Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4) (25 page)

BOOK: Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4)
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An older version of Haydn awaits us on a long platform at the top of the mountain. Strong, clear hazel eyes greet us with affection. His handshake is firm as he clasps my hand, but I’m barely in the moment. My head is cluttered with fear, and I can’t focus on anything or anyone. I’m an invisible bystander, loitering in the shadows. Logan’s confident voice is a blur in my ear as he chats with Haydn’s father, maintaining a tight hold on my hand the entire time. I lean into him, desperately needing him to keep me afloat.

Masculine scents stir my senses as a warm, steady body brushes against my other side. “Sadie? What’s wrong?” Ax asks. I glance up, spotting his naked concern.

“Do you have a death wish?” My cold tone isn’t intentional.

“What is it?” he asks again, ignoring my question and my brusque tone.

“I’ve got this,” Logan says in a tightly controlled voice, snagging me under his arm. “We’ve received a concerning message from Earth, but I’ll handle it.”

Ax looks like he’d love to retort, but he takes one quick look at me and obviously thinks better of it. “You know where I am if you need to talk” is all he says before he walks back to where Izzy is standing with the others.

Our party moves off the platform a few minutes later. I don’t even notice the surroundings as we walk. I shiver profusely under my clothes, but it’s not from the outside temp which actually feels warmer up here. Logan keeps me pinned to his side as we get on a hovercraft of some type and travel to our temporary dwelling.

It takes ages to get to our hotel room because Logan is accosted by exuberant men and women desperate to speak to their rightful heir. I vaguely hear Haydn offer to escort me upstairs, but Logan makes it clear he won’t let me out of his sight.

Hauling me into our suite a short while later, Logan cradles my face and peers into my eyes. “Talk to me, baby. Are you still with me?”

I stare at him vacantly. “I’m cold.” My lip trembles as if to reinforce the point.

Gently, he takes my hand and walks me into the adjoining room. A massive double tub rests at the large open window, already filled to the brim. Water bubbles and gurgles as it tempts me with its enticing cloud of floral-scented steam. Warmth creeps over my skin, seeking an invitation, but I’m as frozen as an ice cube.

Seeing my incapacitated state, Logan strips off my clothes with tenderness and helps me into the water. I slide down until the water is up to my chin, absently watching as he shucks out of his clothes in record-breaking time. Stepping in behind me, he settles me between his legs and draws my head back to his chest. Turning my head sideways, I gaze out the window, finally paying heed to the village hidden underneath a massive white curved dome. However, calling it a village is quite the misnomer. If this were Earth, Talla would most definitely be a city.

Our view, at this high level, indulges my observant side. The village is laid out before me in all its magnificent splendour. It oozes sophisticated glamor and the best that Saven has to offer, or the best that I’ve seen thus far.

On the peak of the summit, the village is constructed in a large circle with the focal point being a sumptuous manufactured lake in the center. An expansive, sleek harbor hugs the lake on one side, rimmed by moored boats of all shapes and sizes and thronged by crowds congregated on the walkway. High-tech boats and yachts idle on the dappled water. Sounds of laughter ring out from a large well-lit ship cresting the gentle waves.

Clusters of low-rise housing occupy the fringes of the community, giving rise to more angular-shaped buildings the closer the structure is to the lake. Directly in front of us are slick curved buildings, thin high-rises constructed of shimmery glass-like materials, and an abundance of little parks and gardens, adorned with weirdly colored shrubbery. The streets are constructed of a silky, silver material, and they are immaculate—spotless and glimmering with reflective light. People converge on the sidewalk with—what looks like—standard issue drones accompanying them like giant-sized flies.

I look up, squinting at the larger drones floating close to the roof of the dome. Logan had previously explained how this environment has been artificially constructed to regulate the air pressure and to maintain an even year-round temperature. The controlling council even has the ability to convert the dome to stealth mode so that the village is invisible to the naked eye and the authorities. I imagine that is how they are masking our visit. It’s just as well it’s a short one, as I’m sure long-term use of the stealth mode functionality would draw unwelcome attention.

