Saved by the Blizzard: A romantic winter thriller (Tellure Hollow Book 2) (25 page)

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Authors: Adele Huxley

Tags: #A winter thriller romance

BOOK: Saved by the Blizzard: A romantic winter thriller (Tellure Hollow Book 2)
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A low moan escaped my lips. Bryan chuckled softly, the sound vibrating in my ear. As if to tell me he too was worked up, he pressed his cock against my thigh, the heat and hardness a pleasant surprise. My nails dug into his skin, pulling him closer. Our lips met again, tongues hungrily dancing, the heat building like crazy between us.

His fingers worked their magic below. Knowing there were no limits, I felt myself give into the sensations like never before. I didn’t have to hold back. I didn’t have to keep control “just in case.” As his fingers delved deep inside me, I truly gave myself over to his control and he played me expertly.

My pussy was incredibly wet, facilitating the dance across my skin. With a deft touch, he stoked the fire until I was covered with a thin sweat. When I felt like I couldn’t take it any longer, that my sanity was on the brink of cracking from need, I panted a quiet word. “Please.” Bryan’s eyes were filled with the same heat I’d seen the night in the cabin and mine, mirror images.

I gently pushed his shoulder to the bed, climbing on top and settling the sheets over my shoulders. I wiggled into place, nestling his cock against my pussy with no expectation. I loved the delicious warmth of his body, the way we slotted together like a perfect design. We kissed like virgins, softly, tentatively. Oh man, did I ache to feel him inside but I was happy enough to have him there, pressed against me.

He pulled away and wordlessly checked that I was still okay with going further. I smiled and nodded, arching my hips against his pelvis in answer.

His soft lips against mine, he shifted his weight ever so slightly and I felt the tip of his cock at the entrance of my pussy. I smiled down at him, strands of my hair dangling to the side. With all my weight on one hand, I reached down with the other and guided him inside. My breath caught in my throat at the slight discomfort, a pleasant sting. Slowly, gingerly, I worked him inside until I’d taken in the full length of his cock. I’d always thought I’d be nervous my first time, but it couldn’t have been further from the truth. It felt right, complete. Whatever troubled path my life had taken to get to this point, I was glad it had led me to Bryan.

With him buried inside, I sat up fully, my inner thighs gripping at his hips, hands on his chest for balance. I closed my eyes and savored the full feeling, my muscles involuntarily tightening around his hardness. I wiggled a little, rolling my hips slightly like a belly dancer.

“Mmmm, holy shit,” he moaned beneath me. “That feels incredible.”

With a smile, I leaned forward, my hands on either side of his head. “But I don’t even know what I’m doing,” I said with a mock innocence.

Sliding his hand through my hair, Bryan grinned. “You’re right. You have no idea what you do to me.”

I rocked my hips again, feeling his length slip out and in. It’s amazing what the body knows instinctively. Every movement, every thrust, felt so natural and familiar. After a few experiments, I discovered how to grind myself in just the right way, my sensitive clit rubbing against his hard pelvis, Bryan thrusting from below, hand on my hip. It didn’t take long for the sensations to become completely overwhelming. The bed sheet sticking to my back from perspiration, I felt my climax barreling close.

“I’m...I think I’m gonna...” I panted as I rode him. I think he’d been waiting for those words of permission. Slamming into me hard and fast, Bryan moaned through his gritted teeth. It was the sound of his pleasure that finally tipped me over the brink.

Our bodies tightened in ecstasy, lips barely touching. Our hot breath mingled with curses as the orgasms tore through us. The rhythmic pulsing of my pussy matched the pumping of his cock. I couldn’t tell where my body ended and his began. As the last electrical currents of pleasure zapped through my core, I collapsed in a sweaty heap on top of him, moving only after I felt him slip from inside me. I rolled to his good side, nestling against his chest. I listened to the steady pounding of his heart, slowing by the minute. He brushed my bangs from my forehead and gave me a tender kiss.

“I have to ask,” he said with a chuckle. “How was it?”

“Honestly?” I replied meeting his eye.

“Well yeah, of course.”

“I don’t see what the big deal is.” I tried to reply with a deadpan look, but the way his jaw dropped just pulled the laughter right out of me. I quickly showered him with kisses, laughing harder. “I’m just kidding! It was amazing, I swear it.” He squinted at me, a smirk curling the corner of his mouth. “It was amazing and I want to do it over,” I repeated with a kiss, “and over,” kiss, “and over.”

And you know what? We did.

For the first time in my life, and the first time in years for Bryan, we felt completely at peace and filled with hope.

When life was a struggle, time seemed to move so slowly. Getting through each hour, each day was a challenge. The two years after my accident felt like a lifetime but after I met Liz, time began to speed up. I wanted to spend every moment I could with her but I was afraid those moments would slip faster and faster from my fingers. After the craziness with Kayla and Rick had died down, I finally could focus on us. Mr. Richards was practically driven out of town, selling the resort to the town for a fraction of what he paid. We lived together, worked together, but it wasn’t enough. Don’t get me wrong, I was thankful for every second, but I was still missing something I never thought I’d miss. I needed to make her my wife.

It was hard to believe it was nearly a year to the day from when we’d met. Since we’d never actually gotten together on a specific day, I’d chosen the day we met on the bridge as the start of our relationship. On the morning of, I woke her with breakfast in bed, complete with a strong cup of coffee. I could tell she was immediately suspicious.

“Thank you,” she said. She squinted at me as I sat on the end of the bed with a plate of toast. I was so nervous, it was all I could stomach.

“No problem,” I tried to say casually. “I had the day off, so I thought I’d treat you. I was thinking we could go for a little walk before heading up to the mountain.”

