Saving Grace (24 page)

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Authors: Kimberly McKay

BOOK: Saving Grace
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“Um, pardon me.”  She started, but quickly saw she needed no introduction.

“Yes,” The hotel attendant smiled with zeal.  “Will you be staying with us, Ms. Aundine?”

“Um, no.”  She watched the clerk’s face fall.  “I need to get in touch with someone who is though … a miss Anne LaSal.  Can you ring her for me?  I’m her sister.”

She watched his eyes light up as he picked up the phone to dial.

“Good morning, Miss LaSal,” The attendant’s smooth voice started. “I know you value your privacy, and under no circumstances would we allow any visitors access to your room.”

Grace nervously glanced over to Burke as they awaited the outcome.  He nodded down to her with a peaceful smile. 

The hotel attendant started in.  “Again, we’d never allow anyone access to your information, but we’ve got someone here, who swears they know you. She says she’s your sister.” 

The attendant waited, and stared across the desk at another famous face.  Although star-struck, he managed to keep his professionalism intact.

Grace watched the man, behind the hotel counter, for any sign that Anne was open to hear from her.  She searched his eyes, hopeful for a reunion.

The hotel attendant covered the mouthpiece and whispered across the counter, “She wants to know what your name is.”

“Tell her it’s me … Grace.” 
              Burke put his arm around her waist and gave her a little hug.  He had never been more proud of her.  Although scared, she forged through.

He whispered with excitement back to Grace, “Are you two really sisters?” 

Burke tapped his finger on the counter to get the attendant’s attention, and glared at him from across the counter.

“Of course, sir.”  He dropped his eyes and got back to his job.

“Miss LaSal?”  He spoke back into the phone. “She says her name is Grace.”

Grace watched as the young man’s eyes widened, as he listened intently.

As he extended the phone over the counter, Grace anxiously grabbed it and lifted it to her ear.

“Anne?”  Grace’s voice was shaky.

“Gracey?”  She heard her sister cry out through the phone.

Anne softly asked, “Is that really you?” 

Grace bit her lip, trying not to tear up in front of the stranger across the counter, who was taking every ounce of it in.

“Yes.  It’s really me.  Can I come up?”

“Of course,” she raised her voice in excitement.  “Put the front desk back on so they can give you my room number.”

Grace handed the phone back across the counter, finally letting a few tears of joy slide down her face.  She was getting ready to see her sister, and the fact that Anne sounded as excited as she was had her heart soaring.

Zach slid in behind the couple at the counter, and pulled his cap down tight, in hopes Grace wouldn’t recognize him.  He made it a point to stare down to his feet, as he turned his head to overhear.

“Miss Grace, she said to come up.  She’s in room 2103.”  The attendant smiled as he placed the phone back in the cradle.  Then the pair rushed to the elevator, completely unaware of Zach’s presence. 

Zach sidestepped out of the way, pushing his sunglasses on a bit tighter. He smiled to himself when he realized they were so caught up in whoever they were here to see, that they were completely oblivious to how close he really was.

The attendant looked up expectantly to help who was next in line. 

He stepped up to the counter, grabbed a map of the area, and smiled at the attendant, who raised his eyebrow at Zach in return. 

To him, Zach looked like someone, who should be staying across town.

“Can I help you?”  He asked Zach, with disdain.

“Nope – just visiting.”  He grinned, and pulled his sunglasses down so that he could give the man a once over in return. 

Just as Grace and Burke’s elevator doors closed, Zach rushed to an alternate elevator hoping he wouldn’t have to stop on any floors on the way up.

              Grace stood outside Anne’s room for what seemed to be an eternity.  She raised her hand multiple times, in efforts to knock, only to lower it back down.

              “You can do this.” He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms.  “And I’m right here.”

              “What if she doesn’t want to see me?”

              He let out a soft laugh. “She asked you up here.  If you don’t knock, I’m going to.” 

He gave her a look, which anyone else would think was one of intimidation, but she knew him well enough by now to know better.

              Grace softly smiled, knowing he was right.  She lifted up on her tiptoes to kiss him softly before bringing herself to do what she’d come for.  Grace shook her hands and exhaled before softly rapping on the door.


              As the elevator doors opened, Zach had two paths to take.  The one straight ahead, in which he’d run right into Grace and Burke - or the path to his right, where he could position himself around the corner, behind a potted plant, with a clear view of his targets.

