Saved By The Belles (9 page)

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Authors: Beth Albright

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Saved By The Belles
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I thought it strange to be so loved by the press already, but I liked the publicity. Come to think of it, maybe they took that picture on my birthday when my new staff celebrated my birthday with a cake. I think she did kiss me during that little celebration in my office, and of course, someone had a camera there to capture the event. Yes, that was the first time she kissed me on the mouth with a photographer present. She gave me a kiss and I remember she whispered how excited she was to be working for me. I think she kinda idolized me.”

“Yeah, uh huh,” I smirked. I looked at Harry. Clearly he did love all that attention. He was in the right place as our senator. That was for sure. He loved the limelight, like a Kennedy. And he was great at his job too. He had such a love for his constituents, and for his hometown. He and I did have that in common.

“Finally, last week, we had a press conference,” he continued. “I had been answering questions when a certain photographer suddenly showed up in the crowd. I had seen him over and over in the weeks before. He always seemed to be in the crowd. Then before I knew it, Jessica grabbed me and kissed me on the lips again. The photographers went wild. After it was over I told her she’d have to leave. None of this would be good.”

“Hell, that’s an understatement,” Vivi hissed as she joined us with the baby on her hip. It broke the testimony as she brought the baby in for a visit.

“Look at that precious little girl—she looks so much like you, Vivi,” I cooed reaching up to kiss baby Tallulah’s little foot. Baby’s feet are so adorable. Those little fat feet, I could just eat ‘em up. I couldn’t wait for my little sweetheart to get here.

I could see Harry’s face warm to her. He hadn’t seen her at all until this moment. By the time she was born he had already left Tuscaloosa for D.C. He grinned at the little girl. All of us saw him, his face flushed. This was his niece after all, Lewis’ baby girl.

Vivi bent down to him sitting at the table. “Wanna hold her, Harry? You missed the birth and the christening. She’s your very own flesh and blood ya know? Let me introduce you to your niece, Miss Tallulah Heart.” Vivi smiled proudly.

Sonny and I watched from the opposite side of the table, Harry reaching up to take the little pink bundle from Vivi’s arms. I felt Sonny’s big warm hand slide over my knee and his fingers clutch my hand. I looked up at him and smiled. It was an awkward moment in a way as Harry and I hadn’t signed the final papers for our divorce yet. I looked at him but he was lost in the moment, holding his new niece in his arms. I knew in my heart he was telling the truth about the intern.

“That baby is just gorgeous,” Dallas declared. Vivi you and Lewis have to be so proud. I so hope I will be having a daughter soon, too.”

“Oh, really?” Vivi inquired. “Is there something you aren’t telling us?”

Dallas laughed, “Oh, no. I’m not giving birth to a baby. But I am trying to become a mother. Sara Grace was my daughter for nearly four weeks at Christmas and I need her back with me. I’m trying to adopt her.”

Harry looked up. He seemed shocked. Dallas had changed after he left town. So much had happened since he left and he was just starting to see how we all had moved on without him.

“Well congratulations, Dallas. That’s wonderful news.” Harry finally spoke up.

“Thanks, Harry.”

“And don’t forget to tell Harry who the new man in your life is.” Vivi kept right on making things uncomfortable. It was one of her specialties.

“Yes, Well, I’m seeing Cal these days. We’re engaged.”

“Cal? Cal Hollingsworth? Our old Bama quarterback?”

“One and the same,” Dallas smiled a bit embarrassed. I knew Vivi all too well and she was trying to make a point. We all had grown up and it was time Harry did the same.

“Yeah, I love Cal. Things are going great for us but with my baby girl, I’m stuck in limbo right now. Seems like there might be a hold-up or something. These things usually take more than a few months. Anyway they’re working on it at the Children’s Home. Any word yet?” She suddenly directed herself to me.

“No, uhm-- I haven’t heard back from anyone,” I slid a half-truth in. The thing was I hadn’t even had a chance to talk to anyone. Meridee knew everyone on the board and we did have Harlan McCullough the probate judge to pull some strings if he could. But it would probably take a little more time. I tried to encourage her anyway.

“Maybe we’ll hear something this week. I’ll see if I can keep digging for you.”