The place is abuzz with excitement.

“Is that all for you?” I tilt my head back and look at Logan upside-down.

He takes a soft sponge and begins to wash my neck and arms. “Apparently. There is some type of gala dinner in my honor commencing shortly.”

“How are we here?” I gasp suddenly as he gently drapes the sponge lower over my body. “I mean, why are we here?”

A playful smirk graces his luscious lips. “We needed shelter for the night, and this seemed like the most obvious place. Plus, we need to find out what’s happening in the different districts and what the word is on the ground. I needed to talk to someone I could trust. Haydn’s father is the village commander and a man of honor. I trust him to tell me the truth.”

“I thought Haydn was forbidden from seeing his family again?” My breath trickles out in wheezy pants. The sponge, a.k.a. Logan’s wandering hands, has ventured into more intimate lands. Fiery tingles replace the icy cold feeling, and I latch onto it like it’s oxygen.

Logan sweeps my hair to one side as he fixes his lips to a delicate spot under my ear. Closing my eyes, I moan as delicious tremors turn my limbs to liquid goo. I feel his seductive kiss all the way to the tips of my toes.

As distraction strategies go, this one rocks.

Big time.

“Technically, yes,” he murmurs as his lips trail a hot path across my collarbone.

I’m having a hard time concentrating. And breathing.

“But who gives a damn about the rules when we are on the brink of an all-out war? And I haven’t forgotten what you told me about Haydn. I think he needs this.” He pulls back and my body silently screams in protest. “I owe him.” Our connection relays everything I’m feeling, and his suddenly grave look transforms straightaway. He presses his mouth to my ear. “Don’t worry, I’m not done with you yet.”

I twist around, straddling him. Flicking my hair over my shoulders, I deliberately drag my lip between my teeth as I pin him with a lust-filled look. His eyes dip low, and he licks his lips as he drinks me in. “Stars, you are so beautiful.”

“Distract me?” I challenge, wanting him to go there, needing him to take my mind off it.

“You never have to ask, Sadie.” He hauls me into his chest, and I relish the skin-on-skin feeling as he showers me with his love. I give myself to him fully, welcoming the annihilation of every thought, every worry, every fear. There is only blissful sensation and the strength of our love as he worships me.

“You look stunning.” Logan’s gaze is adoring as we walk behind our escort to the venue. My fingers skim over the black silk and lace floor-length gown that someone had thought to leave out for me. The dress wraps over one shoulder and dips low at the back. A supple, warm breeze flits over my exposed skin, and the material swishes lavishly with my every stride. I’m wearing heels, and for once, I don’t feel quite as small at his side.

“Thank you.” I beam at him as I give him a deliberately seductive once-over. “You look positively yummy.”

He roars laughing as he raises our conjoined hands to his lips. “Have I told you lately that I love you?”

“About ten thousand times.” I smile.

“Get used to it, Alma Sadie,” he says, tucking an errant strand of hair back into my elegantly coiffed chignon. “Because I’ll never tire of telling you.”

I yank him to the side, pushing him into the wall and welding my lips to his.
“And I’ll never tire of hearing it. I’ll never get enough of you, Logan. Even infinity would be too short a time with you. I love you to death, to the moon and back, to—”

A loud cough breaks us apart. “Apologies, Your Royal Highness, but your guests are waiting.”

I want to glare at the guard, but his rosy-red cheeks and embarrassed manner is punishment enough. “My bad.” I deliberately tap a finger against my swollen lips. Logan chokes on a splutter. I’m not sure where this wanton side of me is coming from, but I like it, and I fully intend to embrace it.

Logan pierces me with a loaded look, and my lady parts swoon.
“This dinner is going to be torture, because all I’ll be thinking about now is picking up where we left off back in the room.”