              As he peered through the thick greenery, he watched Grace nervously lift her hand over and over again only to stand in place, without knocking.

Who is she here to see? Who was this important that she’d be this nervous?

Zach leaned in a little further, hoping to gain access to who opened the door but from his view, he couldn’t see much without giving his position away.

Grace didn’t have time to think of what she would say to her sister as once the door opened, Anne came flying out.

“Gracey!”  She yelled and pushed herself onto her sister, holding her tight.

              Burke braced himself as both women fell against him.  He steadied himself and up righted the pair as they hugged it out.  He was glad he was there if not for the simple fact that Grace could have been trampled by Anne’s enthusiastic embrace.

              Grace laughed, remembering how Anne used to bring her in tight like this when they were young.  It took her back to her younger years … before life with the Aundines … before the death of their parents.

              Grace wound her arms tightly around Anne’s waist and squeezed just as hard, before choking out, “I can’t breathe.”

              Anne laughed and pulled back, saying, “I’m so sorry.  I just can’t believe you’re here.”

              “Me neither.  I’ve missed you so much.”  Grace’s face was wet.  So was Anne’s.

Seeing her after all this time was so surreal.  She didn’t look like she’d aged at all, yet her sister’s eyes said different.  They seemed to speak volumes of the pain and experiences Anne had been through. 

And in the moment, Grace didn’t feel like she needed to explain herself.  She just needed to accept the blessing she’d been given to be with Anne once more.  It was like they’d never parted.

Burke cleared his throat and tried to hide that he, too, was getting a bit misty eyed.  Seeing the joy that spread across Grace’s face made his heart surge with emotion, that he helped bring these two sisters together.

              “I’m sorry, where are my manners?  I’m Anne.”  She pulled back and stuck her hand out to Burke.

              He smiled warmly down to her, before pulling her in for a hug. 

Anne felt like she was being wrapped up, by a bear.  It was possibly the most powerful yet soft embrace she’d ever experienced.

When he pulled back, he said, “I’m Burke.  It’s so nice to meet you.  I’ve heard so much about you.”

              “Burke …” Grace paused briefly.  “Is my boyfriend.”

Grace blushed and cut her eyes up to Burke, who stared down to her with obvious affection.

              Anne watched the tender moment exchange between her sister and Burke, and was happy and envious all at once.  She was glad Grace found someone who openly cared for her so deeply, but it also made her heart ache.

“Please, come in.  I’m a mess. I just stepped out of the shower.”  Anne nervously lifted her hands to her damp hair, and backed into her room, letting the couple enter.

              “You’ve never looked better.”  Grace’s eyes welled once more, before she drew Anne in for another hug. 

This hug, however, was an all-encompassing embrace, which spoke of the love the two sisters shared. 

              From his hiding place in the hall, Zach saw the raw emotions that ran through both women, but couldn’t place where he’d seen this other woman before.  He couldn’t put his finger on it, but he’d swear he’d seen the girl, who was standing with Grace before.

              He turned his head and leaned his head closer to hear what was being said, but was too far away.  After the three went inside the hotel room, he rushed toward the door and placed his ear to it, but all he could hear were a few murmurs and soft laughter.

              He waited for a few minutes, switching from his left ear to his right, but still nothing audible came to light.

              Zach backed away from the door, and studied it.  He stared it down as if he could make it open with one look, not knowing what to do next.  He didn’t want to leave them here, but it wasn’t time to take Grace yet.  He had to get her away from Burke to make his plan work.

Zach’s face twisted in anger.  At this point his only option was to go to the lobby and wait until Grace came down, to see where they went next.
















Chapter 30



They stayed up all night, catching up, and finally when they couldn’t keep their eyes open any longer, Burke convinced them to go to bed.

After their reunion at the hotel, he’d asked Anne to come stay with he and Grace at his home.  It would give them the privacy they needed, and help keep Grace out of any limelight that was sure to follow from her appearance on set at Broadcast Affair.

By morning, Burke knew both girls would be too tired to wake up for his and Grace’s normal morning trek down the beach at dawn. True to his prediction, he cracked the door to his bedroom to see both still out like a light, lying next to each other in his bed.

He rolled his eyes, thinking he’d never get his bed back, but was still happy to have Grace’s sister with them.  He quietly closed his door, and walked softly to his office, where his computer sat.

