Saved and Taken (3-Pack) (2 page)

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gThe fuck, Earl?” Junior asked, backing up.


"Nigger-lover," Earl said, rising to a seat. “Think you can just kick Earl around like that?”


gI’m fucking trying to save you, man. Save you from the cops. This is a public goddamn highway and we got hot meds right out here.”


gLike hell-” Earl was saying, but then, Lee kicked the gun out and stamped Earl’s arm down. I almost wanted to cheer, but then Earl’s other arm scooped Junior by the knee and laid him down flat. He rolled over him and the situation switched.


gFucking race traitor,” I heard Earl say over and over as he battered Junior with punches that Junior was blocking with only his arms. They were mighty arms, but Earl had gravity on his side, which made his fat work as good as muscle. Junior looked at me, and I could see no hate, no plea either. He didn't need loathing or love from me. He knew what he had done. Which was mostly, from what I could tell, save my life.
Well, I wasn't ready to trade my life for anyone’s and my resolve went up when i say a plastic tube rolling  away from Earl's back jean pocket. I picked it up, and saw poison signs, right next to some medicine name. Why would a guy be carrying around a tube of poison? Cause it also happened to have a picture of a horse.  Unless horses were considered pests round these parts, I was holding horse tranquilizer.
I heard something crunch as Earl landed another vicious blow on Junior's defences. His face flinched in defiant anger. Earl's big ass hung out in front of me, barely curtained by his boxers. Fuck Earl. I jabbed the syringe in and compressed it halfway. It was like shutting down a motor. Earl's punch slowed on its way down and landed as a tap. His head turned glacially and he drooled at me.
"Ngh?" he asked.
Junior jumped to his feet and socked Earl in the face. The thick biker went starfish.  
"Quick," Junior said, and he started rolling the snoring man into the dense countryside.
I stared at his straining form for awhile and then hustled over to help him move Earl. Then, we did Jimmy. Junior jabbed him with the remaining tranq.
"That'll keep them down for a couple hours," he said, mostly to himself, then looked at me. "You gotta be outta here by then."
"I want to," I said, then remembered and added. "Thanks, by the way."
"Let's go," was all he said and began jogging to the chopper.
I ran up as he hopped on, then remembered. "Where we going?"
"I got a buddy in a shop who will come fix up your car, but you can't be around.  This town really ain't a place for your kind."
I looked back at my little car with all my worldly gear. I remembered the Nazis slumbering nearby just hidden in the brush. Amazing how quickly shock lets you forget. Still, was the guy in front of me any better?
"You gotta trust me," he said. "We ain't gonna take your shit. I'm in plenty deep already."
It wasn't a great argument, but it was the only one on offer. I clambered up behind him, and wrapped my hands around his mid. His rippling, lean mid, I couldn't help but notice. The stress and shock and adrenaline was sloughing off me and without it, my body was becoming a jumble of tuning forks. I had almost been raped by people who thought of me as nothing but animal. Raped but for the work of these muscles under my grip. I wrapped into them tighter, feeling exhausted and wanting nothing more than to surrender my fate to the whims of the lean young professed nazi.
The engine rumbled to life, a rattling thrum that swallowed up my jitters.
"Hold on," Junior shouted back, though I felt more than heard. He had a deep voice that rattled through his muscle bound chest.
We kicked off and scattered down the road. The wind began screaming at our speed and I turned away. My car and the two Harleys already looked miniature and soon we banked a curve and they were gone altogether. I shut my eyes, feeling exhaustion and the shake of the engine working on me like I was a fussy baby. I couldn't surrender completely. I couldn’t trust this guy completely.
"You live here?" I asked.
All I got was the wind and rumble  for a bit, but then he added. "Closeby."
"What do you do?"
"I'm a white knight."
"I saw that. Thank you."
His head wagged against mine. "No, we're White Knights. That's the name of the club."
"Oh. So that’s like a job?"
"This ain't Atlanta, girl. We got work round here, no jobs. I do work with them."
No jobs, just work. No wonder the place was full of crime. No wonder it was full of racists. Racists who apparently moonlighted as prescription drug traffickers. Or maybe it was the other way around.
"And I don't need your thanks. They were just going to get us in trouble."
"Your brothers."
Another rumbling moment of hesitation. "Yeah. They slammed some of the shit we got from the Vet's ‘fore we left. Fucked up their sense of duty."
Somehow I didn't think he was talking about the racism. "Well anyway, you saved my ass there, Junior."
"It's Lee."
"Ok, I’m Jasmine."
"They call me Junior to fuck with me, but I know our shit better than they do."
