Saving Farley's Bog (10 page)

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Authors: Don Sawyer

Tags: #wetland, #bog, #swamp, #thugs, #strippers, #money laundering, #Mystery, #councillor, #environmentalists, #shopping centre, #development

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Didi kept looking out the window. “Actually in the world,” she said at last. “I performed across Europe and the US.”

“Wow,” Stitch said. “Didi Rose. Right here in the cab with me.” He shook his head. “I'm not really into strippers. But you were something else. Man, you were the best.”

Didi slowly turned toward Stitch. A small smile played on her lips. “Thank you, Mr. ___?”

“Robinson. Stitch Robinson.” He held out his hand. “But please. Call me Stitch.”

Didi took his hand softly. “Nice to meet you, Stitch.”

The cab pulled up in front of the hotel. Stitch got out quickly and opened Didi's door. She swung her black high-heeled shoes onto the driveway and took Stitch's hand. “Well,” she smiled. “There are still gallant men in the world.”

Stitch walked to the driver and gave him the fare. He turned back to Didi. “Look, I know we just met. But it really is an honour to meet you. Would you be good enough to join me for a drink in the lounge?”

Didi frowned. “I don't know. I've got a lot going on right now. I have to be up early in the morning.”

Stitch waved his hand. “Just a friendly drink. You drink scotch?”

“Johnnie Walker. Blue Label.”

Stitch raised his eyebrows. “You've got good taste.”

Didi smiled. She leaned toward him and smoothed the collar on his shirt. “Expensive tastes.”

Stitch looked directly into her green eyes. “I wouldn't have expected anything less.”

Didi cocked her head. She ran her long fingers through her hair. Her nails were bright red. “I'll meet you here in 15 minutes.”

Stitch took her free hand and lifted it to his lips. Didi smiled. She turned and walked around the main house. He watched her as she strode down the palm-lined path. She turned into one of the cottages near the beach. Number 21, Stitch mentally noted. He walked quickly to his own room. He pulled out the Blackberry as he walked. He hit Daffy's speed dial. Daffy came on the line as Stitch pushed his door open.

“Cripes, Stitch,” Daffy yelled on the phone. “Where the hell have you been?”

“Oh, you know. Just relaxing on the beach. Managed to fit a little swimming in. Really like the hammocks they have here.”

“You better be kidding,” Daffy growled. “I'm up to my ass in alligators here. I'm in court tomorrow to argue for the injunction.”

“I thought you already had it. On the basis of the taped evidence from Maxwell.”

“Yeah, well, it's not that simple. I got the interim from Judge Shirley. But Venam has got all of its high-paid lawyers on the job. They're going ape shit. They've managed to get a hearing to challenge it. And we drew Judge Cox, the old bastard. He's never seen a development he didn't like. He's summoned me and Venam to court.”

“Will what we have hold up?”

“Not sure, partner. Guess we'll see. But it would sure help if you could pull yourself away from the swim-up bar. If it's not too much trouble. You know, get me something with a little more meat on it?”

“Daffy, I don't want to say too much. But what sort of confession would be what you need?”

“Confession? Like to the murder? The bribe?”

“Whole thing.”

Daffy was quiet for a moment. “Sounds like you've been busy.” Stitch could hear Daf thinking on the other end. “Obviously, best would be live testimony in court.”

“That's what I'm aiming for. Short of that, how about a recording?”

“Better than nothing, but not great. You always run the risk of it not being accepted. Especially in a court case.”

“How about a video of the confession?”

“Way better. They're being accepted more and more. But not if they seem to be made under pressure.”

“No pressure.”

“You got a witness willing to spill it all on tape?”

“Dunno. Guess we'll see.” Stitch could imagine Daffy smiling at the other end. “OK, Daf. That's what I wanted to know. Good luck with the injunction, eh?”

“Thanks, partner. Hey, have they really got nice hammocks down there?”


Johnnie Walker Blues

Stitch sat in a corner of the broad porch that served as the hotel's lounge. There were no windows to block the breezes from the mountains. Large shutters hinged at the top were propped open to shade the porch. Fans swished overhead. Stitch leaned back in a deep rattan chair. A bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue with two glasses sat on the table in front of him. A set of car keys was next to the bottle.

The hostess opened the old wood door. Didi walked into the room.Didi had changed into a long white dress. The front plunged between her magnificent breasts showing impressive cleavage. The dress was cinched with a broad sash. A slit all the way from her ankles to her narrow waist revealed perfect legs as she walked. Heads turned as she made her way toward Stitch. Especially the men's, Stitch thought.

Stitch stood up as she approached. He pulled out a chair and they sat down. She leaned toward him and unbuttoned the top button on his dark blue silk shirt. “I like to see your hairy chest,” she joked. “You're a very good looking man.”

Stitch tried not to look down her front. But he did notice that a simple gold chain dangled invitingly. “Ah,” he said. “I bet you say that to all the guys.”

Didi sat back and smiled wryly. “Maybe I do,” she said softly. “But usually I don't mean it.”