“A walk...”

I shrugged, taking a bite of the buttery toast. “It’s a nice day out.”

It was nerve-wracking trying to maintain a casual demeanor. Truth was, I’d been planning this day for months. I’d even cooked her breakfast randomly a few times to make sure when I did it on this day, it wouldn’t seem so out of character. We held hands as we meandered our way through the neighborhood, chatting about our Christmas plans, students at the ski school. When I turned left down the last street and the bridge came into view, Liz finally caught on.

“What exactly are you doing?” she asked with a sly smile.

I squeezed her gloved hand with mine and shook my head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I checked the road for traffic and pulled her across, standing just about where I’d first laid eyes on her. “And I certainly don’t know anything about a present that’s hanging over the edge right there.”

She studied my face for a moment before looking over the edge. “Where? I don’t see anything.”

“Maybe if I hold your feet,” I said grabbing her waist suddenly. She let out a shriek and laughed.

“Come on, what is it?”

I nodded to the bottom of the railing where a bright bungee cord looped around the base of one of the decorative cement pieces. She crouched down and pulled up the gift that dangled only a few feet below. I’d been so paranoid about it falling from the cord, I ended up having to help her untangle it from the bungee. But once we finally got it free, I set the wrapped package on the wide railing.

“Go on,” I said with a smile.

Liz tore into the present with abandon, the paper and ribbon falling to the ground. She cried out in surprise when she recognized the box as the very digital camera she’d been drooling over for months.

“I didn’t ruin your camera that day, but I thought I could at least get you a new one. Happy anniversary.”

She grinned up at me, flinging her arm around my neck and hugging me tightly. “You never cease to surprise me, Bryan Marsh.”

As we walked back to the house, relief washed over me. Giving her the camera was the first step for the day. The big event was still to come, but I wanted to do a bunch of special things to make her happy.
I think I’ve thrown her off the scent now.



As the gondola climbed up Powder Mountain, I started to rethink my decision to give her strong coffee. Well, the coffee, the camera, and arranging for her to pick whatever she wanted from the season’s latest Salomon women’s line of skis. She was talking up a storm while I felt like I might throw up from nerves. As always, Liz was a live wire of excitement and passion.

“I can’t believe you were able to do this for me! I swear, if I didn’t have to work later, today would be the perfect day,” she said patting my shoulder. We were alone in the gondola, which gave her the space to pace around. “Don’t get me wrong, I love working. It’s just that I’d rather spend the day in bed with you,” she finished with a wink. “Can you believe it’s actually been a year? The town owns the mountain, I’m a ski instructor. It’s crazy!”

“Yeah, totally,” I choked out with a forced smile. God, I was so nervous. I couldn’t remember ever feeling so nervous.

Picking up on my tone, she frowned at me slightly. “Are you okay? Is your leg bothering you?”

“No, no, I’m fine. Just a little indigestion from breakfast,” I said with the wave of a hand. She seemed satisfied enough and we continued up the mountain without any more conversational blips. As the doors slid open, the cold air helped center my thoughts. We gathered our equipment from the basket and made our way out to the flat at the top of the slopes, my stomach doing flip flops.

“Will you look at these skis? I mean, shit they’re beautiful,” Liz cooed as she placed them on the ground and stepped into the bindings. Before she pulled her goggles down, she gave me a wink. “Race you to the bottom?”

I’d wanted to take lead, guide her down the mountain to my prearranged spot, but before I could protest, she was off. Great, I cursed, chasing after her. Luckily, she headed down a wide intermediate run which gave me half a chance to overtake her. While she’d gotten the jump, I still had the higher max speed. Liz was taking wide, sinuous turns, obviously toying with me and the new skis. I tucked down and hugged the rock face to the right, flying past her with a wave. I heard a little yelp of surprise and the race was on.

“Hey!” came a shout to my left. I turned just in time to see her ski up the steep shoulder, catch air, and land ten feet ahead of me. My heart swelled with pride. She’d grown in leaps and bounds, certainly becoming a good enough skier to give me a run for my money.

We played this little game of cat and mouse down the mountain until I finally pulled ahead, gesturing for her to follow. With the slightest glance, I checked that everyone was in place. I slowed, hoping she’d be so preoccupied with crossing the finish line first, she wouldn’t notice the group of kids gathered at the top of the slope. Sure enough, she zoomed past me and skidded to a halt, raising her hands in celebration.

“Beat you, Blizzard!” she laughed. Pulling her goggles to the top of her helmet, she scrunched up her face in the most adorable way. “Why did we come down this way? I don’t have to be at work for another hour or so.”

As nauseous as I’d felt all morning about this moment, a calmness settled over me. I stepped out of my bindings and walked over, taking her in my arms. “One of my happiest memories is when I taught you how to ski, right here,” I said, gesturing up to the bunny slope. At the signal, one by one, nine of our regular students began to ski down the hill. Held above their heads were large poster boards with a single word written on each one. Liz looked at me, then back to the students, her hand clapped over her mouth.

“What are you...”

“Can you read the signs?” I prodded. The last kid had just pushed off, the question mark flying high in the air.

Liz squinted through her tears, wiping them as they rolled down her cheek. “‘Bryan loves you, Liz. Will you marry him?’ Oh Bry,” she said turning to look at me.

While she’d read, I’d dropped to one knee and pulled the small box from my coat pocket. The sapphire ring I held open sparkled in the sun, but it was no match for her beautiful blue eyes. “Will you?”

Her bottom lip quivered. My heart felt like it was going to pound right out of my chest, each second an eternity. I’d thought she’d say yes, but what if she...

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