Saved by Venom: 3 (Grabbed) (25 page)

BOOK: Saved by Venom: 3 (Grabbed)
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She remembered the nasty words her parents had traded as her father practically chased her mother to the front door. It had been so very ugly. So much of that day she had blocked out but the pain inspired by Venom’s refusal to include her in every part of his life seemed to be dredging everything back up.

Glancing at the open doorway of their bedroom, Dizzy decided she didn’t want any regrets when it came to her marriage. It was so early in their relationship and they were still building the foundation for years to come. One badly placed brick and the whole damn thing would come crumbling down.

Shoving off the couch, Dizzy silently padded across the living room. She had taken exactly one step into the pitch-black bedroom before the light built into the wall above the bed switched on. She raised a hand to shield her eyes as Venom adjusted the brightness to a setting easier on their eyes.

When she could see clearly, she found him sitting up against his pillow. The sheet sat low enough around his hips that she could tell he was totally naked. Her gaze moved from his trim waist across his chiseled chest to his handsome but concerned face.

“I was waiting for you to fall asleep,” he admitted finally. “I planned to come in and get you.”

That didn’t surprise her at all. Wringing her hands, she took a cautious step forward. Slowly and still trying to decide what to say, she made her way to the bed. Venom held out his hands, opening his arms in a silent gesture of welcome. If he thought she was going to forgive and forget that easily, he had another think coming.

But she couldn’t deny that she craved his body heat. Climbing onto the bed, she slid one leg over his and straddled his thighs. The sheet trapped between their bodies kept them from touching too intimately. Knowing Venom, he probably planned to use those masterful hands and his skilled mouth to make her forget about their spat.

Venom cupped the tops of her knees and glided his hands along her bare thighs until they disappeared under her nightgown. The fabric bunched around her waist as his fingers spanned her hips. “Talk to me.”

She braced her hands on his broad shoulders. It would be so easy to make a threat to deny him her body or her affection if he didn’t take her with him but she refused to start down that petty path. It wasn’t going to solve anything.

Deciding that this was one time when she needed to be brave and bold, she stated very clearly, “I’m going with you and you’re going to use me to help teach this class.”

His sigh of frustration buffeted her neck. “Dizzy, I don’t—”

She touched his lips. “I’m not done yet.”

His eyebrow quirked but he didn’t try to speak over her again. She traced the outline of his mouth and then let her finger trail down a long, thin scar running along the edge of his jaw. “I’m coming with you because I want to learn everything you have to teach me. I’m coming with you because I am your mate,
your wife
, and I belong with you.”

She gulped but found the courage to be totally honest. Taking one of his hands, she dragged it out from under her nightgown and brought it up to her chest. He palmed her small breast and she covered his hand with hers. “I’m going because I won’t be able to breathe if I have to sit here and imagine these hands that I love so much running along another woman’s naked skin.”

His pained expression and the rough inhale that accompanied it convinced Dizzy that Venom hadn’t realized how badly he had hurt her. She gasped as he expertly and swiftly flipped her onto her back and came down on top of her. “Venom!”

“I wanted to protect you.” Kicking the sheet back toward the foot of the bed, Venom insinuated his hips between her thighs and pinned her to the mattress. His huge erection rubbed against her but he didn’t try to penetrate her—yet.

She pressed her hands against his chest. “Protect me from what?”

“The club isn’t like our playroom, Dizzy. We haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of all the erotic possibilities. You will see things on demonstration night that will make you uncomfortable or even frightened. I refuse to push you too fast or too far.” His thumb outlined the shell of her ear. “You are so precious to me.”

Caressing his hot skin, she pointed out the obvious. “You could have told me that.”

“I did tell you that. I told you that you aren’t ready.”

“That’s not what I heard.” Her cheeks grew heated. “I thought you were afraid I might embarrass you because I’m not up to par.”

“Never,” he swore. He lowered his face and peered intently down at her. The depth of his adoration made her heart swell. “I chose you, Dizzy. I don’t want to touch another woman ever again. You’re the only one I want.”