On any other morning, he’d make them breakfast, but he didn’t want any kitchen sounds to wake up either girl.  So instead, he’d catch up on his emails and break out the food once everyone was up.

Grace heard Burke softly shut the door, and felt a debt of gratitude. He was not only her protector, but now Anne’s as well.

“Was he checking on us?”  Anne stretched, yawning.

Grace turned to her side, and nodded, smiling to

her sister.  “He’s a good guy.”

“Seems like it.”  Anne grinned, and then remembered Chad. 

Grace literally saw her sister’s face fall, and surmised it had to do with her own love life.

“It’s important to have someone you can lean on.”  Grace started, and propped up on both elbows.  “You know when I came to the set yesterday to find you, I met Chad.”

Anne rolled on her side, and sadly smiled up to her sister.  “He’s a great guy.”

“I told him I’d have you call him after we caught up.  He was on his way to find you, when we drove in.”

“He was?”  Her face lit up only to fall.  “I told him not to bother with me. He still has a show to finish.”

“Oh, I don’t think there’s much of a show left to finish.”  Grace almost sang.  “I can’t believe we didn’t get into this last night.  I meant to tell you to call him.  I was just so tired.”

“We had a lot of catching up to do.  I still can’t believe Grandmother robbed us of all this time.  I’m so angry with her.”  Anne’s mind was back on track, remembering what Grace said about the show.  “What do you mean by – not much of a show left?”

Grace grinned.  “He sent the other girls home.  He was literally leaving to find you, when Burke and I pulled up.”

“How do you know?”  Anne’s heart jumped.  She popped up and drew her knees into her chest.

“Because after we found out what hotel you were in from that girl, Janie.”  Grace paused to catch her breath.  “She told me the latest scoop on what was happening on the show.”

“He sent them home?  Why would he do that?”

“Why don’t you ask him?”  Grace grinned.  “I bet he’s going crazy by now. I told him to hold off on reaching out to you until we got our stuff out of the way.”

Anne’s face lit up, and she leapt for her bag.  “I have his number.  He gave it to me earlier in the show, in case of … anything.”

“Call him! I’ll give you your privacy.”  She got up, and opened the door to leave.

“Grace?”  Anne called to her sister, before she left the room.

“Yes.”  She paused at the door.

“You know we need to call Grandmother, and have it out with her.  And you should probably call the police to let them know you’re okay.”  Anne encouraged her sister, but knew she couldn’t force anything.

“I know.  I’m just not sure I’m ready.  I know at some point I’ll have to face Zach, and after what he did.”  Grace’s voice fell.

Anne’s blood boiled at the thought of anyone harming her sister, and knew that if she ever ran into this lunatic, she’d have a few words for him … maybe more.

“I’ll be there every step of the way, baby sister.”  Anne stood to cross the floor for another hug.

The two pulled back from their embrace to see Burke walking up behind them.  “I see someone’s finally up.”  He said, holding two mugs.  “Coffee?”

Anne turned to Grace and said in awe, “He brings you coffee first thing?  Where do I get one of those?”

Grace took a sip from her mug, and replied, “I think you know. Call him.”

“She still hasn’t called Chad?”  Burke asked, astounded.  “I bet he’s going crazy.  Give the guy a break and call him.”

Anne happily took her coffee from Burke.  “Okay, but Grace - remember what I said about Lilah.”

“I know.  I know,” she sighed with anxiety, and led Burke from the room, shutting the door tightly behind them.

After a few minutes of straining at the door, Burke pulled Grace away from eavesdropping.

“Hey, let her have her moment.”  He shook his head at Grace.

“I know.  I just wanted to hear her voice when she talks to him.  It’s just to good to see her happy … as happy as we are.”  She wound her arms around Burke’s neck and kissed him softly.

As she pulled back, Burke saw a curious look cross her face.

“I still can’t believe she was willing to leave the show to come find me once she heard I was missing,” Grace said, in awe.  “I mean, after all these years of thinking I’d written her off.”

“She loves you.”  He smiled and kissed her forehead.

Grace drew back and leaned closer to the door.

“Oh!” She whispered.  “I think she’s done.”

He laughed as she bounded toward the door, yelling, “Is he coming over?”

Anne rolled her eyes at her sister, and said the words Grace were dreading.

“Yes, but now it’s time to call Lilah.”

Grace plopped down on the bed, and slumped over to her lap. 

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