Saved b ythe Bear

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Authors: Stephanie Summers

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by the


An Erotic Short Story




Stephanie Summers


Saved by the Bear

© 2014, Stephanie Summers.


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.


This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Published by: Stephanie Summers


Saved by the Bear


Her heart pounded as the beast approached her. Legs quivered beneath her, exhausted from running as fast and as far as she could. She steadied herself against a tree and looked for a way out.

She’d managed to escape that dreadful estate where she’d been held captive only to be chased down by a panther just as she made her exit. Months had passed as she plotted her way to freedom, and it would all be over within the blink of an eye, but at least she’d be free. Too bad she’d be too dead to enjoy it.

The beast stalked toward her, smelling the air full of fear. A deep growl emanated from its chest. The animal’s tongue licked at its whiskers. Its paw shot out and swiped at her.

She yelped and moved quickly to the side, narrowly avoiding the panther’s razor sharp claws. A tree branch cracked and snapped behind her, catching the predator’s attention.

The large cat’s ears perked up and its gaze moved past her as it sniffed the air. It glanced back at her before peering into the dark forest.

Careful not to take her eyes off the panther completely, she glanced to the side of the tree. A brown beast, at least nine feet tall, stood huffing at the panther.

She gasped as the bear moved closer and clacked its teeth. The panther backed up slightly before lunging at the bear, claws first. The bear caught the panther’s front leg and yanked it hard, breaking the cat’s limb easily.

The panther screamed as it shifted into a human man, his arm nearly torn in two. He tried desperately to pull himself out of harm’s way with his uninjured arm, but the bear nonchalantly walked up to him and ripped his throat out with its large teeth. Bleeding out all over the thick forest floor, the man died in seconds.

Collapsing to her bottom, she went motionless with shock and fear. The grizzly turned toward her and raised itself to stand at its full height. It sniffed the air and plunked back down on all fours before moving closer to her.

Wrapping her arms around her trembling body, she begged for the beast to spare her. The bear stood upright once more and watched her as if it understood her fear. Its chocolaty brown eyes possessed something more than just an animal behind them.

Before her very eyes, the beast began to shake and within a few seconds, it shifted into the form of a muscular, six-and-a-half foot naked man.

His honey brown hair hung half way down his back and cascaded over one shoulder. Eyes studied her intently. Muscles rippled as he moved toward her and crouched down, holding out his hand to her.

She cowered in fear. “What are you?” she asked as her voice cracked. “Please don’t hurt me.”

“I’m a man, you’re a woman, and I’m helping you up. No one is going to hurt you.”

“No man I’ve ever met started out as a bear. How do I know I can I trust you?”

“Because I’ve just killed this one for bothering you. He’s one of Old Man Westerly’s. I expect there’ll be more out looking for you. What have you done?”

She took his hand as he helped her to stand upright. “I’d rather not say. Just let me go.”

He stepped closer, his perfect cock catching her gaze briefly as she swallowed hard. “It isn’t safe out here for a pretty lady like yourself. Please, come with me and I’ll help you as best I can. I live not a mile from here.”

“Do you have any clothes to cover yourself with nearby?”

The corner of his mouth turned up into a half-smile. “No,” he said, taking her hand in his and leading her away from the dead man. “What is your name, Little Angel?”

“I’m no angel, trust me on that one. My name is Seraphina, but most people call me Sera.”

“I’m Ryder, and you look like an angel to me, Seraphina.”

Running her fingers through her light brown hair, she tried not to blush. She walked just behind him still holding his hand as he led the way through the trees. She stole a quick glance at his tight ass, and she caught herself wanting to smack it just to hear the sound it’d make. They walked in silence for a while before coming upon a small cottage in the middle of the forest. Ryder opened the door and ushered her inside.

The cottage consisted of one main room with a smaller room off to the side. There wasn’t much to it but a rather large bed, a couple of chairs, some shelves full of books, and a wood stove.

“You live here or is this like a hunting cabin?”

“I live here for the most part. I like to keep to myself.”

“What are you? What was that man?” She slipped out of the sandals that had begun to dig blisters into her heels.

Ryder walked over to a pile of clothes lying on the floor. He stepped into a garment and pulled it up over his legs and hips.

Holy fuck, he’s wearing a kilt.
She bit at her bottom lip as she looked him up and down. A spark of desire ignited deep inside her as she watched his masculine body move in the blue and black checkered kilt.

“I’m a werebear. He was a werepanther. And if you don’t stop biting that lip of yours, Little Angel, I might have to do something about it.”


He nodded and cocked his eyebrow. “Haven’t seen a woman out here in ages.”

“What makes you think I’d let you do anything to me?”

“I saw the way you were looking at my dick. You want it, and you want it bad, if I had to guess.”

She did want him, though she tried to push the urge she had for him away. “Sorry. I only get down and dirty with humans, not bears.”

“I am human... mostly. I just happen to have an extra quality that most don’t have.”

“Why the kilt?”

“It’s comfortable. You like it?”

“Actually… I do. I’ve never seen a man wear one in person.”

“Easy access.” His hand grazed the area between his legs where his cock was concealed before sitting. He patted the bed beside him. “You can come sit down if you like.”

“Um, thanks, but I’ll just stand over here.” She glanced out the small window nervously. “Why do you call me that? Little Angel?”

“Because you’re beautiful, and you’re wearing a flowing white dress like an angel.” He eyed her breasts threatening to pop out of the top of the white halter dress.