As we all adored Tallulah, Dallas’ cell phone rang in her Chanel knock off.

“Scuse me y’all—it’s the station.”

As Dallas talked on her phone, I kept thinking. One thing was still bothering me. Who in the world would want to set Harry up? And why?

I looked at Sonny. “I need to get back to the station for a late meeting,” he said, pushing back his chair and closing his notepad. “We’re gonna have to shut this brothel down ASAP ya know? We just need the proof of what they’re doin’ out there. I mean we
what they’re doin’, but it’s bein’ run out of somebody’s trailer home. We have to prove their charging for sex before we can shut ‘em down. I have a lead on it.”

“Go get ‘em baby. Home for supper?”

“Yep. I won’t be too late.” he kissed me as he stood up. “Come on Harry. I’ll drop you off at Meridee’s on the way. We need to keep you safe till we get this settled.”

“Hell, I was better off in Washington,” Harry said. “But I feel like I need to stay here until the truth comes out. I don’t want it to look like I’m running from something.”

Hmm. Integrity. It was a new look on Harry and I liked it.

Dallas threw her phone back in her bag and looked at all of us from the end of the table where she was sitting.

“Big news y’all. Seems like some amateur photographer just came into the station trying to sell us pictures of Harry-- with Jessica the intern. I think we’ve found our paparazzi.”






“Meet me at the Tutwiler,” Sonny said when he called me. I was on my way home but he said it was urgent. He sounded excited so even though I was tired and anxious to get home, I drove straight to the gorgeous old historical hotel just south of downtown. I pulled into the valet parking and gave the gentleman my keys and made my way inside the grand old foyer. The sweeping staircase curved up to the right.

My eyes followed the stairs and standing at the top was my knight, Sonny, hands in his pockets, his feet crossed at the ankles as he leaned against the top of the railing. He was smoldering, his left eyebrow up and that come to me look heating up my body.

 What was he doing here? He made his way down the stairs and reached for me.

“I just wanted it to feel like we were on a date, that’s all. You know-- before the baby comes. This will be our last Valentines Day as a couple. From now on, we’ll be a family. So I wanted this one to be special.”

 “Oh, baby. You are so sweet. I had planned to make you dinner tomorrow night.”

 “Or maybe you could just
dinner,” he grinned. “So come into the restaurant and order anything you want.”

 “Okay, but lemme run to the restroom. You know me and this pregnancy bladder.”

 “I do. I’ll go too, that way we won’t be disturbed at all.”

 Sonny led the way down the creamy-colored opulent hallway toward the first floor of rooms. The gorgeous old tapestry carpet took me back to a time and place so simple and sweet when my mother, Kitty would bring us here once a month for the Sunday buffets. Sconce lighting lit the amber hallway. But just as we approached the bathrooms, Sonny stopped short.

 “Looky here,” he said bending down. Somebody lost their room key.”

 “Huh, should we take it back to the front desk?” I asked.

 “Why don’t we try it first?”

And before I knew it Sonny had put the key in a random door and flung it open.

“You first, beautiful,” he offered as he invited me in holding his hand out.

I was confused but followed his lead. The room was filled with lit candles, rose petals on the bed, and a prime rib dinner waiting on the table by the huge window.

“What is this?” I asked.

“Dinner. I thought we could have some privacy,” he said proud of his surprise, a sly grin on his luscious lips.

“Oh, Sonny, this is the best surprise I have ever had. But my things? I need my night things.”

“Over there, my little princess.” And to my total amazement, Sonny had packed me an overnight bag, with all my lotions and potions and make-up for the next day. And he got it all exactly as if I had packed myself.

“How did you know what all I would need?”

“I watch you, baby. And I know you.”

I had never felt more special or more loved in my entire life. My heart was so full—real love just filling me up. My eyes brimming with tears as I looked at him, his sweet brown eyes glistened too as he looked deeply at me. I sat down on the edge of the bed and Sonny dropped to his knees in front of me. He held my hands, caressing them as he spoke. “I love you so much Blake, you have made me the happiest man in the world. I get to sleep right next to my dream-girl every night, and wake up to my angel in the sunrise. I can’t believe my teenaged dreams all came true.” He kissed me deeply.

I saw several gifts wrapped in red velvet and tied with white satin bows.