Rocking her hips in a flirtatious, inviting way, she commanded huskily, “Prove it.”

Venom crashed their mouths together in a kiss so wickedly passionate her head spun. His tongue stabbed between her lips and flicked against hers before he dragged his mouth along her jaw and down her neck. He nibbled and nipped his way down to the dipping front of her nightgown, leaving a trail of goose bumps in his wake.

He grasped the neckline of her delicate nightgown but he didn’t allow her time to protest. With two hard jerks, he ripped her gown right down the front and exposed her breasts and belly. An illicit thrill coursed through her. The damp, throbbing heat between her thighs matched the buzzing pull as her nipples drew tight.

“You like that, don’t you?” Venom knew she did but he wanted to hear her say it. He laved her nipple before he suckled her hard enough to cause her hips to buck off the mattress.

“Yes.” She didn’t even try to hide it. “I like it when you’re rough with me.”

He groaned against her breast. “Remember that you asked for this.”

Her head pounded and her heart thundered against her rib cage. His eyes had gone smoky with desire—and danger. She could hardly breathe as he shredded her nightgown with his big, strong hands and used the long lengths of the fabric to bind her wrists and then tether them to the headboard. There was hardly any give in her new bonds. Panic gripped her.

“Look at me.” Venom commanded her attention. “You’re safe with me.”

She peered up into his handsome, loving face. “I trust you.”

He claimed her mouth so sweetly. Her lips were still pulsing from that kiss when he began his lazy travels down her body, exploring her breasts and belly with his hands and tongue. He playfully bit her, leaving aching, red splotches on her skin.

When his shoulders nudged her thighs wider apart, Dizzy experienced a delightful ripple of anticipation. The wicked things Venom did with his tongue were probably criminal on her planet—but she would have gladly taken an indecency charge and a public whipping for the chance to experience it even once.

Venom moaned hungrily as he rubbed his soft lips side to side against her pussy. He slid down flat on his stomach and let long arms rest along her rib cage. Nuzzling his face between her thighs, Venom probed her womanly heat with his pliable tongue. Dizzy threw her head back at the very first touch to her clitoris. “Oh!”

He hummed, the sound both enthusiastic and excited, as he started a languid circling motion. In their short time together, he had discovered that she liked that technique best. The gentle, easy lapping gradually morphed to a pace that made her lower belly quake.

Because he knew all the secrets of her body, Venom anticipated her approaching climax. At the perfect moment, he sucked her clit between his lips and worked his tongue across the engorged bud. Dizzy tumbled over the edge into the blissful abyss. “Yes!”

Tugging at her bonds, Dizzy cried out again and again, the rapturous sounds echoing in their bedroom as Venom continued to sensually torment her. His tongue dipped inside her and then swirled back to her pulsing clitoris. Lashing the pink pearl, he drove her right up to the heights of climax again—but didn’t give her enough stimulation to give her what she wanted.

” She groaned his name with frustration.

“Soon,” he promised, smiling so wickedly. Shifting his position, Venom planted his hands against the mattress and angled his hips just perfectly. Dizzy wrapped her legs around his waist and moaned with sheer delight as his steely shaft finally penetrated her. Her body welcomed every last inch of his massive cock, sheathing him tightly and slicking him with her silken heat.

Their foreheads touched as Venom, now fully impaling her, closed his eyes. “Every time,” he whispered. “It feels like coming home every single time.”

Dizzy had finally begun to understand how much she truly meant to him. By taking her out of that forest and putting his collar on her, Venom had finally gained something that belonged solely to him. In this harsh, militaristic world of his, a wife and mate was the ultimate reward. All he wanted to do was protect and care for her.

And show her such intense pleasure.

When he rocked against her, Dizzy’s exposed clitoris rubbed against him in the most delicious way. Venom cupped her backside with one hand and used the other to balance against the mattress as he drove into her again and again.