Discreetly, I lower my hand and squeeze his butt. “
That better be a promise.”
I give him a cheeky wink. A primal growl escapes his throat and I smile smugly.
“Well then,”
I say, taking his hand in mine as we follow the red-faced guard.
“Put playful Logan on ice until then. Now it’s time to get down to business.”

I’m proud to be announced into the room on Logan’s arm, and no one seems to dispute or protest my presence at his side, which makes a welcome change. The assembled crowd stands in their seats and applauds as we are greeted by Commander Rox and escorted to a circular table at the top of the room.

Logan almost slips up as he introduces me to Haydn’s mother, an attractive lady with intelligent gray eyes and a kind smile. “And this is Al—

I dig my nails into his hand in time. “My Eterno intended, Sadie.”

“It’s so lovely to meet you,” she says in a lilting cadence. “Haydn has been telling us about you.” I catch his eye in time to notice how his cheeks flush at her admission.

Well, that can’t be good. “The pleasure is all mine. Haydn has spoken very fondly of his family. I’m so happy to see you reunited.” I shake her hand, as Haydn narrows his eyes at me.

Good God, how can he still doubt every word that comes out of my mouth?

I feel an urge to slap some sense into him. Either that or give him a sharp, swift kick in the nether regions. I haven’t decided which. Logan chuckles quietly as he absorbs my sentiment. “And thank you for your wonderful hospitality,” I add in my politest voice.

“Not at all.” She elegantly swirls her hands in front of her chest. “We are honored to have you both here.”

Logan is seated alongside Commander Rox, and Haydn is the other side of his father. I’m pleased Neve has been seated beside me and that the rest of our friends span a continuous line around the table.

As I take my seat, I surreptitiously scan the room. The high-ceilinged space is lavishly decorated in hues of cream, red, and gold, and the Saven colors fly at full mast from two regal banners crisscrossing over our heads. Ornate golden chandeliers glisten and glitter from a lofty position, bathing the room in a shimmery casing of twinkling light. Heavy, velvet drapes adorn the tall, narrow windows. There must be at least two hundred people here, I mentally calculate, as my eyes roam the tables around us.

The mood is jovial, which surprises me, for a planet that is in the midst of a violent power struggle. People are animated as they converse, every so often sending not-so-subtle looks in the direction of our table. Logan’s presence has elevated everyone’s spirits. I can only hope the other cities and villages feel the same.

Neve quirks a brow as she lifts her glass to her mouth.

“What?” I inquire.

She tosses her lustrous blonde locks over her shoulders. “You seem different. Anything to tell me?”

I can’t help it; I blush.

She leans in conspiratorially, eyes sparking to life. “Don’t keep me in suspense.”

“There’s nothing to tell.” I try to brush her off. She pins me with a “do I look like I was born yesterday” look. “Honestly,” I lie, batting my eyelashes.

She narrows her eyes suspiciously. “Well, that’s a lie if ever I heard one. But we’ll play it your way,” she says, popping a round purple food item into her mouth. “For now!” She winks mischievously.

Talk turns to politics after our mouthwatering dinner has ended. I rub my full belly contentedly, as I listen to Commander Rox updating Logan. “Fighting is still ongoing in the Central City as forces loyal to you continue to battle it out with those members of the military who are championing your brother.”

Logan’s face is strained as the commander sets his glass down. “But there is good news. I’m still in contact with a few of the men I trained with. Forces loyal to you have reclaimed the palace, and the Royal Advisory Council has been freed from incarceration. Dante and Advisor Mellor haven’t been seen since the incident in the auditorium, and the guards are reinforcing the protections around the palace in advance of your arrival. My understanding is that Advisory Council members are making tentative plans in your absence in an effort to try to stabilize Saven.”

I’m a little put out that Dante’s plans to kill us have been downgraded to a mere “incident.”

Logan’s thoughts focus on Evana.

I’m sure she’s okay. Evana told me previously that she had some friends on the Council. They’ll look after her.”
I place my hand over his.

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