The air shifted as the road wound into a grove of trees thick enough to almost be a tunnel. Trunks twisted out the ground with thick flat branches that spread out above us like a green umbrella. It filtered the light like a kaleidoscope, and cooled the heat to a warm gust.
"Yeah, you're all business." I nestled my head on his neck and felt the light speckled me with heat. Lee's aroma filled my nose, a rich musk that rose above the metal smell of the machine and the gas and the sweet breeze through the trees.
"They were wrong to try to get sex from you," he said. "That's race mixing."
"Oh yeah?" I said, too comfortable to care.
"We don't got no beef with blacks as long as they don't mess with us. And as long as they stay apart."
"Uh- huh."
"You weren't trying to sell your body or nothing. You were just trying to get out. Maybe we should have left you, but it ain’t much trouble to help you get back to your own."
"Yeah." I thought I heard birds singing.
"Like I said we had other shit to take care of."  He broke off into swears for a few seconds and reached down at patted at a satchel on the side of the chopper. He missed though and rubbed along my calf. His finger traced my bare skin softly, perplexed, then jerked away.
"They definitely fucked up, though," he said. "They wanted to mix with you. That's against natural law. We can live all peaceful like as long as we're apart."
"I see." The heat of his finger lingered though me and I was in no rush for it to leave. Apparently my memory of the moment was nothing compared to his. Something very hard was pressing up against the bottom edge of my hand, just above his waist. Something that hadn't been there before.
We slowed and then curved onto a dirt path barely the width of a couple tree trunks. The engine cooled to a purr, but now the ground jostled us. I opened my eyes and saw us moving toward a run down shack in a clearing ahead. After dark, that thing would probably look out of a horror movie. Striped with gentle sunlight as it stood now though, it looked way more Disney.
We pulled out of the treeline and the tires ground to a stop.  
"This is my bro's place. I mean my actual brother. He's outta town on club business."
The house looked even worse close up, but I saw no sign of motion.
"You stay here while you get fixed. My buddy will bring the car here, then you go."
"Sounds fine to me." I got off the bike feeling wobbly and steady at the same time. My body still rattled but the shock had left it. I stretched and Lee got off. He glanced at me, without turning. I remembered the erection he was sporting and smiled at him. He looked a little queasy and quickly walked through a door hanging off the hinge. I followed but stopped, when I seemed about to enter a dark cave.
"How long will it take?" I asked.
"Fuck if I know," his voice drifted out of the darkness. "Probably a coolant leak though. You check levels before you left?"
"Uh, how do you do that?"
A snort or maybe a laugh ran out. "Whatever. Come on in. If I wanted you hurt, I coulda done it long ago."
A click rang and then the room lit up yellow under a single bulb sticking out of the ceiling. I stepped into what looked like a den. There was a dirt brown couch across from a large flatscreen, between which sat a squat black table littered with empty bud cans. The carpet was an olive green, dyed camo almost under a mess of stains that would at any other time horrify me. The rest of the room was empty, but for another loose looking folding table with liquor bottles, and doorways leading elsewhere.
Lee patted down a corner of the couch, and I set myself down gingerly. If I was going to be murdered here, I didn’t need to die dirty. I looked up to see him watching me, but he looked away and wandered off grumbling. He pulled his phone and went out somewhere to place a call. His voice rang out loud enough that it didn't seem like he was pulling any stunts, and I studied the room some more. It could have been any college frat; nothing that indicated an Aryan biker gang ran the place.
Oh scratch that, there was a picture of Hitler half hidden by a closet door.
Lee padded back in, and set a 2L of soda before me before sitting down on the couch . "Buddy thinks it's coolant too. He gonna go pick it up now. Shouldn't be a couple of hours."
"Thanks," I said, "I don't have cash.  I got a checkbook...back in the car."
"Yeah, that's fine. Just make it out to cash." He hovered above me a second, then plopped on the far end of the couch, dug up a remote and flicked on the TV. He churned through a couple stations of racing, wrestling sports, then offered me the remote.
I shook my head. "It's your house."
"My brother's," he said, but went back to surfing. He stopped for a moment on an MMA fight, but had a change of heart and switched to an action movie, some cheap made for TV thing with good looking guys sprouting cheesy lines. He spread out, but he wasn't really watching. He checked his phone a few times, tilted his head my way as if to say something, then held back. Apparently the station was for my benefit.
"Hey," I said. "I'm ok with MMA."
"Oh yeah?"
"Watching two guys beat each other up might cheer me a little bit."