Tied to his headboard, Dizzy could do nothing but take what he gave her. Over and over, she accepted his thrusting, the blunt tip of him stroking so deeply inside her. When he framed her clit between his fingers, she gasped and swiveled her hips. “Venom!”

“I’m falling in love with you, Briarlina Lane.” His steady gaze and hard, long thrusts didn’t ease up as he spoke so tenderly. “I’m losing myself in you—and I’ve never been happier.”

Tears spilled from her eyes and dripped down her face as Venom gazed at her with the promise of so much love. He didn’t wait for a reply before kissing her. She sensed he understood how much she cared for him. This giant sky warrior had captured her heart the moment he brushed the cold snow from her freezing feet and tended to her rather than asking for help with the trap threatening to cripple him. In that moment she had witnessed the goodness and selflessness within him.

As they kissed, Venom’s fingertips danced across her the inflamed bundle of nerves between her thighs. One thrust, two thrusts—and she surrendered to the wild climax he coaxed from her writhing, needy body. His blazing seed seared her tender flesh as he buried himself as deeply as possible and shuddered against her.

With her arms bound overhead, she couldn’t embrace him or rub his back. As their shared aftershocks rocked their joined bodies, Dizzy peppered soft kisses along the side of his neck and down his cheek. She couldn’t help but smile at the way Venom nuzzled her like a puppy seeking comfort. Considering all his previous sexual experiences were with women paid to provide him release, she imagined he craved the gentle softness that she willingly gave.

When he finally rolled onto his side, Venom curled up against her. He threw his long leg across her thighs and traced shapes on her rapidly cooling skin. “I am sorry that I upset you. My instinct to shield you got the best of me.”

Dizzy shifted as much as her fabric cuffs would allow. “I am thankful that you’re looking out for me, Venom. I understand what you mean about pushing me too far too fast. The thing is…I have to experience it before I can tell you if we’re moving too quickly.”

He silently considered her point while running his finger around her pebbled nipple. “I’ll take you with me for the class and to let you get a feel for the place, but we aren’t staying after my demonstration ends. There are certain demonstrations scheduled that you don’t need to see.”

She frowned at him. “Venom, I’m not a child who needs to be protected from everything.”

“I didn’t say you were a child.” Venom massaged her breast and caused warmth to spread through her chest. “I agree there are things you might want to see that would interest you. I worry that it might be difficult for you the next time you attend a wives’ club meeting if you run into one of these mates at the club and see them in…extreme play.”


Reluctance darkened his eyes. “You’ll soon learn that I expect very little from you when it comes to submission. You will also gain a better understanding of how very deep this world of mine sometimes digs. There are fetishes and kinks encouraged and practiced here that would probably make you run screaming from the room.”

She gulped. “Like?”

“Later,” he said in that annoying way he sometimes did. “Right now we need to discuss your punishment.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “For what?”

“Shooting me the bird? Does that ring a bell?”

“You were being an ass.”

The corners of his mouth slanted upward but he didn’t allow a full smile to curve his lips. “You aren’t helping your case.”

“You better not even think about punishing me for flipping you off when you deserved it, Venom.”

“Or what?” He reached up and flicked the strips of fabric binding her to the bed. “You’re my prisoner tonight.”

Her jaw dropped. “Venom—”

“Hush,” he whispered with a little smile. The kiss he planted on her lips left her reeling and panting for air. Showing his strength, he easily turned her onto her belly. There was enough length in the tether between her roped wrists and the headboard to allow the fabric to twist.

“What are you doing?” Her eyes widened as Venom pushed her up onto her knees.

“Punishing you, of course.” His hand unexpectedly smacked her bare bottom. Her gasp of outrage and shock was covered by the crack echoing in the room. A second later, the fingertips of his other hand discovered her clitoris. He expertly manipulated that bundle of nerves while spanking her twice more. “But I have a feeling you’re going to enjoy it.”

Chapter Twenty


A few nights later, Venom exited their playroom with his bag of selected equipment and tossed it onto the bed. He could hear Dizzy humming to herself in the bathroom as she finished getting dressed. Because he knew how she liked to dally when it came to her makeup and hair, he gently prodded her to hurry along. “Are you nearly ready to go?”