Stitch poured a shot of Johnnie Walker into a glass. “Please,” Didi purred. “Make it a double.”

Stitch looked up at her. “Yes, ma'am.” He filled the glass half way and slid it to Didi. He then poured himself a shot.

“You want ice with this?” he asked.

Didi screwed up her pretty face. “Put ice in Johnnie Walker Blue? You must think I'm a complete cretin. That's like putting caviar on a peanut butter sandwich.”

Stitch raised his whisky. They touched glasses and took a sip.

Didi nodded at the car keys. “I didn't know you had a car. I thought you were taxiing it.”

“Basically, I am,” Stitch nodded. “But tomorrow I'm heading up to Nevis Peak.”

Didi raised her chin toward the hills outside. “Is that the big mountain?”

“Yeah. Over 3,000 feet high. I'm driving up some tough roads. Then they say it's a hard slog by foot.” Stitch shrugged. “But I'm determined to make it to the top.”

Didi smiled, her eyes half closed. “Then I'm sure you will,” she whispered.

The evening slipped by quickly. Stitch had to keep reminding himself he was at work. He kept falling into those big green eyes. But he did make sure that he kept Didi's glass full. He tried to drink one shot for two of hers.

“So you're in banking?” Stitch asked.

Didi's face clouded. “I'd really rather not talk about it.” She pulled a gold cigarette case out of her purse. She took out a cigarette and held it toward her mouth. “Got a light?”

Stitch picked up the matchbook from the ashtray on the table. He lit a match as Didi raised the cigarette to her lips. She inhaled deeply.

Stitch put the match out in the ashtray. “Do you only smoke when you get tense?”

Stitch could feel Didi stiffen. “What do you mean?”

“I saw you at the coffee place this afternoon. You seemed upset. And you were smoking. I haven't seen you smoke since.”

Didi sat back in the cushions. “What would I have to be upset about?”

Stitch filled her glass. “I don't know.” He looked up at her. “Maybe being stiffed by Tommy Cecconi?”

Didi's eyes widened. The hand with the cigarette froze in mid-air. A quiet tension filled the space between them. “Who are you?” Didi asked.

“My name is Stitch Robinson. I'm a private investigator.”

Didi looked stunned. She swiftly ground her cigarette into the ashtray. She rose to leave. Stitch grabbed her by the wrist.

“Sit down,” he said. His voice was low but steely.

Didi slowly sank back into the chair. She yanked her arm out of Stitch's grip. “You lied to me.”

Stitch shook his head. “I never lied. I just didn't tell you everything. Sort of like you.”

Didi stared at him. Her green eyes seemed to be on fire.

“But let me tell you a few other things I haven't shared. I am working for Bob Maxwell's widow.”

Didi seemed to flinch. “You're the guy who tracked us down in Michigan. Bob told me we'd been found. That he was going back. He didn't give me the details.”

Stitch shook his head in frustration. “Idiot. I told him not to tell you.” He glared at Didi. “So then you snuck away and called your friend Tommy Cecconi.”

“Look!” Didi cried. “I didn't know what to do. I didn't get paid if he went back. I didn't know they were going to kill him. I swear.”

“Maybe you thought they'd organize a welcome home party for him?”

Didi leaned forward. “You must believe me. I didn't know they would kill him. I was as surprised as Bob when those thugs kicked the door down.”

Stitch looked up into her face. Tears rose in her eyes.

“I believe you.”

Didi's face relaxed a little. “Really?”

“Really. But Mrs. Anderson, you are in one pile of trouble.”

Didi took another slug from her glass.

“You will almost certainly be charged with accessory to murder. You are involved in an international money laundering scheme. You bribed a city councillor. International flight to avoid prosecution. Did I miss anything?”

Didi stared stonily ahead. “I didn't kill him. It was just a business deal. Tommy set it up. I was to get a hundred thou when I got Maxwell out of the country. They were going to take it from there.”

“Which they did,” Stitch commented.

Didi looked back at him, stricken. “But they said they wouldn't kill him. They were going to set him up in Mexico.”

“With the money they put in his account?”

Didi smiled wanly. She reached over and pinched his cheek. “For such a big bad detective, you aren't all that bright.”

Stitch cocked his head enquiringly.

“There was never an account set up for Bob.”

Stitch poured more whisky into Didi's glass. “Ah. I think I'm beginning to get it. You see, Maxwell left a Nevis bank account number.”

Didi sat up in surprise.

“I figured it was his. But actually it was…”

“Mine,” Didi finished.

Stitch nodded. He took a sip from his glass. “I may not be all that bright. But I'm not as dumb as you.”

Didi looked at him questioningly.

“You seem to have thought they would actually leave money here for you to come down and scoop up.”

Didi shook her head slowly. “I'm not a fool,” she said. “I know how they work. I figured they would string me along. Try to pay me as little as possible. But they didn't expect me to show up on Nevis. After Maxwell was killed, I just wanted out. I thought I could get the money and run.”

