Saved by an Angel (3 page)

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Authors: Virtue Doreen,calibre (0.6.0b7) []

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Slow Down!
by Arlene Martin
Thank God I Listened,
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Rescued by an Earth Angel,
by Lorein Cipriano
A Lifesaving Warning,
by Jane Anne Morgan
Saved by My Guardian Angel,
by Alison Clarke Taylor
The Nurse Who Talks to Angels,
by Anonymous
Angel Guidance Kept Me Safe,
by Martin W. Acevedo
An Angel Watching Over Me,
by Azaya Deuel
“Breathe, Kate!”
by Kate Whorlow
On the Wings of Angels,
by Azaya Deuel
The Night the Angels Warned Me of Impending Danger,
by Natalia Kuna

Chapter 12: Sensing the Presence of Angels or Deceased Loved Ones

Pet Reunion,
by Patricia Genetos
A Promise of Love,
by Laura M. Mehlhorn
Grandpa’s Loving Voice,
by Candice Graham
And the Angels Sang,
by Susan
A Noise That Saved My Life,
by Brenda Gagas
Thank You, Great-Grandma!
by Tracey Staples
He Kept His Promise,
by Peggy L. Lorenz
No Other Explanation,
by Lisa Gayle Davis Flores
Eternally Blooming,
by Barb Hacking
An Angel’s Kiss,
by Maya Tonisson

Chapter 13: Angel Lights

The Choice,
by Christine Sinon
Lights of Purity and Joy,
by Jonathan Robinson
White Lights and the Miraculous Recovery,
by Donna DeRuvo
by Lisa Crofts
Escorted by Angels,
by Elaine M. Elkins
Steam-Room Angels,
by Stephanie Gunning
Saved by the Light,
by Mili Ponesse
Guardian on the Road,
by Douglas Lockhart
The Light of My Mother’s Love and Wisdom,
by Judith Mitchell
Thank You, Raphael!
by Sue Barrie

Chapter 14: Signs from Above

The Little Cross,
by Tuihana Marsh
An Angel Who Descended from the Clouds,
by Susan Moore
The Purple-Haired Angel,
by Leanne Hernandez
Safe and Sound,
by Suzanne Chaney
The Comforting Angel Cloud,
by Rebecca Powers
Happy in Heaven,
by Helen
A Sign from Uncle Frank,
by Angie Chiste
The Message from the Rose Petals,
by Bonnie Suzanne Koester
A Sign of Protection,
by Micci DeBonis
A Call from My Angel,
by Suzanne Goodnough
A Sign from the Blessed Mother,
by Antoinette Voll
by Charmaine Jabr
Healing Angel,
by Lily Alexandrovitch
A Tiny Miracle,
by Cammi Collier
An Abundant Sign,
by Elles Taddeo
All You Have to Do Is Ask,
by Reta


Chapter 15: Being Receptive to Heaven

Chapter 16: A One-Week Plan to Open Yourself to Angel Visions

How Chanting Helped Me See My Angel,
by Molly Donohue

Chapter 17: How to See an Angel


About the Author


ave you had an angel experience? Ever since my life was saved by an angel during an armed carjacking in 1995, I’ve devoted my time to researching and teaching these experiences. Just within the past five years, it seems that an increasing number of us have seen, heard, or felt the presence of a celestial being, based on the ever-growing number of angel stories I’ve received.

Fifty-five percent of the 1,700 American adults surveyed by Baylor University in 2008 reported that they had been “protected from harm by a guardian angel.” The survey included a statistically significant number of people who didn’t consider themselves religious, which illustrates how angels help everyone equally.

The angels are here among us right now, and
guardian angels are with you as you read this sentence. They’re making their presence known in order to help calm earthly fears about the future and to guide you to the path of your Divine life purpose.

This book contains true accounts of people whose lives have been saved or changed by angelic intervention. Some of these stories are favorites culled from my previous books
Angel Visions
Angel Visions II.
As you’ll read, the people involved are ordinary folks. You don’t need to be a saint or lead a perfect life in order to connect with angels. Every person has guardian angels who provide protection and guidance.

The word
means “messenger of God.” These beings help us hear the messages of God’s will, especially during times when we’re in crisis or too frightened or stressed to hear the Divine directly. After all, our Creator is 100 percent love, which is the highest vibrational level of all.

It’s easy to connect with God when you’re in a state of bliss, such as during meditation. However, when you need heaven the most, your stress vibrations lower your ability to hear this voice from above. That’s when angels are sent to your side, as bridges between the earthly ego and the Divine higher self.

Angel experiences come in many varieties, and in this book you’ll read about people who have:

• Seen an angel either in meditation or with their physical eyes
• Met a person who appeared suddenly in order to rescue them or deliver an important message, and then the helpful stranger disappeared without a trace
• Had a dream-time encounter with an angel, departed loved one, or ascended master (for example, Jesus, a saint, or some other spiritual being) while they were sleeping
• Heard a voice that offered a lifesaving message
• Saw a vision or sign that proved timely and significant
• Had a strong intuitive feeling that led them to safety
• Received an idea or thought that was instrumental in providing protection

As you read
Saved by an Angel,
you’ll likely notice more of the interactions you have with your
guardian angels. Since your angels are with you every moment of every day, you’re continuously interfacing with them. So, your sensitivity to, and awareness of, these encounters will be heightened by reading about other people’s experiences.

My prayer is that we will all remember to call upon our guardian angels. Our lives became more joyous, peaceful, and secure once we begin regularly connecting with heaven. We lose old fears about the future or about mortality, and begin focusing upon living life to its fullest. We worry less and feel happy more, knowing that our guardian angels are watching over us.

The angels aren’t shy, and they want us to know that they are with us. Because we have free will, they can only intervene if we give them permission in some way—by praying or asking for assistance, for instance, or through visualizations or affirmations. When we give our angels permission to help us, we
benefit. After all, when we’re at peace, we add more peace to the world.

I can imagine a world filled with happy people who are individually connecting with God and their angels. Now that’s truly peace on Earth!

With love,

Author’s Note:
Certain individuals have requested anonymity, or that only their first name or initials be used to identify them.

Chapter 1

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