He doubted that very much. Almost in his lexicon meant a minute or two maximum. To Dizzy, almost seemed to mean a quarter of an hour. “I don’t want to be late.”

“We have forty-five minutes, Venom. The ship isn’t

“You know, for a woman who is about to be tied up and completely at the mercy of my whims, you sure are sassy tonight.”

Her soft snort and amused giggle traveled out of the bathroom. If he wasn’t so damn infatuated with her, he would use this as a teaching moment to instill some discipline. Considering the way her punishment had gone the other night, he knew that he simply didn’t have it in him to mold her into a more obedient, more typical Harcos wife. No, he liked her just the way she was.

When she appeared in the doorway of the bathroom, his brain threatened to explode. His cock started to fill and his heart raced. Dizzy had convinced him to allow Hallie to take her costume shopping for their first night at the club. He wondered if that was such a good idea now.

Swallowing hard, he asked, “Where did you get that shirt?”

“At the uniform shop,” she answered while slowly advancing toward him. “The costume shop didn’t have anything I liked so I decided to make something fun.” As if reading his mind, she quickly added, “I checked with the regulations before cutting up the shirt. I was assured there weren’t any rules against it.”

Venom eyed the naughty little outfit she had crafted. He had a feeling a pile of complaints were going to be stacking up on Vicious and Orion’s desks tonight. “There probably will be by morning.”

Spinning slowly, she asked, “What do you think?”

His lecherous gaze raked her sexy body. She had cut a land corps uniform shirt in half and altered the top to be formfitting. It tied in the front and she had done something to the sleeves to make them puffy and pleated. The flirty, feminine take on the top was definitely going to turn heads.

Dizzy had used the remainder of the fabric to make a skirt. The hem barely covered her sweet little ass. The garter belt and black thigh-highs he had chosen for her looked sinfully sexy. He was glad that he had indulged her request to wear panties tonight. Though he didn’t mind other men looking at his gorgeous bride, he didn’t want them getting a peek at the parts of her that belonged only to him.

“I think I should probably toss a weapon or two into my bag because I’m probably going to have to fight off every swinging dick in that place to get you out of there.”

Dizzy’s mischievous grin made his heart flutter. “Then I guess I did well.”

“Very well,” he said and reached for her. He only allowed a quick kiss because he knew how easily he was distracted by her sweet mouth. When he pulled back, he studied her hair. She had pulled it up into a high ponytail but that wasn’t going to work. “I’m going to braid this.”

“I can do that.”

He shook his head. “I would like to do it.”

“Okay.” She seemed a little nervous as she sat on the spot he indicated next to the bed. “Why does it need to be braided?”

“It doesn’t need to be braided but I would prefer to know that it’s totally out of the way when I’m working tonight.” He sank down onto the mattress and pulled her back between his knees. “Braided hair looks beautiful next to rope work. I’m fond of the aesthetic side of bondage too.”

“I could tell,” Dizzy murmured as he uncurled the elastic binding her hair and combed his fingers through it. “When you put the rope corset on me before the wedding, I noticed the way you made sure the diamonds were spaced so evenly. I figured some of that was about balancing the tautness of the rope but it looked too pretty to be totally practical.”

“Yes,” he agreed while gathering her hair between his fingers and starting the braid. The silky pale strands felt so incredibly soft in his hands. He enjoyed the light, feminine fragrance wafting from them. “One of these nights I’ll tie your hair into the restraints.”

“That sounds intriguing.” Judging by the prickly bumps of excitement raising along her shoulders and neck, Dizzy found the idea much more than simply intriguing.

When he finished braiding her hair, he helped her stand and kissed her cheek. He wrapped her bridal collar around her neck and made sure it was loose enough to cut down on any chafing. She stepped into her heels and adjusted her thigh-highs.

As she clung to his hand and followed him out of their quarters, she asked, “So, um, how much clothing do I get to keep on during the demonstration?”