Stitch sipped his whisky. “So tell me. How did it go down?”

Didi settled back in her chair. “Pretty simple, really. Venam was in trouble. They'd bought the property for $12 million. They were tapped out. Couldn't get legit financing. So they approached Tommy. He and the president of Venam have a history. Don't know that part.”

Stitch topped up her glass. “Go on.”

“Tommy is in with UIG. He had four and a half million bucks transferred from UIG to the Venam account in Canada.”

“And UIG is…”

“A shell company. Front for one of the big Colombian drug cartels. I don't know which one.”

“OK. So the money's in Venam's account. What happened then?”

“The project stalled. They thought they had the council in their pocket. They'd promised the planner a top job in the company. He would have recommended a nuclear waste dump. They offered campaign money to three councillors if they voted the right way. You know, the usual.”

“But the council turned it down anyway.”


Stitch nodded slowly. “So how did you get involved?”

“Venam was freaking out. They were paying off the property. Their credit line was shot. They had to get the thing built and bring in some revenue. So they went back to Tommy. Told him the whole deal could collapse. Tommy told them he'd take care of it.”

“So he bribed Maxwell,” Stitch said. “And added you as an extra. And a bit of insurance for him.”

Didi nodded. “Weakest link in the chain. Never knew what hit him.” She looked up sharply. “But make no mistake. He wanted it. A hundred thou and a new life. He jumped at it.” She swirled the whisky in her glass. “Changed his vote at the next hearing. Never blinked an eye.”

Stitch looked over Didi's shoulder. The room was filling up. A soft hum of conversation soundproofed the place. “He may have wanted out. But did he want to die?”

Didi's eyes grew soft. “Poor, silly man. He had no idea what he had gotten into.” She sighed. “If he'd just stayed with the plan. If he hadn't suddenly gone all moral and decided to go back with you it would have worked. We could have left that night.”

“But you didn't. Instead you called Tommy and he contacted a couple of hit men. Two hours later Maxwell is dead. His brains blown out. And you are driving happily away in your Honda.”

Didi squeezed her eyes shut and tilted her head back. “What could I do? I couldn't stay there. I drove to Lansing. Left the car at the airport. Got the next plane to Chicago. All I wanted to do was get the money and split.”

“But that didn't work out either.” Stitch looked her in the eyes. “And now you're stuck. If the mob thinks you're too risky, they kill you. If you get busted, you spend the rest of your life behind bars.”

Didi said nothing. “There's a way out,” Stitch continued. “This is big, Didi. The Crown would love to bust Cecconi and his bunch once and for all. If they can tie him to UIG, to the money laundering, he's toast.”

Didi listened intently. She took out another cigarette and lit it. “Would my testimony be enough?”

“If we could get some solid evidence of bank transfers, yes. I think so.”

Didi opened her purse again and rummaged around. She pulled out a printout and handed it to Stitch. “Would this help?”

Stitch studied the document. Nexus International Bank was at the top. Stitch noted the account number. KN66314753241. The statement showed $100,000 being deposited and then removed from Didi's account.

“What's this?” Stitch asked.

“The money came from the UIG account. The number will prove it.”

Stitch nodded. “So this proves they set up an account in your name. Puts UIG right in the middle. And I bet we can trace that 4.5 million transfer to Venam to this account as well.”

Stitch looked back at Didi. “Look, Didi. They don't care about you. If you cooperated, they'd drop charges. Set you up with a new identity. I know people in the RCMP. I can make it happen.”

Didi picked up her cigarette and inhaled deeply. She looked out the windows. It was 6:30 now and the sky was darkening. The air was cooler, but it still smelled of flowers and sea salt.

“But you're in real danger. You have to leave now.”

Didi continued to stare out the window. “You know there are no more flights tonight, Stitch.”

“I can get Paul Newman to get us a boat. I'll go with you. We'll be in St. Kitts in a few hours.”

Didi looked at Stitch. “Paul Newman?”

Stitch waved his hand. “It's a long story. The point is you need to leave now.”

“We'll see how things go tomorrow morning. Then we can discuss exit plans.”

Stitch leaned forward. He was just inches from her face. “I've already lost one witness like this. He wanted to wait until morning. When I came back he was dead.”

Didi smiled broadly. “Well, aren't you thoughtful?” She closed her eyes. “But it's unlikely they would kill me here. Too messy. Too many cops snooping around.” She gently shook her head back and forth. “Let's see if Tommy comes through in the morning.”

“God, Didi!” Stitch's voice was hoarse and intense. “Don't you get it? They know you're in cabin 21 just like I do. They could pull you out of there and onto a boat in minutes. You'd never be seen again.”

Didi leaned toward Stitch and opened her huge green eyes. “Why, I think you really care.” She reached her hand toward Stitch and ran a red-tipped finger down his cheek. “You are very sweet.” She licked her lips slowly. “I think I have an idea.”

Stitch's throat had closed.

“How about I sleep with you tonight?”

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