Lee grinned and flipped back. The same fight was on and under the sweat and blood, one of the fighters was a really cut white guy and the other was a scrappy looking Mexican or mixed dude. They grappled each other and Lee leaned in. It all seemed vaguely erotic. I didn't point this out to Lee. Didn't want to ruin the mood.
One guy got the advantage and put the other in a choke. I remembered Lee doing the same for Jimmy, his fierce look locked on me as his buddy went down.  I peeked out at him now from the corner of my eye and confirmed what I had seen then, a long lean body, ripped sure, but still flexible, not caked with pointless weight. It was a body designed for action.
The room felt uncomfortably warm, but then I landed on the 88 tattooed across his shoulder and my reverie dulled.
"Hey, if you got stuff to do, you don't need to babysit me," I said.
"Na, I'm good right here."
"You afraid I'm gonna steal something?"
His eyes leveled on me, and he searched my body for a second. It was quick, but I felt it like a laser. "You got nowhere to go," he concluded.
"Ah." I said. "Well, shit. Guess that ruins my plans."
"Guess so."
"Doesn't sound like you believe it."
"Believe what?"
"That all blacks steal stuff."
"Course not. I look like a dumbass to you?" The TV had gone to commercials and his voice boomed over it.


"I just thought you shared views."
"Those two are idiots. They ain't good for nothing but moving around drugs, and they do so much of their supply they ain't even great at that."
"So what do you believe."
"I told you.  I believe that races shouldn't mix. I think so long as we do that, keep each to his own kind, then we should get along just fine."
"So like a white nation?"
He nodded. "Exactly."
"And where would I go?"
He searched the room like there was space here. "I dunno. Back to Atlanta maybe? Or up north? We could split the country up. Got plenty of room."
"That's pretty nice of you."
"Like I said, It don't have to be violent." He shut the TV, at ease, as if he'd won me over.
"So could I visit then?" I asked, not exactly sure where this was taking me.
"Visit the white nation?" He seemed seriously stumped for a moment. "After a while maybe. After things cooled down. But why?"
"People visit other countries."
He shrugged. "Long as it's just a visit."
I stopped, looked at his form stretched out, just past me. He was part of the sofa itself, a tan glistening part. Heck with all the sun he got, our skin wasn't that far apart. He must have seen me watching him. His eyes seemed to fall on me too, each evaluating the other. Squaring up for another argument on his side maybe but not mine
Where are you going with this, Jasmine? I asked. As if I didn't already know. I'd dated all sorts of guys back in the city and I always knew the moment when I fell into their arms. It wasn't ever the words they said, but the way they said them, some treble of conviction in their voice. But here, I was hearing the opposite, and given the conviction, his doubt sounded even stronger.
The guy trafficked drugs. He rode in a 1% club. He wore gang tats, racist gang tats.  He shouldn't be helping some black girl over his brothers out of any principle. He could be saying words to me, but he was struggling to come up with rationale first. I'd say he was arguing with himself, with his history. Hell who wouldn't have history speaking to him in a run down place like this? But history seemed to be only a whisper now.
"So how long could I stay in your world?" I asked.
"Them's details." He waved me off. "You can't become a citizen is all. Your kids neither."
"What if I marry a guy there?"
"Mixing's forbidden."
"What if we just have a kid by accident?"
"Forbidden, girl. You didn't hear me?"
"I mean, it would happen if people visit. You can't ban that."
He started to say you could, but he still had plenty of gears up in his head, and I saw them turn. "Well, whatever, the kid ain't a citizen and he's gotta go back with the momma."
"Alright," I said. "What if we just had sex?"
His mouth roared open, but in silence. It seemed to want to say something beginning with “mixing,” but couldn't find the voice for it.
"I mean, two people from separate worlds share a night and then go on their way. Just a gesture of peace. Right?"
He looked at me a good long bit, his breathing under that sexy leather vest becoming more and more tense, and I wasn't sure if he would lunge for my mouth or just explode into a million pieces. I chanced a glance at his ripped jeans and saw a clear bulge digging out of it.
I reached for his hand and he shot out of his seat. "No," he said. "This ain't right."
But he started pacing the busted room. Once again, the words weren't for me.  I lounged on the couch and watched, almost smiling at the magical powers my body could possess.
He would pace along the length of the couch, glance at me, then turn around in silent struggle, his hard face twisting one way then another. When I'd drank in enough of his lean white angst, I stood and paced up to him.  He didn't notice till my breath was hitting his chin. He startled like a deer spotting a hunter.
"What you doing?" he said, a foot taller and ten sizes stronger, yet still with fear in his eyes.
"I wanted to thank you."
"Thank me? I was saving you from this."