Sensing her anxiety, Venom smoothed his hand down her back to cup her bottom and drag her against him. “I won’t allow anyone to see you naked. I like to remind you that your body belongs to me—but I would never force you to bare yourself to anyone.”

She relaxed in his arms. “Thank you.”

He brushed his lips across her temple and gave her backside a loving pat. “It’s about respect, Dizzy. You don’t have to thank me for that.”

Despite her insistence on accompanying him tonight, Venom could tell Dizzy was second-guessing herself as they entered the double doors of the club. She slowed her walk and gripped his hand between both of hers.

Low, thudding music greeted them when they stopped at the registration desk. The man behind the desk actually got up out of his seat to look Dizzy over. He shot Venom an envious smile. “Nice catch, Captain.”

Venom grunted and put his hand between Dizzy’s shoulders. He hitched his equipment bag higher on his shoulder and gently pushed her forward. She hesitated a few steps inside the club. There were couples and unmated officers lounging around the bar area.

She lifted her questioning gaze to his face. “I thought your people don’t dance. What’s with the music?”

“The music isn’t here for dancing.”

As if on cue, a shrill cry erupted from deeper into the club. It wasn’t the sound of a woman keening with pleasure but pain. Next to him, Dizzy swayed a bit and pressed tightly to his side. “Oh my god.”

Venom cupped her beautiful face and held her gaze. “Sugar, do you want to leave? We’ll go right now. I’ll cancel this class in a heartbeat and take you home.”

She swallowed nervously but shook her head. “I want to stay. But…I don’t want to see whatever the hell is making that woman scream like that.”

“Truthfully? I don’t want to see it either.” He caressed her face in a way that he hoped was reassuring. “I respect every couple’s right to indulge whatever kinks rev their engines but I’m not a fan of play that causes enough pain for a woman to let loose a cry like that. It doesn’t sit well with me.”

“Or Raze either, apparently,” Dizzy said thoughtfully.

He followed her gaze and spotted Raze storming across the club. He disappeared down the steps that led into the dungeon-like area where the whipping posts were hidden. Apparently those cries of pain weren’t the consensual kind.

“He doesn’t,” Venom confirmed, “but that’s not why he’s heading that way. Did you see the device lighting up on his arm?”

“That bright-red box?”

He nodded. “It’s a device that the monitors wear to keep everyone safe. Within the club, the universal safeword is red but most couples have a word they use whenever their play gets too intense. During check-in, the word is added to a database and tied to our chips. It allows the monitors to keep an eye on couples who are playing near them.”

Dizzy frowned up at him. “We don’t have one of those words.”

“We don’t need one.”

Her eyebrows bunched together. “And why is that?”

“If you ask me to stop, I stop. I’m not playing games with you or trying to edge you or push you. I asked for complete honesty when we’re together and you’ve given it. You trust me to keep you safe and I trust you to know when you’ve had enough.” He gave her braid a tug. “Do you want a safeword? You can pick one if it would make you feel more secure.”

She considered his offer for a few seconds. “No thank you. I think we’re fine just the way we are.”

Glad that she agreed with him, Venom took her hand and led her through the gathering crowd. A few times, Dizzy stopped to gawk at the public play stations they passed. He thought her eyes were going to bug out of her head when she spotted a woman down on all fours and the line of men waiting to have their chance with her.

“Venom! Is that—I mean—what the hell?”

Before answering her, he tilted his head to see if the woman was a mate or a poppy. The black collar around her neck answered that question quickly enough. Venom wondered at the motives of her husband. “It’s probably a gangbang fantasy.”


“No,” he calmly scolded her. “It’s not gross. It’s their choice. Remember—it’s not our place to judge. For all we know, that couple thinks we’re crazy because I tie you up.”

Dizzy gasped when the next man in line rammed his cock into the woman’s ass. The woman cried out with pleasure but Dizzy didn’t see it that way. She was too shocked by what she was witnessing to actually
the scene. The woman was pushing back and egging on the man taking her from behind.

