheek. “You’re good for us Grace…all of us. Before you, all I did was put out fires, now I can enjoy the ride.”

Her heart smiled. He liked having her around, and he wanted a relationship with her.

“I’ll think about the relationship thing. It’s not that I don’t want the same, it’s just that well, there’s a lot at stake for me.” She was trying to be an adult and for the first time in her life not rush into things. “I’m trying to be level-headed here…”

“Good luck with that.” He kissed one corner of her mouth and then slid an arm under her knees and swept her up. “I plan on sweeping you off your feet.”

“That was dramatic.” She twisted the knob, opening her door.

“I know, right?” He twirled her around in something that resembled a waltz, and then his knee locked up and they came crashing down on the bed. “FYI-I didn’t do that on purpose…but since I’m here.”

He kissed her hard on the mouth.

“Since it was an accident.” Her arms went around his neck, and she pulled him to her.

“I’m sorry ma’am, but I must insist that you fill out this survey. My girlfriend needs references for my prowess in bed.” He laughed, and the smoky bourbon sound went straight to her heart.

“Want me to spell cat?” She kissed his earlobe.

“Only if you know Klingon.” He supported his weight with his upper arms so his body wasn’t mashing hers.

“Sorry, I think I can fudge some pig Latin, though.” Grace ran her hands up his chest and enjoyed the muscles bunching underneath.

“MENSA must be holding a spot for you.” He kissed her full on the mouth and then stood. “Good night Grace.”

“Wait, that’s it?” She looked around. “I thought we were going to…you know.”

“Not tonight and not with the kids in the house.” He rubbed a hand over his jaw. “We need some time to get to know each other. With you, I’m stepping out of the box and trying something new. I want to know you…before I KNOW you.”

God he was charming even when he wasn’t trying.

She sighed heavily. “Fine, I’ll learn Klingon.”

“Finally. I require all my lovers to be bilingual. I’m not in this thing just for your hot body. I’m going to insist on conversation too.” He threw a hand up like a traffic cop. “I know, I drive a hard bargain, but I have standards.”

“Wow. I’d pegged you for shallow and here you have all these layers.” There might have been some mocking in her tone, but she couldn’t help it.

“Layers. I like that. I’m the seven layer bean dip of love.” He glanced at her closet and then walked to it, opened it, and pulled out a dress. “What size do you wear?”

She squinted to make sure she was really seeing this. “Why? Do you want to wear my clothes?”

He eyed her over the hanger. “Nope, I have a costume option for you for Halloween.”

“Really?” She rolled her eyes. “I can’t wait to hear this.”

Halloween was over six months away. So he was thinking long-term. That was good.

“Does it involve black leather and a whip?” She’d never been one for domination, but she’d give it a try for him.

“No ma’am. It involves fluffy white lace and red trim.” He smiled. “You’re a size two.”

“Um…you have a lace fetish?” She was flexible, but it was best going into a relationship to know what she was dealing with.

“Yes…and no.” He put that dress back up and studied her closet. “Where are the rest of your clothes?”

A lump of embarrassment lodged in her throat. “Um…well, that’s all I have.”

Most of her life, money had been tight. For
The Voice
, she’d borrowed most of the clothes she’d worn.

“Why don’t you go shopping tomorrow? My treat.” His voice fairly radiated pity.

It was astonishing he could make her so happy one-minute and feel so small and broken the next.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love the skinny jeans and T-shirts, but every woman should have some fancy clothes.” He continued to examine her lack of fancy clothes. “My ex-wife made shopping into a full-time job.”

That hurt. So he wanted her to be just like his ex-wife? That was never going to happen.

“I’ll see what I can do.” She had intended to buy some new clothes after she got Uncle Vernon squared away, but now that he’d noticed, she’d needed to move up her time table. She could take a few hundred dollars and buy some new things. She knew it was pride talking, but it hurt he’d suggested she buy some new things. It was worse because he wanted to pay for them. She could provide for herself. She’d been taking care of herself since she was seventeen. She wasn’t about to take help now.

Trying to put the hurt away, she pulled her knees up to her chest and propped her chin on them.

Chord backed away from her closet and turned. “Shopping therapy tomorrow should be a blast. Why don’t you take CoCo with you? She would really enjoy it.”

It would be fun to take CoCo, but Grace wasn’t sure it was the best move. CoCo wouldn’t understand when Grace scoured the racks at TJ Maxx and Goodwill looking for the perfect outfit. For CoCo, shopping at Goodwill had been a novelty and not a necessity.

“Sure.” Grace did her best to make her voice sound perky.

Chord walked over, kissed her lightly on the mouth, and then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

He would never know how much the clothes comment had hurt. She could provide for herself. That had always been her finest accomplishment. That wasn’t about to change just because she was in love with her boss. She wouldn’t take from him like his ex-wife and probably so many others. She wanted to be the one he remembered for her and not the stuff he’d bought her.

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