"Yeah, that's why I want to thank you." I studied the fine lines of his pecs, the heart shaped indent at the bottom right before the muscles bulges out. "I can say no to a crappy meal then turn around and sink my teeth into a juicy one. Don't you know nothing about girls?"
"I know plenty about...white girls."
"That's a whole different book. Why don’t you open me up and see what I got?"
I traced a palm along his bare chest, and halfway down, he grabbed my arms and spread me open. I could feel my thick breasts thrust out at him and smiled a coy smile. His mouth hung open; his eyes locked on me in naked hunger.
He pressed me back with my arms. "No. Don't make me tie you up."
"Sounds fine to me. " I looked from side to side and then peered up at his narrow blue eyes. "Where's the rope?"
His eyes narrowed to slits and then his mouth smashed onto mine. We staggered back into the wall so hard, the wood creaked. He pinned my hands against the frayed wood and crushed his face harder into mine. His lips were soft and wet, and I could barely manage his hunger as he mashed mine up and down. His chest just barely touched my breasts, and even through my thick bra, my nipples registered whorls of pleasure at the feel of all that muscle enslaved by his breath.
He didn't seem to want to go any further, or he was enjoying the lushness of my full lips, luxuriating in this new thing I had to offer. He curled an arm around the small of my back and tugged me deeper against him. Our bodies crushed, his hardness against all my plush fullness. His pecs were like flat stones against my tits and his cock barreled a stiff line against my thighs. I wanted him inside me so bad, but we had time. We had hours.
I wrapped a hand around the back of his head, ruffling the buzzcut. I loved military guys and that was what the feel of his short brown bristle reminded me of. I held myself to him and pushed my tongue towards his.  He searched it a bit with his own and then sucked it in hungrily. Our spit ran together, the first of our juices to converge, and the crackle and spit of it in my ears felt like meat cooking over a hot stove.
I found his cock with my other hand and began stroking through the jeans. Lee's mouth fell loose, his hunger becoming a gasp of rapture. I kissed across his hard wide jaw line, and whispered in  his ear.
"Take your shirt off, white boy. Let's see how pale you are"
He tore off his vest and flung it to the floor. His muscles cast shadows in the darkness, rippling among themselves. I palmed them, imagining all that strength going to work on me.
"Your turn, black girl."
His twang made it sound like a dare, and I smiled and reached for the hem of my t-shirt, but he was there faster. He kissed me as he pulled the shirt up and off. He tossed it on his vest. our clothes were way ahead of us.
He kissed me all along my face then pulled back. His eyes went blue moon as he took in my vast mounds of breast, locked in behind a satin white bra.
"Oh this?” I asked. “Thought you didn't like to see too much black skin."
"If it’s all on one girl, it’s fine with me."
He sank almost reverently into the folds of my flesh. He nibbled at the exposed skin and sucked his way down, his sharp chin pushing down my bra as he went. I lay flat against the wood, sucking in air and shivering against the heat and wet of his mouth as it drew closer to my nipples. When it finally landed I groaned like a breaking tree. My body felt severed  from my breasts down, just a flood of agony and pleasure. He sucked hungrily and I hugged him deeper to my breast. I wonder if he thought chocolate milk would come out if he sucked hard enough. At the rate he was going, it damn well might.
He reached back and let my bra loose with a quick flip. Yeah, he was no stranger to girls. Which meant he knew how to use that tool he was carrying around. I let him savor my other breast and nibble at a nipple even as he squeezed the other on in his coarse palms. His head was low enough for me to kiss the top, and breathe his scent. Away from all the grease and oil he smelled  fresh and musky. I only now realized he must be my age and not much more. Young enough for a hot black chick from Atlanta to rock his whole world view with her sexuality.
He tried to go back into the other breast, but as hot as it was seeing how hard a life of repression could turn into lust, I needed more. I couldn't stop thinking about that hot thick cock just dripping for me. I pulled him off and gave him a sopping kiss, slowly turning so it was him on the wall.
"What...are you doing?"
"Serving you," I said, dropping to my knees. "Just like you want."
"I don't want black people to serve."
"Ok, just me then," I said, unbuckling his thick skullshead belt. "And it's my choice."
He started to protest, but I unzipped his jeans and found his cock through his boxers. Even with the cloth around, it burned with heat. My hand felt positively tiny around it, and I felt thrilled and scared at once. Call it 80/20. I couldn't wait for this thing to punch a hole through me.
I tugged down the rest of his defenses and his cock sprang out long and straight and so fucking hard. I grabbed it and started to roll it around, seriously interested the blue veins pulsing out of the pale skin. It always fascinated me with white boyfriends, like I was about to suck off some sort of ghost. My mouth salivated though, and the scent that wafted off it was thick and strong but totally Lee. I took him in my mouth.