Venom winced when Dizzy gripped his hand tightly enough to cause pain. When she lifted her terrified eyes to his face, he kissed her forehead and tugged her along. “Let’s go.”

They weaved in and out of the mingling bodies toward the private rooms in the back. His class tonight was relatively small—only six couples and ten single officers—so he had been given a moderate-sized room equipped for hardcore rope bondage, including reinforced suspension rings from the ceiling and a pulley system and a leather bondage table.

Venom grasped Dizzy by the waist and lifted her onto the table. He took a moment to study her beautiful face. Her shaken expression confirmed his worst fear. “This is why I didn’t want to bring you.”

“I know.” She clasped his arms. “You’re sure that woman enjoyed that?”

“Yes. There were monitors there. Her mate would have discussed the scene with them before it began. The monitors would have questioned her to make sure she was open to the scenario.”

Dizzy gulped. “Is that how all women are shared?”

,” he answered emphatically. “That was an extremely unique and hard thing that you witnessed. Many couples who share do it in a gentler, more loving way. That couple seems to have very distinct tastes.”

Her face turned bright red as she asked, “Do a lot of women like to…you know…

“Are you asking me if women enjoy anal sex?”

She looked as though she was about to slide off the table in embarrassment. He often forgot that despite her age and her success as an independent woman, Dizzy had come into his life incredibly inexperienced when it came to sex.

“Yes,” she finally managed.

“Lots of women enjoy anal sex and lots of them don’t.” He shrugged. “I suspect it has to do with their introduction to it.”

Her cheeks still stained red, she asked, “Do you want to do that to me?”

“I’ve thought about it,” he admitted. Cupping her face, he teased their mouths together. “Rest assured, sugar, if we decide to try that, we’ll do it my way. It will be gentle and slow and you’ll be the one in charge.”


“You.” He tapped the tip of her nose. “Sit here while I get everything ready.”

She nodded but didn’t say anything. Her wide eyes scanned the room. Slowly couples and single officers started to file into the space. He could almost smell her nervousness. It shouldn’t have excited him but it did. He liked having her off-kilter because her responses were so much sweeter.

But as her mate, as the man who was falling head over heels in love with her, his first priority was always going to be her well-being. No matter how much he wanted to publicly bind and decorate her supple body, he would never do anything to harm her mentally or emotionally.

Using his body to block out the gathering crowd, Venom braced his hands on either side of her thighs and peered right into her eyes. “Be honest with me. Do you want to go home?”

She licked her lips. “Yes.”

“Do you also want to stay and give this a try?”

She nodded. “I do.”

“So what’s it going to be, sugar? Do we stay? Or do we go?”

Dizzy ran her hands from his wrists to his shoulders and back down again. “We stay.”

“All right.” He leaned forward and kissed her. Instead of a simple, easy kiss, he plundered her mouth, taking what he wanted from her and reminding her how much he desired and needed her. He backed off just a little before swiping their tongues together one last time.

Venom enjoyed the sight of her swollen, pink pout and lust-darkened eyes for a few seconds before turning around and clapping his hands together. “Okay. Let’s get started…”


What the hell am I doing here?

The only things keeping Dizzy from bolting from the room were her shaky legs—and Venom’s commanding presence. As she sat there in her flirty outfit waiting for him to strip her down to her undies and tie her up with rope in front of three dozen or so people, she wondered where this burst of courage had originated. All it took was one encouraging smile from Venom and her anxiety fled.

It finally occurred to her that she wasn’t just falling in love with Venom. No, she had
fallen in love with him.

As Venom talked about ensuring the safety of the submissive partner and then choosing the right ropes for the right scenes, Dizzy tried to figure out when her heart had become his. It had come upon her so slowly that she couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment. She could only say with certainty that it had happened.

The logical side of her brain screamed that less than two weeks with a man was way too quick to fall in love. Her heart thudded wildly and basically told her brain to shut up. Right, wrong, fast or slow—she loved Venom.

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