“You even brought me presents? Oh baby, I don’t have my Valentine’s gift here for you, sweetheart,” I said walking my fingers up his suit coat and kissing his neck.

“Baby, you’re the only gift I’ll ever need.” He kissed me softly with his warm lips, devouring me and pressing his hard body into mine.

We feasted on our decadent dinner then stretched out over the red silky rose petals on the huge king-sized bed. I had opened my presents of a silver necklace with a diamond studded heart dangling on it and a bracelet with one charm on it--baby booties.

“Whatcha thinkin, beautiful?” Sonny was lying next to me, the moonlight dancing over the heavy yellow and white quilts. The bed was so warm and next to Sonny’s big muscled frame, my tired pregnant body finally relaxed.

“Just so much on my mind,” I said snuggling into him. I was so happy just feeling his body next to mine. There was a definite difference between how I felt being with Harry and Sonny. When I was married to Harry, okay well, I still
but only technically, I knew I loved him. I felt a partnership with him. I used to think that was the most important thing—to be partners, interested in the same thing. Harry and I built our law practice based on this belief. But with Sonny, I’ve learned something about myself.

I now see how important it is to just feel safe and loved. The partnership thing is important, but what I love about being with Sonny is that constant feeling of being wrapped in love all the time. It has given me an unbelievable feeling of safety. I never felt so completely safe with anyone else. I have always felt this with him. I know if I’m next to him, I will always be okay. It’s like I can slow down and just breathe. I don’t have to perform. I can be in ratty sweats, cleaning the oven and he will sneak up behind me and suddenly I feel his warm lips on my neck. Harry never did that.

With Harry it was always how to get more, do more, make more and win. Eventually that just wasn’t sexy. All that money and power was so empty. It was like our marriage was a mannequin—gorgeous, plastic --and without a soul.

With Sonny life was real and messy and spontaneous—and so very sexy.

My hands wandered down his toned thigh, slipping up to his warm hard manhood. I squeezed gently. He rolled over and kissed my ample round breasts. I could feel his hot breath on my skin. His hands travelled over my ass, cupping as he rolled his tongue over mine, kissing me deeply.

“Maybe I can give you something else to think about,” he whispered as he licked my neck. Sonny and I never stopped being intimate the entire time I have been pregnant. And it was always wonderful and satisfying.

He slipped his hand inside my thighs and made his way inside, gently, as he kissed my neck. His lips dragged down my chest settling between my breasts. I opened myself to him lying on my side. Sonny loved me when I was sexy or even pregnant.

“God Blake, I don’t think you’ve ever been more beautiful than you are right this minute.” He kissed the mounds of each breast as he moved down.

“We are one inside you. Forever bonded in our love, is our son. I have never loved you more or found you more sexy than you are right now.”

“I love you Sonny,” I murmured, scratching my nails through his thick brown hair. I arched my head back letting him create his magic.

His warm wet tongue ran over my nipple as his hands turned me over and slid under the small of my back. He held himself up with his rippled muscular arms and entered me slowly then faster until we both fell into warm sweet ecstasy.

“I love you too, Blake.” Sonny whispered as I sighed laying back.

I loved looking up at those sweet brown eyes, glistening in the candlelight; his hot sweaty body relaxed rolling over to lie next to me.

“No matter how old we get, no matter what life has planned for us, I love you. I have always loved you and will forever.” He kissed my lips softly and held me in his arms.

We must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew the sunrise had crept over our quilts, pushing aside the moonlight that had stretched over us just hours before. I turned to Sonny and snuggled up close to his warm, still sleeping body. Just as I was dozing back into slumber, I heard my cell ring. Please, I thought, it’s only 6:30 am. It went to voicemail but instantly rang again.

I slipped from beneath Sonny’s arm and out of the warm oasis to my purse over near the bay window.

“Hello? This better be good ‘cause the sun isn’t even up and I’m eight months pregnant.”

“Blake, I’m sorry. It’s Dallas. I just got a tip.”

“Well, if it’s not good, I have one for you too,” I snapped.

“I just got a photo texted to me by an anonymous source. They blocked their number.”

“What’s the pic?”

“It looks like Jessica, the intern,” she said still excited.

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