Lee cursed above me, his hands pounding the creaking wood. My mouth was just the right size to fit him all. I took him deep, licking along his shaft like he was some snowy popsicle. As I started to bob back and forth, I peeked up to to see how my man was taking his first chocolate treat. Lee look pained, maybe at shedding more of his years of hate, maybe at the swell of pleasure I was giving him, or maybe it was just lust or love and he didn't know how to show those things. I tugged at his shaft so I could play with his head and keep watching him. I knew plenty of ways to stir up a man, and I turned them all on Lee, sucking and licking and stroking the base of his shaft. I found the little fold at the bottom of his head and rubbed my lip right up in there.
"Goddamn, girl," he yelled, twisting against the wall. I smiled and dug my tongue up in the same spot. It was about time he started showing me a little human disrespect.
I pulled off and licked at his thick round head like a snow cone, pounding my grip up and down his smooth shaft. Sour juices trickled down on me and I went back up to his cock head to suck them in.  Lee groaned, a deep pounding echo that sank into me through his cock. I knew I was wet too, but I needed both hands to hold him, and I just put all that furious energy into him. He might be glad to know that I had played softball all these years. Left me with a lot of endurance for stuff like this.
Lee's voice broke above, and then I felt his cock shake. I felt his come surge past my stroke and pumped it along. Hot thick streams shot in my mouth like cream filling, I sucked on his head, draining him till empty, then looked up at his heaving tortured face and gulped visibly.
He started to slump down the wall, even though he was really the one who shot me. I licked my lips clean and smiled.
"Did I do well, my knight?" I asked.
His eyes popped wide and then faster than I could see, his hand scooped me upright by the chin and my mouth was on his. He held me tight by the head, pressing his tongue in where his cock had been just moments ago, completely unhesitant. His other hand dug into my jeans, found my buttons and released them. His fingers danced across my pussy and I yipped into his mouth. He smiled on me, which was the most amazing thing I'd felt so far.
We staggered back, and I didn't realize what was going on until I tipped over the armrest of the sofa. I shrieked and landed hard, my legs flying in the air. Lee yanked my jeans off in one clean stroke, then shuffled out of his. My pussy felt cold and moist and I realized my panties were off too. We were both finally completely bare to each other.
"Mm, you're dripping," Lee said. "Let's see if you got any sugar in that water."
The tall, hunky aryan rider, kneeled between my legs and sank his mouth over my pussy.
The ceiling above me was bare wood, with pipes. Whether it actually had holes that sparkled with sunlight or whether I was just seeing heaven I could not tell, but my whole body shook as his tongue ran through my crease. He licked me open from bottom to top , landing back hard on my clit. He decided I wasn't open enough and spread my legs even wider and then pushed in deeper on top.
I wanted to see him, but not knowing what was coming amplified all the waves of pleasure that shook up my curves. All I knew was his heat and his warmth and his wetness and the press of his straight nose into my flesh. I could not see his face, but I could hear the content in the slurping sounds as he feasted on me, lapping my folds all the way before grinding my clit. I must be flooding him my juices. I could feel all my liquid oozing up toward him.
He pulled off for a second and I had just a second to regroup, before he pressed down square on my clit. His tongue slathered it with attention, stroking and grinding as his mouth sucked it in and out. My body was liquid now, pumping in and out his mouth, and my pleasure was just ripples, growing and growing like he were casting bigger and bigger stones. Just when they had grown to waves, I felt something else on my slit. Just as I registered them as fingers, they curled up inside me.
An earthquake shook my body. I heard myself moaning, but all I could feel were the waves rising, sinking. Higher, then deeper, the even higher yet. He stroked me from the inside, pushing me out for his mouth to suck me in, and then the waves pulled back all together, and when he licked me again, I could feel tsunami coming. I cried out so high I thought the house might shatter from my voice. My legs shook on his shoulders like a see saw, and he kept tending to me while I crashed down around him. When I had finally settled, he pulled off and loomed in above me.
"Just the thing to quench my thirst." He smiled, and his glistening face reached down for a kiss.  I tasted myself on him, and it was the best melange of flavor
I felt a new guest approach my door. It swelled my slit and I remembered the old friend who I'd helped minutes ago.
Lee peeled away and looked down on me. "You ok, black girl?"
I felt exhausted but the press of his strength spreading me was already flooding me with new heat. I grinned up. "Let's swirl."
He slipped into me, like a hot thick whisper. I was so wet and open, there was nothing stopping us, just his cock head pushing me out from the inside. We gasped together as it stopped somewhere deep inside me.

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