“How long are we going to be here?”

“Where else would we go?”

“I thought you were helping me?”

“I am, but it’s much safer for you to stay put for the time being, at least until he calls off the search for you. Why were you out there running anyway? You didn’t say.”

“It’s a long story.”

“We’ve got plenty of time.”

Seraphina sighed and rolled her eyes. “Fine. I was given to Mr. Westerly’s son.”

Ryder’s brows furrowed. “Given to him?”

“Yes. My mother owed Mr. Westerly a debt she couldn’t pay, so when he came collecting, she gave me to him.”

“Wait a sec. How old are you?”


“Why didn’t you just leave?”

“Well, not all of us can shift into a giant scary bear when we’re threatened… He had a gun and threatened to kill me if I didn’t comply.”

He dragged a big hand through his hair and looked down at the floor. “That’s seriously fucked up.”

“Tell me about it. After I got there, he told me I’d be married to his son as soon as he returned from a summer trip to England. He came back about a month ago, and is one of the scariest bastards I’ve ever met. I mean, he’s not all that big, but he’s not right in the head. I would’ve been his fourth wife. Apparently, he likes to torture women until he’s finished with them, though he hadn’t really gotten started with me yet.”

“How did you manage to get away?”

“Every day they let me out into the garden for a little while so I could soak up some Vitamin D. I studied what the guards did when I was out there, and got a sense of how much they really watched me. I saw my chance to run, so I took it.”

“I’m sorry that happened to you, Little Angel.”

“Please don’t call me that.”

“Why does it bother you?” Ryder looked at her breasts again and quickly back to her eyes.

She huffed and crossed her arms, trying unsuccessfully to cover her cleavage. “Because I don’t feel like an angel. Life has been pretty shitty, and it’s been a living hell. Why are you asking me so many questions?”

“I find you fascinating.”

“Yeah, because I have a pussy between my legs and you have a dick between yours. That’s why you think I’m fascinating.”

“No… well, yes, but that’s not the only reason.” He stood and walked across the room, closing the distance between them. He stared down at her with hunger in his eyes.

“Then tell me what it is that fascinates you,” she said breathlessly, his masculine scent intoxicated her, causing her to throw caution to the wind.

Ryder grabbed Seraphina’s hips and pulled her to him. His growing erection pressed into her abdomen. She looked up seductively into his eyes, urging him on. “Everything,” he whispered as he dipped his head and kissed her. “Your blue eyes.” Kisses feathered against her jawline. “Your soft skin.” He caressed her arm with his meaty hand. “Your ass.” His other hand squeezed her backside. “Everything.”

She moaned softly every time he touched her somewhere new. To think she’d been almost killed not a half an hour before was mind blowing. Never in a million years did she ever think she’d be in the arms of the biggest, sexiest man she’d ever seen in her entire life who also just happened to shift into a bear from time to time.

Part of her wanted to run and get as far away from the area as she could, but the other part of her wanted to be ravaged by him. Wanted to take up permanent residence in his bed.

“Seraphina… such a lovely name for a lovely woman. Do you want me to show you how lovely I think you are?”

“Please,” she whispered.

Ryder’s arm wrapped around her back; his other arm moved to just behind her knees and scooped her up. Carrying her across the room, he laid her gently on the bed. “I love this dress on you,” he said and started to push the hem up as his hands grazed her thighs. “So feminine.”

“Really? I hate it. They made me wear it all the time.” She looked away from him as she spoke.

Touching her chin with his finger, he guided her gaze back to him. “If you hate it, then so do I. Let’s get rid of it.” He pushed it the rest of the way up her body and slipped it over her head. “I’ll burn it for you if you like.”

“What would I wear if you do that?”


He pinned her arms above her head with one hand and kissed the hollow of her neck, planting kisses along her throat as he moved back to her mouth. Warm and sensuous, his tongue delved into her mouth and explored.

Cupping her naked breast, he thumbed her nipple and coaxed it to harden. She threw her head back, pulling away from his kiss. Sucking air through her teeth, she exhaled at the sensation.

Writhing slightly with pleasure beneath him, her leg wrapped around one of his thighs.

“What would you like me to do to you?” He looked deeply into her eyes and waited for her response.

“Whatever you want.”

“No… I want you to tell me.”

“Lick me.”

“Where? Here?” he asked and licked at her jaw.

“That’s good, but I was thinking a little further south.”

“I see. Maybe here?” He licked the skin around her nipple before gently nibbling.

“Getting warmer,” she said in between deep breaths.

His hand slid down her side and to her thigh. He grabbed her behind her knee and bent her leg, repeating the process with the other leg. He kissed and nibbled at her inner thighs before pushing her legs further apart.

Ryder lowered his head and blew gently on her sex before exploring the folds of skin with his index finger. He rubbed her clit lightly as she began to buck her hips just a little.

He slipped a finger into her slick pussy and began to work it in and out before inserting another finger. Caressing her g-pot threatened to finish her off within seconds. He lapped at her clit while continuing to slide his fingers in and out of her.

She moaned and arched her back. Pulling him closer, her fingers gripped the sides of his head and tangled in his hair.

He spread her apart as far as he could and stuck his tongue into her pussy, slowly sliding it up and over her clit and back to her opening. He went back to focusing on licking her clit and stimulating her g-spot with his fingers.

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